Bug 874566 - Chat boxes should be opened in the currently active window (Linux/Mac), r=markh.

This commit is contained in:
Florian Quèze 2013-08-28 11:49:48 +02:00
parent 3c85a195b1
commit c8c25e4bd3
2 changed files with 46 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -479,8 +479,38 @@ var tests = {
openChat(Social.provider, function() {
ok(!window.SocialChatBar.hasChats, "first window has no chats");
ok(secondWindow.SocialChatBar.hasChats, "second window has a chat");
// focus the first window, and open yet another chat - it
// should open in the first window.
waitForFocus(function() {
openChat(Social.provider, function() {
ok(window.SocialChatBar.hasChats, "first window has chats");
ok(!window.SocialChatBar.hasChats, "first window has no chats");
let privateWindow = OpenBrowserWindow({private: true});
privateWindow.addEventListener("load", function loadListener() {
privateWindow.removeEventListener("load", loadListener);
// open a last chat - the focused window can't accept
// chats (it's a private window), so the chat should open
// in the window that was selected before. This is known
// to be broken on Linux.
openChat(Social.provider, function() {
let os = Services.appinfo.OS;
const BROKEN_WM_Z_ORDER = os != "WINNT" && os != "Darwin";
let fn = BROKEN_WM_Z_ORDER ? todo : ok;
fn(window.SocialChatBar.hasChats, "first window has a chat");

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@ -275,12 +275,23 @@ function findChromeWindowForChats(preferredWindow) {
// no good - we just use the "most recent" browser window which can host
// chats (we used to try and "group" all chats in the same browser window,
// but that didn't work out so well - see bug 835111
// Try first the most recent window as getMostRecentWindow works
// even on platforms where getZOrderDOMWindowEnumerator is broken
// (ie. Linux). This will handle most cases, but won't work if the
// foreground window is a popup.
let mostRecent = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
if (isWindowGoodForChats(mostRecent))
return mostRecent;
let topMost, enumerator;
// *sigh* - getZOrderDOMWindowEnumerator is broken everywhere other than
// Windows. We use BROKEN_WM_Z_ORDER as that is what the c++ code uses
// *sigh* - getZOrderDOMWindowEnumerator is broken except on Mac and
// Windows. We use BROKEN_WM_Z_ORDER as that is what some other code uses
// and a few bugs recommend searching mxr for this symbol to identify the
// workarounds - we want this code to be hit in such searches.
const BROKEN_WM_Z_ORDER = Services.appinfo.OS != "WINNT";
let os = Services.appinfo.OS;
const BROKEN_WM_Z_ORDER = os != "WINNT" && os != "Darwin";
// this is oldest to newest and no way to change the order.
enumerator = Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");