mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 08:48:07 +00:00
Bug 417075 - Update postMessage and MessageEvent to reflect domain/uri being replaced by origin, optional origin argument. r+sr=sicking, a=beltzner
This commit is contained in:
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ user_pref("capability.principal.codebase.p%(i)d.subjectName", "");
function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
var servers = [%(quotedServers)s];
var regex = new RegExp('http://(.*?(:\\\\\\\\d+)?)/');
var regex = new RegExp('http://(?:[^/@]*@)?(.*?(:\\\\\\\\d+)?)/');
var matches = regex.exec(url);
if (!matches)
return 'DIRECT';
@ -272,4 +272,4 @@ def runApp(testURL, env, app, profileDir):
if status != 0:
print "FAIL Exited with code " + str(status) + " during test run"
return start
return start
@ -65,16 +65,9 @@ nsDOMMessageEvent::GetData(nsAString& aData)
nsDOMMessageEvent::GetDomain(nsAString& aDomain)
nsDOMMessageEvent::GetOrigin(nsAString& aOrigin)
aDomain = mDomain;
return NS_OK;
nsDOMMessageEvent::GetUri(nsAString& aURI)
aURI = mURI;
aOrigin = mOrigin;
return NS_OK;
@ -90,16 +83,14 @@ nsDOMMessageEvent::InitMessageEvent(const nsAString& aType,
PRBool aCanBubble,
PRBool aCancelable,
const nsAString& aData,
const nsAString& aDomain,
const nsAString& aURI,
const nsAString& aOrigin,
nsIDOMWindow* aSource)
nsresult rv = nsDOMEvent::InitEvent(aType, aCanBubble, aCancelable);
mData = aData;
mDomain = aDomain;
mURI = aURI;
mOrigin = aOrigin;
mSource = aSource;
return NS_OK;
@ -111,8 +102,7 @@ nsDOMMessageEvent::InitMessageEventNS(const nsAString& aNamespaceURI,
PRBool aCanBubble,
PRBool aCancelable,
const nsAString& aData,
const nsAString& aDomain,
const nsAString& aURI,
const nsAString& aOrigin,
nsIDOMWindow* aSource)
@ -68,8 +68,7 @@ public:
nsString mData;
nsString mDomain;
nsString mURI;
nsString mOrigin;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindow> mSource;
@ -214,5 +214,6 @@ interface nsIDOMWindowInternal : nsIDOMWindow2
* See the WHATWG HTML5 specification, section 6.4, for more details.
[binaryname(PostMessageMoz)] void postMessage(in DOMString message);
[binaryname(PostMessageMoz)] void postMessage(in DOMString message,
[optional] in DOMString origin);
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
* For more information on this interface, please see
* http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/section-event0.html#event0
[scriptable, uuid(3CF6163E-0227-49D9-B52B-F061828FB9B8)]
[scriptable, uuid(ca081997-91f9-40c1-890c-3edf39b6c571)]
interface nsIDOMMessageEvent : nsIDOMEvent
@ -54,14 +54,12 @@ interface nsIDOMMessageEvent : nsIDOMEvent
readonly attribute DOMString data;
* The domain of the site from which this event originated.
* The origin of the site from which this event originated, which is the
* scheme, ":", and if the URI has a host, "//" followed by the
* host, and if the port is not the default for the given scheme,
* ":" followed by that port. This value does not have a trailing slash.
readonly attribute DOMString domain;
* The URI of the site from which this event was created.
readonly attribute DOMString uri;
readonly attribute DOMString origin;
* The window which originated this event.
@ -71,27 +69,25 @@ interface nsIDOMMessageEvent : nsIDOMEvent
* Initializes this event with the given data, in a manner analogous to
* the similarly-named method on the nsIDOMEvent interface, also setting the
* data, domain, uri, and source attributes of this appropriately.
* data, origin, and source attributes of this appropriately.
void initMessageEvent(in DOMString aType,
in boolean aCanBubble,
in boolean aCancelable,
in DOMString aData,
in DOMString aDomain,
in DOMString aURI,
in DOMString aOrigin,
in nsIDOMWindow aSource);
* Initializes this event with the given data, in a manner analogous to
* the similarly-named method on the Event interface, also setting the data,
* domain, uri, and source attributes of this appropriately.
* origin, and source attributes of this appropriately.
void initMessageEventNS(in DOMString aNamespaceURI,
in DOMString aType,
in boolean aCanBubble,
in boolean aCancelable,
in DOMString aData,
in DOMString aDomain,
in DOMString aURI,
in DOMString aOrigin,
in nsIDOMWindow aSource);
@ -5106,9 +5106,9 @@ nsGlobalWindow::CallerInnerWindow()
nsGlobalWindow::PostMessageMoz(const nsAString& aMessage)
nsGlobalWindow::PostMessageMoz(const nsAString& aMessage, const nsAString& aOrigin)
FORWARD_TO_INNER_CREATE(PostMessageMoz, (aMessage));
FORWARD_TO_INNER_CREATE(PostMessageMoz, (aMessage, aOrigin));
// Window.postMessage is an intentional subversion of the same-origin policy.
@ -5125,69 +5125,104 @@ nsGlobalWindow::PostMessageMoz(const nsAString& aMessage)
return NS_OK;
NS_ASSERTION(callerInnerWin->IsInnerWindow(), "should have gotten an inner window here");
// Obtain the caller's principal, from which we can usually extract a URI
// and domain for the event.
// Compute the caller's origin either from its principal or, in the case the
// principal doesn't carry a URI (e.g. the system principal), the caller's
// document.
nsIPrincipal* callerPrin = callerInnerWin->GetPrincipal();
if (!callerPrin)
return NS_OK;
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> docURI;
if (NS_FAILED(callerPrin->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(docURI))))
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> callerURI;
if (NS_FAILED(callerPrin->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(callerURI))))
return NS_OK;
// If we hit this, we're probably in chrome context and have the URI-less
// system principal, so get the URI off the caller's document.
if (!docURI) {
if (!callerURI) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> doc = do_QueryInterface(callerInnerWin->mDocument);
if (!doc)
return NS_OK;
callerURI = doc->GetDocumentURI();
if (!callerURI)
return NS_OK;
const nsCString& empty = EmptyCString();
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> callerOrigin;
if (NS_FAILED(callerURI->Clone(getter_AddRefs(callerOrigin))) ||
return NS_OK;
docURI = doc->GetDocumentURI();
if (!docURI)
// Calling postMessage on a closed window does nothing.
if (!mDocument)
return NS_OK;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMEventTarget> targetDoc = do_QueryInterface(mDocument);
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDocumentEvent> docEvent = do_QueryInterface(mDocument);
// Ensure that any origin which might have been provided is the origin of this
// window's document.
if (!aOrigin.IsVoid()) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> providedOrigin;
if (NS_FAILED(NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(providedOrigin), aOrigin)))
if (NS_FAILED(providedOrigin->SetUserPass(empty)) ||
return NS_OK;
// Get the target's origin either from its principal or, in the case the
// principal doesn't carry a URI (e.g. the system principal), the target's
// document.
nsIPrincipal* targetPrin = GetPrincipal();
if (!targetPrin)
return NS_OK;
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> targetURI;
if (NS_FAILED(targetPrin->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(targetURI))))
return NS_OK;
if (!targetURI) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> targetDoc = do_QueryInterface(mDocument);
if (!targetDoc)
return NS_OK;
targetURI = targetDoc->GetDocumentURI();
if (!targetURI)
return NS_OK;
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> targetOrigin;
if (NS_FAILED(targetURI->Clone(getter_AddRefs(targetOrigin))) ||
NS_FAILED(targetOrigin->SetUserPass(empty)) ||
return NS_OK;
PRBool equal = PR_FALSE;
if (NS_FAILED(targetOrigin->Equals(providedOrigin, &equal)) || !equal)
return NS_OK;
nsCAutoString domain, uri;
nsresult rv = docURI->GetSpec(uri);
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
return NS_OK;
// This really shouldn't be necessary -- URLs which don't have a host should
// return the empty string -- but nsSimpleURI just errors instead of
// truncating domain. We could just ignore the returned error, but in the
// interests of playing it safe in a sensitive API, we check and truncate if
// GetHost fails. Empty hosts are valid for some URI schemes, and any code
// which expects a non-empty host should ignore the message we'll dispatch.
if (NS_FAILED(docURI->GetHost(domain)))
// Create the event
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDocumentEvent> docEvent = do_QueryInterface(mDocument);
if (!docEvent)
return NS_OK;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMEvent> event;
if (!event)
return NS_OK;
nsCAutoString origin;
if (NS_FAILED(callerOrigin->GetPrePath(origin)))
return NS_OK;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMMessageEvent> message = do_QueryInterface(event);
rv = message->InitMessageEvent(NS_LITERAL_STRING("message"),
PR_TRUE /* bubbling */,
PR_TRUE /* cancelable */,
? nsnull
: callerInnerWin->GetOuterWindowInternal());
nsresult rv = message->InitMessageEvent(NS_LITERAL_STRING("message"),
PR_TRUE /* bubbling */,
PR_TRUE /* cancelable */,
? nsnull
: callerInnerWin->GetOuterWindowInternal());
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
return rv;
return NS_OK;
// Finally, dispatch the event, ignoring the result to prevent an exception
// from revealing anything about the document for this window.
PRBool dummy;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMEventTarget> targetDoc = do_QueryInterface(mDocument);
targetDoc->DispatchEvent(message, &dummy);
// Cancel exceptions that might somehow be pending. XPConnect swallows these
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish();
function receiveMessage(evt)
is(evt.domain, "", "wrong sender");
is(evt.origin, "", "wrong sender");
ok(evt.source === window.frames.child, "wrong sender");
is(evt.data, "child-response", "got wrong response");
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ function run()
function receiveMessage(evt)
if (evt.domain !== "localhost")
if (evt.origin !== "http://localhost:8888")
var message = evt.data + "-response";
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ function runTest() {
catch (e) {
otherDomainVar = -1;
ok(otherDomainVar == -1, "access other domain inner window variable");
is(otherDomainVar, -1, "access other domain inner window variable");
@ -71,11 +71,22 @@ var noWhitelistRegex =
new RegExp("^http://sub1\\.exämple\\.test/tests/dom/tests/" +
var state = 0;
var messages =
function receiveMessage(evt)
var domain = evt.domain;
var origin = evt.origin;
var match;
if (/test$/.test(domain))
if (/test$/.test(origin))
// XXX bug 414090
// The value of MessageEvent.domain with postMessage *should* always be IDN;
@ -87,28 +98,20 @@ function receiveMessage(evt)
// These two tests should illustrate what currently happens and what should
// happen once bug 414090 is fixed.
todo_is(evt.domain, "sub1.exämple.test", "wrong sender");
todo_isnot(evt.domain, "sub1.xn--exmple-cua.test", "wrong sender");
match = noWhitelistRegex.exec(evt.uri);
todo(match, "unexpected sender");
if (!match)
match = [, evt.uri.substring(evt.uri.indexOf("?") + 1)];
todo_is(evt.origin, "http://sub1.exämple.test", "wrong sender");
todo_isnot(evt.origin, "http://sub1.xn--exmple-cua.test", "wrong sender");
// We're receiving data from the Greek IDN name; since that TLD is
// whitelisted for now, the domain we get isn't going to be punycoded.
is(evt.domain, "sub1.παράδειγμα.δοκιμή", "wrong sender");
match = whitelistRegex.exec(evt.uri);
ok(match, "should have matched, unexpected sender");
is(evt.origin, "http://sub1.παράδειγμα.δοκιμή", "wrong sender");
is(match[1] + "-response", evt.data.split(" ")[0],
is(messages[state] + "-response", evt.data.split(" ")[0],
"unexpected data: " + evt.data);
switch (match[1])
switch (messages[state])
case "idn-whitelist":
gotIDNWhitelist = true;
@ -138,6 +141,8 @@ function receiveMessage(evt)
ok(false, "unreached");
function run()
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish();
function receiveMessage(evt)
is(evt.domain, "", "wrong sender");
is(evt.origin, "", "wrong sender");
ok(evt.source === window.frames.child, "wrong sender");
is(evt.data, "child-response", "got wrong response");
@ -67,6 +67,12 @@ _TEST_FILES = \
test_postMessage_basehref.html \
test_postMessage_hash.html \
postMessage_hash.html \
test_postMessage_userpass.html \
postMessage_userpass_helper.html \
test_postMessage_origin.xhtml \
postMessage_origin_helper.xhtml \
test_postMessage_closed.html \
postMessage_closed_helper.html \
@ -3,9 +3,6 @@
<title>postMessage chrome message receiver</title>
<script type="application/javascript">
var sourcePath = "chrome://mochikit/content/chrome/" +
function receiveMessage(evt)
// Content cannot post to chrome without privileges
@ -19,10 +16,8 @@
msg += " unexpected-untrusted-event";
if (evt.type !== "message")
msg += " wrong-type(" + evt.type + ")";
if (evt.uri !== sourcePath)
msg += " wrong-uri(" + evt.uri + ")";
if (evt.domain !== "mochikit")
msg += " wrong-domain(" + evt.domain + ")";
if (evt.origin !== "chrome://mochikit")
msg += " wrong-origin(" + evt.origin + ")";
if (evt.data !== "post-to-content")
msg += " wrong-message(" + evt.data + ")";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>postMessage closed page</title>
<script type="application/javascript">
function receiveMessage(evt)
document.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false);
function setup()
var query = location.search.substring(1);
if (query == "opener")
window.addEventListener("load", setup, false);
@ -10,10 +10,8 @@ function receiveMessage(evt)
if (window.location.href !== "http://localhost:8888/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/postMessage_hash.html#hash")
response += " kid-at-wrong-uri(" + window.location.href + ")";
if (evt.domain !== "localhost")
response += " wrong-domain(" + evt.domain + ")";
if (evt.uri !== "http://localhost:8888/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/test_postMessage_hash.html")
response += " wrong-uri(" + evt.uri + ")";
if (evt.origin !== "http://localhost:8888")
response += " wrong-origin(" + evt.origin + ")";
if (evt.source !== window.parent)
response += " wrong-source";
if (evt.data !== "from-parent")
@ -11,8 +11,6 @@
$("domain").textContent = location.hostname + ":" + (location.port || 80);
var otherPath = "/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/test_postMessage.html";
function receiveMessage(evt)
var response = evt.data + "-response";
@ -52,10 +50,8 @@
var source = evt.source;
if (evt.domain != "localhost")
response += " unexpected-domain(" + evt.domain + ")";
if (evt.uri != "http://localhost:8888" + otherPath)
response += " unexpected-uri(" + evt.uri + ")";
if (evt.origin != "http://localhost:8888")
response += " unexpected-origin(" + evt.origin + ")";
@ -79,10 +75,8 @@
function receiveCross(evt, response)
var source = evt.source;
if (evt.domain != "localhost")
response += " unexpected-domain(" + evt.domain + ")";
if (evt.uri != "http://localhost:8888" + otherPath)
response += " unexpected-uri(" + evt.uri + ")";
if (evt.origin != "http://localhost:8888")
response += " unexpected-origin(" + evt.origin + ")";
@ -9,10 +9,8 @@
if (!(evt instanceof MessageEvent))
response += " not-a-MessageEvent";
if (evt.uri !== "http://localhost:8888/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/test_postMessage_idn.xhtml")
response += " wrong-sender-uri(" + evt.uri + ")";
if (evt.domain !== "localhost")
response += " wrong-sender-domain(" + evt.domain + ")";
if (evt.origin !== "http://localhost:8888")
response += " wrong-sender-origin(" + evt.origin + ")";
if (evt.data !== "idn-message")
response += " wrong-data(" + evt.data + ")";
if (evt.source !== window.parent)
@ -41,32 +41,17 @@ http://sub1.test1.example.org/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/postMessage_joine
response += " unexpected-trusted-event";
var uri, domain;
var origin;
if (data == "subframe-test-finished")
uri = "http://example.org/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/postMessage_joined_helper2.html";
domain = "example.org";
origin = "http://example.org";
else if (data === "start-test")
uri = "http://localhost:8888/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/test_postMessage_joined.html";
domain = "localhost";
origin = "http://localhost:8888";
uri = "unreached";
domain = "unreached";
origin = "unreached";
if (evt.uri !== uri)
if (evt.origin !== origin)
response += " wrong-uri(" + evt.uri + ")";
response += " location(" + window.location.href + ")";
if (evt.domain !== domain)
response += " wrong-domain(" + evt.domain + ")";
response += " wrong-origin(" + evt.origin + ")";
response += " location(" + window.location.href + ")";
@ -45,15 +45,9 @@ http://example.org/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/postMessage_joined_helper2.h
if (!passed)
response += " expected-joined-domains";
if (evt.uri !== "http://sub1.test1.example.org/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/postMessage_joined_helper.html")
if (evt.origin !== "http://sub1.test1.example.org")
response += " wrong-uri(" + evt.uri + ")";
response += " location(" + window.location.href + ")";
if (evt.domain !== "sub1.test1.example.org")
response += " wrong-domain(" + evt.domain + ")";
response += " wrong-origin(" + evt.origin + ")";
response += " location(" + window.location.href + ")";
@ -23,10 +23,8 @@
if (evt.data !== "message-from-sibling")
response += " wrong-data(" + evt.data + ")";
if (evt.uri !== "http://localhost:8888/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/postMessage_onOther.html")
response += " failed-wrong-uri(" + evt.uri + ")";
if (evt.domain !== "localhost")
response += " failed-wrong-domain(" + evt.domain + ")";
if (evt.origin !== "http://localhost:8888")
response += " failed-wrong-origin(" + evt.origin + ")";
if (evt.source !== window.parent.firstFrame)
response += " failed-wrong-source";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>postMessage throwing page</title>
<script type="application/javascript"><![CDATA[
function receiveMessage(evt)
var response = "PASS";
if (evt.origin !== "http://localhost:8888")
response += " wrong-origin(" + evt.origin + ")";
if (evt.source !== window.parent)
response += " wrong-source";
if (evt.data !== "PASS")
response += " wrong-data(" + evt.data + ")";
document.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false);
// Aids for identifying origins
function setup()
var target = document.getElementById("location");
target.textContent = document.domain + ":" + (location.port || 80);
window.addEventListener("load", setup, false);
<h1 id="location">No location!</h1>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Username/password page for postMessage tests</title>
<script type="application/javascript">
function sendMessage(evt)
var msg = "child-message";
if (evt.origin !== "http://localhost:8888")
msg += " wrong-origin(" + evt.origin + ")";
if (evt.data !== "parent-message")
msg += " wrong-data(" + evt.data + ")";
if (evt.source !== window.parent)
msg += " wrong-source";
// It would be good to guarantee that we've been opened with a userinfo of
// "bobhope:password", but Gecko elides that from the content-visible URL,
// and I can't find another way to actually detect this programmatically.
document.addEventListener("message", sendMessage, false);
<p>Kid iframe</p>
@ -26,8 +26,7 @@ https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=postMessage
var data = "foobar";
var domain = "cool.example.com";
var uri = "http://cool.example.com/bar";
var origin = "http://cool.example.com";
var bubbles = true, cancelable = true;
var target;
@ -47,14 +46,13 @@ function sendMsg()
"not initialized yet, so null in our implementation");
evt.initMessageEvent("message", bubbles, cancelable, data, domain, uri, null);
evt.initMessageEvent("message", bubbles, cancelable, data, origin, null);
ok(evt.source === null, "null source is fine for a MessageEvent");
evt.initMessageEvent("message", bubbles, cancelable, data, domain, uri, window);
evt.initMessageEvent("message", bubbles, cancelable, data, origin, window);
is(evt.data, data, "unexpected data");
is(evt.domain, domain, "unexpected domain");
is(evt.uri, uri, "unexpected uri");
is(evt.origin, origin, "unexpected origin");
is(evt.cancelable, cancelable, "wrong cancelable property");
is(evt.bubbles, bubbles, "wrong bubbling property");
@ -72,8 +70,7 @@ function sendMsg()
function recvMsg(evt)
is(evt.data, data, "unexpected data");
is(evt.domain, domain, "unexpected domain");
is(evt.uri, uri, "unexpected uri");
is(evt.origin, origin, "unexpected origin");
is(evt.cancelable, cancelable, "wrong cancelable property");
is(evt.bubbles, bubbles, "wrong bubbling property");
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ function run()
var msg = document.createEvent("MessageEvent");
msg.initMessageEvent("message", true, true,
"foo", "evil.com", "http://evil.com/", window);
"foo", "http://evil.com", window);
@ -27,9 +27,6 @@ https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=postMessage
var otherPath = "/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/postMessage_helper.html";
var path = "/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/test_postMessage.html";
var testsCompletedCount = 0;
/** Variable for receivers to attempt to get. */
@ -103,8 +100,7 @@ function messageReceiver(evt)
function respondToSelf(evt)
is(evt.domain, "localhost", "what domain are we on again?");
is(evt.uri, "http://localhost:8888" + path, "event has wrong URI");
is(evt.origin, "http://localhost:8888", "event has wrong origin");
is(evt.source, window, "we posted this message!");
@ -117,25 +113,22 @@ function respondToSelf(evt)
function receiveSelf(evt)
is(evt.domain, "localhost", "what domain are we on again?");
is(evt.uri, "http://localhost:8888" + path, "event has wrong URI");
is(evt.origin, "http://localhost:8888", "event has wrong origin");
is(evt.source, window, "we posted this message!");
function receiveOtherSameDomain(evt)
is(evt.domain, "localhost", "we should be same domain");
is(evt.uri, "http://localhost:8888" + otherPath,
"same-domain response event has wrong URI");
is(evt.origin, "http://localhost:8888",
"same-domain response event has wrong origin");
is(evt.source, window.frames.otherSameDomain,
"wrong source for same-domain message!");
function receiveOtherCrossDomain(evt)
is(evt.domain, "example.org", "we should be same domain");
is(evt.uri, "http://example.org:8000" + otherPath,
"same-domain response event has wrong URI");
is(evt.origin, "http://example.org:8000",
"same-domain response event has wrong origin");
// can't use |is| here, because ok tries to get properties on its arguments
// for creating a formatted logging message
@ -24,9 +24,7 @@ SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish();
function receiveMessage(evt)
is(evt.domain, "localhost", "wrong sender");
is(evt.uri, "http://localhost:8888/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/test_postMessage_basehref.html",
"wrong sender");
is(evt.origin, "http://localhost:8888", "wrong sender");
ok(evt.source === window, "wrong source");
is(evt.data, "generate-event", "wrong data");
@ -29,10 +29,6 @@ chrome://mochikit/content/chrome/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/test_postMessage_chr
var pathHead = "chrome://mochikit/content/chrome";
var path = "/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/test_postMessage_chrome.html";
var otherPath = "/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/postMessage_chrome_helper.html";
var testsCompletedCount = 0;
/** Receives MessageEvents to this window. */
@ -69,8 +65,7 @@ function messageReceiver(evt)
function checkSelf(evt)
is(evt.isTrusted, true, "should have sent a trusted event");
is(evt.domain, "mochikit", "chrome: protocol's domain is the package");
is(evt.uri, pathHead + path, "event has wrong URI");
is(evt.origin, "chrome://mochikit", "wrong origin for chrome: URL");
is(evt.source, null, "chrome posters get a null source, for security");
@ -82,9 +77,7 @@ function checkSelf(evt)
function receiveContent(evt)
is(evt.isTrusted, true, "should have sent a trusted event");
is(evt.domain, "example.org", "wrong domain for content page");
is(evt.uri, "http://example.org" + otherPath,
"content response event has wrong URI");
is(evt.origin, "http://example.org", "content response event has wrong URI");
is(evt.source, window.frames.contentDomain,
"wrong source for same-domain message!");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>postMessage's interaction with closed windows</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/MochiKit/MochiKit.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="browserFu.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
<p><a href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=417075">Bug 417075</a></p>
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display: none"></div>
<div id="holder"></div>
<pre id="test">
<script class="testbody" type="application/javascript">
function receiveMessage(evt)
is(evt.origin, "http://localhost:8888", "wrong origin");
ok(evt.source === openedWindow, "wrong source");
is(evt.data, "message", "wrong data");
if (evt.data !== "message")
return; // prevent recursion if bugs
function afterClose()
document.removeEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false);
var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.id = "insertedIframe";
iframe.addEventListener("load", iframeLoaded, false);
iframe.src = "postMessage_closed_helper.html?parent";
setTimeout(afterClose, 0);
document.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false);
function iframeLoaded(evt)
var iframe = $("insertedIframe");
iframe.removeEventListener("load", iframeLoaded, false);
var iframeWindow = iframe.contentWindow;
var openedWindow;
function run()
openedWindow = window.open("postMessage_closed_helper.html?opener", "foobar");
window.addEventListener("load", run, false);
@ -23,9 +23,7 @@ SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish();
function receiveMessage(evt)
is(evt.domain, "localhost", "wrong sender");
is(evt.uri, "http://localhost:8888/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/postMessage_hash.html#hash",
"wrong sender");
is(evt.origin, "http://localhost:8888", "wrong origin");
ok(evt.source === window.frames.kid, "wrong source");
is(evt.data, "response-message", "wrong data");
@ -37,10 +37,8 @@ function receiveMessage(evt)
ok(evt.isTrusted === false, "shouldn't have been a trusted event");
is(evt.uri, "http://sub1.ält.example.org:8000/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/postMessage_idn_helper.html",
"wrong URI -- IDN issue, perhaps?");
is(evt.domain, "sub1.ält.example.org",
"wrong domain -- IDN issue, perhaps?");
is(evt.origin, "http://sub1.ält.example.org:8000",
"wrong origin -- IDN issue, perhaps?");
is(evt.data, "idn-response", "unexpected test result");
ok(evt.source === idnWindow, "wrong source");
@ -31,10 +31,8 @@ var finished = false;
/** Receives MessageEvents to this window. */
function messageReceiver(evt)
var fromURI = "http://example.org:8000/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/postMessage_onOther.html";
ok(evt instanceof MessageEvent, "wrong event type");
is(evt.uri, fromURI, "unexpected URI");
is(evt.domain, "example.org", "unexpected domain");
is(evt.origin, "http://example.org:8000", "unexpected origin");
is(evt.data, "response-to-sibling-sent-message",
"unexpected data in message");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>postMessage from about:blank, data URLs</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/MochiKit/packed.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="browserFu.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=417075">Mozilla Bug 417075</a>
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display: none"></div>
<iframe src="http://localhost:8888/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/postMessage_origin_helper.xhtml"
<iframe src="http://example.com/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/postMessage_origin_helper.xhtml"
<iframe src="http://example.org:8000/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/postMessage_origin_helper.xhtml"
<iframe src="ftp://localhost:27534/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/postMessage_origin_helper.xhtml"
<iframe src="http://sub1.παράδειγμα.δοκιμή/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/postMessage_origin_helper.xhtml"
<iframe src="http://sub1.exämple.test/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/postMessage_origin_helper.xhtml"
<pre id="test">
<script class="testbody" type="application/javascript"><![CDATA[
/** Test for Bug 417075 **/
function errorCheck(i, called, errorCode, actualCode)
ok(!called, "receiver should not have been called for test #" + i);
is(actualCode, errorCode, "wrong error thrown in test #" + i);
function errorCheckTodo(i, called, errorCode, actualCode)
todo(!called, "receiver should not have been called for test #" + i);
todo_is(actualCode, errorCode, "wrong error thrown in test #" + i);
var ONE_PASS = ["PASS"];
var tests =
// 0
args: ["NOT-RECEIVED", ""],
source: "sameDomain",
code: DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR
args: ["NOT-RECEIVED", "null"],
source: "sameDomain",
code: DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR
args: ["NOT-RECEIVED", "a"],
source: "sameDomain",
code: DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR
args: ["NOT-RECEIVED", "http :"],
source: "sameDomain",
code: DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR
args: ["NOT-RECEIVED", "http: //"],
source: "sameDomain",
code: DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR,
throwsNoException: true
// 5
args: ["NOT-RECEIVED", "http ://"],
source: "sameDomain",
code: DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR
args: ["TODO", " http://localhost:8888"],
source: "sameDomain",
code: DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR,
returnOrigin: "http://localhost:8888",
throwsNoException: true
args: ["NOT-RECEIVED", "hä"],
source: "sameDomain",
code: DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR
args: ["NOT-RECEIVED", "http://lo\0k.com"],
source: "sameDomain",
code: DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR
args: ["NOT-RECEIVED", "http: //localhost:8888"],
source: "sameDomain",
code: DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR,
throwsNoException: true
// 10
args: ["NOT-RECEIVED", "http://localhost :8888"],
source: "sameDomain",
code: DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR
args: ["NOT-RECEIVED", "http:// localhost:8888"],
source: "sameDomain",
code: DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR,
throwsNoException: true
args: ["TODO", "http://\nlocalhost:8888"],
source: "sameDomain",
code: DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR,
returnOrigin: "http://localhost:8888",
throwsNoException: true
args: ["TODO", "http://localhost:8888\0"],
source: "sameDomain",
code: DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR,
returnOrigin: "http://localhost:8888",
throwsNoException: true
args: ["TODO", "http://localhost:8888\n"],
source: "sameDomain",
code: DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR,
returnOrigin: "http://localhost:8888",
throwsNoException: true
// 15
args: ONE_PASS,
source: "sameDomain",
returnOrigin: "http://localhost:8888"
args: ["PASS", null],
source: "sameDomain",
returnOrigin: "http://localhost:8888"
args: ["PASS", "http://example.com"],
source: "otherDomain",
returnOrigin: "http://example.com"
args: ["PASS", "http://example.com/"],
source: "otherDomain",
returnOrigin: "http://example.com"
args: ["PASS", "http://example.com:80"],
source: "otherDomain",
returnOrigin: "http://example.com"
// 20
args: ["PASS", "http://example.com:80/"],
source: "otherDomain",
returnOrigin: "http://example.com"
args: ["PASS", "http://example.com:80/foobar"],
source: "otherDomain",
returnOrigin: "http://example.com"
args: ["PASS", "http://example.com/foobar"],
source: "otherDomain",
returnOrigin: "http://example.com"
args: ["PASS", "http://example.com:8000"],
source: "otherDomain",
expectNoCallback: true
args: ["PASS", "http://example.com:8000/"],
source: "otherDomain",
expectNoCallback: true
// 25
args: ["PASS", "http://example.org:8000"],
source: "otherDomainPort",
returnOrigin: "http://example.org:8000"
args: ["PASS", "http://example.org:8000/"],
source: "otherDomainPort",
returnOrigin: "http://example.org:8000"
args: ["PASS", "http://example.org:8000/tests/dom/test/mochitest/whatwg/postMessage_origin_helper.xhtml"],
source: "otherDomainPort",
returnOrigin: "http://example.org:8000"
args: ["PASS", "http://example.org:8000/tests/dom/test/mochitest/whatwg/this_file_does_not_exist.xhtml"],
source: "otherDomainPort",
returnOrigin: "http://example.org:8000"
args: ["PASS", "http://example.org"],
source: "otherDomainPort",
expectNoCallback: true
// 30
args: ["PASS", "http://example.org:80"],
source: "otherDomainPort",
expectNoCallback: true
args: ["PASS", "http://example.org/"],
source: "otherDomainPort",
expectNoCallback: true
args: ["PASS", "http://example.org"],
source: "otherDomain",
expectNoCallback: true
args: ["PASS", "ftp://localhost:8888"],
source: "sameDomain",
expectNoCallback: true
args: ["PASS", "http://localhost:8888"],
source: "sameDomain",
returnOrigin: "http://localhost:8888"
// 35
args: ["PASS", "http://localhost:27534"],
source: "sameDomain",
expectNoCallback: true
args: ["PASS", "http://sub1.παράδειγμα.δοκιμή"],
source: "idnKidWhitelist",
returnOrigin: "http://sub1.παράδειγμα.δοκιμή"
args: ["PASS", "http://sub1.παράδειγμα.δοκιμή:80"],
source: "idnKidWhitelist",
returnOrigin: "http://sub1.παράδειγμα.δοκιμή"
args: ["PASS", "http://sub1.παράδειγμα.δοκιμή:80/"],
source: "idnKidWhitelist",
returnOrigin: "http://sub1.παράδειγμα.δοκιμή"
args: ["PASS", "http://sub1.παράδειγμα.δοκιμή:80/foobar"],
source: "idnKidWhitelist",
returnOrigin: "http://sub1.παράδειγμα.δοκιμή"
// 40
args: ["PASS", "http://sub1.παράδειγμα.δοκιμή/foobar"],
source: "idnKidWhitelist",
returnOrigin: "http://sub1.παράδειγμα.δοκιμή"
args: ["PASS", "http://sub1.xn--hxajbheg2az3al.xn--jxalpdlp"],
source: "idnKidWhitelist",
returnOrigin: "http://sub1.παράδειγμα.δοκιμή"
args: ["PASS", "http://sub1.xn--hxajbheg2az3al.xn--jxalpdlp:80"],
source: "idnKidWhitelist",
returnOrigin: "http://sub1.παράδειγμα.δοκιμή"
args: ["PASS", "http://sub1.xn--hxajbheg2az3al.xn--jxalpdlp:80/"],
source: "idnKidWhitelist",
returnOrigin: "http://sub1.παράδειγμα.δοκιμή"
args: ["PASS", "http://sub1.xn--hxajbheg2az3al.xn--jxalpdlp:80/foo"],
source: "idnKidWhitelist",
returnOrigin: "http://sub1.παράδειγμα.δοκιμή"
// 45
args: ["PASS", "http://sub1.exämple.test"],
source: "idnKidNoWhitelist",
returnOrigin: "http://sub1.exämple.test",
wrongReturnOrigin: true
args: ["PASS", "http://sub1.exämple.test:80"],
source: "idnKidNoWhitelist",
returnOrigin: "http://sub1.exämple.test",
wrongReturnOrigin: true
args: ["PASS", "http://sub1.exämple.test:80/"],
source: "idnKidNoWhitelist",
returnOrigin: "http://sub1.exämple.test",
wrongReturnOrigin: true
args: ["PASS", "http://sub1.exämple.test/"],
source: "idnKidNoWhitelist",
returnOrigin: "http://sub1.exämple.test",
wrongReturnOrigin: true
args: ["PASS", "http://sub1.exämple.test/foobar"],
source: "idnKidNoWhitelist",
returnOrigin: "http://sub1.exämple.test",
wrongReturnOrigin: true
// 50
args: ["PASS", "http://sub1.xn--exmple-cua.test"],
source: "idnKidNoWhitelist",
returnOrigin: "http://sub1.exämple.test",
wrongReturnOrigin: true
args: ["PASS", "http://sub1.xn--exmple-cua.test:80"],
source: "idnKidNoWhitelist",
returnOrigin: "http://sub1.exämple.test",
wrongReturnOrigin: true
args: ["PASS", "http://sub1.xn--exmple-cua.test:80/"],
source: "idnKidNoWhitelist",
returnOrigin: "http://sub1.exämple.test",
wrongReturnOrigin: true
args: ["PASS", "http://sub1.xn--exmple-cua.test/"],
source: "idnKidNoWhitelist",
returnOrigin: "http://sub1.exämple.test",
wrongReturnOrigin: true
args: ["PASS", "http://sub1.xn--exmple-cua.test/foobar"],
source: "idnKidNoWhitelist",
returnOrigin: "http://sub1.exämple.test",
wrongReturnOrigin: true
function allTests()
var test, target, called;
function receive(evt)
var originCheck = test.wrongReturnOrigin ? todo_is : is;
originCheck(evt.origin, test.returnOrigin, "wrong origin for #" + i);
if (test.args[0] == "TODO")
todo_is(evt.data, "PASS", "wrong data");
is(evt.data, "PASS", "wrong data");
ok(evt.source === target, "wrong source");
called = true;
function post(win, args, err)
called = false;
win.postMessage.apply(win, args);
document.addEventListener("message", receive, false);
for (var i = 0, sz = tests.length; i < sz; i++)
test = tests[i];
target = $(test.source).contentWindow;
called = false;
target.postMessage.apply(target, test.args);
if (test.throwsNoException)
todo(false, "should throw on test #" + i);
else if (test.expectNoCallback)
(test.checkCallback || ok)(!called, "shouldn't have been called #" + i);
(test.checkCallback || ok)(called, "should have been called #" + i);
catch (e)
(test.errorCheck || errorCheck)(i, called, e.code, test.code);
document.removeEventListener("message", receive, false);
function oddballTests()
var called;
function receive(evt)
is(evt.origin, "http://localhost:8888", "wrong sender");
is(evt.data, "PASS", "wrong data");
ok(evt.source === window, "wrong source");
called = true;
document.addEventListener("message", receive, false);
called = false;
is(called, true, "should have been called");
called = false;
window.postMessage("PASS", null);
is(called, true, "should have been called");
document.removeEventListener("message", receive, false);
function run()
window.addEventListener("load", run, false);
@ -129,22 +129,15 @@ function messageReceiver(evt)
// not codified yet which of these two causes the identifier tokens on
// the event generated by the new window to be those of this window, but
// in either case this is what they should be.
is(evt.uri, "http://localhost:8888/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/test_postMessage_special.xhtml",
"wrong uri for event from about:blank");
ok(evt.domain === "localhost",
"wrong domain for event from about:blank; " +
"got " + sourceify(evt.domain) + ", " +
"expected 'localhost'");
is(evt.origin, "http://localhost:8888",
"wrong origin for event from about:blank");
is(evt.source, aboutBlankWindow, "wrong source");
aboutBlankResponseReceived = true;
else if (evt.data === "about:blank2-response")
is(evt.uri, "http://localhost:8888/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/test_postMessage_special.xhtml",
"wrong uri for event from about:blank #2");
ok(evt.domain === "localhost",
"wrong domain for event from about:blank; " +
"got " + sourceify(evt.domain) + ", expected 'localhost'");
is(evt.origin, "http://localhost:8888",
"wrong origin for event from about:blank #2");
is(evt.source, aboutBlank2Window, "wrong source");
aboutBlank2ResponseReceived = true;
@ -162,14 +155,11 @@ function messageReceiver(evt)
// then.
if (isMozilla)
is(evt.uri, "http://localhost:8888/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/test_postMessage_special.xhtml",
"wrong uri for event from data URL (but note that this URI is " +
is(evt.origin, "http://localhost:8888",
"wrong origin for event from data URL (but note that this URI is " +
"the result of Mozilla's current policy that data: URLs inherit " +
"the principal of their opener/parent, a policy not currently " +
"specified by any standards)");
ok(evt.domain === "localhost",
"wrong domain for event from data URL; " +
"got " + sourceify(evt.domain) + ", expected ''");
is(evt.source, dataWindow, "wrong source");
@ -200,10 +190,8 @@ function getContents(description, responseText)
"\n" +
" if (evt.source !== window.parent)\n" +
" response += ' wrong-source';\n" +
" if (evt.uri !== 'http://localhost:8888/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/test_postMessage_special.xhtml')\n" +
" response += ' wrong-uri(' + evt.uri + ')';\n" +
" if (evt.domain !== 'localhost')\n" +
" response += ' wrong-domain(' + evt.domain + ')';\n" +
" if (evt.origin !== 'http://localhost:8888')\n" +
" response += ' wrong-origin(' + evt.origin + ')';\n" +
" if (evt.data !== 'from-opener')\n" +
" response += ' wrong-data(' + evt.data + ')';\n" +
"\n" +
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>postMessage from a page with username/password in its URI</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/MochiKit/MochiKit.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=417075">Mozilla Bug 417075</a>
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display: none"></div>
<iframe src="http://bobhope:password@example.org/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/whatwg/postMessage_userpass_helper.html"
<pre id="test">
<script class="testbody" type="application/javascript">
/** Test for Bug 417075 **/
function receiveMessage(evt)
is(evt.origin, "http://example.org", "wrong origin");
is(evt.data, "child-message", "wrong data");
ok(evt.source === window.frames.userPassKid, "wrong source");
document.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false);
function sendMessage(evt)
window.addEventListener("load", sendMessage, false);
@ -460,8 +460,10 @@ SERVERPREFEND
$pacURL .= "{ ";
$pacURL .= " var servers = [$quotedServers]; ";
$pacURL .= " var regex = ";
$pacURL .= " new RegExp('http://(.*?(:\\\\\\\\d+)?)/'); ";
$pacURL .= " new RegExp('http://(?:[^/@]*@)?(.*?(:\\\\\\\\d+)?)/'); ";
$pacURL .= " var matches = regex.exec(url); ";
$pacURL .= " if (!matches) ";
$pacURL .= " return 'DIRECT'; ";
$pacURL .= " var hostport = matches[1], port = matches[2]; ";
$pacURL .= " if (!port) ";
$pacURL .= " hostport += ':80'; ";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user