Fix for bug 91195: Need to check remaining disk space before creating

the bld (r=smeredith)
This commit is contained in: 2002-05-23 17:25:11 +00:00
parent 8e32b4964e
commit cb612ea757

View File

@ -21,12 +21,8 @@
#include "xmlparse.h"
#include "prefselement.h"
// Required disk space for Win build
#define WDISK_SPACE 27577549
// Required disk space for Linux build
#define LDISK_SPACE 84934656
// Required disk space for Mac OS build
#define MDISK_SPACE 5976884
int interpret(char *cmd);
@ -34,6 +30,7 @@ CString rootPath;
CString configName;
CString configPath;
CString workspacePath;
CString shellPath;
CString cdPath;
CString networkPath;
CString tempPath;
@ -1966,7 +1963,101 @@ void DiskSpaceAlert(ULONGLONG required, ULONGLONG available)
AfxMessageBox("Not enough disk space. Required: "+requiredSpace+" bytes. Available: "+availableSpace+" bytes.", MB_OK);
ULONGLONG FindDirSize(CString dirPath)
// Find the total size of a directory in bytes
ULONGLONG dirSize = 0;
CFileFind fileFind;
dirPath += "\\*.*";
BOOL bFound = fileFind.FindFile (dirPath);
while (bFound)
bFound = fileFind.FindNextFile ();
if (fileFind.IsDirectory () && !fileFind.IsDots ())
dirSize += FindDirSize (fileFind.GetFilePath ());
dirSize += fileFind.GetLength ();
return dirSize;
ULONGLONG FindFileSize(CString fileName)
// Find the size of a file in bytes
CFile file(fileName, CFile::modeReadWrite);
ULONGLONG fileSize = file.GetLength();
return fileSize;
ULONGLONG ComputeReqdWinDiskSpace()
Compute required disk space for Windows build
Required disk space =
Total size for selected components +
Total size for third party components +
Total size for CD autorun +
Total size used for various file operations +
Size of skinclas.xpi +
Total size of setupfiles (contents of and NSSetup.exe
ULONGLONG requiredSize=0;
// Total size of selected components
for (int i=0; i<numComponents; i++)
if (Components[i].selected)
requiredSize += FindFileSize(nscpxpiPath + "\\" + Components[i].archive);
// Total size of thirdparty components
if ( !((GetGlobal("CustomComponentPath1")).IsEmpty()) )
requiredSize += FindFileSize(GetGlobal("CustomComponentPath1"));
if ( !((GetGlobal("CustomComponentPath2")).IsEmpty()) )
requiredSize += FindFileSize(GetGlobal("CustomComponentPath2"));
// Total size of CD autorun files
CString cdDir= GetGlobal("CD image");
if (cdDir.Compare("1")==0)
requiredSize += FindDirSize(shellPath);
// Approximate size (4MB) for various file operations
requiredSize += 4194304;
// size of skinclas.xpi since it gets copied even though deselected
requiredSize += FindFileSize(nscpxpiPath + "\\skinclas.xpi");
// size of setup files and NSSetup.exe
requiredSize += 691926;
return requiredSize;
ULONGLONG ComputeReqdMacDiskSpace()
Compute required disk space for Mac OS build
Required disk space =
Total size of Mac scripts and zip file +
Total size for various file operations
ULONGLONG requiredSize=0;
// size of Mac scripts and zip file
requiredSize += FindDirSize(platformPath);
// Approximate size (4MB) for various file operations
requiredSize += 4194304;
return requiredSize;
BOOL FillGlobalWidgetArray(CString file)
@ -2039,6 +2130,7 @@ int StartIB(/*CString parms, WIDGET *curWidget*/)
iniDstPath = cdPath + "\\config.ini";
scriptPath = rootPath + "script_" + curPlatform + ".ib";
workspacePath = configPath + "\\Workspace";
shellPath = workspacePath + "\\Autorun\\";
xpiDstPath = cdPath;
// variables for language-region information
@ -2087,17 +2179,17 @@ int StartIB(/*CString parms, WIDGET *curWidget*/)
iniSrcPath = nscpxpiPath + "\\config.ini";
//Check for disk space before continuing
ULARGE_INTEGER nTotalBytes, nTotalFreeBytes, nTotalAvailable;
GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(NULL,&nTotalAvailable, &nTotalBytes, &nTotalFreeBytes);
// Checking for 26.3MB disk space
if (curPlatform == "Windows")
if ((nTotalAvailable.QuadPart) < WDISK_SPACE)
ULONGLONG reqdWinDiskSpace = ComputeReqdWinDiskSpace();
if ((nTotalAvailable.QuadPart) < reqdWinDiskSpace)
DiskSpaceAlert(reqdWinDiskSpace, (nTotalAvailable.QuadPart));
return FALSE;
@ -2111,16 +2203,16 @@ int StartIB(/*CString parms, WIDGET *curWidget*/)
else if (curPlatform == "Mac OS")
if ((nTotalAvailable.QuadPart) < MDISK_SPACE)
ULONGLONG reqdMacDiskSpace = ComputeReqdMacDiskSpace();
if ((nTotalAvailable.QuadPart) < reqdMacDiskSpace)
DiskSpaceAlert(reqdMacDiskSpace, (nTotalAvailable.QuadPart));
return FALSE;
//Check for Disk space over
//checking for the autorun CD shell - inorder to create a Core dir or not
CString cdDir= GetGlobal("CD image");
CString networkDir = GetGlobal("Network");
@ -2295,7 +2387,6 @@ int StartIB(/*CString parms, WIDGET *curWidget*/)
if (cdDir.Compare("1") ==0)
CString shellPath = workspacePath + "\\Autorun\\";
CopyDir(shellPath, outputPath, NULL, TRUE);
CreateRshell ();
WritePrivateProfileString("Message Stream", "Status", "Disabled", iniDstPath);