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synced 2024-12-04 19:33:18 +00:00
Bug 222694 Make windows moz-icon:s work with all colour depths r=ere sr=mscott
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
* Contributor(s):
* Scott MacGregor <mscott@netscape.com>
* Neil Rashbrook <neil@parkwaycc.co.uk>
@ -42,11 +43,22 @@
#include <windows.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
// forward declarations of a couple of helper methods.
// Takes a bitmap from the windows registry and converts it into 4 byte RGB data.
void ConvertColorBitMap(unsigned char * aBitmapBuffer, PBITMAPINFO pBitMapInfo, nsCString& iconBuffer);
void ConvertMaskBitMap(unsigned char * aBitMaskBuffer, PBITMAPINFOHEADER pBitMapInfo, nsCString& iconBuffer);
PRUint32 CalcWordAlignedRowSpan(PRUint32 aWidth, PRUint32 aBitCount);
PRUint16 ifhReserved;
PRUint16 ifhType;
PRUint16 ifhCount;
struct ICONENTRY {
PRInt8 ieWidth;
PRInt8 ieHeight;
PRUint8 ieColors;
PRUint8 ieReserved;
PRUint16 iePlanes;
PRUint16 ieBitCount;
PRUint32 ieSizeImage;
PRUint32 ieFileOffset;
// nsIconChannel methods
@ -138,28 +150,6 @@ nsIconChannel::Open(nsIInputStream **_retval)
void InvertRows(unsigned char * aInitialBuffer, PRUint32 sizeOfBuffer, PRUint32 numBytesPerRow)
if (!numBytesPerRow) return;
PRUint32 numRows = sizeOfBuffer / numBytesPerRow;
void * temporaryRowHolder = (void *) nsMemory::Alloc(numBytesPerRow);
PRUint32 currentRow = 0;
PRUint32 lastRow = (numRows - 1) * numBytesPerRow;
while (currentRow < lastRow)
// store the current row into a temporary buffer
memcpy(temporaryRowHolder, (void *) &aInitialBuffer[currentRow], numBytesPerRow);
memcpy((void *) &aInitialBuffer[currentRow], (void *)&aInitialBuffer[lastRow], numBytesPerRow);
memcpy((void *) &aInitialBuffer[lastRow], temporaryRowHolder, numBytesPerRow);
lastRow -= numBytesPerRow;
currentRow += numBytesPerRow;
nsresult nsIconChannel::ExtractIconInfoFromUrl(nsIFile ** aLocalFile, PRUint32 * aDesiredImageSize, nsACString &aContentType, nsACString &aFileExtension)
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
@ -186,116 +176,6 @@ nsresult nsIconChannel::ExtractIconInfoFromUrl(nsIFile ** aLocalFile, PRUint32 *
return NS_OK;
void ConvertColorBitMap(unsigned char * buffer, PBITMAPINFO pBitMapInfo, nsCString& iconBuffer)
// windows inverts the row order in their bitmaps. So we need to invert the rows back into a top-down order.
PRUint32 bytesPerPixel = pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount / 8;
PRUint32 unalignedBytesPerRow = pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader.biWidth * 3;
InvertRows(buffer, pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader.biSizeImage, pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader.biWidth * bytesPerPixel);
PRUint32 alignedBytesPerRow = CalcWordAlignedRowSpan(pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader.biWidth, 24);
PRInt32 numBytesPaddingPerRow = alignedBytesPerRow - unalignedBytesPerRow;
PRUint32 pos = 0;
if (numBytesPaddingPerRow < 0) // this should never happen.....
numBytesPaddingPerRow = 0;
PRUint32 index = 0;
// if each pixel uses 16 bits to describe the color then each R, G, and B value uses 5 bites. Use some fancy
// bit operations to blow up the 16 bit case into 1 byte per component color. Actually windows
// is using a 5:6:5 scheme. so the green component gets 6 bits....
if (pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount == 16)
PRUint8 redValue, greenValue, blueValue;
while (index < pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader.biSizeImage)
PRUint16 num = 0;
num = (PRUint8) buffer[index+1];
num <<= 8;
num |= (PRUint8) buffer[index];
// be sure to ignore the top bit
//num &= 0x7FFF; // only want the low 15 bits.....not the 16th...
// use num as an offset into the color table....get the RGBQuad entry and read out
// the RGB values.
//RGBQUAD rgbValues = pBitMapInfo->bmiColors[num];
//redValue = ( (num & 0xf800) >> 11);
//greenValue = ( (num & 0x07E0) >> 5);
//blueValue = ( num & 0x001F);
redValue = ((PRUint32) (((float)(num & 0xf800) / 0xf800) * 0xFF0000) & 0xFF0000)>> 16;
greenValue = ((PRUint32)(((float)(num & 0x07E0) / 0x07E0) * 0x00FF00) & 0x00FF00)>> 8;
blueValue = ((PRUint32)(((float)(num & 0x001F) / 0x001F) * 0x0000FF) & 0x0000FF);
// now we have the right RGB values...
iconBuffer.Append((char) blueValue);
iconBuffer.Append((char) greenValue);
iconBuffer.Append((char) redValue);
pos += 3;
if (pos == unalignedBytesPerRow && numBytesPaddingPerRow) // if we have reached the end of a current row, add padding to force dword alignment
pos = 0;
for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < numBytesPaddingPerRow; i++)
iconBuffer.Append((char) 0);
index += bytesPerPixel;
else // otherwise we must be using 32 bits per pixel so each component value is getting one byte...
while (index < pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader.biSizeImage)
iconBuffer.Append((char) buffer[index]);
iconBuffer.Append((char) buffer[index+1]);
iconBuffer.Append((char) buffer[index+2]);
pos += 3;
if (pos == unalignedBytesPerRow && numBytesPaddingPerRow) // if we have reached the end of a current row, add padding to force dword alignment
pos = 0;
for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < numBytesPaddingPerRow; i++)
iconBuffer.Append((char) 0);
index += bytesPerPixel;
PRUint32 CalcWordAlignedRowSpan(PRUint32 aWidth, PRUint32 aBitCount)
PRUint32 spanBytes;
spanBytes = (aWidth * aBitCount) >> 5;
if (((PRUint32) aWidth * aBitCount) & 0x1F)
spanBytes <<= 2;
return spanBytes;
void ConvertMaskBitMap(unsigned char * aBitMaskBuffer, PBITMAPINFOHEADER pBitMapHeaderInfo, nsCString& iconBuffer)
// ok, the math at the end means: Get on a 32-bit boundary, rounding up in the progress, and divide by 8
// because only 1 bit per pixel is used for transparency
InvertRows(aBitMaskBuffer, pBitMapHeaderInfo->biSizeImage, ((pBitMapHeaderInfo->biWidth + 31)/32) * 4);
PRUint32 index = 0;
// for some reason the bit mask on windows are flipped from the values we really want for transparency.
// So complement each byte in the bit mask.
while (index < pBitMapHeaderInfo->biSizeImage)
index += 1;
iconBuffer.Append((char *) aBitMaskBuffer, pBitMapHeaderInfo->biSizeImage);
NS_IMETHODIMP nsIconChannel::AsyncOpen(nsIStreamListener *aListener, nsISupports *ctxt)
nsXPIDLCString contentType;
@ -342,91 +222,68 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsIconChannel::AsyncOpen(nsIStreamListener *aListener, nsISupports
// (1) get an hIcon for the file
LONG result= SHGetFileInfo(filePath.get(), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE, &sfi, sizeof(sfi), infoFlags);
if (result > 0 && sfi.hIcon)
if (SHGetFileInfo(filePath.get(), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE, &sfi, sizeof(sfi), infoFlags) && sfi.hIcon)
// we got a handle to an icon. Now we want to get a bitmap for the icon using GetIconInfo....
result = GetIconInfo(sfi.hIcon, &pIconInfo);
if (result > 0)
ICONINFO iconInfo;
if (GetIconInfo(sfi.hIcon, &iconInfo))
nsCString iconBuffer;
// we got the bitmaps, first find out their size
HDC hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); // get a device context for the screen.
if (GetDIBits(hDC, iconInfo.hbmMask, 0, 0, NULL, &maskInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS) &&
maskInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage > 0) {
if (GetDIBits(hDC, iconInfo.hbmColor, 0, 0, NULL, &colorInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS) &&
colorInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage > 0) {
// calculate the palette size and overall size
if (colorInfo.bmiHeader.biClrUsed > 256)
colorInfo.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
PRUint32 colorInfoSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + colorInfo.bmiHeader.biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD);
PRUint32 iconSize = sizeof(ICONFILEHEADER) + sizeof(ICONENTRY) + colorInfoSize + colorInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage + maskInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage;
char *buffer = new char[iconSize];
if (!buffer)
else {
// the data starts with an icon file header
iconHeader->ifhReserved = 0;
iconHeader->ifhType = 1;
iconHeader->ifhCount = 1;
// followed by the single icon entry
ICONENTRY *iconEntry = (ICONENTRY *)(buffer + sizeof(ICONFILEHEADER));
iconEntry->ieWidth = colorInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth;
iconEntry->ieHeight = colorInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight;
iconEntry->ieColors = colorInfo.bmiHeader.biClrUsed;
iconEntry->ieReserved = 0;
iconEntry->iePlanes = colorInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes;
iconEntry->ieBitCount = colorInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount;
iconEntry->ieSizeImage = colorInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage;
iconEntry->ieFileOffset = sizeof(ICONFILEHEADER) + sizeof(ICONENTRY);
// followed by the bitmap info header and the bits
memcpy(lpBitmapInfo, &maskInfo.bmiHeader, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
if (GetDIBits(hDC, iconInfo.hbmMask, 0, maskInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight, buffer + sizeof(ICONFILEHEADER) + sizeof(ICONENTRY) + colorInfoSize + colorInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage, lpBitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS)) {
memcpy(lpBitmapInfo, &colorInfo.bmiHeader, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
if (GetDIBits(hDC, iconInfo.hbmColor, 0, colorInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight, buffer + sizeof(ICONFILEHEADER) + sizeof(ICONENTRY) + colorInfoSize, lpBitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS)) {
aListener->OnStartRequest(this, ctxt);
// Alloc and zero init
HANDLE h_bmp_info = GlobalAlloc (GHND, sizeof (BITMAPINFO) + (sizeof (RGBQUAD) * 256));
BITMAPINFO* pBitMapInfo = (BITMAPINFO *) GlobalLock (h_bmp_info);
pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 0;
pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
// turn our buffer into a stream...and make the appropriate calls on our consumer
nsCOMPtr<nsIInputStream> inputStr;
rv = NS_NewByteInputStream(getter_AddRefs(inputStr), buffer, iconSize);
aListener->OnDataAvailable(this, ctxt, inputStr, 0, iconSize);
aListener->OnStopRequest(this, ctxt, rv);
} // if we got mask bits
} // if we got bitmap bits
delete [] buffer;
} // if we allocated the buffer
} // if we got mask size
} // if we got bitmap size
HDC pDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); // get a device context for the screen.
LONG result = GetDIBits(pDC, pIconInfo.hbmColor, 0, 0, NULL, pBitMapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
if (result > 0 && pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader.biSizeImage > 0)
// allocate a buffer to hold the bit map....this should be a buffer that's biSizeImage...
unsigned char * buffer = (PRUint8 *) nsMemory::Alloc(pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader.biSizeImage);
result = GetDIBits(pDC, pIconInfo.hbmColor, 0, pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader.biHeight, (void *) buffer, pBitMapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
if (result > 0)
// temporary hack alert...currently moz-icon urls only support 16, 24 and 32 bit color. we don't support
// 8, 4 or 1 bit color yet. return an error in those cases
if (pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount <= 8)
// The first 2 bytes into our output buffer needs to be the width and the height (in pixels) of the icon
// as specified by our data format.
iconBuffer.Assign((char) pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader.biWidth);
iconBuffer.Append((char) pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader.biHeight);
ConvertColorBitMap(buffer, pBitMapInfo, iconBuffer);
// now we need to tack on the alpha data...which is hbmMask
memset (pBitMapInfo, NULL, sizeof (BITMAPINFO) + (sizeof (RGBQUAD) * 255));
pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 0;
pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
result = GetDIBits(pDC, pIconInfo.hbmMask, 0, 0, NULL, pBitMapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
if (result > 0 && pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader.biSizeImage > 0)
// allocate a buffer to hold the bit map....this should be a buffer that's biSizeImage...
unsigned char * maskBuffer = (PRUint8 *) nsMemory::Alloc(pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader.biSizeImage);
result = GetDIBits(pDC, pIconInfo.hbmMask, 0, pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader.biHeight, (void *) maskBuffer, pBitMapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
if (result > 0)
ConvertMaskBitMap(maskBuffer, &(pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader), iconBuffer);
// turn our nsString into a stream looking object...
aListener->OnStartRequest(this, ctxt);
// turn our string into a stream...and make the appropriate calls on our consumer
nsCOMPtr<nsIInputStream> inputStr;
rv = NS_NewByteInputStream(getter_AddRefs(inputStr),
aListener->OnDataAvailable(this, ctxt, inputStr, 0,
aListener->OnStopRequest(this, ctxt, rv);
} // if we have a mask buffer to apply
} // if we got the color bit map
} // if we got color info
} // if we got icon info
} // if we got sfi
@ -448,7 +305,7 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsIconChannel::SetLoadFlags(PRUint32 aLoadAttributes)
NS_IMETHODIMP nsIconChannel::GetContentType(nsACString &aContentType)
aContentType = NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("image/icon");
aContentType = NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("image/x-icon");
return NS_OK;
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