Brought up to date with en-US version

This commit is contained in: 2004-11-10 16:14:58 +00:00
parent 03dba4f67e
commit d07ea00fe9
37 changed files with 190 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -153,6 +153,7 @@
<!ENTITY newtodo.duedate.warning "La vostra data d'inici es posterior a la d'acabada.">
<!ENTITY newtodo.repeatstart.warning "La data d'inici és necessària per a la recurrència.">
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteallevents "Are you sure you want to delete all the selected events?" >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteevent "Esteu segur de voler suprimir la cita titolada:" >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteuntitledevent "Esteu segur de voler suprimir aquesta cita sense nom?" >
@ -280,6 +281,11 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.button.label "Subscriu" >
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.button.label "Publica" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.label "Local Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.tooltip "Reload all local calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.label "Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.tooltip "Reload all remote calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.dayview.button.label "Vista diària" >
<!ENTITY calendar.weekview.button.label "Vista setmanal" >
<!ENTITY calendar.monthview.button.label "Vista mensual" >

View File

@ -94,6 +94,10 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.label "Subscriu-te a un calendari remot...">
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.accesskey "r">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.label "Reload Remote Calendars">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.key "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.accesskey "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.label "Publica les cites seleccionades...">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.accesskey "s">

View File

@ -153,6 +153,7 @@
<!ENTITY newtodo.duedate.warning "Zvolené počáteční datum je po konečném datu.">
<!ENTITY newtodo.repeatstart.warning "Start date required for recurrence.">
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteallevents "Are you sure you want to delete all the selected events?" >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteevent "Skutečně chcete vymazat událost pojmenovanou: " >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteuntitledevent "Skutečně chcete vymazat tuto nepojmenovanou událost?" >
@ -280,6 +281,11 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.button.label "Subscribe" >
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.button.label "Publish" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.label "Local Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.tooltip "Reload all local calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.label "Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.tooltip "Reload all remote calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.dayview.button.label "Denní" >
<!ENTITY calendar.weekview.button.label "Týdenní" >
<!ENTITY calendar.monthview.button.label "Měsíční" >

View File

@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ tooltipLocation =M\u00EDsto:
tooltipDate =Datum:
# event status: tentative, confirmed, cancelled
tooltipStatus =Stav:
# task/todo fields
# start date time, due date time, task priority number, completed date time
tooltipStart =Po\u010D\u00E1te\u010Dn\u00ED:
tooltipDue =Koncov\u00E9:

View File

@ -94,6 +94,10 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.label "Přijmout vzdálený kalendář...">
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.accesskey "j">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.label "Reload Remote Calendars">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.key "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.accesskey "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.label "Publikovat vybrané události...">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.accesskey "b">

View File

@ -153,6 +153,7 @@
<!ENTITY newtodo.duedate.warning "Mae eich dyddiad cychwyn ar ôl eich dyddiad cyflawni.">
<!ENTITY newtodo.repeatstart.warning "Start date required for recurrence.">
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteallevents "Are you sure you want to delete all the selected events?" >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteevent "Ydych chi'n siwr eich bod am ddileu'r digwyddiad: " >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteuntitledevent "Ydych chi'n siwr eich bod am ddileu'r digwyddiad di-enw?" >
@ -280,6 +281,11 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.button.label "Subscribe" >
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.button.label "Publish" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.label "Local Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.tooltip "Reload all local calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.label "Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.tooltip "Reload all remote calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.dayview.button.label "Golwg Diwrnod" >
<!ENTITY calendar.weekview.button.label "Golwg Wythnos" >
<!ENTITY calendar.monthview.button.label "Golwg Mis" >

View File

@ -78,10 +78,10 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.printpreview.label "Rhagolwg Argraffu">
<!ENTITY calendar.printpreview.accesskey "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.pagesetup.label "Gosodiad Tudalen...">
<!ENTITY calendar.pagesetup.label "Gosodiad Tudalen">
<!ENTITY calendar.pagesetup.accesskey "s">
<!ENTITY calendar.import.label "Mewnforio...">
<!ENTITY calendar.import.label "Mewnforio">
<!ENTITY calendar.import.key "I">
<!ENTITY calendar.import.accesskey "M">
@ -91,10 +91,14 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.export.label "Allforio...">
<!ENTITY calendar.export.accesskey "A">
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.label "Tanysgrifio...">
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.label "Tanysgrifio">
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.accesskey "T">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.label "Cyhoeddi'r Digwyddiadau Dewisol...">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.label "Reload Remote Calendars">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.key "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.accesskey "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.label "Cyhoeddi'r Digwyddiadau Dewisol…">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.accesskey "y">
<!ENTITY calendar.about.label "Ynghylch Calendr">
@ -116,7 +120,7 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.selectall.key "A">
<!ENTITY calendar.selectall.accesskey "D">
<!ENTITY calendar.preferences.label "Dewisiadau...">
<!ENTITY calendar.preferences.label "Dewisiadau">
<!ENTITY calendar.preferences.accesskey "w">
<!ENTITY goMenu.label "Mynd">
@ -134,8 +138,8 @@
<!ENTITY goNextCmd.label "Nesaf">
<!ENTITY goNextCmd.accesskey "N">
<!ENTITY taskMenu.label "Tasks">
<!ENTITY taskMenu.accesskey "k">
<!ENTITY taskMenu.label "Tasks">
<!ENTITY taskMenu.accesskey "k">
<!ENTITY toolsMenu.label "Tools">
<!ENTITY toolsMenu.accesskey "T">
@ -164,7 +168,7 @@
<!ENTITY editMenu.label "Edit">
<!ENTITY editMenu.accesskey "E">
<!ENTITY preferencesCmd.label "Options...">
<!ENTITY preferencesCmd.label "Options">
<!ENTITY preferencesCmd.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY viewMenu.label "View">

View File

@ -150,6 +150,7 @@
<!ENTITY newtodo.duedate.warning "Ihr Startdatum ist nach Ihrem Enddatum.">
<!ENTITY newtodo.repeatstart.warning "Beginnzeit wird für Wiederholung benötigt.">
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteallevents "Are you sure you want to delete all the selected events?" >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteevent "Wollen Sie dieses Ereignis wirklich löschen: " >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteuntitledevent "Wollen Sie dieses unbenannte Ereignis wirklich löschen?" >
@ -277,6 +278,11 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.button.label "Abonnieren" >
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.button.label "Publizieren" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.label "Local Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.tooltip "Reload all local calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.label "Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.tooltip "Reload all remote calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.dayview.button.label "Tagesansicht" >
<!ENTITY calendar.weekview.button.label "Wochenansicht" >
<!ENTITY calendar.monthview.button.label "Monatsansicht" >

View File

@ -93,6 +93,10 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.label "Entfernten Kalender abonnieren...">
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.accesskey "b">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.label "Reload Remote Calendars">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.key "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.accesskey "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.label "Gewählte Ereignisse publizieren...">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.accesskey "p">

View File

@ -149,6 +149,7 @@
<!ENTITY newtodo.duedate.warning "La fecha de inicio es posterior a la de vencimiento.">
<!ENTITY newtodo.repeatstart.warning "Fecha de inicio necesaria para recurrencia.">
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteallevents "Are you sure you want to delete all the selected events?" >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteevent "¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar este evento titulado: " >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteuntitledevent "¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar este evento sin título?" >
@ -276,6 +277,11 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.button.label "Suscribir" >
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.button.label "Publicar" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.label "Local Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.tooltip "Reload all local calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.label "Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.tooltip "Reload all remote calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.dayview.button.label "Ver día" >
<!ENTITY calendar.weekview.button.label "Ver semana" >
<!ENTITY calendar.monthview.button.label "Ver mes" >

View File

@ -91,6 +91,10 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.label "Suscribir a calendario remoto...">
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.accesskey "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.label "Reload Remote Calendars">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.key "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.accesskey "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.label "Publicar eventos seleccionados...">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.accesskey "b">

View File

@ -153,6 +153,7 @@
<!ENTITY newtodo.duedate.warning "La date de début est après la date de fin.">
<!ENTITY newtodo.repeatstart.warning "La récurrence requiert une date de début.">
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteallevents "Are you sure you want to delete all the selected events?" >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteevent "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer l'événement intitulé : " >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteuntitledevent "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cet événement sans titre ?" >
@ -280,6 +281,11 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.button.label "Souscrire" >
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.button.label "Publier" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.label "Local Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.tooltip "Reload all local calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.label "Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.tooltip "Reload all remote calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.dayview.button.label "1 jour par vue" >
<!ENTITY calendar.weekview.button.label "1 semaine par vue" >
<!ENTITY calendar.monthview.button.label "1 mois par vue" >

View File

@ -94,6 +94,10 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.label "Souscrire à un calendrier distant…">
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.accesskey "s">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.label "Reload Remote Calendars">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.key "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.accesskey "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.label "Publier les événements sélectionnés…">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.accesskey "p">

View File

@ -155,6 +155,7 @@
<!ENTITY newtodo.duedate.warning "A kezdés napja a határidő utánra esik.">
<!ENTITY newtodo.repeatstart.warning "Az ismétlődéshez meg kell adni a kezdődátumot.">
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteallevents "Are you sure you want to delete all the selected events?" >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteevent "Biztos, hogy törölni kívánja ezt az eseményt? " >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteuntitledevent "Biztos, hogy törölni kívánja ezt a név nélküli eseményt?" >
@ -282,6 +283,11 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.button.label "Feliratkozás" >
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.button.label "Közzététel" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.label "Local Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.tooltip "Reload all local calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.label "Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.tooltip "Reload all remote calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.dayview.button.label "Napi nézet" >
<!ENTITY calendar.weekview.button.label "Heti nézet" >
<!ENTITY calendar.monthview.button.label "Havi nézet" >

View File

@ -96,6 +96,10 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.label "Feliratkozás távoli naptárra...">
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.accesskey "F">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.label "Reload Remote Calendars">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.key "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.accesskey "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.label "Kiválasztott események közzététele...">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.accesskey "K">

View File

@ -153,6 +153,7 @@
<!ENTITY newtodo.duedate.warning "La data di inizio e' successiva alla data di fine.">
<!ENTITY newtodo.repeatstart.warning "Data di inizio necessaria per ricorrenza">
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteallevents "Are you sure you want to delete all the selected events?" >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteevent "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo evento: " >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteuntitledevent "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo evento - senza titolo -?" >
@ -280,6 +281,11 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.button.label "Sottoscrivi" >
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.button.label "Pubblica" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.label "Local Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.tooltip "Reload all local calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.label "Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.tooltip "Reload all remote calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.dayview.button.label "Giorno" >
<!ENTITY calendar.weekview.button.label "Settimana" >
<!ENTITY calendar.monthview.button.label "Mese" >

View File

@ -94,6 +94,10 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.label "Sottoscrivi Calendario Remoto...">
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.accesskey "s">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.label "Reload Remote Calendars">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.key "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.accesskey "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.label "Pubblica Eventi selezionati...">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.accesskey "p">

View File

@ -156,6 +156,7 @@
<!ENTITY newtodo.duedate.warning "開始日付が期日後です。">
<!ENTITY newtodo.repeatstart.warning "開始日付が周期設定に必要です。">
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteallevents "Are you sure you want to delete all the selected events?" >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteevent "このタイトルのイベントを削除しますか: " >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteuntitledevent "タイトルなしのイベントを削除しますか?" >
@ -283,6 +284,11 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.button.label "購読" >
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.button.label "公開" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.label "Local Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.tooltip "Reload all local calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.label "Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.tooltip "Reload all remote calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.dayview.button.label "デー" >
<!ENTITY calendar.weekview.button.label "ウィーク" >
<!ENTITY calendar.monthview.button.label "マンス" >

View File

@ -97,6 +97,10 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.label "別のカレンダーを購読...">
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.accesskey "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.label "Reload Remote Calendars">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.key "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.accesskey "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.label "選択イベントを公開...">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.accesskey "S">

View File

@ -153,6 +153,7 @@
<!ENTITY newtodo.duedate.warning "Your start date is after your due date.">
<!ENTITY newtodo.repeatstart.warning "Start date required for recurrence.">
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteallevents "Are you sure you want to delete all the selected events?" >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteevent "Ar tikrai norite pašalinti įvykį: " >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteuntitledevent "Ar tikrai norite pašalinti šį neįvardytą įvykį?" >
@ -280,6 +281,11 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.button.label "Subscribe" >
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.button.label "Publish" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.label "Local Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.tooltip "Reload all local calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.label "Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.tooltip "Reload all remote calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.dayview.button.label "Diena" >
<!ENTITY calendar.weekview.button.label "Savaitė" >
<!ENTITY calendar.monthview.button.label "Mėnuo" >

View File

@ -94,6 +94,10 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.label "Prisijungti prie nuotolinio kalendoriaus...">
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.accesskey "P">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.label "Reload Remote Calendars">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.key "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.accesskey "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.label "Publikuoti pažymėtus įvykius...">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.accesskey "P">

View File

@ -153,6 +153,7 @@
<!ENTITY newtodo.duedate.warning "Uw startdatum valt na uw vervaldatum.">
<!ENTITY newtodo.repeatstart.warning "Startdatum vereist voor herhaling.">
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteallevents "Are you sure you want to delete all the selected events?" >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteevent "Weet u zeker dat u de volgende gebeurtenis wilt verwijderen: " >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteuntitledevent "Weet u zeker dat u de volgende naamloze gebeurtenis wilt verwijderen?" >
@ -280,6 +281,11 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.button.label "Aanmelden" >
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.button.label "Publiceren" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.label "Local Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.tooltip "Reload all local calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.label "Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.tooltip "Reload all remote calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.dayview.button.label "Dagoverzicht" >
<!ENTITY calendar.weekview.button.label "Weekoverzicht" >
<!ENTITY calendar.monthview.button.label "Maandoverzicht" >

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
<!ENTITY "Nieuwe gebeurtenis…">
<!ENTITY "Nieuwe taak…">
@ -94,6 +94,10 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.label "Aanmelden bij kalender op andere computer...">
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.accesskey "A">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.label "Reload Remote Calendars">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.key "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.accesskey "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.label "Publiceer geselecteerde gebeurtenissen...">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.accesskey "P">

View File

@ -149,6 +149,7 @@
<!ENTITY newtodo.duedate.warning "Data rozpoczęcia zadania jest po jego zakończeniu.">
<!ENTITY newtodo.repeatstart.warning "Start date required for recurrence.">
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteallevents "Are you sure you want to delete all the selected events?" >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteevent "Jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć wydarzenie zatytułowane: " >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteuntitledevent "Jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć to niezatytułowane wydarzenie?" >
@ -276,6 +277,11 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.button.label "Subscribe" >
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.button.label "Publish" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.label "Local Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.tooltip "Reload all local calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.label "Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.tooltip "Reload all remote calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.dayview.button.label "Dzień" >
<!ENTITY calendar.weekview.button.label "Tydzień" >
<!ENTITY calendar.monthview.button.label "Miesiąc" >

View File

@ -92,6 +92,10 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.label "Subskrybuj zdalny kalendarz...">
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.accesskey "s">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.label "Reload Remote Calendars">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.key "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.accesskey "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.label "Publikuj wybrane wydarzenia...">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.accesskey "p">

View File

@ -154,6 +154,7 @@
<!ENTITY newtodo.duedate.warning "Sua data de in&#xED;cio &#xE9; ap&#xF4;s a sua data prevista para t&#xE9;rmino.">
<!ENTITY newtodo.repeatstart.warning "Hora de in&#xED;cio necess&#xE1;ria para recorr&#xEA;ncia.">
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteallevents "Are you sure you want to delete all the selected events?" >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteevent "Voc&#xEA; tem certeza de que quer apagar o seguinte evento: " >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteuntitledevent "Voc&#xEA; tem certeza de que quer apagar este evento sem t&#xED;tulo?" >
@ -281,6 +282,11 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.button.label "Subscrever" >
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.button.label "Publicar" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.label "Local Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.tooltip "Reload all local calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.label "Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.tooltip "Reload all remote calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.dayview.button.label "Dia" >
<!ENTITY calendar.weekview.button.label "Semana" >
<!ENTITY calendar.monthview.button.label "M&#xEA;s" >

View File

@ -95,6 +95,10 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.label "Subscrever um Calend&#xE1;rio Remoto...">
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.accesskey "s">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.label "Reload Remote Calendars">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.key "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.accesskey "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.label "Publicar Eventos Selecionados...">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.accesskey "p">

View File

@ -153,6 +153,7 @@
<!ENTITY newtodo.duedate.warning "Dátum štartu je po dátume ukončenia.">
<!ENTITY newtodo.repeatstart.warning "Dátum začiatku je potrebný pre opakovanie.">
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteallevents "Are you sure you want to delete all the selected events?" >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteevent "Skutočne chcete odstrániť udalosť nazvanú: " >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteuntitledevent "Skutočne chcete odstrániť túto nepomenovanú udalosť?" >
@ -280,6 +281,11 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.button.label "Odber" >
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.button.label "Publikovanie" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.label "Local Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.tooltip "Reload all local calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.label "Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.tooltip "Reload all remote calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.dayview.button.label "Denný" >
<!ENTITY calendar.weekview.button.label "Týždenný" >
<!ENTITY calendar.monthview.button.label "Mesačný" >

View File

@ -94,6 +94,10 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.label "Prijať vzdialený kalendár...">
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.accesskey "j">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.label "Reload Remote Calendars">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.key "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.accesskey "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.label "Publikovať vybrané udalosti...">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.accesskey "b">

View File

@ -153,6 +153,7 @@
<!ENTITY newtodo.duedate.warning "Datum pričetka je po roku opravka.">
<!ENTITY newtodo.repeatstart.warning "Za ponavljanje je potreben datum pričetka.">
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteallevents "Are you sure you want to delete all the selected events?" >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteevent "Želite res zbrisati dogodek: ">
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteuntitledevent "Želite res zbrisati ta neimenovani dogodek?">
@ -280,6 +281,11 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.button.label "Naroči" >
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.button.label "Objavi" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.label "Local Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.tooltip "Reload all local calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.label "Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.tooltip "Reload all remote calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.dayview.button.label "Dnevni pogled">
<!ENTITY calendar.weekview.button.label "Tedenski pogled">
<!ENTITY calendar.monthview.button.label "Mesečni pogled">

View File

@ -94,6 +94,10 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.label "Prijava na oddaljeni koledar ...">
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.accesskey "l">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.label "Reload Remote Calendars">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.key "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.accesskey "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.label "Objavi izbrane dogodke ...">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.accesskey "O">

View File

@ -154,6 +154,7 @@
<!ENTITY newtodo.duedate.warning "Ditt startdatum är efter ditt förfallodatum.">
<!ENTITY newtodo.repeatstart.warning "Start date required for recurrence.">
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteallevents "Are you sure you want to delete all the selected events?" >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteevent "Är du säker på att du vill radera händelsen med titeln: " >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteuntitledevent "Är du säker på att du vill radera denna händelse utan namn?" >
@ -281,6 +282,11 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.button.label "Subscribe" >
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.button.label "Publish" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.label "Local Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.tooltip "Reload all local calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.label "Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.tooltip "Reload all remote calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.dayview.button.label "Dagsöversikt" >
<!ENTITY calendar.weekview.button.label "Veckoöversikt" >
<!ENTITY calendar.monthview.button.label "Månadsöversikt" >

View File

@ -95,6 +95,10 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.label "Prenumerera På Länkad Kalender...">
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.accesskey "p">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.label "Reload Remote Calendars">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.key "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.accesskey "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.label "Publicera Valda Händelser...">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.accesskey "u">

View File

@ -153,6 +153,7 @@
<!ENTITY newtodo.duedate.warning "Başlangıç tarihi bitiş tarihinden sonra.">
<!ENTITY newtodo.repeatstart.warning "Tekrarlama için başlangıç zamanı gerekli.">
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteallevents "Are you sure you want to delete all the selected events?" >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteevent "Bu başlıkdaki olaylar silinsin mi : " >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteuntitledevent "Başlıksız olayları silinsin mi ?" >
@ -280,6 +281,11 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.button.label "Kaydol" >
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.button.label "Yayınla" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.label "Local Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.tooltip "Reload all local calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.label "Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.tooltip "Reload all remote calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.dayview.button.label "Günlük göster" >
<!ENTITY calendar.weekview.button.label "Haftalık göster" >
<!ENTITY calendar.monthview.button.label "Aylık göster " >

View File

@ -94,6 +94,10 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.label "Uzaktaki takvime kaydol...">
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.accesskey "u">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.label "Reload Remote Calendars">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.key "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.accesskey "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.label "Olayları yayınla...">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.accesskey "y">

View File

@ -153,6 +153,7 @@
<!ENTITY newtodo.duedate.warning "Waš startowy datum je po wašim kónčnym datumje.">
<!ENTITY newtodo.repeatstart.warning "Start date required for recurrence.">
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteallevents "Are you sure you want to delete all the selected events?" >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteevent "Sće wy wěsty, zo chceće podawk z sćěhowacym titlom wotstronić?" >
<!ENTITY calendar.confirm.deleteuntitledevent "Sće wy wěsty, zo chceće tutón podawk bjez titla wotstronić?" >
@ -280,6 +281,11 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.button.label "Subscribe" >
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.button.label "Publish" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.label "Local Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.localreload.button.tooltip "Reload all local calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.label "Reload" >
<!ENTITY calendar.remotereload.button.tooltip "Reload all remote calendars" >
<!ENTITY calendar.dayview.button.label "Dnjowy wid" >
<!ENTITY calendar.weekview.button.label "Tydźenski wid" >
<!ENTITY calendar.monthview.button.label "Měsačny wid" >

View File

@ -94,6 +94,10 @@
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.label "Nazdalnu protyku abonować...">
<!ENTITY calendar.subscribe.accesskey "z">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.label "Reload Remote Calendars">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.key "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.reloadserver.accesskey "R">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.label "Podawki publikować...">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.accesskey "p">