Bug 522430 - Assert that this bad case doesn't happen. r=jst

This commit is contained in:
Blake Kaplan 2009-10-20 17:22:16 -07:00
parent 7761c930de
commit d72e0db783

View File

@ -4540,6 +4540,23 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP
nsWindowSH::PreCreate(nsISupports *nativeObj, JSContext *cx,
JSObject *globalObj, JSObject **parentObj)
#ifdef DEBUG
nsGlobalWindow *win = nsGlobalWindow::FromSupports(nativeObj);
if (win->IsChromeWindow()) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> principal;
nsresult rv =
sSecMan->GetObjectPrincipal(cx, globalObj, getter_AddRefs(principal));
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
PRBool isSystem;
rv = sSecMan->IsSystemPrincipal(principal, &isSystem);
"Why are we wrapping a chrome window in a content scope?");
// Normally ::PreCreate() is used to give XPConnect the parent
// object for the object that's being wrapped, this parent object is
// set as the parent of the wrapper and it's also used to find the