New TinderDB code to gather SVN information for a given

date/time for display in the "blame" column
This commit is contained in: 2005-10-19 03:21:58 +00:00
parent 98f7c9d9bf
commit d976364b35
2 changed files with 830 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
2005-10-18 Mike Taylor <>
* src/lib/TinderDB/
New TinderDB code to gather SVN information for a given
date/time for display in the "blame" column
2005-10-11 Mike Taylor <>
* configure
applied patch to remove the spurious output from the xarg

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@ -0,0 +1,825 @@
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# TinderDB::VC_SVN - methods to query the SVN Version Control
# system and find the users who have checked changes into the tree
# recently and renders this information into HTML for the status page.
# This module depends on TreeData. The TinderHeader::TreeState is
# queried so that users will be displayed in the color which
# represents the state of the tree at the time they checked their code
# in. If you are using bonsai you should not use this module, use
# TinderDB::VC_Bonsai instead.
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Tinderbox build tool.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Written by Mike Taylor ( and heavily
# based on to get the flavour of the existing code
# Contributor(s):
# $Revision: 1.1 $
# $Date: 2005/10/19 03:21:58 $
# $Author: $
# $Source: /home/hwine/cvs_conversion/cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/tinderbox2/src/lib/TinderDB/,v $
# $Name: $
package TinderDB::VC_SVN;
# the raw SVN implemenation of the Version Control DB for Tinderbox.
# This column of the status table will report who has changed files in
# the SVN repository and what files they have changed.
# NOTE: This code uses "svn log" to pull the history log for a given
# revision (by date/time) and parses that output
# We store the hash of all names who modified the tree at a
# particular time as follows:
# $DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'author'}{$author}{$file} = 1;
# additionally information about changes in the tree state are stored
# in the variable:
# $DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'treestate'} = $state;
# we also store information in the metadata structure
# $METADATA{$tree}{'updates_since_trim'} += 1;
# where state is either 'Open' or 'Closed' or some other user defined string.
# Cell colors are controled by the functions:
# TreeData::get_all_tree_states()
# TreeData::TreeState2color($state)
# Load standard perl libraries
use File::Basename;
use Time::Local;
# Load Tinderbox libraries
use lib '#tinder_libdir#';
use TinderDB::BasicTxtDB;
use Utils;
use HTMLPopUp;
use TreeData;
use VCDisplay;
$VERSION = ( qw $Revision: 1.1 $ )[1];
@ISA = qw(TinderDB::BasicTxtDB);
# name of the version control system
$VC_NAME = $TinderConfig::VC_NAME || "SVN";
# How we recoginize bug number in the checkin comments.
$VC_BUGNUM_REGEXP = $TinderConfig::VC_BUGNUM_REGEXP || '(\d\d\d+)';
# We 'have a' notice so that we can put stars in our column.
$NOTICE = TinderDB::Notice->new();
$DEBUG = 1;
sub parse_svn_time {
# convert svn times into unix times.
# timestamp is passed in as "2005-06-02 01:38:15 -0400 (Thu, 02 Jun 2005)"
my ($timestamp) = @_;
my (@timestamp) = split(/ /, $timestamp);
my ($date_str) = shift @timestamp;
my ($time_str) = shift @timestamp;
my ($year, $mon, $mday, $hours, $min,) = ();
($year, $mon, $mday,) = split(/-/, $date_str);
($hours, $min,) = split(/:/, $time_str);
# The perl conventions for these variables is 0 origin while the
# "display" convention for these variables is 1 origin.
my $sec = 0;
my ($time) = timelocal($sec,$min,$hours,$mday,$mon,$year);
# This fix is needed every year on Jan 1. On that day $time is
# nearly a year in the future so is much bigger then $main::TIME.
if ( ($time - $main::TIME) > $main::SECONDS_PER_MONTH) {
$time = timelocal($sec,$min,$hours,$mday,$mon,$year - 1);
# check that the result is reasonable.
if ( (($main::TIME - $main::SECONDS_PER_YEAR) > $time) ||
(($main::TIME + $main::SECONDS_PER_MONTH) < $time) ) {
die("SVN reported time: $time ".scalar(localtime($time)).
" which is more then a year away from now or in the future.\n");
return $time;
sub time2svnformat {
# convert time() format to svn input format
my ($time) = @_;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,
$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = gmtime($time);
$year += 1900;
# for now only do date
my ($svn_date_str) = sprintf("%04u-%02u-%02u",
$year, $mon, $mday);
#my ($svn_date_str) = sprintf("%04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u",
# $year, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
return $svn_date_str;
sub trim_db_history {
# remove all records from the database which are older then last_time.
my ($self, $tree,) = (@_);
my ($last_time) = $main::TIME - $TinderDB::TRIM_SECONDS;
# sort numerically ascending
my (@times) = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{ $DATABASE{$tree} };
foreach $time (@times) {
($time >= $last_time) && last;
delete $DATABASE{$tree}{$time};
return ;
sub get_all_svn_data {
# Print out the Database in a visually useful form.
my ($self, $tree) = (@_);
my $treestate = TinderHeader::gettree_header('TreeState', $tree);
# sort numerically descending
my (@times) = sort {$b <=> $a} keys %{ $DATABASE{$tree} };
my $out;
$out .= "<HTML>\n";
$out .= "<HEAD>\n";
$out .= "\t<TITLE>SVN Checkin Data as gathered by Tinderbox</TITLE>\n";
$out .= "</HEAD>\n";
$out .= "<BODY>\n";
$out .= "<H3>SVN Checkin Data as gathered by Tinderbox</H3>\n";
$out .= "\n\n";
$out .= "\t<TR>\n";
$out .= "\t\t<TH>Time</TH>\n";
$out .= "\t\t<TH>Tree State</TH>\n";
$out .= "\t\t<TH>Author</TH>\n";
$out .= "\t\t<TH>File</TH>\n";
$out .= "\t</TR>\n";
# we want to be able to make links into this page either with the
# times of checkins or of times which are round numbers.
my $rounded_increment = $main::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE * 5;
my $rounded_time = main::round_time($times[0]);
# Why are the names so confusing in this code?
# Netscape does not scroll to the middle of a large table if we
# put names between the rows, however it will scroll if we name
# the contents of a cell.
foreach $time (@times) {
# Allow us to create links which point to times which may not
# appear in the data. These links should correspond to the cell
# spacing in the status table.
my $names = '';
while ($rounded_time > $time) {
my $comment = "<!-- ".localtime($rounded_time)." -->";
$names .= ("\t\t\t".
HTMLPopUp::Link("name" => $rounded_time,
"linktxt" => $comment,
$rounded_time -= $rounded_increment;
# Allow us to create links which point to any row.
my $localtime = localtime($time);
my $cell_time = HTMLPopUp::Link("name" => $time,
"linktxt" => $localtime,
($names) && ($cell_time .= "\n".$names."\t\t");
if (defined($DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'treestate'})) {
my $localtime = localtime($time);
$treestate = $DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'treestate'};
$out .= "\t<TR>\n";
$out .= "\t\t<TD>$cell_time</TD>\n";
$out .= "\t\t<TD ALIGN=center >$treestate</TD>\n";
$out .= "\t\t<TD>$HTMLPopUp::EMPTY_TABLE_CELL</TD>\n";
$out .= "\t\t<TD>$HTMLPopUp::EMPTY_TABLE_CELL</TD>\n";
$out .= "\t</TR>\n";
if ( defined($DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'author'}) ) {
my ($recs) = $DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'author'};
my $localtime = localtime($time);
my (@authors) = sort (keys %{ $recs });
foreach $author (@authors) {
my @files = sort (keys %{ $recs->{$author} });
my $rowspan = scalar (@files);
my $cell_options = "ALIGN=center ROWSPAN=$rowspan";
$out .= "\t<TR>\n";
$out .= "\t\t<TD $cell_options>$cell_time</TD>\n";
$out .= "\t\t<TD $cell_options>$treestate</TD>\n";
$out .= "\t\t<TD $cell_options>$author</TD>\n";
my $num;
foreach $file (@files) {
($num) && ($out .= "\t<TR>\n");
$num ++;
$out .= "\t\t<TD>$file</TD>\n";
$out .= "\t</TR>\n";
} # $file
} # $author
} # $time
$out .= "</TABLE>\n";
$out .= "\n\n";
$out .= "This page was generated at: ";
$out .= localtime($main::TIME);
$out .= "\n\n";
$out .= "</BODY>\n";
$out .= "</HTML>\n";
return $out;
sub find_last_data {
# Return the most recent times that we recieved treestate and checkin data.
my ($tree) = @_;
# sort numerically descending
my (@times) = sort {$b <=> $a} keys %{ $DATABASE{$tree} };
my ($last_tree_data, $second2last_tree_data, $last_svn_data);
foreach $time (@times) {
# We must check $second2last_tree_data before $last_tree_data or
# we may end up with both pointing to the same entry.
(defined($last_tree_data)) &&
(!defined($second2last_tree_data)) &&
(defined($DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'treestate'})) &&
($second2last_tree_data = $time);
(!defined($last_tree_data)) &&
(defined($DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'treestate'})) &&
($last_tree_data = $time);
(!defined($last_svn_data)) &&
(defined($DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'author'})) &&
($last_svn_data = $time);
# do not iterate through the whole history.
# Stop after we have the data we need.
(defined($last_svn_data)) &&
(defined($second2last_svn_data)) &&
(defined($last_tree_data)) &&
} # foreach $time (@times)
return ($last_tree_data, $second2last_tree_data, $last_svn_data);
sub apply_db_updates {
# Get the recent data from SVN and the treestate file.
my ($self, $tree,) = @_;
my ($new_tree_state) = TinderHeader::gettree_header('TreeState', $tree);
my ($last_tree_data, $second2last_tree_data, $last_svn_data) =
# Store the latest treestate in the database along with the checkin data.
# Take this opportunity to perform an optimization of the database.
# We purge duplicate 'treestate' entries (entries at consecutive
# times which have the same state) to keep the DB size down.
# Data::Dumper takes a long time and reducing the data that it needs
# to process really helps speed things up.
# If we delete too many duplicates then we loose information when
# the database is trimmed. We need to keep some duplicates arround
# for debuging and for "redundancy". Only delete duplicates during
# the last hour. Notice we are still removing 90% of the
# duplicates.
# If we have three data points in a row, and all of them have the
# same state and the oldest is less then an hour old, then we can
# delete the middle state. While writing this code I kept trying to
# make do with only one older state being remembered. The problem
# is that if you keep deleting the oldest member you always have
# exactly one entry which is only five minutes old.
if ( defined($last_tree_data) &&
defined($second2last_tree_data) &&
($new_tree_state eq $DATABASE{$tree}{$last_tree_data}{'treestate'}) &&
($new_tree_state eq $DATABASE{$tree}{$second2last_tree_data}{'treestate'}) &&
( ($main::TIME - $second2last_tree_data) < $main::SECONDS_PER_HOUR )
) {
delete $DATABASE{$tree}{$last_tree_data}{'treestate'};
(scalar(%{ $DATABASE{$tree}{$last_tree_data} }) == 0) &&
delete $DATABASE{$tree}{$last_tree_data};
$DATABASE{$tree}{$main::TIME}{'treestate'} = $new_tree_state;
($last_svn_data) || ($last_svn_data = $main::TIME - $TinderDB::TRIM_SECONDS );
my ($svn_date_str) = time2svnformat($last_svn_data, DEBUGFILE);
$svn_date_str = "{$svn_date_str}:HEAD";
$svn_date_str =~ s/\s+//;
my ($num_updates) = 0;
my (@cmd) = ('svn',
'log', '--verbose',
'--revision', $svn_date_str,
my (@svn_output) = main::cache_cmd(@cmd);
# yep - the parsing code below is rather verbose but I did it this
# way so that others can see what is happening and use/improve it
# without having to grok a lot of perl'isms
# once it's been shown to be stable and bug-free *then* I will optimize it
$parseRevision = True;
$parseComments = False;
$parseFiles = False;
foreach $line (@svn_output) {
# we are now parsing lines which look like this:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# r5461 | bear | 2005-05-25 20:48:54 -0700 (Wed, 25 May 2005) | 2 lines
# Changed paths:
# M /trunk/chandler/distrib/linux/manifest.debug.linux
# M /trunk/chandler/distrib/linux/manifest.linux
# M /trunk/chandler/distrib/osx/manifest.debug.osx
# M /trunk/chandler/distrib/osx/manifest.osx
# M /trunk/chandler/distrib/win/
# M /trunk/chandler/distrib/win/
# Changed references to CVS in the exclude lists to .svn
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# r5462 | vajda | 2005-05-25 21:32:53 -0700 (Wed, 25 May 2005) | 1 line
# Changed paths:
# M /trunk/chandler/parcels/osaf/contentmodel/mail/
# fixed bug due to switchover to datetime
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $parseRevision eq True ) {
unless ( substr($line, 0, 5) eq '-----' ||
substr($line, 0, 22) eq 'No commit for revision') {
chop ($line);
my (@line) = split(/\|/, $line);
$revision = shift @line;
$author = shift @line;
$timestamp = shift @line;
$commentlines = shift @line;
$revision =~ s/^\s+//;
$author =~ s/^\s+//;
$author =~ s/\s+$//;
$timestamp =~ s/^\s+//;
$commentlines =~ s/^\s+//;
$time = parse_svn_time($timestamp);
@line = split(/ /, $commentlines);
$commentlinecount = shift @line;
($dest_dir, $repository_dir, $file, $comments) = '';
$parseRevision = False;
$parseComments = False;
$parseFiles = True;
else {
if ( $parseFiles eq True ) {
chop ($line);
if ( length($line) eq 0 ) {
$parseFiles = False;
$parseComment = True;
else {
unless ( substr($line, 0, 14) eq 'Changed paths:' ) {
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
@line = split(/ /, $line);
$revtype = shift @line;
$file = shift @line;
$file =~ s/^\///;
$DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'author'}{$author}{"$file"} = 1;
$num_updates ++;
else {
if ( $parseComment eq True ) {
$comment .= $line;
$commentlinecount -= 1;
if ( $commentlinecount == 0 ) {
$parseComments = False;
$parseRevision = True;
} # foreach $line
($num_updates) || return 0;
$METADATA{$tree}{'updates_since_trim'} += $num_updates;
if ( ($METADATA{$tree}{'updates_since_trim'} >
# VCDisplay needs to know the filename that we write to, so that the
# can reference this file. However VC display is called by
# Build, Time as well as this VC column. So all the VC implementations
# must store their data into a file with the same name.
my $all_vc_data = $self->get_all_svn_data($tree);
my ($outfile) = (FileStructure::get_filename($tree, 'tree_HTML')."/all_vc.html");
main::overwrite_file($outfile, $all_vc_data);
return $num_updates;
sub status_table_legend {
my ($out)='';
# print all the possible tree states in a cell with the color
$out .= "\t<td align=right valign=top>\n";
$out .= "\t<table $TinderDB::LEGEND_BORDER>\n";
$out .= ("\t\t<thead><tr><td align=center>".
"$VC_NAME Cell Colors".
foreach $state (TreeData::get_all_sorted_tree_states()) {
my ($cell_color) = TreeData::TreeState2color($state);
my ($char) = TreeData::TreeState2char($state);
my ($description) = TreeData::TreeStates2descriptions($state);
$description = "$state: $description";
my $text_browser_color_string = HTMLPopUp::text_browser_color_string($cell_color, $char);
$description = ($text_browser_color_string.
$out .= ("\t\t<tr bgcolor=\"$cell_color\">".
$out .= "\t</table>\n";
$out .= "\t</td>\n";
return ($out);
sub notice_association {
# where can people attach notices to?
# Really this is the names the columns produced by this DB
return $VC_NAME;
sub status_table_header {
return ("\t<th>$VC_NAME</th>\n");
sub status_table_start {
# clear data structures in preparation for printing a new table
my ($self, $row_times, $tree, ) = @_;
# create an ordered list of all times which any data is stored
# sort numerically descending
@DB_TIMES = sort {$b <=> $a} keys %{ $DATABASE{$tree} };
# adjust the $NEXT_DB to skip data which came after the first cell
# at the top of the page. We make the first cell bigger then the
# rest to allow for some overlap between pages.
my ($first_cell_seconds) = 2*($row_times->[0] - $row_times->[1]);
my ($earliest_data) = $row_times->[0] + $first_cell_seconds;
$NEXT_DB = 0;
while ( ($DB_TIMES[$NEXT_DB] > $earliest_data) &&
($NEXT_DB < $#DB_TIMES) ) {
return ;
sub status_table_row {
my ($self, $row_times, $row_index, $tree, ) = @_;
my (@outrow) = ();
# we assume that tree states only change rarely so there are very
# few cells which have more then one state associated with them.
# It does not matter what we do with those cells.
# find all the authors who changed code at any point in this cell
# find the tree state for this cell.
my (@authors) = ();
my $checkin_page_reference;
while (1) {
my ($time) = $DB_TIMES[$NEXT_DB];
# find the DB entries which are needed for this cell
($time < $row_times->[$row_index]) && last;
if (defined($DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'treestate'})) {
$LAST_TREESTATE = $DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'treestate'};
if (defined($DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'author'})) {
push @authors, (keys %{ $DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'author'} });
if (!(defined($checkin_page_reference))) {
$checkin_page_reference = $time;
} # while (1)
@authors = main::uniq(@authors);
# If there is no treestate, then the tree state has not changed
# since an early time. The earliest time was assigned a state in
# apply_db_updates(). It is possible that there are no treestates at
# all this should not prevent the VC column from being rendered.
my ($cell_color) = TreeData::TreeState2color($LAST_TREESTATE);
my ($char) = TreeData::TreeState2char($LAST_TREESTATE);
my $cell_options = '';
my $text_browser_color_string;
my $empty_cell_contents = $HTMLPopUp::EMPTY_TABLE_CELL;
if ( ($LAST_TREESTATE) && ($cell_color) ) {
my ($cell_options) = "bgcolor=$cell_color ";
$text_browser_color_string =
HTMLPopUp::text_browser_color_string($cell_color, $char);
# for those who like empty cells to be truly empty, we need to
# be sure that they see the different cell colors when they
# change.
if (
($cell_color !~ m/white/) &&
(!($text_browser_color_string)) &&
(!($empty_cell_contents)) &&
1) {
$empty_cell_contents = "&nbsp;";
my ($query_links) = '';
$query_links.= "\t\t".$text_browser_color_string."\n";
if ( scalar(@authors) ) {
# find the times which bound the cell so that we can set up a
# VC query.
my ($mindate) = $row_times->[$row_index];
my ($maxdate);
if ($row_index > 0){
$maxdate = $row_times->[$row_index - 1];
} else {
$maxdate = $main::TIME;
my ($format_maxdate) = HTMLPopUp::timeHTML($maxdate);
my ($format_mindate) = HTMLPopUp::timeHTML($mindate);
my ($time_interval_str) = "$format_maxdate to $format_mindate";
# create a string of all VC data for displaying with the checkin table
my ($vc_info);
foreach $key ('module',) {
my ($value) = $TreeData::VC_TREE{$tree}{$key};
$vc_info .= "$key: $value <br>\n";
# I wish we could give only the information for a particular
# branch, since we can not document that this is for all branches
$vc_info .= "branch: all <br>\n";
foreach $author (@authors) {
# This is a specific CVS/Bonsai
# issue. Most users do not have '%' in their CVS names. Do
# not display the full mail address in the status column,
# it takes up too much space.
# Keep only the user name.
my $display_author=$author;
$display_author =~ s/\%.*//;
my $mailto_author=$author;
$mailto_author = TreeData::VCName2MailAddress($author);
# The Link Choices inside the popup.
my $link_choices = "Checkins by <b>$author</b><br>";
$link_choices .= " for $vc_info \n<br>";
$link_choices .= VCDisplay::query('tree' => $tree,
'mindate' => $mindate,
'maxdate' => $maxdate,
'who' => $author,
"linktxt" => "This check-in",
$link_choices .= "<br>";
# $link_choices .=
# VCDisplay::query(
# 'tree' => $tree,
# 'mindate' => $mindate - $main::SECONDS_PER_DAY,
# 'maxdate' => $maxdate,
# 'who' => $author,
# "linktxt" => "Check-ins within 24 hours",
# );
# $link_choices .= "<br>";
# $link_choices .=
# VCDisplay::query(
# 'tree' => $tree,
# 'mindate' => $mindate - $main::SECONDS_PER_WEEK,
# 'maxdate' => $maxdate,
# 'who' => $author,
# "linktxt" => "Check-ins within 7 days",
# );
# $link_choices .= "<br>";
$link_choices .= HTMLPopUp::Link("href" => "mailto:$mailto_author",
"linktxt" => "Send Mail to $author",
$link_choices .= "<br>";
my ($href) = (FileStructure::get_filename($tree, 'tree_URL').
$link_choices .= HTMLPopUp::Link("href" => $href,
"linktxt" => "Tinderbox Checkin Data",
$link_choices .= "<br>";
my (%popup_args) = ("windowtxt" => $link_choices,
"windowtitle" => ("$VC_NAME Info ".
"Author: $author ".
"$time_interval_str "),
my ($query_link) = "";
$query_link .= VCDisplay::query('tree' => $tree,
'mindate' => $mindate,
'maxdate' => $maxdate,
'who' => $author,
"linktxt" => "\t\t<tt>$display_author</tt>",
# put each link on its own line and add good comments so we
# can debug the HTML.
my ($date_str) = localtime($mindate)."-".localtime($maxdate);
if ($DEBUG) {
$query_links .= ("\t\t<!-- VC_SVN: ".
("Author: $author, ".
"Time: '$date_str', ".
"Tree: $tree, ".
" -->\n".
$query_links .= "\t\t".$query_link."\n";
} # foreach %author
my $notice = $NOTICE->Notice_Link($maxdate,
if ($notice) {
$query_links.= "\t\t".$notice."\n";
$query_links.= "\t\t".$text_browser_color_string."\n";
@outrow = ("\t<td align=center $cell_color>\n".
} else {
@outrow = ("\t<!-- skipping: VC_Bonsai: tree: $tree -->".
"<td align=center $cell_options>$empty_cell_contents</td>\n");
return @outrow;