clean up, and still better cell width attribute layout

This commit is contained in:
buster 1998-06-05 22:50:03 +00:00
parent befcd4fc78
commit e5144b1a9c
6 changed files with 300 additions and 116 deletions

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ NS_DEF_PTR(nsIStyleContext);
#ifdef NS_DEBUG
static PRBool gsDebug = PR_TRUE;
static PRBool gsDebug = PR_FALSE;
static PRBool gsDebugCLD = PR_FALSE;
static PRBool gsTiming = PR_FALSE;
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceProportionalColumns(nsIPresContext* aPre
{ // the table fits somewhere between its min and desired size
if (gsDebug) printf (" * table desired size does not fit, calling BalanceColumnsConstrained\n");
result = BalanceColumnsConstrained(aPresContext, aAvailWidth,
result = BalanceColumnsConstrained(aPresContext, aReflowState, aAvailWidth,
aMaxWidth, aMinTableWidth, aMaxTableWidth);
@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceProportionalColumns(nsIPresContext* aPre
else if (aTableFixedWidth<aMaxTableWidth)
{ // the table's specified width is between it's min and max, so fit the columns in proportionately
if (gsDebug) printf (" * specified width table < maxTableWidth, calling BalanceColumnsConstrained\n");
result = BalanceColumnsConstrained(aPresContext, aAvailWidth,
result = BalanceColumnsConstrained(aPresContext, aReflowState, aAvailWidth,
aAvailWidth, aMinTableWidth, aMaxTableWidth);
// should 3rd param above be aAvailWidth?
@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsTableFits(nsIPresContext* aPresCo
SpanInfo *spanInfo = new SpanInfo(colSpan-1, cellMinWidth, cellDesiredWidth);
if (nsnull==spanList)
spanList = new nsVoidArray();
spanList->AppendElement (spanInfo);
@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsTableFits(nsIPresContext* aPresCo
colIndex, aAvailWidth, specifiedProportionColumnWidth, totalSlices);
else if (-1!=specifiedFixedColumnWidth)
{ // the column has a specified pixel width
// if the column was computed to be too small, enlarge the column
nscoord resolvedWidth = specifiedFixedColumnWidth;
if (specifiedFixedColumnWidth <= minColWidth)
@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsTableFits(nsIPresContext* aPresCo
printf (" 3 fixed: col %d given %d\n", colIndex, resolvedWidth);
{ // give each remaining column a percentage of the remaining space
{ // give the column a percentage of the remaining space
PRInt32 percentage = -1;
{ // since the "remaining space" is infinite, give the column it's max requested size
@ -744,10 +744,16 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsTableFits(nsIPresContext* aPresCo
percentage = 100/numCols;
// base the % on the remaining available width
mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, (percentage*aAvailWidth)/100);
if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE)
printf (" 3 percent default: col %d given %d percent of aAvailWidth %d, set to width = %d\n",
colIndex, percentage, aAvailWidth, mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex));
// if the column was computed to be too small, enlarge the column
if (mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex) <= minColWidth)
mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, minColWidth);
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf(" enlarging column to it's minimum = %d\n", minColWidth);
@ -825,7 +831,11 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsTableFits(nsIPresContext* aPresCo
return result;
/* this method is very similar to BalanaceColumnsTableFits, but there are enough
* subtle differences that code reuse is impractical. it's a shame.
PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsConstrained( nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
const nsReflowState& aReflowState,
PRInt32 aAvailWidth,
PRInt32 aMaxWidth,
PRInt32 aMinTableWidth,
@ -894,6 +904,7 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsConstrained( nsIPresContext* aPre
{ // this col has proportional width, so determine its width requirements
nsCellLayoutData * data = (nsCellLayoutData *)(cells->ElementAt(cellIndex));
NS_ASSERTION(nsnull != data, "bad data");
PRInt32 colSpan = data->GetCellFrame()->GetColSpan();
nsSize * cellMinSize = data->GetMaxElementSize();
NS_ASSERTION(nsnull != cellMinSize, "bad cellMinSize");
@ -905,11 +916,59 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsConstrained( nsIPresContext* aPre
nscoord marginWidth = margin.left + margin.right;
PRInt32 cellMinWidth = cellMinSize->width/colSpan + marginWidth;
// first get the desired size info from reflow pass 1
PRInt32 cellDesiredWidth = cellDesiredSize->width/colSpan + marginWidth;
// then get the desired size info factoring in the cell style attributes
nscoord specifiedCellWidth=-1;
nsIStyleContextPtr cellSC;
data->GetCellFrame()->GetStyleContext(aPresContext, cellSC.AssignRef());
const nsStylePosition* cellPosition = (const nsStylePosition*)
switch (cellPosition->mWidth.GetUnit()) {
case eStyleUnit_Coord:
specifiedCellWidth = cellPosition->mWidth.GetCoordValue();
if (gsDebug) printf("cell has specified coord width = %d\n", specifiedCellWidth);
case eStyleUnit_Percent:
nscoord tableWidth=0;
nsIStyleContextPtr tableSC;
mTableFrame->GetStyleContext(aPresContext, tableSC.AssignRef());
PRBool tableIsAutoWidth = nsTableFrame::TableIsAutoWidth(mTableFrame, tableSC, aReflowState, tableWidth);
float percent = cellPosition->mWidth.GetPercentValue();
specifiedCellWidth = (PRInt32)(tableWidth*percent);
if (gsDebug) printf("specified percent width %f of %d = %d\n",
percent, tableWidth, specifiedCellWidth);
case eStyleUnit_Inherit:
// XXX for now, do nothing
case eStyleUnit_Auto:
if (-1!=specifiedCellWidth)
if (specifiedCellWidth>cellMinWidth)
if (gsDebug) printf("setting cellDesiredWidth from %d to %d\n",
cellDesiredWidth, specifiedCellWidth);
cellDesiredWidth = specifiedCellWidth; // TODO: some math needed here for colspans
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug)
printf("factoring in cell %d with colSpan=%d\n factoring in min=%d and desired=%d\n",
cellIndex, colSpan, cellMinWidth, cellDesiredWidth);
if (minColWidth < cellMinWidth)
minColWidth = cellMinWidth;
if (maxColWidth < cellDesiredWidth)
maxColWidth = cellDesiredWidth;
if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE)
printf (" after cell %d, minColWidth = %d and maxColWidth = %d\n",
cellIndex, minColWidth, maxColWidth);
if (1<colSpan)
// add the cell to our list of spanners
@ -918,9 +977,6 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsConstrained( nsIPresContext* aPre
spanList = new nsVoidArray();
if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE)
printf (" after cell %d, minColWidth = %d and maxColWidth = %d\n",
cellIndex, minColWidth, maxColWidth);
if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE)
@ -933,15 +989,22 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsConstrained( nsIPresContext* aPre
// Get column width if it has one
nscoord specifiedProportion = -1;
nscoord specifiedProportionColumnWidth = -1;
float specifiedPercentageColWidth = -1.0f;
nscoord specifiedFixedColumnWidth = -1;
PRBool isAutoWidth = PR_FALSE;
switch (colPosition->mWidth.GetUnit()) {
case eStyleUnit_Coord:
specifiedFixedColumnWidth = colPosition->mWidth.GetCoordValue();
if (gsDebug) printf("column %d has specified coord width = %d\n", colIndex, specifiedFixedColumnWidth);
case eStyleUnit_Percent:
specifiedPercentageColWidth = colPosition->mWidth.GetPercentValue();
if (gsDebug) printf("column %d has specified percent width = %f\n", colIndex, specifiedPercentageColWidth);
case eStyleUnit_Proportional:
specifiedProportion = colPosition->mWidth.GetIntValue();
specifiedProportionColumnWidth = colPosition->mWidth.GetIntValue();
if (gsDebug) printf("column %d has specified percent width = %d\n", colIndex, specifiedProportionColumnWidth);
case eStyleUnit_Auto:
isAutoWidth = PR_TRUE;
@ -950,9 +1013,8 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsConstrained( nsIPresContext* aPre
// the table fits in the space somewhere between its min and max size
// so dole out the available space appropriately
if (0==specifiedProportion || 0.0==specifiedPercentageColWidth)
/* set the column width, knowing that the table fits in the available space */
if (0==specifiedProportionColumnWidth || 0.0==specifiedPercentageColWidth)
{ // col width is specified to be the minimum
mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, minColWidth);
if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE)
@ -960,9 +1022,13 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsConstrained( nsIPresContext* aPre
colIndex, mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex));
else if (1==numCols)
{ // there is only one column, so it should be as wide as the available space allows it to be
{ // there is only one column, and we know that it's desired width doesn't fit
// so the column should be as wide as the available space allows it to be
if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" 4 one-column: col %d set to width = %d\n", colIndex, aAvailWidth);
mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, aAvailWidth);
if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE)
printf (" 4 one-col: col %d set to width = %d from available width %d\n",
colIndex, mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex), aAvailWidth);
else if (PR_TRUE==isAutoWidth)
{ // column's width is determined by its content
@ -977,7 +1043,7 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsConstrained( nsIPresContext* aPre
printf (" 4 auto-width: col %d W=%d D=%d d=%d, set to width = %d\n",
colIndex, W, D, d, mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex));
else if (0!=specifiedProportion)
else if (-1!=specifiedProportionColumnWidth)
{ // we need to save these and do them after all other columns have been calculated
/* the calculation will be:
sum up n, the total number of slices for the columns with proportional width
@ -991,14 +1057,24 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsConstrained( nsIPresContext* aPre
if (nsnull==proportionalColumnsList)
proportionalColumnsList = new nsVoidArray();
ProportionalColumnLayoutStruct * info =
new ProportionalColumnLayoutStruct(colIndex, minColWidth, maxColWidth, specifiedProportion);
new ProportionalColumnLayoutStruct(colIndex, minColWidth, maxColWidth, specifiedProportionColumnWidth);
totalSlices += specifiedProportion;
if (1!=specifiedProportion)
totalSlices += specifiedProportionColumnWidth;
if (1!=specifiedProportionColumnWidth)
equalWidthColumns = PR_FALSE;
else if (-1!=specifiedFixedColumnWidth)
{ // the column has a specified pixel width
// if the column was computed to be too small, enlarge the column
nscoord resolvedWidth = specifiedFixedColumnWidth;
if (specifiedFixedColumnWidth <= minColWidth)
resolvedWidth = minColWidth;
mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, resolvedWidth);
if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE)
printf (" 4 fixed: col %d given %d\n", colIndex, resolvedWidth);
{ // give each remaining column a percentage of the remaining space
{ // give the column a percentage of the remaining space
PRInt32 percentage = -1;
{ // since the "remaining space" is infinite, give the column it's max requested size
@ -1007,26 +1083,36 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsConstrained( nsIPresContext* aPre
if (-1.0f != specifiedPercentageColWidth)
percentage = (PRInt32)(specifiedPercentageColWidth*100.0f); // TODO: rounding errors?
// base the % on the total specified fixed width of the table
mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, (percentage*aMaxWidth)/100);
if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE)
printf (" 4 percent specified: col %d given %d percent of aMaxWidth %d, set to width = %d\n",
colIndex, percentage, aMaxWidth, mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex));
if (-1==percentage)
percentage = 100/numCols;
// base the % on the total max width
mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, (percentage*aMaxWidth)/100);
// base the % on the remaining available width
mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, (percentage*aAvailWidth)/100);
if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE)
printf (" 4 percent default: col %d given %d percent of aAvailWidth %d, set to width = %d\n",
colIndex, percentage, aAvailWidth, mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex));
// if the column was computed to be too small, enlarge the column
if (mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex) <= minColWidth)
mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, minColWidth);
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf(" enlarging column to it's minimum = %d\n", minColWidth);
if (maxOfAllMinColWidths < minColWidth)
maxOfAllMinColWidths = minColWidth;
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug)
printf(" and setting maxOfAllMins to %d\n", maxOfAllMinColWidths);
if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE)
printf (" 4b: col %d given %d percent of maxWidth %d, set to width = %d\n",
colIndex, percentage, aMaxWidth, mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex));
if (0!=maxOfAllMinColWidths)
printf(" and setting maxOfAllMins to %d\n", maxOfAllMinColWidths);
@ -1054,7 +1140,7 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsConstrained( nsIPresContext* aPre
nscoord computedColWidth = info->mProportion*widthPerSlice;
mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(info->mColIndex, computedColWidth);
if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE)
printf (" 3c: col %d given %d proportion of remaining space %d, set to width = %d\n",
printf (" 4 proportion: col %d given %d proportion of remaining space %d, set to width = %d\n",
info->mColIndex, info->mProportion, widthRemaining, computedColWidth);
delete info;

View File

@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ struct nsStylePosition;
struct SpanInfo
PRInt32 span;
PRInt32 cellMinWidth;
PRInt32 cellDesiredWidth;
nscoord span;
nscoord cellMinWidth;
nscoord cellDesiredWidth;
SpanInfo(PRInt32 aSpan, PRInt32 aMinWidth, PRInt32 aDesiredWidth)
SpanInfo(nscoord aSpan, nscoord aMinWidth, nscoord aDesiredWidth)
span = aSpan;
cellMinWidth = aMinWidth;
@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ public:
virtual PRBool BalanceColumnWidths(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIStyleContext *aTableStyle,
const nsReflowState& aReflowState,
PRInt32 aMaxWidth,
PRInt32 aNumCols,
PRInt32 &aTotalFixedWidth,
PRInt32 &aMinTableWidth,
PRInt32 &aMaxTableWidth,
nscoord aMaxWidth,
nscoord aNumCols,
nscoord &aTotalFixedWidth,
nscoord &aMinTableWidth,
nscoord &aMaxTableWidth,
nsSize* aMaxElementSize);
/** assign widths for each column that has fixed width.
@ -82,11 +82,11 @@ public:
* TODO: should be renamed to "AssignKnownWidthInformation
virtual PRBool AssignFixedColumnWidths(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
PRInt32 aMaxWidth,
PRInt32 aNumCols,
PRInt32 & aTotalFixedWidth,
PRInt32 & aMinTableWidth,
PRInt32 & aMaxTableWidth);
nscoord aMaxWidth,
nscoord aNumCols,
nscoord & aTotalFixedWidth,
nscoord & aMinTableWidth,
nscoord & aMaxTableWidth);
/** assign widths for each column that has proportional width inside a table that
* has auto width (width set by the content and available space.)
@ -104,10 +104,10 @@ public:
virtual PRBool BalanceProportionalColumns(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
const nsReflowState& aReflowState,
PRInt32 aAvailWidth,
PRInt32 aMaxWidth,
PRInt32 aMinTableWidth,
PRInt32 aMaxTableWidth,
nscoord aAvailWidth,
nscoord aMaxWidth,
nscoord aMinTableWidth,
nscoord aMaxTableWidth,
nscoord aTableFixedWidth);
/** assign the minimum allowed width for each column that has proportional width.
@ -155,10 +155,11 @@ public:
* TODO: rename this method to reflect that it is a Nav4 compatibility method
virtual PRBool BalanceColumnsConstrained(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
PRInt32 aAvailWidth,
PRInt32 aMaxWidth,
PRInt32 aMinTableWidth,
PRInt32 aMaxTableWidth);
const nsReflowState& aReflowState,
nscoord aAvailWidth,
nscoord aMaxWidth,
nscoord aMinTableWidth,
nscoord aMaxTableWidth);
/** return true if the style indicates that the width is a specific width
* for the purposes of column width determination.

View File

@ -34,17 +34,22 @@ public:
* the layout constraints, and the compatibility mode. Sets mColumnWidths as a side effect.
* @param aPresContext the presentation context
* @param aTableStyle the resolved style for the table
* @param aMaxSize the height and width constraints
* @param aMaxElementSize the min size of the largest indivisible object
* @param aReflowState the reflow state for the calling table frame
* @param aMaxWidth the width constraint
* @param aNumCols the number of columns
* @param aTotalFixedWidth [OUT] the computed fixed width of the table
* @param aMinTableWidth [OUT] the computed min width of the table
* @param aMinTableWidth [OUT] the computed max width of the table
* @param aMaxElementSize [OUT] the min size of the largest indivisible object
virtual PRBool BalanceColumnWidths(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIStyleContext *aTableStyle,
const nsReflowState& aReflowState,
PRInt32 maxWidth,
nscoord aMaxWidth,
PRInt32 aNumCols,
PRInt32 &aTotalFixedWidth,
PRInt32 &aMinTableWidth,
PRInt32 &aMaxTableWidth,
nscoord &aTotalFixedWidth,
nscoord &aMinTableWidth,
nscoord &aMaxTableWidth,
nsSize* aMaxElementSize)=0;

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ NS_DEF_PTR(nsIStyleContext);
#ifdef NS_DEBUG
static PRBool gsDebug = PR_TRUE;
static PRBool gsDebug = PR_FALSE;
static PRBool gsDebugCLD = PR_FALSE;
static PRBool gsTiming = PR_FALSE;
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceProportionalColumns(nsIPresContext* aPre
{ // the table fits somewhere between its min and desired size
if (gsDebug) printf (" * table desired size does not fit, calling BalanceColumnsConstrained\n");
result = BalanceColumnsConstrained(aPresContext, aAvailWidth,
result = BalanceColumnsConstrained(aPresContext, aReflowState, aAvailWidth,
aMaxWidth, aMinTableWidth, aMaxTableWidth);
@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceProportionalColumns(nsIPresContext* aPre
else if (aTableFixedWidth<aMaxTableWidth)
{ // the table's specified width is between it's min and max, so fit the columns in proportionately
if (gsDebug) printf (" * specified width table < maxTableWidth, calling BalanceColumnsConstrained\n");
result = BalanceColumnsConstrained(aPresContext, aAvailWidth,
result = BalanceColumnsConstrained(aPresContext, aReflowState, aAvailWidth,
aAvailWidth, aMinTableWidth, aMaxTableWidth);
// should 3rd param above be aAvailWidth?
@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsTableFits(nsIPresContext* aPresCo
SpanInfo *spanInfo = new SpanInfo(colSpan-1, cellMinWidth, cellDesiredWidth);
if (nsnull==spanList)
spanList = new nsVoidArray();
spanList->AppendElement (spanInfo);
@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsTableFits(nsIPresContext* aPresCo
colIndex, aAvailWidth, specifiedProportionColumnWidth, totalSlices);
else if (-1!=specifiedFixedColumnWidth)
{ // the column has a specified pixel width
// if the column was computed to be too small, enlarge the column
nscoord resolvedWidth = specifiedFixedColumnWidth;
if (specifiedFixedColumnWidth <= minColWidth)
@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsTableFits(nsIPresContext* aPresCo
printf (" 3 fixed: col %d given %d\n", colIndex, resolvedWidth);
{ // give each remaining column a percentage of the remaining space
{ // give the column a percentage of the remaining space
PRInt32 percentage = -1;
{ // since the "remaining space" is infinite, give the column it's max requested size
@ -744,10 +744,16 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsTableFits(nsIPresContext* aPresCo
percentage = 100/numCols;
// base the % on the remaining available width
mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, (percentage*aAvailWidth)/100);
if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE)
printf (" 3 percent default: col %d given %d percent of aAvailWidth %d, set to width = %d\n",
colIndex, percentage, aAvailWidth, mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex));
// if the column was computed to be too small, enlarge the column
if (mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex) <= minColWidth)
mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, minColWidth);
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf(" enlarging column to it's minimum = %d\n", minColWidth);
@ -825,7 +831,11 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsTableFits(nsIPresContext* aPresCo
return result;
/* this method is very similar to BalanaceColumnsTableFits, but there are enough
* subtle differences that code reuse is impractical. it's a shame.
PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsConstrained( nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
const nsReflowState& aReflowState,
PRInt32 aAvailWidth,
PRInt32 aMaxWidth,
PRInt32 aMinTableWidth,
@ -894,6 +904,7 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsConstrained( nsIPresContext* aPre
{ // this col has proportional width, so determine its width requirements
nsCellLayoutData * data = (nsCellLayoutData *)(cells->ElementAt(cellIndex));
NS_ASSERTION(nsnull != data, "bad data");
PRInt32 colSpan = data->GetCellFrame()->GetColSpan();
nsSize * cellMinSize = data->GetMaxElementSize();
NS_ASSERTION(nsnull != cellMinSize, "bad cellMinSize");
@ -905,11 +916,59 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsConstrained( nsIPresContext* aPre
nscoord marginWidth = margin.left + margin.right;
PRInt32 cellMinWidth = cellMinSize->width/colSpan + marginWidth;
// first get the desired size info from reflow pass 1
PRInt32 cellDesiredWidth = cellDesiredSize->width/colSpan + marginWidth;
// then get the desired size info factoring in the cell style attributes
nscoord specifiedCellWidth=-1;
nsIStyleContextPtr cellSC;
data->GetCellFrame()->GetStyleContext(aPresContext, cellSC.AssignRef());
const nsStylePosition* cellPosition = (const nsStylePosition*)
switch (cellPosition->mWidth.GetUnit()) {
case eStyleUnit_Coord:
specifiedCellWidth = cellPosition->mWidth.GetCoordValue();
if (gsDebug) printf("cell has specified coord width = %d\n", specifiedCellWidth);
case eStyleUnit_Percent:
nscoord tableWidth=0;
nsIStyleContextPtr tableSC;
mTableFrame->GetStyleContext(aPresContext, tableSC.AssignRef());
PRBool tableIsAutoWidth = nsTableFrame::TableIsAutoWidth(mTableFrame, tableSC, aReflowState, tableWidth);
float percent = cellPosition->mWidth.GetPercentValue();
specifiedCellWidth = (PRInt32)(tableWidth*percent);
if (gsDebug) printf("specified percent width %f of %d = %d\n",
percent, tableWidth, specifiedCellWidth);
case eStyleUnit_Inherit:
// XXX for now, do nothing
case eStyleUnit_Auto:
if (-1!=specifiedCellWidth)
if (specifiedCellWidth>cellMinWidth)
if (gsDebug) printf("setting cellDesiredWidth from %d to %d\n",
cellDesiredWidth, specifiedCellWidth);
cellDesiredWidth = specifiedCellWidth; // TODO: some math needed here for colspans
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug)
printf("factoring in cell %d with colSpan=%d\n factoring in min=%d and desired=%d\n",
cellIndex, colSpan, cellMinWidth, cellDesiredWidth);
if (minColWidth < cellMinWidth)
minColWidth = cellMinWidth;
if (maxColWidth < cellDesiredWidth)
maxColWidth = cellDesiredWidth;
if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE)
printf (" after cell %d, minColWidth = %d and maxColWidth = %d\n",
cellIndex, minColWidth, maxColWidth);
if (1<colSpan)
// add the cell to our list of spanners
@ -918,9 +977,6 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsConstrained( nsIPresContext* aPre
spanList = new nsVoidArray();
if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE)
printf (" after cell %d, minColWidth = %d and maxColWidth = %d\n",
cellIndex, minColWidth, maxColWidth);
if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE)
@ -933,15 +989,22 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsConstrained( nsIPresContext* aPre
// Get column width if it has one
nscoord specifiedProportion = -1;
nscoord specifiedProportionColumnWidth = -1;
float specifiedPercentageColWidth = -1.0f;
nscoord specifiedFixedColumnWidth = -1;
PRBool isAutoWidth = PR_FALSE;
switch (colPosition->mWidth.GetUnit()) {
case eStyleUnit_Coord:
specifiedFixedColumnWidth = colPosition->mWidth.GetCoordValue();
if (gsDebug) printf("column %d has specified coord width = %d\n", colIndex, specifiedFixedColumnWidth);
case eStyleUnit_Percent:
specifiedPercentageColWidth = colPosition->mWidth.GetPercentValue();
if (gsDebug) printf("column %d has specified percent width = %f\n", colIndex, specifiedPercentageColWidth);
case eStyleUnit_Proportional:
specifiedProportion = colPosition->mWidth.GetIntValue();
specifiedProportionColumnWidth = colPosition->mWidth.GetIntValue();
if (gsDebug) printf("column %d has specified percent width = %d\n", colIndex, specifiedProportionColumnWidth);
case eStyleUnit_Auto:
isAutoWidth = PR_TRUE;
@ -950,9 +1013,8 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsConstrained( nsIPresContext* aPre
// the table fits in the space somewhere between its min and max size
// so dole out the available space appropriately
if (0==specifiedProportion || 0.0==specifiedPercentageColWidth)
/* set the column width, knowing that the table fits in the available space */
if (0==specifiedProportionColumnWidth || 0.0==specifiedPercentageColWidth)
{ // col width is specified to be the minimum
mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, minColWidth);
if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE)
@ -960,9 +1022,13 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsConstrained( nsIPresContext* aPre
colIndex, mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex));
else if (1==numCols)
{ // there is only one column, so it should be as wide as the available space allows it to be
{ // there is only one column, and we know that it's desired width doesn't fit
// so the column should be as wide as the available space allows it to be
if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" 4 one-column: col %d set to width = %d\n", colIndex, aAvailWidth);
mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, aAvailWidth);
if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE)
printf (" 4 one-col: col %d set to width = %d from available width %d\n",
colIndex, mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex), aAvailWidth);
else if (PR_TRUE==isAutoWidth)
{ // column's width is determined by its content
@ -977,7 +1043,7 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsConstrained( nsIPresContext* aPre
printf (" 4 auto-width: col %d W=%d D=%d d=%d, set to width = %d\n",
colIndex, W, D, d, mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex));
else if (0!=specifiedProportion)
else if (-1!=specifiedProportionColumnWidth)
{ // we need to save these and do them after all other columns have been calculated
/* the calculation will be:
sum up n, the total number of slices for the columns with proportional width
@ -991,14 +1057,24 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsConstrained( nsIPresContext* aPre
if (nsnull==proportionalColumnsList)
proportionalColumnsList = new nsVoidArray();
ProportionalColumnLayoutStruct * info =
new ProportionalColumnLayoutStruct(colIndex, minColWidth, maxColWidth, specifiedProportion);
new ProportionalColumnLayoutStruct(colIndex, minColWidth, maxColWidth, specifiedProportionColumnWidth);
totalSlices += specifiedProportion;
if (1!=specifiedProportion)
totalSlices += specifiedProportionColumnWidth;
if (1!=specifiedProportionColumnWidth)
equalWidthColumns = PR_FALSE;
else if (-1!=specifiedFixedColumnWidth)
{ // the column has a specified pixel width
// if the column was computed to be too small, enlarge the column
nscoord resolvedWidth = specifiedFixedColumnWidth;
if (specifiedFixedColumnWidth <= minColWidth)
resolvedWidth = minColWidth;
mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, resolvedWidth);
if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE)
printf (" 4 fixed: col %d given %d\n", colIndex, resolvedWidth);
{ // give each remaining column a percentage of the remaining space
{ // give the column a percentage of the remaining space
PRInt32 percentage = -1;
{ // since the "remaining space" is infinite, give the column it's max requested size
@ -1007,26 +1083,36 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsConstrained( nsIPresContext* aPre
if (-1.0f != specifiedPercentageColWidth)
percentage = (PRInt32)(specifiedPercentageColWidth*100.0f); // TODO: rounding errors?
// base the % on the total specified fixed width of the table
mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, (percentage*aMaxWidth)/100);
if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE)
printf (" 4 percent specified: col %d given %d percent of aMaxWidth %d, set to width = %d\n",
colIndex, percentage, aMaxWidth, mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex));
if (-1==percentage)
percentage = 100/numCols;
// base the % on the total max width
mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, (percentage*aMaxWidth)/100);
// base the % on the remaining available width
mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, (percentage*aAvailWidth)/100);
if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE)
printf (" 4 percent default: col %d given %d percent of aAvailWidth %d, set to width = %d\n",
colIndex, percentage, aAvailWidth, mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex));
// if the column was computed to be too small, enlarge the column
if (mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex) <= minColWidth)
mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, minColWidth);
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf(" enlarging column to it's minimum = %d\n", minColWidth);
if (maxOfAllMinColWidths < minColWidth)
maxOfAllMinColWidths = minColWidth;
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug)
printf(" and setting maxOfAllMins to %d\n", maxOfAllMinColWidths);
if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE)
printf (" 4b: col %d given %d percent of maxWidth %d, set to width = %d\n",
colIndex, percentage, aMaxWidth, mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex));
if (0!=maxOfAllMinColWidths)
printf(" and setting maxOfAllMins to %d\n", maxOfAllMinColWidths);
@ -1054,7 +1140,7 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsConstrained( nsIPresContext* aPre
nscoord computedColWidth = info->mProportion*widthPerSlice;
mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(info->mColIndex, computedColWidth);
if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE)
printf (" 3c: col %d given %d proportion of remaining space %d, set to width = %d\n",
printf (" 4 proportion: col %d given %d proportion of remaining space %d, set to width = %d\n",
info->mColIndex, info->mProportion, widthRemaining, computedColWidth);
delete info;

View File

@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ struct nsStylePosition;
struct SpanInfo
PRInt32 span;
PRInt32 cellMinWidth;
PRInt32 cellDesiredWidth;
nscoord span;
nscoord cellMinWidth;
nscoord cellDesiredWidth;
SpanInfo(PRInt32 aSpan, PRInt32 aMinWidth, PRInt32 aDesiredWidth)
SpanInfo(nscoord aSpan, nscoord aMinWidth, nscoord aDesiredWidth)
span = aSpan;
cellMinWidth = aMinWidth;
@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ public:
virtual PRBool BalanceColumnWidths(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIStyleContext *aTableStyle,
const nsReflowState& aReflowState,
PRInt32 aMaxWidth,
PRInt32 aNumCols,
PRInt32 &aTotalFixedWidth,
PRInt32 &aMinTableWidth,
PRInt32 &aMaxTableWidth,
nscoord aMaxWidth,
nscoord aNumCols,
nscoord &aTotalFixedWidth,
nscoord &aMinTableWidth,
nscoord &aMaxTableWidth,
nsSize* aMaxElementSize);
/** assign widths for each column that has fixed width.
@ -82,11 +82,11 @@ public:
* TODO: should be renamed to "AssignKnownWidthInformation
virtual PRBool AssignFixedColumnWidths(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
PRInt32 aMaxWidth,
PRInt32 aNumCols,
PRInt32 & aTotalFixedWidth,
PRInt32 & aMinTableWidth,
PRInt32 & aMaxTableWidth);
nscoord aMaxWidth,
nscoord aNumCols,
nscoord & aTotalFixedWidth,
nscoord & aMinTableWidth,
nscoord & aMaxTableWidth);
/** assign widths for each column that has proportional width inside a table that
* has auto width (width set by the content and available space.)
@ -104,10 +104,10 @@ public:
virtual PRBool BalanceProportionalColumns(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
const nsReflowState& aReflowState,
PRInt32 aAvailWidth,
PRInt32 aMaxWidth,
PRInt32 aMinTableWidth,
PRInt32 aMaxTableWidth,
nscoord aAvailWidth,
nscoord aMaxWidth,
nscoord aMinTableWidth,
nscoord aMaxTableWidth,
nscoord aTableFixedWidth);
/** assign the minimum allowed width for each column that has proportional width.
@ -155,10 +155,11 @@ public:
* TODO: rename this method to reflect that it is a Nav4 compatibility method
virtual PRBool BalanceColumnsConstrained(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
PRInt32 aAvailWidth,
PRInt32 aMaxWidth,
PRInt32 aMinTableWidth,
PRInt32 aMaxTableWidth);
const nsReflowState& aReflowState,
nscoord aAvailWidth,
nscoord aMaxWidth,
nscoord aMinTableWidth,
nscoord aMaxTableWidth);
/** return true if the style indicates that the width is a specific width
* for the purposes of column width determination.

View File

@ -34,17 +34,22 @@ public:
* the layout constraints, and the compatibility mode. Sets mColumnWidths as a side effect.
* @param aPresContext the presentation context
* @param aTableStyle the resolved style for the table
* @param aMaxSize the height and width constraints
* @param aMaxElementSize the min size of the largest indivisible object
* @param aReflowState the reflow state for the calling table frame
* @param aMaxWidth the width constraint
* @param aNumCols the number of columns
* @param aTotalFixedWidth [OUT] the computed fixed width of the table
* @param aMinTableWidth [OUT] the computed min width of the table
* @param aMinTableWidth [OUT] the computed max width of the table
* @param aMaxElementSize [OUT] the min size of the largest indivisible object
virtual PRBool BalanceColumnWidths(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIStyleContext *aTableStyle,
const nsReflowState& aReflowState,
PRInt32 maxWidth,
nscoord aMaxWidth,
PRInt32 aNumCols,
PRInt32 &aTotalFixedWidth,
PRInt32 &aMinTableWidth,
PRInt32 &aMaxTableWidth,
nscoord &aTotalFixedWidth,
nscoord &aMinTableWidth,
nscoord &aMaxTableWidth,
nsSize* aMaxElementSize)=0;