Bug 673770 - Also search overflow lines for aPrevSibling. r=roc

This commit is contained in:
Mats Palmgren 2011-08-03 17:55:00 +02:00
parent 0bfe31c626
commit e790b4f010

View File

@ -4824,7 +4824,9 @@ nsBlockFrame::AddFrames(nsFrameList& aFrameList, nsIFrame* aPrevSibling)
nsIPresShell *presShell = PresContext()->PresShell();
// Attempt to find the line that contains the previous sibling
nsLineList::iterator prevSibLine = end_lines();
nsFrameList overflowFrames;
nsLineList* lineList = &mLines;
nsLineList::iterator prevSibLine = lineList->end();
PRInt32 prevSiblingIndex = -1;
if (aPrevSibling) {
// XXX_perf This is technically O(N^2) in some cases, but by using
@ -4832,15 +4834,31 @@ nsBlockFrame::AddFrames(nsFrameList& aFrameList, nsIFrame* aPrevSibling)
// which is appending content.
// Find the line that contains the previous sibling
if (! nsLineBox::RFindLineContaining(aPrevSibling,
begin_lines(), prevSibLine,
&prevSiblingIndex)) {
// Note: defensive code! RFindLineContaining must not return
// false in this case, so if it does...
NS_NOTREACHED("prev sibling not in line list");
aPrevSibling = nsnull;
prevSibLine = end_lines();
if (!nsLineBox::RFindLineContaining(aPrevSibling, lineList->begin(),
prevSibLine, mFrames.LastChild(),
&prevSiblingIndex)) {
// Not in mLines - try overflow lines.
lineList = GetOverflowLines();
if (lineList) {
prevSibLine = lineList->end();
prevSiblingIndex = -1;
overflowFrames = nsFrameList(lineList->front()->mFirstChild,
if (!nsLineBox::RFindLineContaining(aPrevSibling, lineList->begin(),
&prevSiblingIndex)) {
lineList = nsnull;
if (!lineList) {
// Note: defensive code! RFindLineContaining must not return
// false in this case, so if it does...
NS_NOTREACHED("prev sibling not in line list");
lineList = &mLines;
aPrevSibling = nsnull;
prevSibLine = lineList->end();
@ -4856,7 +4874,7 @@ nsBlockFrame::AddFrames(nsFrameList& aFrameList, nsIFrame* aPrevSibling)
if (!line) {
mLines.after_insert(prevSibLine, line);
lineList->after_insert(prevSibLine, line);
prevSibLine->SetChildCount(prevSibLine->GetChildCount() - rem);
// Mark prevSibLine dirty and as needing textrun invalidation, since
// we may be breaking up text in the line. Its previous line may also
@ -4868,12 +4886,13 @@ nsBlockFrame::AddFrames(nsFrameList& aFrameList, nsIFrame* aPrevSibling)
else if (! mLines.empty()) {
else if (! lineList->empty()) {
nsFrameList& frames = lineList == &mLines ? mFrames : overflowFrames;
const nsFrameList::Slice& newFrames =
mFrames.InsertFrames(nsnull, aPrevSibling, aFrameList);
frames.InsertFrames(nsnull, aPrevSibling, aFrameList);
// Walk through the new frames being added and update the line data
// structures to fit.
@ -4893,7 +4912,7 @@ nsBlockFrame::AddFrames(nsFrameList& aFrameList, nsIFrame* aPrevSibling)
// a new line, as an optimization, in the two cases we know we'll need it:
// if the previous line ended with a <br>, or if it has significant whitespace
// and ended in a newline.
if (isBlock || prevSibLine == end_lines() || prevSibLine->IsBlock() ||
if (isBlock || prevSibLine == lineList->end() || prevSibLine->IsBlock() ||
(aPrevSibling && ShouldPutNextSiblingOnNewLine(aPrevSibling))) {
// Create a new line for the frame and add its line to the line
// list.
@ -4901,15 +4920,15 @@ nsBlockFrame::AddFrames(nsFrameList& aFrameList, nsIFrame* aPrevSibling)
if (!line) {
if (prevSibLine != end_lines()) {
if (prevSibLine != lineList->end()) {
// Append new line after prevSibLine
mLines.after_insert(prevSibLine, line);
lineList->after_insert(prevSibLine, line);
else {
// New line is going before the other lines
prevSibLine = begin_lines();
prevSibLine = lineList->begin();
else {