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synced 2024-12-04 02:57:38 +00:00
Bug 1121936 - Implement %TypedArray%.prototyp.{map,filter}. r=evilpie
This commit is contained in:
@ -98,6 +98,70 @@ function TypedArrayFill(value, start = 0, end = undefined) {
return O;
// ES6 draft 32 (2015-02-02) %TypedArray%.prototype.filter(callbackfn[, thisArg])
function TypedArrayFilter(callbackfn, thisArg = undefined) {
// Step 1.
var O = this;
// Steps 2-3.
// This function is not generic.
if (!IsObject(O) || !IsTypedArray(O)) {
return callFunction(CallTypedArrayMethodIfWrapped, this, callbackfn, thisArg,
// Step 4.
var len = TypedArrayLength(O);
// Step 5.
if (arguments.length === 0)
ThrowError(JSMSG_MISSING_FUN_ARG, 0, "%TypedArray%.prototype.filter");
if (!IsCallable(callbackfn))
ThrowError(JSMSG_NOT_FUNCTION, DecompileArg(0, callbackfn));
// Step 6.
var T = thisArg;
// Step 7.
var defaultConstructor = _ConstructorForTypedArray(O);
// Steps 8-9.
var C = SpeciesConstructor(O, defaultConstructor);
// Step 10.
var kept = new List();
// Step 12.
var captured = 0;
// Steps 11, 13 and 13.g.
for (var k = 0; k < len; k++) {
// Steps 13.b-c.
var kValue = O[k];
// Steps 13.d-e.
var selected = ToBoolean(callFunction(callbackfn, T, kValue, k, O));
// Step 13.f.
if (selected) {
// Step 13.f.i.
// Step 13.f.ii.
// Steps 14-15.
var A = new C(captured);
// Steps 16 and 17.c.
for (var n = 0; n < captured; n++) {
// Steps 17.a-b.
A[n] = kept[n];
// Step 18.
return A;
// ES6 draft rev28 (2014/10/14) %TypedArray%.prototype.find(predicate[, thisArg]).
function TypedArrayFind(predicate, thisArg = undefined) {
// This function is not generic.
@ -353,6 +417,51 @@ function TypedArrayLastIndexOf(searchElement, fromIndex = undefined) {
return -1;
// ES6 draft rev32 (2015-02-02) %TypedArray%.prototype.map(callbackfn [, thisArg]).
function TypedArrayMap(callbackfn, thisArg = undefined) {
// Step 1.
var O = this;
// Steps 2-3.
// This function is not generic.
if (!IsObject(O) || !IsTypedArray(O)) {
return callFunction(CallTypedArrayMethodIfWrapped, this, callbackfn, thisArg,
// Step 4.
var len = TypedArrayLength(O);
// Step 5.
if (arguments.length === 0)
ThrowError(JSMSG_MISSING_FUN_ARG, 0, '%TypedArray%.prototype.map');
if (!IsCallable(callbackfn))
ThrowError(JSMSG_NOT_FUNCTION, DecompileArg(0, callbackfn));
// Step 6.
var T = thisArg;
// Step 7.
var defaultConstructor = _ConstructorForTypedArray(O);
// Steps 8-9.
var C = SpeciesConstructor(O, defaultConstructor);
// Steps 10-11.
var A = new C(len);
// Steps 12, 13.a (implicit) and 13.h.
for (var k = 0; k < len; k++) {
// Steps 13.d-e.
var mappedValue = callFunction(callbackfn, T, O[k], k, O);
// Steps 13.f-g.
A[k] = mappedValue;
// Step 14.
return A;
// ES6 draft rev30 (2014/12/24) %TypedArray%.prototype.reduce(callbackfn[, initialValue]).
function TypedArrayReduce(callbackfn/*, initialValue*/) {
// This function is not generic.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
const constructors = [
// Tests for TypedArray#map.
for (var constructor of constructors) {
assertEq(constructor.prototype.map.length, 1);
// Basic tests.
assertDeepEq(new constructor([1, 3, 5]).map(v => v * 2), new constructor([2,6,10]));
assertDeepEq(new constructor([-1, 13, 5]).map(v => v - 2), new constructor([-3, 11, 3]));
assertDeepEq(new constructor(10).map(v => v), new constructor(10));
assertDeepEq(new constructor().map(v => v + 1), new constructor);
assertDeepEq(new constructor([1,2,3]).map(v => v), new constructor([1,2,3]));
var arr = new constructor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
var sum = 0;
var count = 0;
assertDeepEq(arr.map((v, k, o) => {
sum += v;
assertEq(k, v - 1);
assertEq(o, arr);
return v;
}), arr);
assertEq(sum, 15);
assertEq(count, 5);
// Test that changing elements that have been visited does not affect the result.
var changeArr = new constructor([1,2,3,4,5]);
assertDeepEq(arr.map((v,k) => {
changeArr[k] = v + 1;
return v;
}), new constructor([1,2,3,4,5]));
// Tests for `thisArg` argument.
function assertThisArg(thisArg, thisValue) {
// In sloppy mode, `this` could be global object or a wrapper of `thisArg`.
assertDeepEq(arr.map(function(v) {
assertDeepEq(this, thisValue);
return v;
}, thisArg), arr);
// In strict mode, `this` strictly equals `thisArg`.
assertDeepEq(arr.map(function(v) {
"use strict";
assertDeepEq(this, thisArg);
return v;
}, thisArg), arr);
// Passing `thisArg` has no effect if callback is an arrow function.
var self = this;
assertDeepEq(arr.map((v) => {
assertEq(this, self);
return v;
}, thisArg), arr);
assertThisArg([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]);
assertThisArg(Object, Object);
assertThisArg(1, Object(1));
assertThisArg("1", Object("1"));
assertThisArg(false, Object(false));
assertThisArg(undefined, this);
assertThisArg(null, this);
// Throw an exception in the callback.
var sum = 0;
var count = 0;
var thrown = false;
try {
arr.map((v, k, o) => {
sum += v;
assertEq(k, v - 1);
assertEq(o, arr);
if (v === 3) {
throw "map";
return v;
} catch(e) {
assertEq(e, "map");
thrown = true;
assertEq(thrown, true);
assertEq(sum, 6);
assertEq(count, 3);
// There is no callback or callback is not a function.
assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => {
}, TypeError);
var invalidCallbacks = [undefined, null, 1, false, "", Symbol(), [], {}, /./];
invalidCallbacks.forEach(callback => {
assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => {
}, TypeError);
// Callback is a generator.
throw "This line will not be executed";
// Called from other globals.
if (typeof newGlobal === "function") {
var map = newGlobal()[constructor.name].prototype.map;
var sum = 0;
assertDeepEq(map.call(new constructor([1, 2, 3]), v => sum += v), new constructor([1,3,6]));
assertEq(sum, 6);
// Throws if `this` isn't a TypedArray.
var invalidReceivers = [undefined, null, 1, false, "", Symbol(), [], {}, /./,
new Proxy(new constructor(), {})];
invalidReceivers.forEach(invalidReceiver => {
assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => {
constructor.prototype.filter.call(invalidReceiver, () => true);
}, TypeError, "Assert that map fails if this value is not a TypedArray");
// Test that the length getter is never called.
assertDeepEq(Object.defineProperty(new constructor([1, 2, 3]), "length", {
get() {
throw new Error("length accessor called");
}).map((b) => b), new constructor([1,2,3]));
// Test For TypedArray#filter.
for (var constructor of constructors) {
assertEq(constructor.prototype.filter.length, 1)
// Basic tests.
assertDeepEq(new constructor([1,2,3]).filter(x => x == x), new constructor([1,2,3]));
assertDeepEq(new constructor([1,2,3,4]).filter(x => x % 2 == 0), new constructor([2,4]));
assertDeepEq(new constructor([1,2,3,4,5]).filter(x => x < 4), new constructor([1,2,3]));
assertDeepEq(new constructor().filter(x => x * 2 == 4), new constructor());
var arr = new constructor([1,2,3,4,5]);
var sum = 0;
var count = 0;
assertDeepEq(arr.filter((v, k, o) => {
sum += v;
assertEq(k, v - 1);
assertEq(o, arr);
return (v < 4);
}), new constructor([1,2,3]));
assertEq(sum, 15);
assertEq(count, 5);
// Test that changing elements that have been visited does not affect the result.
var changeArr = new constructor([1,2,3,4,5]);
assertDeepEq(arr.filter((v,k) => {
changeArr[k] = v + 1;
return true;
}), new constructor([1,2,3,4,5]));
// Tests for `thisArg` argument.
function assertThisArg(thisArg, thisValue) {
// In sloppy mode, `this` could be global object or a wrapper of `thisArg`.
assertDeepEq(arr.filter(function(v) {
assertDeepEq(this, thisValue);
return v;
}, thisArg), arr);
// In strict mode, `this` strictly equals `thisArg`.
assertDeepEq(arr.filter(function(v) {
"use strict";
assertDeepEq(this, thisArg);
return v;
}, thisArg), arr);
// Passing `thisArg` has no effect if callback is an arrow function.
var self = this;
assertDeepEq(arr.filter((v) => {
assertEq(this, self);
return v;
}, thisArg), arr);
assertThisArg([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]);
assertThisArg(Object, Object);
assertThisArg(1, Object(1));
assertThisArg("1", Object("1"));
assertThisArg(false, Object(false));
assertThisArg(undefined, this);
assertThisArg(null, this);
// Throw an exception in the callback.
var sum = 0;
var count = 0;
var thrown = false;
try {
arr.filter((v, k, o) => {
sum += v;
assertEq(k, v - 1);
assertEq(o, arr);
if (v === 3) {
throw "filter";
return v;
} catch(e) {
assertEq(e, "filter");
thrown = true;
assertEq(thrown, true);
assertEq(sum, 6);
assertEq(count, 3);
// There is no callback or callback is not a function.
assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => {
}, TypeError);
var invalidCallbacks = [undefined, null, 1, false, "", Symbol(), [], {}, /./];
invalidCallbacks.forEach(callback => {
assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => {
}, TypeError);
// Callback is a generator.
throw "This line will not be executed";
// Called from other globals.
if (typeof newGlobal === "function") {
var filter = newGlobal()[constructor.name].prototype.filter;
var sum = 0;
assertDeepEq(filter.call(new constructor([1, 2, 3]), v => {sum += v; return true}),
new constructor([1,2,3]));
assertEq(sum, 6);
// Throws if `this` isn't a TypedArray.
var invalidReceivers = [undefined, null, 1, false, "", Symbol(), [], {}, /./,
new Proxy(new constructor(), {})];
invalidReceivers.forEach(invalidReceiver => {
assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => {
constructor.prototype.filter.call(invalidReceiver, () => true);
}, TypeError, "Assert that filter fails if this value is not a TypedArray");
// Test that the length getter is never called.
assertDeepEq(Object.defineProperty(new constructor([1, 2, 3]), "length", {
get() {
throw new Error("length accessor called");
}).filter((b) => true), new constructor([1,2,3]));
// Test that changing Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator] does not affect the
// behaviour of filter. See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1121936#c18
// for more details.
// Object conforming to the "iterator" protocol
var obj = {
v: 0,
next: function() {
if (this.v == 5) {
return {done : true, value : this.v };
} else {
return { done : false, value : this.v };
// save
var old = Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator];
Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = obj;
assertDeepEq(new Uint16Array([1,2,3]).filter(v => true), new Uint16Array([1,2,3]));
// restore
Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = old;
// Test that defining accessors on Array.prototype doesn't affect the behaviour
// of filter. See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1121936#c18
// for more details.
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 0, {configurable: true, get: function() { return 1; }, set: function() { this.b = 1; }});
assertDeepEq(new Uint16Array([1,2,3]).filter(v => true), new Uint16Array([1,2,3]));
delete Array.prototype[0];
if (typeof reportCompare === "function")
reportCompare(true, true);
@ -802,12 +802,14 @@ TypedArrayObject::protoFunctions[] = {
JS_FN("copyWithin", TypedArrayObject::copyWithin, 2, 0),
JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN("every", "TypedArrayEvery", 2, 0),
JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN("fill", "TypedArrayFill", 3, 0),
JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN("filter", "TypedArrayFilter", 2, 0),
JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN("find", "TypedArrayFind", 2, 0),
JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN("findIndex", "TypedArrayFindIndex", 2, 0),
JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN("forEach", "TypedArrayForEach", 2, 0),
JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN("indexOf", "TypedArrayIndexOf", 2, 0),
JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN("join", "TypedArrayJoin", 1, 0),
JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN("lastIndexOf", "TypedArrayLastIndexOf", 2, 0),
JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN("map", "TypedArrayMap", 2, 0),
JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN("reduce", "TypedArrayReduce", 1, 0),
JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN("reduceRight", "TypedArrayReduceRight", 1, 0),
JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN("reverse", "TypedArrayReverse", 0, 0),
@ -177,7 +177,8 @@ https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=933681
gPrototypeProperties['TypedArray'] =
["length", "buffer", "byteLength", "byteOffset", Symbol.iterator, "subarray",
"set", "copyWithin", "find", "findIndex", "forEach","indexOf", "lastIndexOf", "reverse",
"join", "every", "some", "reduce", "reduceRight", "entries", "keys", "values", "slice"];
"join", "every", "some", "reduce", "reduceRight", "entries", "keys", "values", "slice",
"map", "filter"];
if (isNightlyBuild) {
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