Bug 807842 - FHR provider: profile metadata. r=gps

This commit is contained in:
Richard Newman 2012-12-11 15:13:00 -08:00
parent f7a60afb5d
commit f001aa4e10
8 changed files with 504 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
function run_test() {
@ -108,3 +109,33 @@ add_test(function test_load_logging() {
add_test(function test_writeJSON_readJSON() {
_("Round-trip some JSON through the promise-based JSON writer.");
let contents = {
"a": 12345.67,
"b": {
"c": "héllö",
"d": undefined,
"e": null,
function checkJSON(json) {
do_check_eq(contents.a, json.a);
do_check_eq(contents.b.c, json.b.c);
do_check_eq(contents.d, json.d);
do_check_eq(contents.e, json.e);
function doRead() {
.then(checkJSON, do_throw);
let path = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, "bar.json");
CommonUtils.writeJSON(contents, path)
.then(doRead, do_throw);

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm");
this.CommonUtils = {
@ -329,6 +330,33 @@ this.CommonUtils = {
return over ? atob(b64.substr(0, len - over)) : atob(b64);
* Parses a JSON file from disk using OS.File and promises.
* @param path the file to read. Will be passed to `OS.File.read()`.
* @return a promise that resolves to the JSON contents of the named file.
readJSON: function(path) {
let decoder = new TextDecoder();
let promise = OS.File.read(path);
return promise.then(function onSuccess(array) {
return JSON.parse(decoder.decode(array));
* Write a JSON object to the named file using OS.File and promises.
* @param contents a JS object. Will be serialized.
* @param path the path of the file to write.
* @return a promise, as produced by OS.File.writeAtomic.
writeJSON: function(contents, path) {
let encoder = new TextEncoder();
let array = encoder.encode(JSON.stringify(contents));
return OS.File.writeAtomic(path, array, {tmpPath: path + ".tmp"});
* Load a JSON file from disk in the profile directory.

View File

@ -11,4 +11,5 @@ category app-startup HealthReportService service,@mozilla.org/healthreport/servi
category healthreport-js-provider AppInfoProvider resource://gre/modules/services/healthreport/providers.jsm
category healthreport-js-provider SysInfoProvider resource://gre/modules/services/healthreport/providers.jsm
category healthreport-js-provider ProfileMetadataProvider resource://gre/modules/services/healthreport/profile.jsm

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ include $(DEPTH)/config/autoconf.mk
modules := \
healthreporter.jsm \
policy.jsm \
profile.jsm \
providers.jsm \

View File

@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
const {utils: Cu, classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci} = Components;
const DEFAULT_PROFILE_MEASUREMENT_NAME = "org.mozilla.profile";
const MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
const REQUIRED_UINT32_TYPE = {type: "TYPE_UINT32"};
// Profile creation time access.
// This is separate from the provider to simplify testing and enable extraction
// to a shared location in the future.
function ProfileCreationTimeAccessor(profile) {
this.profilePath = profile || OS.Constants.Path.profileDir;
if (!this.profilePath) {
throw new Error("No profile directory.");
ProfileCreationTimeAccessor.prototype = {
* There are three ways we can get our creation time:
* 1. From our own saved value (to avoid redundant work).
* 2. From the on-disk JSON file.
* 3. By calculating it from the filesystem.
* If we have to calculate, we write out the file; if we have
* to touch the file, we persist in-memory.
* @return a promise that resolves to the profile's creation time.
get created() {
if (this._created) {
return Promise.resolve(this._created);
function onSuccess(times) {
if (times && times.created) {
return this._created = times.created;
return onFailure.call(this, null, times);
function onFailure(err, times) {
return this.computeAndPersistTimes(times)
.then(function onSuccess(created) {
return this._created = created;
return this.readTimes()
* Explicitly make `file`, a filename, a full path
* relative to our profile path.
getPath: function (file) {
return OS.Path.join(this.profilePath, file);
* Return a promise which resolves to the JSON contents
* of the time file in this accessor's profile.
readTimes: function (file="times.json") {
return CommonUtils.readJSON(this.getPath(file));
* Return a promise representing the writing of `contents`
* to `file` in the specified profile.
writeTimes: function (contents, file="times.json") {
return CommonUtils.writeJSON(contents, this.getPath(file));
* Merge existing contents with a 'created' field, writing them
* to the specified file. Promise, naturally.
computeAndPersistTimes: function (existingContents, file="times.json") {
let path = this.getPath(file);
function onOldest(oldest) {
let contents = existingContents || {};
contents.created = oldest;
return this.writeTimes(contents, path)
.then(function onSuccess() {
return oldest;
return this.getOldestProfileTimestamp()
* Traverse the contents of the profile directory, finding the oldest file
* and returning its creation timestamp.
getOldestProfileTimestamp: function () {
let oldest = Date.now() + 1000;
let iterator = new OS.File.DirectoryIterator(this.profilePath);
dump("Iterating over profile " + this.profilePath);
if (!iterator) {
throw new Error("Unable to fetch oldest profile entry: no profile iterator.");
function onEntry(entry) {
if ("winLastWriteDate" in entry) {
// Under Windows, additional information allow us to sort files immediately
// without having to perform additional I/O.
let timestamp = entry.winCreationDate.getTime();
if (timestamp < oldest) {
oldest = timestamp;
// Under other OSes, we need to call OS.File.stat.
function onStatSuccess(info) {
let date = info.creationDate;
let timestamp = date.getTime();
dump("CREATION DATE: " + entry.path + " = " + date);
if (timestamp < oldest) {
oldest = timestamp;
return OS.File.stat(entry.path)
let promise = iterator.forEach(onEntry);
function onSuccess() {
return oldest;
function onFailure(reason) {
throw new Error("Unable to fetch oldest profile entry: " + reason);
return promise.then(onSuccess, onFailure);
* Measurements pertaining to the user's profile.
function ProfileMetadataMeasurement(name=DEFAULT_PROFILE_MEASUREMENT_NAME) {
MetricsMeasurement.call(this, name, 1);
ProfileMetadataMeasurement.prototype = {
__proto__: MetricsMeasurement.prototype,
fields: {
// Profile creation date. Number of days since Unix epoch.
"profileCreation": REQUIRED_UINT32_TYPE,
* Turn a millisecond timestamp into a day timestamp.
* @param msec a number of milliseconds since epoch.
* @return the number of whole days denoted by the input.
function truncate(msec) {
return Math.floor(msec / MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY);
* A MetricsProvider for profile metadata, such as profile creation time.
function ProfileMetadataProvider(name="ProfileMetadataProvider") {
MetricsProvider.call(this, name);
ProfileMetadataProvider.prototype = {
__proto__: MetricsProvider.prototype,
getProfileCreationDays: function () {
let accessor = new ProfileCreationTimeAccessor();
return accessor.created
collectConstantMeasurements: function () {
let result = this.createResult();
result.populate = this._populateConstants.bind(this);
return result;
_populateConstants: function (result) {
result.addMeasurement(new ProfileMetadataMeasurement(name));
function onSuccess(days) {
result.setValue(name, "profileCreation", days);
function onFailure(ex) {
return this.getProfileCreationDays()
.then(onSuccess, onFailure);

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
const modules = [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
* http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
"use strict";
const {utils: Cu} = Components;
const MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
// Create profile directory before use.
// It can be no older than a day ago….
let profile_creation_lower = Date.now() - MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY;
function MockProfileMetadataProvider(name="MockProfileMetadataProvider") {
ProfileMetadataProvider.call(this, name);
MockProfileMetadataProvider.prototype = {
__proto__: ProfileMetadataProvider.prototype,
getProfileCreationDays: function getProfileCreationDays() {
return Promise.resolve(1234);
function run_test() {
* Treat the provided function as a generator of promises,
* suitable for use with Task.spawn. Success runs next test;
* failure throws.
function testTask(promiseFunction) {
Task.spawn(promiseFunction).then(run_next_test, do_throw);
* Ensure that OS.File works in our environment.
* This test can go once there are xpcshell tests for OS.File.
add_test(function use_os_file() {
// Ensure that we get constants, too.
do_check_neq(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, null);
let iterator = new OS.File.DirectoryIterator(".");
iterator.forEach(function onEntry(entry) {
print("Got " + entry.path);
}).then(function onSuccess() {
}, function onFail() {
do_throw("Iterating over current directory failed.");
function getAccessor() {
let acc = new ProfileCreationTimeAccessor();
print("Profile is " + acc.profilePath);
return acc;
add_test(function test_time_accessor_no_file() {
let acc = getAccessor();
// There should be no file yet.
.then(function onSuccess(json) {
do_throw("File existed!");
function onFailure() {
add_test(function test_time_accessor_named_file() {
let acc = getAccessor();
testTask(function () {
// There should be no file yet.
yield acc.writeTimes({created: 12345}, "test.json");
yield acc.readTimes("test.json")
.then(function onSuccess(json) {
print("Read: " + JSON.stringify(json));
do_check_eq(12345, json.created);
add_test(function test_time_accessor_creates_file() {
let lower = profile_creation_lower;
// Ensure that provided contents are merged, and existing
// files can be overwritten. These two things occur if we
// read and then decide that we have to write.
let acc = getAccessor();
let existing = {abc: "123", easy: "abc"};
let expected;
testTask(function () {
yield acc.computeAndPersistTimes(existing, "test2.json")
.then(function onSuccess(created) {
let upper = Date.now() + 1000;
print(lower + " < " + created + " <= " + upper);
do_check_true(lower < created);
do_check_true(upper >= created);
expected = created;
yield acc.readTimes("test2.json")
.then(function onSuccess(json) {
print("Read: " + JSON.stringify(json));
do_check_eq("123", json.abc);
do_check_eq("abc", json.easy);
do_check_eq(expected, json.created);
add_test(function test_time_accessor_all() {
let lower = profile_creation_lower;
let acc = getAccessor();
let expected;
testTask(function () {
yield acc.created
.then(function onSuccess(created) {
let upper = Date.now() + 1000;
do_check_true(lower < created);
do_check_true(upper >= created);
expected = created;
yield acc.created
.then(function onSuccess(again) {
do_check_eq(expected, again);
add_test(function test_constructor() {
let provider = new ProfileMetadataProvider("named");
add_test(function test_profile_files() {
let provider = new ProfileMetadataProvider();
function onSuccess(answer) {
let now = Date.now() / MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY;
print("Got " + answer + ", versus now = " + now);
do_check_true(answer < now);
function onFailure(ex) {
do_throw("Directory iteration failed: " + ex);
provider.getProfileCreationDays().then(onSuccess, onFailure);
// A generic test helper. We use this with both real
// and mock providers in these tests.
function test_collect_constant(provider, valueTest) {
let result = provider.collectConstantMeasurements();
do_check_true(result instanceof MetricsCollectionResult);
result.onFinished(function onFinished() {
do_check_eq(result.expectedMeasurements.size, 1);
let m = result.measurements.get("org.mozilla.profile");
add_test(function test_collect_constant_mock() {
let provider = new MockProfileMetadataProvider();
function valueTest(v) {
do_check_eq(v, 1234);
test_collect_constant(provider, valueTest);
add_test(function test_collect_constant_real() {
let provider = new ProfileMetadataProvider();
function valueTest(v) {
let lower = profile_creation_lower;
let upper = Date.now() + 1000;
print("Day: " + v);
print("msec: " + ms);
print("Lower: " + lower);
print("Upper: " + upper);
do_check_true(lower <= ms);
do_check_true(upper >= ms);
test_collect_constant(provider, valueTest);

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ head = head.js
tail =