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  1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
-  2 /*
-  3  * The stuff in this file isn't subject to the Don'tBreakMyRelicensingScript
-  4  * Version 1.1 (the "MPL"); you may not use this file except in
-  5  * compliance with the MPL.  You may obtain a copy of the MPL at
-  6  * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-  7  *
-  8  * Software distributed under the MPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-  9  * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the MPL
- 10  * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- 11  * MPL.
- 12  *
- 13  * The Initial Developer of this code under the MPL is Netscape
- 14  * Communications Corporation.  Portions created by Netscape are
- 15  * Copywrong (C) 1999 Netscape Communications Corporation.  All Rights
- 16  * Reserved.
- 17  *
- 18  * Original Author:
- 19  *   Chris Waterson <waterson@netscape.com>
- 20  */
- 21 
- 22 #include "nsVoidBTree.h"
- 23 
- 24 #ifdef DEBUG
- 25 #include <stdio.h>
- 26 #endif
- 27 
- 28 // Set this to force the tree to be verified after every insertion and
- 29 // removal.
- 30 //#define PARANOID 1
- 31 
- 32 
- 33 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 34 // nsVoidBTree::Node
- 35 //
- 36 //   Implementation methods
- 37 //
- 38 
- 39 nsresult
- 40 nsVoidBTree::Node::Create(Type aType, PRInt32 aCapacity, Node** aResult)
- 41 {
- 42     // So we only ever have to do one allocation for a Node, we do a
- 43     // "naked" heap allocation, computing the size of the node and
- 44     // "padding" it out so that it can hold aCapacity slots.
- 45     char* bytes = new char[sizeof(Node) + (aCapacity - 1) * sizeof(void*)];
- 46     if (! bytes)
- 47         return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
- 48 
- 49     Node* result = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(Node*, bytes);
- 50     result->mBits = 0;
- 51     result->SetType(aType);
- 52 
- 53     *aResult = result;
- 54     return NS_OK;
- 55 }
- 56 
- 57 nsresult
- 58 nsVoidBTree::Node::Destroy(Node* aNode)
- 59 {
- 60     char* bytes = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(char*, aNode);
- 61     delete[] bytes;
- 62     return NS_OK;
- 63 }
- 64 
- 65 void
- 66 nsVoidBTree::Node::InsertElementAt(void* aElement, PRInt32 aIndex)
- 67 {
- 68     NS_PRECONDITION(aIndex >= 0 && aIndex <= GetCount(), "bad index");
- 69 
- 70     PRInt32 count = GetCount();
- 71     SetCount(count + 1);
- 72 
- 73     while (count > aIndex) {
- 74         mData[count] = mData[count - 1];
- 75         --count;
- 76     }
- 77 
- 78     mData[aIndex] = aElement;
- 79 }
- 80 
- 81 void
- 82 nsVoidBTree::Node::RemoveElementAt(PRInt32 aIndex)
- 83 {
- 84     NS_PRECONDITION(aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < GetCount(), "bad index");
- 85 
- 86     PRInt32 count = GetCount();
- 87     SetCount(count - 1);
- 88     
- 89     while (aIndex < count) {
- 90         mData[aIndex] = mData[aIndex + 1];
- 91         ++aIndex;
- 92     }
- 93 }
- 94 
- 95 
- 96 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 97 //
- 98 // nsVoidBTree::Path
- 99 //
-100 //   Implementation methods
-101 //
-103 nsVoidBTree::Path::Path(const Path& aOther)
-104     : mTop(aOther.mTop)
-105 {
-106     for (PRInt32 i = 0; i < mTop; ++i)
-107         mLink[i] = aOther.mLink[i];
-108 }
-110 nsVoidBTree::Path&
-111 nsVoidBTree::Path::operator=(const Path& aOther)
-112 {
-113     mTop = aOther.mTop;
-114     for (PRInt32 i = 0; i < mTop; ++i)
-115         mLink[i] = aOther.mLink[i];
-116     return *this;
-117 }
-119 inline nsresult
-120 nsVoidBTree::Path::Push(Node* aNode, PRInt32 aIndex)
-121 {
-122     // XXX If you overflow this thing, think about making larger index
-123     // or data nodes. You can pack a _lot_ of data into a pretty flat
-124     // tree.
-125     NS_PRECONDITION(mTop <= kMaxDepth, "overflow");
-126     if (mTop > kMaxDepth)
-127         return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
-129     mLink[mTop].mNode  = aNode;
-130     mLink[mTop].mIndex = aIndex;
-131     ++mTop;
-133     return NS_OK;
-134 }
-137 inline void
-138 nsVoidBTree::Path::Pop(Node** aNode, PRInt32* aIndex)
-139 {
-140     --mTop;
-141     *aNode  = mLink[mTop].mNode;
-142     *aIndex = mLink[mTop].mIndex;
-143 }
-145 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-146 //
-147 //    nsVoidBTree methods
-148 //
-150 nsVoidBTree::nsVoidBTree(const nsVoidBTree& aOther)
-151 {
-152     ConstIterator last = aOther.Last();
-153     for (ConstIterator element = aOther.First(); element != last; ++element)
-154         AppendElement(*element);
-155 }
-157 nsVoidBTree&
-158 nsVoidBTree::operator=(const nsVoidBTree& aOther)
-159 {
-160     Clear();
-161     ConstIterator last = aOther.Last();
-162     for (ConstIterator element = aOther.First(); element != last; ++element)
-163         AppendElement(*element);
-164     return *this;
-165 }
-167 PRInt32
-168 nsVoidBTree::Count() const
-169 {
-170     if (IsEmpty())
-171         return 0;
-173     if (IsSingleElement())
-174         return 1;
-176     Node* root = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(Node*, mRoot & kRoot_PointerMask);
-177     return root->GetSubTreeSize();
-178 }
-180 void*
-181 nsVoidBTree::ElementAt(PRInt32 aIndex) const
-182 {
-183     if (aIndex < 0 || aIndex >= Count())
-184         return nullptr;
-186     if (IsSingleElement())
-187         return NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(void*, mRoot & kRoot_PointerMask);
-189     Node* current = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(Node*, mRoot & kRoot_PointerMask);
-190     while (current->GetType() != Node::eType_Data) {
-191         // We're still in the index. Find the right leaf.
-192         Node* next = nullptr;
-194         PRInt32 count = current->GetCount();
-195         for (PRInt32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
-196             Node* child = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(Node*, current->GetElementAt(i));
-198             PRInt32 childcount = child->GetSubTreeSize();
-199             if (PRInt32(aIndex) < childcount) {
-200                 next = child;
-201                 break;
-202             }
-204             aIndex -= childcount;
-205         }
-207         if (! next) {
-208             NS_ERROR("corrupted");
-209             return nullptr;
-210         }
-212         current = next;
-213     }
-215     return current->GetElementAt(aIndex);
-216 }
-219 PRInt32
-220 nsVoidBTree::IndexOf(void* aPossibleElement) const
-221 {
-222     NS_PRECONDITION((PRWord(aPossibleElement) & ~kRoot_PointerMask) == 0,
-223                     "uh oh, someone wants to use the pointer bits");
-225     NS_PRECONDITION(aPossibleElement != nullptr, "nsVoidBTree can't handle null elements");
-226     if (aPossibleElement == nullptr)
-227         return -1;
-229     PRInt32 result = 0;
-230     ConstIterator last = Last();
-231     for (ConstIterator element = First(); element != last; ++element, ++result) {
-232         if (aPossibleElement == *element)
-233             return result;
-234     }
-236     return -1;
-237 }
-240 PRBool
-241 nsVoidBTree::InsertElementAt(void* aElement, PRInt32 aIndex)
-242 {
-243     NS_PRECONDITION((PRWord(aElement) & ~kRoot_PointerMask) == 0,
-244                     "uh oh, someone wants to use the pointer bits");
-246     if ((PRWord(aElement) & ~kRoot_PointerMask) != 0)
-247         return PR_FALSE;
-249     NS_PRECONDITION(aElement != nullptr, "nsVoidBTree can't handle null elements");
-250     if (aElement == nullptr)
-251         return PR_FALSE;
-253     PRInt32 count = Count();
-255     if (aIndex < 0 || aIndex > count)
-256         return PR_FALSE;
-258     nsresult rv;
-260     if (IsSingleElement()) {
-261         // We're only a single element holder, and haven't yet
-262         // "faulted" to create the btree.
-264         if (count == 0) {
-265             // If we have *no* elements, then just set the root
-266             // pointer and we're done.
-267             mRoot = PRWord(aElement);
-268             return PR_TRUE;
-269         }
-271         // If we already had an element, and now we're adding
-272         // another. Fault and start creating the btree.
-273         void* element = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(void*, mRoot & kRoot_PointerMask);
-275         Node* newroot;
-276         rv = Node::Create(Node::eType_Data, kDataCapacity, &newroot);
-277         if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return PR_FALSE;
-279         newroot->InsertElementAt(element, 0);
-280         newroot->SetSubTreeSize(1);
-281         SetRoot(newroot);
-282     }
-284     Path path;
-286     Node* current = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(Node*, mRoot & kRoot_PointerMask);
-287     while (current->GetType() != Node::eType_Data) {
-288         // We're still in the index. Find the right leaf.
-289         Node* next = nullptr;
-291         count = current->GetCount();
-292         for (PRInt32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
-293             Node* child = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(Node*, current->GetElementAt(i));
-295             PRInt32 childcount = child->GetSubTreeSize();
-296             if (PRInt32(aIndex) <= childcount) {
-297                 rv = path.Push(current, i + 1);
-298                 if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return PR_FALSE;
-300                 next = child;
-301                 break;
-302             }
-304             aIndex -= childcount;
-305         }
-307         if (! next) {
-308             NS_ERROR("corrupted");
-309             return PR_FALSE;
-310         }
-312         current = next;
-313     }
-315     if (current->GetCount() >= kDataCapacity) {
-316         // We just blew the data node's buffer. Create another
-317         // datanode and split.
-318         rv = Split(path, current, aElement, aIndex);
-319         if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return PR_FALSE;
-320     }
-321     else {
-322         current->InsertElementAt(aElement, aIndex);
-323         current->SetSubTreeSize(current->GetSubTreeSize() + 1);
-324     }
-326     while (path.Length() > 0) {
-327         PRInt32 index;
-328         path.Pop(&current, &index);
-329         current->SetSubTreeSize(current->GetSubTreeSize() + 1);
-330     }
-332 #ifdef PARANOID
-333     Verify(NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(Node*, mRoot & kRoot_PointerMask));
-334 #endif
-336     return PR_TRUE;
-337 }
-339 PRBool
-340 nsVoidBTree::ReplaceElementAt(void* aElement, PRInt32 aIndex)
-341 {
-342     NS_PRECONDITION((PRWord(aElement) & ~kRoot_PointerMask) == 0,
-343                     "uh oh, someone wants to use the pointer bits");
-345     if ((PRWord(aElement) & ~kRoot_PointerMask) != 0)
-346         return PR_FALSE;
-348     NS_PRECONDITION(aElement != nullptr, "nsVoidBTree can't handle null elements");
-349     if (aElement == nullptr)
-350         return PR_FALSE;
-352     if (aIndex < 0 || aIndex >= Count())
-353         return PR_FALSE;
-355     if (IsSingleElement()) {
-356         mRoot = PRWord(aElement);
-357         return PR_TRUE;
-358     }
-360     Node* current = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(Node*, mRoot & kRoot_PointerMask);
-361     while (current->GetType() != Node::eType_Data) {
-362         // We're still in the index. Find the right leaf.
-363         Node* next = nullptr;
-365         PRInt32 count = current->GetCount();
-366         for (PRInt32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
-367             Node* child = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(Node*, current->GetElementAt(i));
-369             PRInt32 childcount = child->GetSubTreeSize();
-370             if (PRInt32(aIndex) < childcount) {
-371                 next = child;
-372                 break;
-373             }
-375             aIndex -= childcount;
-376         }
-378         if (! next) {
-379             NS_ERROR("corrupted");
-380             return PR_FALSE;
-381         }
-383         current = next;
-384     }
-386     current->SetElementAt(aElement, aIndex);
-387     return PR_TRUE;
-388 }
-390 PRBool
-391 nsVoidBTree::RemoveElement(void* aElement)
-392 {
-393     PRInt32 index = IndexOf(aElement);
-394     return (index >= 0) ? RemoveElementAt(index) : PR_FALSE;
-395 }
-397 PRBool
-398 nsVoidBTree::RemoveElementAt(PRInt32 aIndex)
-399 {
-400     PRInt32 count = Count();
-402     if (aIndex < 0 || aIndex >= count)
-403         return PR_FALSE;
-405     if (IsSingleElement()) {
-406         // We're removing the one and only element
-407         mRoot = 0;
-408         return PR_TRUE;
-409     }
-411     // We've got more than one element, and we're removing it.
-412     nsresult rv;
-413     Path path;
-415     Node* root = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(Node*, mRoot & kRoot_PointerMask);
-417     Node* current = root;
-418     while (current->GetType() != Node::eType_Data) {
-419         // We're still in the index. Find the right leaf.
-420         Node* next = nullptr;
-422         count = current->GetCount();
-423         for (PRInt32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
-424             Node* child = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(Node*, current->GetElementAt(i));
-426             PRInt32 childcount = child->GetSubTreeSize();
-427             if (PRInt32(aIndex) < childcount) {
-428                 rv = path.Push(current, i);
-429                 if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return PR_FALSE;
-431                 next = child;
-432                 break;
-433             }
-435             aIndex -= childcount;
-436         }
-438         if (! next) {
-439             NS_ERROR("corrupted");
-440             return PR_FALSE;
-441         }
-443         current = next;
-444     }
-446     current->RemoveElementAt(aIndex);
-448     while ((current->GetCount() == 0) && (current != root)) {
-449         Node* doomed = current;
-451         PRInt32 index;
-452         path.Pop(&current, &index);
-453         current->RemoveElementAt(index);
-455         Node::Destroy(doomed);
-456     }
-458     current->SetSubTreeSize(current->GetSubTreeSize() - 1);
-460     while (path.Length() > 0) {
-461         PRInt32 index;
-462         path.Pop(&current, &index);
-463         current->SetSubTreeSize(current->GetSubTreeSize() - 1);
-464     }
-466     while ((root->GetType() == Node::eType_Index) && (root->GetCount() == 1)) {
-467         Node* doomed = root;
-468         root = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(Node*, root->GetElementAt(0));
-469         SetRoot(root);
-470         Node::Destroy(doomed);
-471     }
-473 #ifdef PARANOID
-474     Verify(root);
-475 #endif
-477     return PR_TRUE;
-478 }
-480 void
-481 nsVoidBTree::Clear(void)
-482 {
-483     if (IsEmpty())
-484         return;
-486     if (! IsSingleElement()) {
-487         Node* root = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(Node*, mRoot & kRoot_PointerMask);
-489 #ifdef PARANOID
-490         Dump(root, 0);
-491 #endif
-493         DestroySubtree(root);
-494     }
-496     mRoot = 0;
-497 }
-500 void
-501 nsVoidBTree::Compact(void)
-502 {
-503     // XXX We could go through and try to merge datanodes.
-504 }
-506 PRBool
-507 nsVoidBTree::EnumerateForwards(EnumFunc aFunc, void* aData) const
-508 {
-509     PRBool running = PR_TRUE;
-511     ConstIterator last = Last();
-512     for (ConstIterator element = First(); running && element != last; ++element)
-513         running = (*aFunc)(*element, aData);
-515     return running;
-516 }
-518 PRBool
-519 nsVoidBTree::EnumerateBackwards(EnumFunc aFunc, void* aData) const
-520 {
-521     PRBool running = PR_TRUE;
-523     ConstIterator element = Last();
-524     ConstIterator first = First();
-526     if (element != first) {
-527         do {
-528             running = (*aFunc)(*--element, aData);
-529         } while (running && element != first);
-530     }
-532     return running;
-533 }
-536 void
-537 nsVoidBTree::SizeOf(nsISizeOfHandler* aHandler, PRUint32* aResult) const
-538 {
-539     if (! aResult)
-540         return;
-542     *aResult = sizeof(*this);
-544     if (IsSingleElement())
-545         return;
-547     Path path;
-548     path.Push(NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(Node*, mRoot & kRoot_PointerMask), 0);
-550     while (path.Length()) {
-551         Node* current;
-552         PRInt32 index;
-553         path.Pop(&current, &index);
-555         if (current->GetType() == Node::eType_Data) {
-556             *aResult += sizeof(Node) + (sizeof(void*) * (kDataCapacity - 1));
-557         }
-558         else {
-559             *aResult += sizeof(Node) + (sizeof(void*) * (kIndexCapacity - 1));
-561             // If we're in an index node, and there are still kids to
-562             // traverse, well, traverse 'em.
-563             if (index < current->GetCount()) {
-564                 path.Push(current, index + 1);
-565                 path.Push(NS_STATIC_CAST(Node*, current->GetElementAt(index)), 0);
-566             }
-567         }
-568     }
-569 }
-571 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-573 nsresult
-574 nsVoidBTree::Split(Path& path, Node* aOldNode, void* aElementToInsert, PRInt32 aSplitIndex)
-575 {
-576     nsresult rv;
-578     PRInt32 capacity = (aOldNode->GetType() == Node::eType_Data) ? kDataCapacity : kIndexCapacity;
-579     PRInt32 delta = 0;
-582     Node* newnode;
-583     rv = Node::Create(aOldNode->GetType(), capacity, &newnode);
-584     if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
-586     if (aSplitIndex == capacity) {
-587         // If aSplitIndex is the same as the capacity of the node,
-588         // then there'll be nothing to copy from the old node to the
-589         // new node, and the element is really meant to be inserted in
-590         // the newnode. In that case, do it _now_ so that newnode's
-591         // subtree size will be correct.
-592         newnode->InsertElementAt(aElementToInsert, 0);
-594         if (newnode->GetType() == Node::eType_Data) {
-595             newnode->SetSubTreeSize(1);
-596         }
-597         else {
-598             Node* child = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(Node*, aElementToInsert);
-599             newnode->SetSubTreeSize(child->GetSubTreeSize());
-600         }
-601     }
-602     else {
-603         // We're meant to insert the element into the oldnode at
-604         // aSplitIndex. Copy data from aOldNode to the newnode but
-605         // _don't_ insert newnode yet. We may need to recursively
-606         // split parents, an operation that allocs, and hence, may
-607         // fail. If it does fail, we wan't to not screw up the
-608         // existing datastructure.
-609         //
-610         // Note that it should be the case that count == capacity, but
-611         // who knows, we may decide at some point to prematurely split
-612         // nodes for some reason or another.
-613         PRInt32 count = aOldNode->GetCount();
-614         PRInt32 i = aSplitIndex;
-615         PRInt32 j = 0;
-617         newnode->SetCount(count - aSplitIndex);
-618         while (i < count) {
-619             if (aOldNode->GetType() == Node::eType_Data) {
-620                 ++delta;
-621             }
-622             else {
-623                 Node* migrating = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(Node*, aOldNode->GetElementAt(i));
-624                 delta += migrating->GetSubTreeSize();
-625             }
-627             newnode->SetElementAt(aOldNode->GetElementAt(i), j);
-628             ++i;
-629             ++j;
-630         }
-631         newnode->SetSubTreeSize(delta);
-632     }
-634     // Now we split the node.
-636     if (path.Length() == 0) {
-637         // We made it all the way up to the root! Ok, so, create a new
-638         // root
-639         Node* newroot;
-640         rv = Node::Create(Node::eType_Index, kIndexCapacity, &newroot);
-641         if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
-643         newroot->SetCount(2);
-644         newroot->SetElementAt(aOldNode, 0);
-645         newroot->SetElementAt(newnode, 1);
-646         newroot->SetSubTreeSize(aOldNode->GetSubTreeSize() + 1);
-647         SetRoot(newroot);
-648     }
-649     else {
-650         // Otherwise, use the "path" to pop off the next thing above us.
-651         Node* parent;
-652         PRInt32 indx;
-653         path.Pop(&parent, &indx);
-655         if (parent->GetCount() >= kIndexCapacity) {
-656             // Parent is full, too. Recursively split it.
-657             rv = Split(path, parent, newnode, indx);
-658             if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-659                 Node::Destroy(newnode);
-660                 return rv;
-661             }
-662         }
-663         else {
-664             // Room in the parent, so just smack it on up there.
-665             parent->InsertElementAt(newnode, indx);
-666             parent->SetSubTreeSize(parent->GetSubTreeSize() + 1);
-667         }
-668     }
-670     // Now, since all our operations that might fail have finished, we
-671     // can go ahead and monkey with the old node.
-673     if (aSplitIndex == capacity) {
-674         PRInt32 nodeslost = newnode->GetSubTreeSize() - 1;
-675         PRInt32 subtreesize = aOldNode->GetSubTreeSize() - nodeslost;
-676         aOldNode->SetSubTreeSize(subtreesize);
-677     }
-678     else {
-679         aOldNode->SetCount(aSplitIndex);
-680         aOldNode->InsertElementAt(aElementToInsert, aSplitIndex);
-681         PRInt32 subtreesize = aOldNode->GetSubTreeSize() - delta + 1;
-682         aOldNode->SetSubTreeSize(subtreesize);
-683     }
-685     return NS_OK;
-686 }
-689 PRInt32
-690 nsVoidBTree::Verify(Node* aNode)
-691 {
-692     // Sanity check the tree by verifying that the subtree sizes all
-693     // add up correctly.
-694     if (aNode->GetType() == Node::eType_Data) {
-695         NS_ASSERTION(aNode->GetCount() == aNode->GetSubTreeSize(), "corrupted");
-696         return aNode->GetCount();
-697     }
-699     PRInt32 childcount = 0;
-700     for (PRInt32 i = 0; i < aNode->GetCount(); ++i) {
-701         Node* child = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(Node*, aNode->GetElementAt(i));
-702         childcount += Verify(child);
-703     }
-705     NS_ASSERTION(childcount == aNode->GetSubTreeSize(), "corrupted");
-706     return childcount;
-707 }
-710 void
-711 nsVoidBTree::DestroySubtree(Node* aNode)
-712 {
-713     PRInt32 count = aNode->GetCount() - 1;
-714     while (count >= 0) {
-715         if (aNode->GetType() == Node::eType_Index)
-716             DestroySubtree(NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(Node*, aNode->GetElementAt(count)));
-718         --count;
-719     }
-721     Node::Destroy(aNode);
-722 }
-724 #ifdef DEBUG
-725 void
-726 nsVoidBTree::Dump(Node* aNode, PRInt32 aIndent)
-727 {
-728     for (PRInt32 i = 0; i < aIndent; ++i)
-729         printf("  ");
-731     if (aNode->GetType() == Node::eType_Data) {
-732         printf("data(%d/%d)\n", aNode->GetCount(), aNode->GetSubTreeSize());
-733     }
-734     else {
-735         printf("index(%d/%d)\n", aNode->GetCount(), aNode->GetSubTreeSize());
-736         for (PRInt32 j = 0; j < aNode->GetCount(); ++j)
-737             Dump(NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(Node*, aNode->GetElementAt(j)), aIndent + 1);
-738     }
-739 }
-740 #endif
-742 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-743 //
-744 // nsVoidBTree::ConstIterator and Iterator methods
-745 //
-747 void* nsVoidBTree::kDummyLast;
-749 void
-750 nsVoidBTree::ConstIterator::Next()
-751 {
-752     if (mIsSingleton) {
-753         mIsExhausted = PR_TRUE;
-754         return;
-755     }
-757     // Otherwise we're a real b-tree iterator, and we need to pull and
-758     // pop our path stack appropriately to gyrate into the right
-759     // position.
-760     while (1) {
-761         Node* current;
-762         PRInt32 index;
-763         mPath.Pop(&current, &index);
-765         PRInt32 count = current->GetCount();
-767         NS_ASSERTION(index < count, "ran off the end, pal");
-769         if (++index >= count) {
-770             // XXXwaterson Oh, this is so ugly. I wish I was smart
-771             // enough to figure out a prettier way to do it.
-772             //
-773             // See if we've just iterated past the last element in the
-774             // b-tree, and now need to leave ourselves in the magical
-775             // state that is equal to nsVoidBTree::Last().
-776             if (current->GetType() == Node::eType_Data) {
-777                 PRBool rightmost = PR_TRUE;
-778                 for (PRInt32 slot = mPath.mTop - 1; slot >= 0; --slot) {
-779                     const Link& link = mPath.mLink[slot];
-780                     if (link.mIndex != link.mNode->GetCount() - 1) {
-781                         rightmost = PR_FALSE;
-782                         break;
-783                     }
-784                 }
-786                 if (rightmost) {
-787                     // It's the last one. Make the path look exactly
-788                     // like nsVoidBTree::Last().
-789                     mPath.Push(current, index);
-790                     return;
-791                 }
-792             }
-794             // Otherwise, we just ran off the end of a "middling"
-795             // node. Loop around, to pop back up the b-tree to its
-796             // parent.
-797             continue;
-798         }
-800         // We're somewhere in the middle. Push the new location onto
-801         // the stack.
-802         mPath.Push(current, index);
-804         // If we're in a data node, we're done: break out of the loop
-805         // here leaving the top of the stack pointing to the next data
-806         // element in the b-tree.
-807         if (current->GetType() == Node::eType_Data)
-808             break;
-810         // Otherwise, we're still in an index node. Push next node
-811         // down onto the stack, starting "one off" to the left, and
-812         // continue around.
-813         mPath.Push(NS_STATIC_CAST(Node*, current->GetElementAt(index)), -1);
-814     }
-815 }
-817 void
-818 nsVoidBTree::ConstIterator::Prev()
-819 {
-820     if (mIsSingleton) {
-821         mIsExhausted = PR_FALSE;
-822         return;
-823     }
-825     // Otherwise we're a real b-tree iterator, and we need to pull and
-826     // pop our path stack appropriately to gyrate into the right
-827     // position. This is just like nsVoidBTree::ConstIterator::Next(),
-828     // but in reverse.
-829     while (1) {
-830         Node* current;
-831         PRInt32 index;
-832         mPath.Pop(&current, &index);
-834         NS_ASSERTION(index >= 0, "ran off the front, pal");
-836         if (--index < 0)
-837             continue;
-839         mPath.Push(current, index);
-841         if (current->GetType() == Node::eType_Data)
-842             break;
-844         current = NS_STATIC_CAST(Node*, current->GetElementAt(index));
-845         mPath.Push(current, current->GetCount());
-846     }
-847 }
-849 const nsVoidBTree::Path
-850 nsVoidBTree::LeftMostPath() const
-851 {
-852     Path path;
-853     Node* current = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(Node*, mRoot & kRoot_PointerMask);
-855     while (1) {
-856         path.Push(current, 0);
-858         if (current->GetType() == Node::eType_Data)
-859             break;
-861         current = NS_STATIC_CAST(Node*, current->GetElementAt(0));
-862     }
-864     return path;
-865 }
-868 const nsVoidBTree::Path
-869 nsVoidBTree::RightMostPath() const
-870 {
-871     Path path;
-872     Node* current = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(Node*, mRoot & kRoot_PointerMask);
-874     while (1) {
-875         PRInt32 count = current->GetCount();
-877         if (current->GetType() == Node::eType_Data) {
-878             path.Push(current, count);
-879             break;
-880         }
-882         path.Push(current, count - 1);
-883         current = NS_STATIC_CAST(Node*, current->GetElementAt(count - 1));
-884     }
-886     return path;
-887 }

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Pages: (only loop over the first N pages; leave blank to loop over all pages)
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