Bug 1662925 - Test enhancements. r=nika

Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D92020
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Sutherland 2020-10-07 16:03:48 +00:00
parent 52eb306b64
commit f2243a9fe7
4 changed files with 339 additions and 71 deletions

View File

@ -25,3 +25,4 @@ support-files =
support-files =

View File

@ -3,17 +3,29 @@ const DIRPATH = getRootDirectory(gTestPath).replace(
* We choose blob contents that will roundtrip cleanly through the `textContent`
* of our returned HTML page.
const TEST_BLOB_CONTENTS = `I'm a disk-backed test blob! Hooray!`;
add_task(async function setup() {
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [
// Set preferences so that opening a page with the origin "example.org"
// will result in a remoteType of "privilegedmozilla" for both the
// page and the ServiceWorker.
["browser.tabs.remote.separatePrivilegedMozillaWebContentProcess", true],
["browser.tabs.remote.separatedMozillaDomains", "example.org"],
["dom.ipc.processCount.privilegedmozilla", 1],
["dom.ipc.processCount.webIsolated", 1],
["dom.ipc.processPrelaunch.enabled", false],
["dom.serviceWorkers.enabled", true],
["dom.serviceWorkers.testing.enabled", true],
["dom.serviceworkers.parent_intercept", true],
// ServiceWorker worker instances should stay alive until explicitly
// caused to terminate by dropping these timeouts to 0 in
// `waitForWorkerAndProcessShutdown`.
["dom.serviceWorkers.idle_timeout", 299999],
["dom.serviceWorkers.idle_extended_timeout", 299999],
@ -24,13 +36,52 @@ function countRemoteType(remoteType) {
async function waitForWorkerIdleShutdown(swRegInfo, remoteType) {
info(`waiting for ${remoteType} procs to shut down`);
ok(swRegInfo.activeWorker, "worker isn't currently active?");
* Helper function to get a list of all current processes and their remote
* types. Note that when in used in a templated literal that it is
* synchronously invoked when the string is evaluated and captures system state
* at that instant.
function debugRemotes() {
return ChromeUtils.getAllDOMProcesses()
.map(p => p.remoteType || "parent")
* Wait for there to be zero processes of the given remoteType. This check is
* considered successful if there are already no processes of the given type
* at this very moment.
async function waitForNoProcessesOfType(remoteType) {
info(`waiting for there to be no ${remoteType} procs`);
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
() => countRemoteType(remoteType) == 0,
"wait for the worker's process to shutdown"
* Given a ServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo with an active ServiceWorker that
* has no active ExtendableEvents but would otherwise continue running thanks
* to the idle keepalive:
* - Assert that there is a ServiceWorker instance in the given registration's
* active slot. (General invariant check.)
* - Assert that a single process with the given remoteType currently exists.
* (This doesn't mean the SW is alive in that process, though this test
* verifies that via other checks when appropriate.)
* - Induce the worker to shutdown by temporarily dropping the idle timeout to 0
* and causing the idle timer to be reset due to rapid debugger attach/detach.
* - Wait for the the single process with the given remoteType to go away.
* - Reset the idle timeouts back to their previous high values.
async function waitForWorkerAndProcessShutdown(swRegInfo, remoteType) {
info(`terminating worker and waiting for ${remoteType} procs to shut down`);
ok(swRegInfo.activeWorker, "worker should be in the active slot");
`should have a single ${remoteType} process`
`should have a single ${remoteType} process but have: ${debugRemotes()}`
// Let's not wait too long for the process to shutdown.
@ -49,35 +100,29 @@ async function waitForWorkerIdleShutdown(swRegInfo, remoteType) {
// Eventually the length will reach 0, meaning we're done!
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
() => countRemoteType(remoteType) == 0,
"wait for the worker's process to shutdown"
await waitForNoProcessesOfType(remoteType);
"processes with `remoteType` type should have shut down"
`processes with remoteType=${remoteType} type should have shut down`
// Make sure we never kill workers on idle except when this is called.
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [
["dom.serviceWorkers.idle_timeout", 299999],
["dom.serviceWorkers.idle_extended_timeout", 299999],
await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv();
async function do_test_sw(host, remoteType) {
info(`entering test: host=${host}, remoteType=${remoteType}`);
async function do_test_sw(host, remoteType, swMode, fileBlob) {
`### entering test: host=${host}, remoteType=${remoteType}, mode=${swMode}`
const prin = Services.scriptSecurityManager.createContentPrincipal(
const sw = `https://${host}/${DIRPATH}file_service_worker_fetch_synthetic.js`;
const scope = `https://${host}/${DIRPATH}scope`;
const scope = `https://${host}/${DIRPATH}server_fetch_synthetic.sjs`;
const swm = Cc["@mozilla.org/serviceworkers/manager;1"].getService(
@ -97,55 +142,182 @@ async function do_test_sw(host, remoteType) {
() => swRegInfo.activeWorker,
"wait for the worker to become active"
await waitForWorkerIdleShutdown(swRegInfo, remoteType);
await waitForWorkerAndProcessShutdown(swRegInfo, remoteType);
await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab("about:blank", async browser => {
// NOTE: We intentionally trigger the navigation from content in order to
// make sure frontend doesn't eagerly process-switch for us.
SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [scope], async scope => {
content.location.href = `${scope}/intercepted.html`;
await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser);
`test navigation interception with mode=${swMode} starting from about:blank`
await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab(
url: "about:blank",
async browser => {
// NOTE: We intentionally trigger the navigation from content in order to
// make sure frontend doesn't eagerly process-switch for us.
[scope, swMode, fileBlob],
// eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
async (scope, swMode, fileBlob) => {
const pageUrl = `${scope}?mode=${swMode}`;
if (!fileBlob) {
content.location.href = pageUrl;
} else {
const doc = content.document;
const formElem = doc.createElement("form");
"should have spawned a content process with the correct remoteType"
formElem.action = pageUrl;
formElem.method = "POST";
formElem.enctype = "multipart/form-data";
// Ensure the worker was loaded in this process.
const workerDebuggerURLs = await SpecialPowers.spawn(
async url => {
await content.navigator.serviceWorker.ready;
const wdm = Cc[
const fileElem = doc.createElement("input");
return Array.from(wdm.getWorkerDebuggerEnumerator())
.map(wd => {
return wd.url;
.filter(swURL => swURL == url);
"The worker should be running in the correct child process"
fileElem.type = "file";
fileElem.name = "foo";
// Unregister the worker.
await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], async () => {
let registration = await content.navigator.serviceWorker.ready;
await registration.unregister();
await waitForWorkerIdleShutdown(swRegInfo, remoteType);
await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser);
`should have spawned a content process with remoteType=${remoteType}`
const { source, blobContents } = await SpecialPowers.spawn(
() => {
return {
source: content.document.getElementById("source").textContent,
blobContents: content.document.getElementById("blob").textContent,
swMode === "synthetic" ? "ServiceWorker" : "ServerJS",
"The page contents should come from the right place."
fileBlob ? TEST_BLOB_CONTENTS : "",
"The request blob contents should be the blob/empty as appropriate."
// Ensure the worker was loaded in this process.
const workerDebuggerURLs = await SpecialPowers.spawn(
async url => {
if (!content.navigator.serviceWorker.controller) {
throw new Error("document not controlled!");
const wdm = Cc[
return Array.from(wdm.getWorkerDebuggerEnumerator())
.map(wd => {
return wd.url;
.filter(swURL => swURL == url);
"The worker should be running in the correct child process"
// Unregister the ServiceWorker. The registration will continue to control
// `browser` and therefore continue to exist and its worker to continue
// running until the tab is closed.
await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], async () => {
let registration = await content.navigator.serviceWorker.ready;
await registration.unregister();
// Now that the controlled tab is closed and the registration has been
// removed, the ServiceWorker will be made redundant which will forcibly
// terminate it, which will result in the shutdown of the given content
// process. Wait for that to happen both as a verification and so the next
// test has a sufficiently clean slate.
await waitForNoProcessesOfType(remoteType);
* Create a File-backed blob. This will happen synchronously from the main
* thread, which isn't optimal, but the test blocks on this progress anyways.
* Bug 1669578 has been filed on improving this idiom and avoiding the sync
* writes.
async function makeFileBlob(blobContents) {
const tmpFile = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"]
.get("TmpD", Ci.nsIFile);
tmpFile.createUnique(Ci.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0o600);
var outStream = Cc[
0x02 | 0x08 | 0x20, // write, create, truncate
outStream.write(blobContents, blobContents.length);
const fileBlob = await File.createFromNsIFile(tmpFile);
return fileBlob;
add_task(async function test() {
await do_test_sw("example.org", "privilegedmozilla");
// ## Isolated Privileged Process
// Trigger a straightforward intercepted navigation with no request body that
// returns a synthetic response.
await do_test_sw("example.org", "privilegedmozilla", "synthetic", null);
// Trigger an intercepted navigation with FormData containing an
// <input type="file"> which will result in the request body containing a
// RemoteLazyInputStream which will be consumed in the content process by the
// ServiceWorker while generating the synthetic response.
const fileBlob = await makeFileBlob(TEST_BLOB_CONTENTS);
await do_test_sw("example.org", "privilegedmozilla", "synthetic", fileBlob);
// Trigger an intercepted navigation with FormData containing an
// <input type="file"> which will result in the request body containing a
// RemoteLazyInputStream which will be relayed back to the parent process
// via direct invocation of fetch() on the event.request but without any
// cloning.
await do_test_sw("example.org", "privilegedmozilla", "fetch", fileBlob);
// Same as the above but cloning the request before fetching it.
await do_test_sw("example.org", "privilegedmozilla", "clone", fileBlob);
// ## Fission Isolation
if (Services.appinfo.fissionAutostart) {
const fissionUrl = "example.com";
const fissionRemoteType = `webIsolated=https://example.com`;
await do_test_sw(fissionUrl, fissionRemoteType, "synthetic", null);
await do_test_sw(fissionUrl, fissionRemoteType, "synthetic", fileBlob);

View File

@ -2,14 +2,59 @@ addEventListener("install", function(evt) {
* Given a multipart/form-data encoded string that we know to have only a single
* part, return the contents of the part. (MIME multipart encoding is too
* exciting to delve into.)
function extractBlobFromMultipartFormData(text) {
const lines = text.split(/\r\n/g);
const firstBlank = lines.indexOf("");
const foo = lines.slice(firstBlank + 1, -2).join("\n");
return foo;
self.addEventListener("fetch", event => {
new Response(
`<!DOCTYPE HTML><body>
<h1 id="url">${event.request.url}</h1>
<h1 id="location">${self.location.href}</h1>
{ headers: { "Content-Type": "text/html" } }
const url = new URL(event.request.url);
const mode = url.searchParams.get("mode");
if (mode === "synthetic") {
(async () => {
// This works even if there wasn't a body explicitly associated with the
// request. We just get a zero-length string in that case.
const requestBodyContents = await event.request.text();
const blobContents = extractBlobFromMultipartFormData(
return new Response(
`<!DOCTYPE HTML><head><meta charset="utf-8"/></head><body>
<h1 id="url">${event.request.url}</h1>
<div id="source">ServiceWorker</div>
<div id="blob">${blobContents}</div>
{ headers: { "Content-Type": "text/html" } }
} else if (mode === "fetch") {
} else if (mode === "clone") {
// In order for the act of cloning to be interesting, we want the original
// request to remain alive so that any pipes end up having to buffer.
self.originalRequest = event.request;
} else {
new Response(
`<!DOCTYPE HTML><head><meta charset="utf-8"/></head><body>
<h1 id="error">Bad mode: ${mode}</h1>
<div id="source">ServiceWorker::Error</div>
<div id="blob">No, this is an error.</div>
{ headers: { "Content-Type": "text/html" }, status: 400 }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
const CC = Components.Constructor;
const BinaryInputStream = CC(
function log(str) {
//dump(`SJS LOG: ${str}\n`);
* Given a multipart/form-data encoded string that we know to have only a single
* part, return the contents of the part. (MIME multipart encoding is too
* exciting to delve into.)
function extractBlobFromMultipartFormData(text) {
const lines = text.split(/\r\n/g);
const firstBlank = lines.indexOf("");
const foo = lines.slice(firstBlank + 1, -2).join("\n");
return foo;
async function handleRequest(request, response) {
let blobContents = "";
if (request.method !== "POST") {
} else {
var body = new BinaryInputStream(request.bodyInputStream);
var avail;
var bytes = [];
while ((avail = body.available()) > 0) {
Array.prototype.push.apply(bytes, body.readByteArray(avail));
let requestBodyContents = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, bytes);
blobContents = extractBlobFromMultipartFormData(requestBodyContents);
log("Setting Headers")
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html", false);
response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, "200", "OK");
response.write(`<!DOCTYPE HTML><head><meta charset="utf-8"/></head><body>
<h1 id="url">${request.scheme}${request.host}${request.port}${request.path}</h1>
<div id="source">ServerJS</div>
<div id="blob">${blobContents}</div>