allow nsXULWindow::CreateNewWindow to fail; don't fall back on the appshell. bug 115969 r=jaggernaut,jst

This commit is contained in: 2002-01-04 02:32:48 +00:00
parent 61df0dc23c
commit f3666195b8

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@ -106,10 +106,9 @@ nsWindowCreator::CreateChromeWindow(nsIWebBrowserChrome *aParent,
NS_ASSERTION(xulParent, "window created using non-XUL parent. that's unexpected, but may work.");
if (xulParent)
xulParent->CreateNewWindow(aChromeFlags, getter_AddRefs(newWindow));
// no parent or incompetent parent. try again using basic methods:
if (!newWindow) {
// And if it fails, don't try again without a parent. It could fail
// intentionally (bug 115969).
} else { // try using basic methods:
/* You really shouldn't be making dependent windows without a parent.
But unparented modal (and therefore dependent) windows happen
in our codebase, so we allow it after some bellyaching: */