Fix floater placement by removing it's old location before adding it again; use proper reflow state when getting a floaters style-size; don't forget to place below-current-line-floaters on frame-appended reflow

This commit is contained in: 1998-07-23 19:54:44 +00:00
parent 9244fbc782
commit f9ce8ce6a7

View File

@ -1559,6 +1559,13 @@ NS_ASSERTION(xmost < 1000000, "bad line width");
// will be present in the lastCleanLine's YMost so don't add it
// in again)
aState.mY += lastCleanLine->mOuterBottomMargin;
// XXX I'm not sure about the previous statement and floaters!!!
// Place any floaters the line has
if (nsnull != lastCleanLine->mFloaters) {
@ -3453,13 +3460,18 @@ nsCSSBlockFrame::ReflowFloater(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsCSSBlockReflowState& aState,
nsIFrame* aFloaterFrame)
//XXX fix_me: use the values already stored in the nsCSSBlockReflowState
// Prepare the reflow state for the floater frame. Note that initially
// it's maxSize will be 0,0 until we compute it (we need the reflowState
// for nsCSSLayout::GetStyleSize so we have to do this first)
nsSize kidAvailSize(0, 0);
nsReflowState reflowState(aFloaterFrame, aState, kidAvailSize,
// Compute the available space for the floater. Use the default
// 'auto' width and height values
nsSize kidAvailSize;
nsSize styleSize;
PRIntn styleSizeFlags =
nsCSSLayout::GetStyleSize(aPresContext, aState, styleSize);
nsCSSLayout::GetStyleSize(aPresContext, reflowState, styleSize);
// XXX The width and height are for the content area only. Add in space for
// border and padding
@ -3485,26 +3497,21 @@ nsCSSBlockFrame::ReflowFloater(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
NS_ASSERTION(0 != kidAvailSize.width, "no width for block found");
if (styleSizeFlags & NS_SIZE_HAS_HEIGHT) {
kidAvailSize.height = styleSize.height;
else {
kidAvailSize.height = NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE;
reflowState.maxSize = kidAvailSize;
// Resize reflow the anchored item into the available space
// XXX Check for complete?
nsReflowMetrics desiredSize(nsnull);
nsReflowState reflowState(aFloaterFrame, aState, kidAvailSize,
nsReflowStatus status;
aFloaterFrame->Reflow(*aPresContext, desiredSize, reflowState, status);
aFloaterFrame->SizeTo(desiredSize.width, desiredSize.height);
//XXX aFloaterFrame->DidReflow(*aPresContext, NS_FRAME_REFLOW_FINISHED);
@ -3671,10 +3678,19 @@ nsCSSBlockReflowState::PlaceBelowCurrentLineFloaters(nsVoidArray* aFloaterList)
nsIFrame* floater = placeholderFrame->GetAnchoredItem();
// ReflowFloater(aPresContext, *state, aFloater);
// Remove floaters old placement from the space manager
// Reflow the floater if it's targetted for a reflow
if (nsnull != reflowCommand) {
nsIFrame* target;
if (floater == target) {
mBlock->ReflowFloater(mPresContext, *this, floater);
// Get the band of available space
// XXX This is inefficient to do this inside the loop...
// Get the type of floater
@ -3711,7 +3727,6 @@ nsCSSBlockReflowState::PlaceBelowCurrentLineFloaters(nsVoidArray* aFloaterList)
floaterSpacing->CalcMarginFor(floater, floaterMargin);
region.width += floaterMargin.left + floaterMargin.right;
region.height += + floaterMargin.bottom;
sm->RemoveRegion(floater);/* XXX temporary code */
sm->AddRectRegion(floater, region);
// Set the origin of the floater in world coordinates