Bug 1771951: add pin to taskbar support in the installer on Windows 10 & 11 r=mhowell

This patch starts pinning Firefox to the Taskbar by default on all supported Windows versions. The main addition here is a port of our existing taskbar pinning code for modern Windows 10 & 11 versions to an NSIS plugin (compiled version also included).

After discussion with a few stakeholders, we also decided that we will never pin during an update on Windows 10 or 11. (Arguably we could stop on Windows 7 & 8 as well - but I don't really see any harm in carrying forward our pre-existing behaviour there.) With this in mind, I dropped all the second pinning attempt code (which was only ever enabled for Windows 10).

Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D148288
This commit is contained in:
Ben Hearsum 2022-06-22 14:19:50 +00:00
parent e90bd7f443
commit fa35a4365f
6 changed files with 374 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -40,7 +40,16 @@
; Adds a pinned Task Bar shortcut (see MigrateTaskBarShortcut for details).
; When we enabled this feature for Windows 10 & 11 we decided _not_ to pin
; during an update (even once) because we already offered to do when the
; the user originally installed, and we don't want to go against their
; explicit wishes.
; For Windows 7 and 8, we've been doing this ~forever, and those users may
; not have experienced the onboarding offer to pin to taskbar, so we're
; leaving it enabled there.
${If} ${AtMostWin2012R2}
; Update the name/icon/AppModelID of our shortcuts as needed, then update the
; lastwritetime of the Start Menu shortcut to clear the tile icon cache.
@ -1281,28 +1290,6 @@ ${RemoveDefaultBrowserAgentShortcut}
${ElseIf} ${AtLeastWin10}
${GetInstallerRegistryPref} "Software\Mozilla\${AppName}" \
"installer.taskbarpin.win10.enabled" $2
${If} $2 == "true"
; On Windows 10, we may have previously tried to make a taskbar pin
; and failed because the API we tried to use was blocked by the OS.
; We have an option that works in more cases now, so we're going to try
; again, but also record that we've done so by writing a particular
; registry value, so that we don't continue to do this repeatedly.
ReadRegDWORD $2 HKCU \
"Software\Mozilla\${AppName}\Installer\$AppUserModelID" \
${If} ${Errors}
"Software\Mozilla\${AppName}\Installer\$AppUserModelID" \
"WasPinnedToTaskbar" 1
${If} $AddTaskbarSC != "0"
@ -1369,17 +1356,22 @@ ${RemoveDefaultBrowserAgentShortcut}
; Pin the shortcut to the TaskBar. 5386 is the shell32.dll
; resource id for the "Pin to Taskbar" string.
InvokeShellVerb::DoIt "$SMPROGRAMS" "$1" "5386"
${ElseIf} ${AtMostWaaS} 1809
; In Windows 10 the "Pin to Taskbar" resource was removed, so we
; can't access the verb that way anymore. We have a create a
; command key using the GUID that's assigned to this action and
; then invoke that as a verb.
; then invoke that as a verb. This works up until build 1809
ReadRegStr $R9 HKLM \
"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\CommandStore\shell\Windows.taskbarpin" \
WriteRegStr HKCU "Software\Classes\*\shell\${AppRegName}-$AppUserModelID" "ExplorerCommandHandler" $R9
InvokeShellVerb::DoIt "$SMPROGRAMS" "$1" "${AppRegName}-$AppUserModelID"
DeleteRegKey HKCU "Software\Classes\*\shell\${AppRegName}-$AppUserModelID"
; In the Windows 10 1903 and up (and Windows 11) the above no
; longer works. We have yet another method for these versions
; which is detailed in the PinToTaskbar plugin code.
PinToTaskbar::Pin "$SMPROGRAMS\$1"
; Delete the shortcut if it was created

View File

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, you can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
// This file is an NSIS plugin which exports a function that pins a provided
// Shortcut to the Windows Taskbar on Windows 10 (1903+) and Windows 11.
// This is an adapted version of the Pin to Taskbar code that is used in
// Firefox: https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/4bce7d85ba4796dd03c5dcc7cfe8eee0e4c07b3b/browser/components/shell/nsWindowsShellService.cpp#1178
#include <objbase.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "shlwapi.lib")
static bool
PinShortcutToTaskbar(const wchar_t *shortcutPath)
// This enum is likely only used for Windows telemetry, INT_MAX is chosen to
// avoid confusion with existing uses.
// The types below, and the idea of using IPinnedList3::Modify,
// are thanks to Gee Law <https://geelaw.blog/entries/msedge-pins/>
static constexpr GUID CLSID_TaskbandPin = {
{0xb8, 0xbb, 0x53, 0x57, 0x73, 0xd4, 0x84, 0x49}};
static constexpr GUID IID_IPinnedList3 = {
{0x9e, 0xeb, 0x3b, 0x54, 0x97, 0x69, 0xe9, 0x40}};
struct IPinnedList3Vtbl;
struct IPinnedList3 {
IPinnedList3Vtbl* vtbl;
typedef ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE ReleaseFunc(IPinnedList3 * that);
struct IPinnedList3Vtbl {
void* QueryInterface; // 0
void* AddRef; // 1
ReleaseFunc* Release; // 2
void* Other[13]; // 3-15
ModifyFunc* Modify; // 16
PIDLIST_ABSOLUTE path = nullptr;
HRESULT hr = SHParseDisplayName(shortcutPath, nullptr, &path, 0, nullptr);
if (FAILED(hr) || !path) {
return false;
IPinnedList3* pinnedList = nullptr;
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_TaskbandPin, nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
IID_IPinnedList3, (void**)&pinnedList);
if (FAILED(hr) || !pinnedList) {
return false;
hr = pinnedList->vtbl->Modify(pinnedList, nullptr, path, PLMC_INT_MAX);
return true;
struct stack_t {
stack_t* next;
* Removes an element from the top of the NSIS stack
* @param stacktop A pointer to the top of the stack
* @param str The string to pop to
* @param len The max length
* @return 0 on success
popstring(stack_t **stacktop, TCHAR *str, int len)
// Removes the element from the top of the stack and puts it in the buffer
stack_t *th;
if (!stacktop || !*stacktop) {
return 1;
th = (*stacktop);
lstrcpyn(str, th->text, len);
*stacktop = th->next;
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, th);
return 0;
* Adds an element to the top of the NSIS stack
* @param stacktop A pointer to the top of the stack
* @param str The string to push on the stack
* @param len The length of the string to push on the stack
* @return 0 on success
pushstring(stack_t **stacktop, const TCHAR *str, int len)
stack_t *th;
if (!stacktop) {
th = (stack_t*)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(stack_t) + len);
lstrcpyn(th->text, str, len);
th->next = *stacktop;
*stacktop = th;
* Pins a provided shortcut to the Taskbar on Windows 10 (1903) and up.
* @param stacktop Pointer to the top of the stack, AKA the first parameter to
the plugin call. Should contain the shortcut to pin.
* @return 1 if the shortcut was pinned successfully, otherwise 0
extern "C" void __declspec(dllexport)
Pin(HWND, int, TCHAR *, stack_t **stacktop, void *)
wchar_t shortcutPath[MAX_PATH + 1];
bool rv = false;
// We're skipping building the C runtime to keep the file size low, so we
// can't use a normal string initialization because that would call memset.
shortcutPath[0] = L'\0';
popstring(stacktop, shortcutPath, MAX_PATH);
rv = PinShortcutToTaskbar(shortcutPath);
pushstring(stacktop, rv ? L"1" : L"0", 2);
return TRUE;

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
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Binary file not shown.

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@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ CUSTOM_NSIS_PLUGINS = \
InvokeShellVerb.dll \
liteFirewallW.dll \
nsJSON.dll \
PinToTaskbar.dll \
ServicesHelper.dll \
ShellLink.dll \
UAC.dll \