Bug 509557 - Don't do a bunch of extra work and create a bunch of extra objects during window creation.

This commit is contained in:
Blake Kaplan 2009-08-18 21:02:05 -07:00
parent a6fdb48b85
commit fc4b1187b7
3 changed files with 42 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -2532,15 +2532,9 @@ nsJSContext::InitContext(nsIScriptGlobalObject *aGlobalObject)
// properties will be forwarded to the inner window.
::JS_ClearScope(mContext, global);
// Tell XPConnect to re-initialize the global object to do things like
// define the Components object on the global again and forget all
// old prototypes in this scope.
// XXX Except that now, the global is thawed and has an inner window. So
// anything that XPConnect does to our global will be forwarded. So I
// think the only thing that this does for real is to call SetGlobal on
// our XPCWrappedNativeScope. Perhaps XPConnect should have a more
// targeted API?
rv = xpc->InitClasses(mContext, global);
// Now that the inner and outer windows are connected, tell XPConnect to
// re-initialize the prototypes on the outer window's scope.
rv = xpc->InitClassesForOuterObject(mContext, global);
nsCOMPtr<nsIClassInfo> ci(do_QueryInterface(aGlobalObject));

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@ -394,17 +394,37 @@ interface nsIXPCFunctionThisTranslator : nsISupports
{ 0xbd, 0xd6, 0x0, 0x0, 0x64, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74 } }
interface nsIXPConnect : nsISupports
%{ C++
* Initializes classes on a global object that has already been created.
initClasses(in JSContextPtr aJSContext,
in JSObjectPtr aGlobalJSObj);
* Like initClasses, but only does some of the initialization on the
* existing global. In particular this function assumes that the outer
* window has already been connected to an inner window, so
* re-initializing things like XPCNativeWrapper is useless.
initClassesForOuterObject(in JSContextPtr aJSContext,
in JSObjectPtr aGlobalJSObj);
* Creates a new global object using the given aCOMObj as the global
* object. The object will be set up according to the flags (defined
* below). If you do not pass INIT_JS_STANDARD_CLASSES, then aCOMObj
* must implement nsIXPCScriptable so it can resolve the standard
* classes when asked by the JS engine.
in JSContextPtr aJSContext,

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@ -1077,6 +1077,24 @@ nsXPConnect::InitClasses(JSContext * aJSContext, JSObject * aGlobalJSObj)
return NS_OK;
/* void initClassesForOuterObject (in JSContextPtr aJSContext, in JSObjectPtr aGlobalJSObj); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsXPConnect::InitClassesForOuterObject(JSContext * aJSContext, JSObject * aGlobalJSObj)
SaveFrame sf(aJSContext);
XPCCallContext ccx(NATIVE_CALLER, aJSContext);
return UnexpectedFailure(NS_ERROR_FAILURE);
XPCWrappedNativeScope* scope =
XPCWrappedNativeScope::GetNewOrUsed(ccx, aGlobalJSObj);
return UnexpectedFailure(NS_ERROR_FAILURE);
return NS_OK;
static JSBool
TempGlobalResolve(JSContext *aJSContext, JSObject *obj, jsval id)