Bug 1847489: Detect UIA clients in Windows 10. r=nlapre

The new detection code introduced in bug 1838123 doesn't work on Windows 10.
This patch:

1. Splits the Windows 11 code into its own function.
2. Refactors the system handle enumeration code into its own function which can be called with a lambda, since it is needed for both Windows 11 and Windows 10.
3. Adds code to detect clients on Windows 10 based on the old detection code before bug 1838123, with some noteworthy changes:
    - Hooking the UIA window message doesn't work; our hook runs too late. It also doesn't work well for blocking; some clients will very likely poke us more than the maximum attempts in the old code (5 times).
    - Instead, we run this code as part of LazyInstantiator::ShouldInstantiate, just as we do for all other client detection.
    - This means we use the same UIA detection caching strategy; i.e. reset on foreground changes.
    - It also means we reuse the same instantiator setting and block listing code in LazyInstantiator.

Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D185627
This commit is contained in:
James Teh 2023-08-09 04:02:46 +00:00
parent dcf50463d3
commit fc74f60e4b

View File

@ -17,23 +17,107 @@
using namespace mozilla;
namespace mozilla {
namespace a11y {
struct ByteArrayDeleter {
void operator()(void* aBuf) { delete[] reinterpret_cast<std::byte*>(aBuf); }
void Compatibility::GetUiaClientPids(nsTArray<DWORD>& aPids) {
if (!::GetModuleHandleW(L"uiautomationcore.dll")) {
// UIAutomationCore isn't loaded, so there is no UIA client.
typedef UniquePtr<OBJECT_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION, ByteArrayDeleter> ObjDirInfoPtr;
// ComparatorFnT returns true to continue searching, or else false to indicate
// search completion.
template <typename ComparatorFnT>
static bool FindNamedObject(const ComparatorFnT& aComparator) {
// We want to enumerate every named kernel object in our session. We do this
// by opening a directory object using a path constructed using the session
// id under which our process resides.
DWORD sessionId;
if (!::ProcessIdToSessionId(::GetCurrentProcessId(), &sessionId)) {
return false;
Telemetry::AutoTimer<Telemetry::A11Y_UIA_DETECTION_TIMING_MS> timer;
nsAutoString path;
path.AppendPrintf("\\Sessions\\%lu\\BaseNamedObjects", sessionId);
UNICODE_STRING baseNamedObjectsName;
::RtlInitUnicodeString(&baseNamedObjectsName, path.get());
InitializeObjectAttributes(&attributes, &baseNamedObjectsName, 0, nullptr,
HANDLE rawBaseNamedObjects;
NTSTATUS ntStatus = ::NtOpenDirectoryObject(
&rawBaseNamedObjects, DIRECTORY_QUERY | DIRECTORY_TRAVERSE, &attributes);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) {
return false;
nsAutoHandle baseNamedObjects(rawBaseNamedObjects);
ULONG context = 0, returnedLen;
ObjDirInfoPtr objDirInfo(reinterpret_cast<OBJECT_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION*>(
new std::byte[objDirInfoBufLen]));
// Now query that directory object for every named object that it contains.
BOOL firstCall = TRUE;
do {
ntStatus = ::NtQueryDirectoryObject(baseNamedObjects, objDirInfo.get(),
objDirInfoBufLen, FALSE, firstCall,
&context, &returnedLen);
#if defined(HAVE_64BIT_BUILD)
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) {
return false;
if (ntStatus == STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {
// This case only occurs on 32-bit builds running atop WOW64.
// (See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1423999#c3)
new std::byte[returnedLen]));
objDirInfoBufLen = returnedLen;
} else if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) {
return false;
// NtQueryDirectoryObject gave us an array of OBJECT_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION
// structures whose final entry is zeroed out.
while (curDir->mName.Length && curDir->mTypeName.Length) {
// We use nsDependentSubstring here because UNICODE_STRINGs are not
// guaranteed to be null-terminated.
nsDependentSubstring objName(curDir->mName.Buffer,
curDir->mName.Length / sizeof(wchar_t));
nsDependentSubstring typeName(curDir->mTypeName.Buffer,
curDir->mTypeName.Length / sizeof(wchar_t));
if (!aComparator(objName, typeName)) {
return true;
firstCall = FALSE;
} while (ntStatus == STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES);
return false;
// ComparatorFnT returns true to continue searching, or else false to indicate
// search completion.
template <typename ComparatorFnT>
static bool FindHandle(const ComparatorFnT& aComparator) {
NTSTATUS ntStatus;
// First we must query for a list of all the open handles in the system.
UniquePtr<std::byte[]> handleInfoBuf;
// We must query for handle information in a loop, since we are effectively
// asking the kernel to take a snapshot of all the handles on the system;
// the size of the required buffer may fluctuate between successive calls.
@ -42,53 +126,58 @@ void Compatibility::GetUiaClientPids(nsTArray<DWORD>& aPids) {
// we should use fallible new here.
handleInfoBuf = MakeUniqueFallible<std::byte[]>(handleInfoBufLen);
if (!handleInfoBuf) {
return false;
ntStatus = ::NtQuerySystemInformation(
handleInfoBuf.get(), handleInfoBufLen, &handleInfoBufLen);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) {
return false;
const DWORD ourPid = ::GetCurrentProcessId();
auto handleInfo =
for (ULONG index = 0; index < handleInfo->mHandleCount; ++index) {
SYSTEM_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO_EX& curHandle = handleInfo->mHandles[index];
if (curHandle.mPid != ourPid) {
// We're only interested in handles in our own process.
SYSTEM_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO_EX& info = handleInfo->mHandles[index];
HANDLE handle = reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(info.mHandle);
if (!aComparator(info, handle)) {
return true;
HANDLE handle = reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(curHandle.mHandle);
return false;
static void GetUiaClientPidsWin11(nsTArray<DWORD>& aPids) {
const DWORD ourPid = ::GetCurrentProcessId();
FindHandle([&](auto aInfo, auto aHandle) {
if (aInfo.mPid != ourPid) {
// We're only interested in handles in our own process.
return true;
// Get the name of the handle.
ULONG objNameBufLen;
ntStatus =
::NtQueryObject(handle, (OBJECT_INFORMATION_CLASS)ObjectNameInformation,
nullptr, 0, &objNameBufLen);
NTSTATUS ntStatus = ::NtQueryObject(
aHandle, (OBJECT_INFORMATION_CLASS)ObjectNameInformation, nullptr, 0,
return true;
auto objNameBuf = MakeUnique<std::byte[]>(objNameBufLen);
ntStatus =
::NtQueryObject(handle, (OBJECT_INFORMATION_CLASS)ObjectNameInformation,
objNameBuf.get(), objNameBufLen, &objNameBufLen);
ntStatus = ::NtQueryObject(aHandle,
objNameBuf.get(), objNameBufLen, &objNameBufLen);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) {
return true;
auto objNameInfo =
if (!objNameInfo->Name.Length) {
return true;
nsDependentString objName(objNameInfo->Name.Buffer,
objNameInfo->Name.Length / sizeof(wchar_t));
@ -99,7 +188,149 @@ void Compatibility::GetUiaClientPids(nsTArray<DWORD>& aPids) {
// Get the process id of the remote end. Counter-intuitively, for this
// pipe, we're the client and the remote process is the server.
ULONG pid = 0;
::GetNamedPipeServerProcessId(handle, &pid);
::GetNamedPipeServerProcessId(aHandle, &pid);
return true;
static DWORD GetUiaClientPidWin10() {
// UIA creates a section of the form "HOOK_SHMEM_%08lx_%08lx_%08lx_%08lx"
constexpr auto kStrHookShmem = u"HOOK_SHMEM_"_ns;
// The second %08lx is the thread id.
nsAutoString sectionThread;
sectionThread.AppendPrintf("_%08lx_", ::GetCurrentThreadId());
// This is the number of characters from the end of the section name where
// the sectionThread substring begins.
constexpr size_t sectionThreadRPos = 27;
// This is the length of sectionThread.
constexpr size_t sectionThreadLen = 10;
// Find any named Section that matches the naming convention of the UIA shared
// memory. There can only be one of these at a time, since this only exists
// while UIA is processing a request and it can only process a single request
// on a single thread.
nsAutoHandle section;
auto objectComparator = [&](const nsDependentSubstring& aName,
const nsDependentSubstring& aType) -> bool {
if (aType.Equals(u"Section"_ns) && FindInReadable(kStrHookShmem, aName) &&
Substring(aName, aName.Length() - sectionThreadRPos,
sectionThreadLen) == sectionThread) {
// Get a handle to this section so we can get its kernel object and
// use that to find the handle for this section in the remote process.
section.own(::OpenFileMapping(GENERIC_READ, FALSE,
return false;
return true;
if (!FindNamedObject(objectComparator) || !section) {
return 0;
// Now, find the kernel object associated with our section, the handle in the
// remote process associated with that kernel object and thus the remote
// process id.
NTSTATUS ntStatus;
const DWORD ourPid = ::GetCurrentProcessId();
Maybe<PVOID> kernelObject;
static Maybe<USHORT> sectionObjTypeIndex;
nsTHashSet<uint32_t> nonSectionObjTypes;
nsTHashMap<nsVoidPtrHashKey, DWORD> objMap;
DWORD remotePid = 0;
FindHandle([&](auto aInfo, auto aHandle) {
// The mapping of the aInfo.mObjectTypeIndex field depends on the
// underlying OS kernel. As we scan through the handle list, we record the
// type indices such that we may use those values to skip over handles that
// refer to non-section objects.
if (sectionObjTypeIndex) {
// If we know the type index for Sections, that's the fastest check...
if (sectionObjTypeIndex.value() != aInfo.mObjectTypeIndex) {
// Not a section
return true;
} else if (nonSectionObjTypes.Contains(
static_cast<uint32_t>(aInfo.mObjectTypeIndex))) {
// Otherwise we check whether or not the object type is definitely _not_
// a Section...
return true;
} else if (ourPid == aInfo.mPid) {
// Otherwise we need to issue some system calls to find out the object
// type corresponding to the current handle's type index.
ULONG objTypeBufLen;
ntStatus = ::NtQueryObject(aHandle, ObjectTypeInformation, nullptr, 0,
return true;
auto objTypeBuf = MakeUnique<std::byte[]>(objTypeBufLen);
ntStatus =
::NtQueryObject(aHandle, ObjectTypeInformation, objTypeBuf.get(),
objTypeBufLen, &objTypeBufLen);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) {
return true;
auto objType =
// Now we check whether the object's type name matches "Section"
nsDependentSubstring objTypeName(
objType->TypeName.Buffer, objType->TypeName.Length / sizeof(wchar_t));
if (!objTypeName.Equals(u"Section"_ns)) {
return true;
sectionObjTypeIndex = Some(aInfo.mObjectTypeIndex);
// At this point we know that aInfo references a Section object.
// Now we can do some actual tests on it.
if (ourPid != aInfo.mPid) {
if (kernelObject && kernelObject.value() == aInfo.mObject) {
// The kernel objects match -- we have found the remote pid!
remotePid = aInfo.mPid;
return false;
// An object that is not ours. Since we do not yet know which kernel
// object we're interested in, we'll save the current object for later.
objMap.InsertOrUpdate(aInfo.mObject, aInfo.mPid);
} else if (aHandle == section.get()) {
// This is the file mapping that we opened above. We save this mObject
// in order to compare to Section objects opened by other processes.
kernelObject = Some(aInfo.mObject);
return true;
if (remotePid) {
return remotePid;
if (!kernelObject) {
return 0;
// If we reach here, we found kernelObject *after* we saw the remote process's
// copy. Now we must look it up in objMap.
if (objMap.Get(kernelObject.value(), &remotePid)) {
return remotePid;
return 0;
namespace mozilla {
namespace a11y {
void Compatibility::GetUiaClientPids(nsTArray<DWORD>& aPids) {
if (!::GetModuleHandleW(L"uiautomationcore.dll")) {
// UIAutomationCore isn't loaded, so there is no UIA client.
Telemetry::AutoTimer<Telemetry::A11Y_UIA_DETECTION_TIMING_MS> timer;
if (IsWin11OrLater()) {
} else {
if (DWORD pid = GetUiaClientPidWin10()) {