Bug 851214 - Allow OOP mozbrowser w/o enclosing app. r=billm

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Jason Duell 2016-02-18 17:37:00 -05:00
parent e0e0348a4f
commit fce2bbafc1

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@ -135,17 +135,9 @@ NeckoParent::GetValidatedAppInfo(const SerializedLoadContext& aSerialized,
// We may get appID=NO_APP if child frame is neither a browser nor an app
if (appId == NECKO_NO_APP_ID) {
if (tabContext.HasOwnApp()) {
if (UsingNeckoIPCSecurity() && tabContext.IsIsolatedMozBrowserElement()) {
// <iframe mozbrowser> which doesn't have an <iframe mozapp> above it.
// This is not supported now, and we'll need to do a code audit to make
// sure we can handle it (i.e don't short-circuit using separate
// namespace if just appID==0)
if (appId == NECKO_NO_APP_ID && tabContext.HasOwnApp() {
// NECKO_NO_APP_ID but also is an app? Weird, skip.
if (!aSerialized.mOriginAttributes.mSignedPkg.IsEmpty() &&