mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 22:37:50 +00:00
Backed out e7739a472f09, 3fd142236a0f, and 382ec69cdfb1 (Bug 863445) for Android rc1 and rc2 failures on a CLOSED TREE. r=me
--HG-- rename : mobile/android/base/fennec-ids-generator.py => build/mobile/robocop/parse_ids.py
This commit is contained in:
@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ robocop_DEST := $(CURDIR)
robocop_FILES := \
$(TESTPATH)/robocop.ini \
$(TESTPATH)/robocop_autophone.ini \
$(srcdir)/parse_ids.py \
robocop-deps := $(notdir $(robocop_FILES))
@ -80,9 +81,10 @@ GARBAGE += \
$(java-tests-dep) \
classes.dex \
robocop.apk \
robocop.ap_ \
robocop-debug-signed.apk \
robocop-debug-signed-unaligned.apk \
robocop-unsigned-unaligned.apk \
robocop-unaligned.apk \
$(robocop-deps) \
@ -99,7 +101,7 @@ include $(topsrcdir)/config/android-common.mk
GENERATED_DIRS_tools = classes $(dir-tests)
libs:: robocop-debug-signed.apk
tools:: $(robocop-deps) robocop.apk
classes.dex: robocop.ap_
classes.dex: $(robocop-deps)
@ -108,15 +110,10 @@ classes.dex: $(java-tests-dep)
$(JAVAC) $(JAVAC_FLAGS) -d classes $(JAVAFILES) $(_JAVA_HARNESS) $(java-tests-dep)
$(DX) --dex --output=$@ classes $(ROBOTIUM_PATH) $(ANDROID_COMPT_LIB)
robocop.apk: $(robocop-deps) robocop.ap_ classes.dex
robocop.ap_: AndroidManifest.xml $(TESTPATH)/assets/*
$(AAPT) package -f -M $< -I $(ANDROID_SDK)/android.jar -I . -S res -A $(TESTPATH)/assets -F $@ -J ./
robocop-debug-signed-unaligned.apk: robocop.ap_ classes.dex
$(APKBUILDER) $@ -v $(APKBUILDER_FLAGS) -z robocop.ap_ -f classes.dex
robocop-debug-signed.apk: robocop-debug-signed-unaligned.apk
$(ZIPALIGN) -f -v 4 $^ $@
# PP_java-tests not fully usable here
# Intermediate step toward a library rule.
$(dir-tests)/%.java: $(TESTPATH)/%.java.in $(call mkdir_deps,$(dir-tests))
@ -7,6 +7,3 @@ http://code.google.com/p/robotium/
We are including robotium-solo-3.6.jar as a binary and are not modifying it in any way
from the original download found at:
Firefox for Android developers should read the documentation in
@ -12,27 +12,27 @@ def getFile(filename):
data = fHandle.read()
return data
def findIDs(data):
start_function = False
reID = re.compile('.*public static final class id {.*')
reEnd = re.compile('.*}.*')
idlist = []
for line in data.split('\n'):
if reEnd.match(line):
start_function = False
if start_function:
id_value = line.split(' ')[-1]
if reID.match(line):
start_function = True
return idlist
def printIDs(outputFile, idlist):
fOutput = open(outputFile, 'w')
for item in idlist:
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ def main(args=sys.argv[1:]):
parser.add_option('-i', '--input', dest='inputFile', default='',
help="filename of the input R.java file")
options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
if options.inputFile == '':
print "Error: please provide input file: -i <filename>"
@ -61,3 +61,4 @@ def main(args=sys.argv[1:]):
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1091,10 +1091,6 @@ ifdef MOZ_WEBRTC
ALL_JARS += jars/webrtc.jar
INSTALL_TARGETS += fennec_ids
fennec_ids_FILES := fennec_ids.txt
fennec_ids_DEST := $(DIST)
include $(topsrcdir)/config/rules.mk
# Override the Java settings with some specific android settings
gecko.ap_: AndroidManifest.xml res/drawable-mdpi/icon.png res/drawable-hdpi/icon.png res/drawable-xhdpi/icon.png res/drawable-xxhdpi/icon.png $(RESOURCES) $(RES_DRAWABLE) $(RES_BRANDING_DRAWABLE_MDPI) $(PP_RES_XML) res/values/strings.xml FORCE
$(AAPT) package -f -M AndroidManifest.xml -I $(ANDROID_SDK)/android.jar -S res -F $@
fennec_ids.txt: fennec-ids-generator.py R.java
$(PYTHON) $(topsrcdir)/mobile/android/base/fennec-ids-generator.py -i R.java -o $@
libs:: classes.dex package-name.txt jni-stubs.inc
$(INSTALL) classes.dex $(FINAL_TARGET)
$(INSTALL) package-name.txt $(FINAL_TARGET)
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
Robocop Mochitest
*Robocop Mochitest* tests run on Native Android builds marked with an
'rc' in TBPL. These are Java based tests which run from the mochitest
harness and generate similar log files. These are designed for
testing the native UI of Android devices by sending events to the
front end.
See the documentation at
https://wiki.mozilla.org/Auto-tools/Projects/Robocop/WritingTests for
Development cycle
To deploy the robocop APK to your device and start the robocop test
suite, use::
make -C $OBJDIR mochitest-robocop
The Java files in ``mobile/android/base/tests`` are dependencies of the
robocop APK built by ``build/mobile/robocop``. If you modify Java files
in ``mobile/android/base/tests``, you need to rebuild the robocop APK
mach build/mobile/robocop
Changes to ``.html``, ``.css``, ``.sjs``, and ``.js`` files in
``mobile/android/base/tests`` do not require rebuilding the robocop
APK -- these changes are always 'live', since they are served by the
mochitest HTTP server and downloaded each test run by your device.
``mach package`` does build and sign a robocop APK, but ``make
mochitest-robocop`` does not use it. (This signed APK is used to test
signed releases on the buildbots).
As always, changes to ``mobile/android/base``, ``mobile/android/chrome``,
``mobile/android/modules``, etc., require::
mach mobile/android/base && mach package && mach install
as usual.
@ -80,24 +80,14 @@ class RemoteOptions(MochitestOptions):
help = "name of the pidfile to generate")
defaults["pidFile"] = ""
self.add_option("--robocop-ini", action = "store",
type = "string", dest = "robocopIni",
help = "name of the .ini file containing the list of tests to run")
defaults["robocopIni"] = ""
self.add_option("--robocop", action = "store",
type = "string", dest = "robocop",
help = "name of the .ini file containing the list of tests to run. [DEPRECATED- please use --robocop-ini")
help = "name of the .ini file containing the list of tests to run")
defaults["robocop"] = ""
self.add_option("--robocop-apk", action = "store",
type = "string", dest = "robocopApk",
help = "name of the Robocop APK to use for ADB test running")
defaults["robocopApk"] = ""
self.add_option("--robocop-path", action = "store",
type = "string", dest = "robocopPath",
help = "Path to the folder where robocop.apk is located at. Primarily used for ADB test running. [DEPRECATED- please use --robocop-apk]")
help = "Path to the folder where robocop.apk is located at. Primarily used for ADB test running")
defaults["robocopPath"] = ""
self.add_option("--robocop-ids", action = "store",
@ -168,37 +158,22 @@ class RemoteOptions(MochitestOptions):
f.write("%s" % os.getpid())
# Robocop specific deprecated options.
if options.robocop:
if options.robocopIni:
print "ERROR: can not use deprecated --robocop and replacement --robocop-ini together"
return None
options.robocopIni = options.robocop
del options.robocop
if options.robocopPath:
if options.robocopApk:
print "ERROR: can not use deprecated --robocop-path and replacement --robocop-apk together"
return None
options.robocopApk = os.path.join(options.robocopPath, 'robocop.apk')
del options.robocopPath
# Robocop specific options
if options.robocopIni != "":
if not os.path.exists(options.robocopIni):
print "ERROR: Unable to find specified robocop .ini manifest '%s'" % options.robocopIni
if options.robocop != "":
if not os.path.exists(options.robocop):
print "ERROR: Unable to find specified manifest '%s'" % options.robocop
return None
options.robocopIni = os.path.abspath(options.robocopIni)
options.robocop = os.path.abspath(options.robocop)
if options.robocopApk != "":
if not os.path.exists(options.robocopApk):
print "ERROR: Unable to find robocop APK '%s'" % options.robocopApk
if options.robocopPath != "":
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(options.robocopPath, 'robocop.apk')):
print "ERROR: Unable to find robocop.apk in path '%s'" % options.robocopPath
return None
options.robocopApk = os.path.abspath(options.robocopApk)
options.robocopPath = os.path.abspath(options.robocopPath)
if options.robocopIds != "":
if not os.path.exists(options.robocopIds):
print "ERROR: Unable to find specified robocop IDs file '%s'" % options.robocopIds
print "ERROR: Unable to find specified IDs file '%s'" % options.robocopIds
return None
options.robocopIds = os.path.abspath(options.robocopIds)
@ -333,7 +308,7 @@ class MochiRemote(Mochitest):
# we do not need this for robotium based tests, lets save a LOT of time
if options.robocopIni:
if options.robocop:
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(options.profilePath, 'webapps'))
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(options.profilePath, 'extensions', 'staged', 'mochikit@mozilla.org'))
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(options.profilePath, 'extensions', 'staged', 'worker-test@mozilla.org'))
@ -360,7 +335,7 @@ class MochiRemote(Mochitest):
retVal = Mochitest.buildURLOptions(self, options, env)
if not options.robocopIni:
if not options.robocop:
#we really need testConfig.js (for browser chrome)
self._dm.pushDir(options.profilePath, self.remoteProfile)
@ -515,7 +490,6 @@ def main():
auto = RemoteAutomation(None, "fennec")
parser = RemoteOptions(auto, scriptdir)
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if (options.dm_trans == "adb"):
if (options.deviceIP):
dm = droid.DroidADB(options.deviceIP, options.devicePort, deviceRoot=options.remoteTestRoot)
@ -552,12 +526,12 @@ def main():
if (dm.processExist(procName)):
if options.robocopIni != "":
if options.robocop != "":
# sut may wait up to 300 s for a robocop am process before returning
dm.default_timeout = 320
mp = manifestparser.TestManifest(strict=False)
# TODO: pull this in dynamically
robocop_tests = mp.active_tests(exists=False)
tests = []
my_tests = tests
@ -585,8 +559,8 @@ def main():
if (options.dm_trans == 'adb' and options.robocopApk):
dm._checkCmd(["install", "-r", options.robocopApk])
if (options.dm_trans == 'adb' and options.robocopPath):
dm._checkCmd(["install", "-r", os.path.join(options.robocopPath, "robocop.apk")])
retVal = None
for test in robocop_tests:
@ -63,15 +63,13 @@ RUN_MOCHITEST_REMOTE = \
--testing-modules-dir=$(call core_abspath,_tests/modules) \
rm -f ./$@.log && \
$(PYTHON) _tests/testing/mochitest/runtestsremote.py \
--robocop-apk=$(DEPTH)/build/mobile/robocop/robocop-debug-signed.apk \
--robocop-ini=$(DEPTH)/build/mobile/robocop/robocop.ini \
--robocop-ids=$(DIST)/fennec_ids.txt \
$(PYTHON) _tests/testing/mochitest/runtestsremote.py --robocop-path=$(DEPTH)/dist \
--robocop-ids=$(DEPTH)/build/mobile/robocop/fennec_ids.txt \
--console-level=INFO --log-file=./$@.log --file-level=INFO $(DM_FLAGS) --dm_trans=$(DM_TRANS) \
--app=$(TEST_PACKAGE_NAME) --deviceIP=${TEST_DEVICE} --xre-path=${MOZ_HOST_BIN} \
--robocop=$(DEPTH)/build/mobile/robocop/robocop.ini $(SYMBOLS_PATH) $(TEST_PATH_ARG) $(EXTRA_TEST_ARGS)
define check_test_error_internal
@ -97,17 +95,15 @@ mochitest-remote:
mochitest-robotium: mochitest-robocop
@echo "mochitest-robotium is deprecated -- please use mochitest-robocop"
mochitest-robocop: DM_TRANS?=adb
mochitest-robotium: robotium-id-map
mochitest-robotium: DM_TRANS?=adb
@if [ ! -f ${MOZ_HOST_BIN}/xpcshell ]; then \
echo "please prepare your host with the environment variable MOZ_HOST_BIN"; \
elif [ "${TEST_DEVICE}" = "" -a "$(DM_TRANS)" != "adb" ]; then \
echo "please prepare your host with the environment variable TEST_DEVICE"; \
else \
ifdef MOZ_B2G
@ -439,8 +435,17 @@ make-stage-dir:
stage-b2g: make-stage-dir
$(NSINSTALL) $(topsrcdir)/b2g/test/b2g-unittest-requirements.txt $(PKG_STAGE)/b2g
ifeq ($(MOZ_BUILD_APP),mobile/android)
$(PYTHON) $(DEPTH)/build/mobile/robocop/parse_ids.py -i $(DEPTH)/mobile/android/base/R.java -o $(DEPTH)/build/mobile/robocop/fennec_ids.txt
stage-mochitest: robotium-id-map
stage-mochitest: make-stage-dir
$(MAKE) -C $(DEPTH)/testing/mochitest stage-package
ifeq ($(MOZ_BUILD_APP),mobile/android)
$(NSINSTALL) $(DEPTH)/build/mobile/robocop/fennec_ids.txt $(PKG_STAGE)/mochitest
stage-reftest: make-stage-dir
$(MAKE) -C $(DEPTH)/layout/tools/reftest stage-package
@ -328,9 +328,11 @@ UPLOAD_EXTRA_FILES += robocop.apk
UPLOAD_EXTRA_FILES += fennec_ids.txt
ROBOCOP_PATH = $(call core_abspath,$(_ABS_DIST)/../build/mobile/robocop)
cp $(ROBOCOP_PATH)/robocop-debug-signed-unaligned.apk $(_ABS_DIST)/robocop-unaligned.apk && \
$(JARSIGNER) $(_ABS_DIST)/robocop-unaligned.apk && \
$(ZIPALIGN) -f -v 4 $(_ABS_DIST)/robocop-unaligned.apk $(_ABS_DIST)/robocop.apk
$(PYTHON) $(abspath $(topsrcdir)/build/mobile/robocop/parse_ids.py) -i $(call core_abspath,$(DEPTH)/mobile/android/base/R.java) -o $(call core_abspath,$(DEPTH)/build/mobile/robocop/fennec_ids.txt) && \
$(NSINSTALL) $(call core_abspath,$(DEPTH)/build/mobile/robocop/fennec_ids.txt) $(_ABS_DIST) && \
$(APKBUILDER) $(_ABS_DIST)/robocop-raw.apk -v $(APKBUILDER_FLAGS) -z $(ROBOCOP_PATH)/robocop.ap_ -f $(ROBOCOP_PATH)/classes.dex && \
$(JARSIGNER) $(_ABS_DIST)/robocop-raw.apk && \
$(ZIPALIGN) -f -v 4 $(_ABS_DIST)/robocop-raw.apk $(_ABS_DIST)/robocop.apk
INNER_ROBOCOP_PACKAGE=echo 'Testing is disabled - No Robocop for you'
Reference in New Issue
Block a user