+ Added "reset" to the dev menu so we can test first run (since the reset button is currently AWOL)
+ Added Utils.assertThrow(), an assert that throws an exception
+ Removed TabItems.reconstitute(), which we haven't actually needed for a while, but now it's also causing trouble
+ Removed Utils.activeWindow, which doesn't seem to work, and replaced its use in Utils.activeTab (the only remaining place it was being used) with Utils.getCurrentWindow(), which does seem to work
+ Utils.assert() now dumps a trace
+ Fixed paths to the edit pencil and new tab button images; they should now show up properly
Update code for tabCandy in xul:deck to not assume it's living in a tab and update various events and callbacks.
extra : rebase_source : 7007f13f4e9e3ebd0eb38f91d41bccfa68b3099d
+ Our toolbar button now uses the standard toolbar button styling; we just apply a glyph to it
+ Went through the code with http://caja.appspot.com/tools/index and fixed a number of minor issues it found
+ Added "refresh" to the dev menu (since you won't be able to just refresh the tabcandy page once it's in the xul:deck)
+ Fixed click handler for expand button (it was allowing drag, and also it was on mousedown)
+ Added Ehsan and Raymond to the install.rdf contributors list
+ Removed the command-click quasimode for showing the tray version of stacked groups.
+ Added a new expand icon for showing the tray version of stacked groups
+ Refactored the Group.js code so that we now have both group.collapse() and group.expand()
-- Website Behavior --
+ Updated the website to pull the documentation section from the Etherpad
+ Some general DRY-based cleanup
-- Install.rdf --
+ Fiddled with the min/max version
+ You can drop tabs onto groups (but no tabs on tabs yet)
+ Disabled resize for now
+ Fixed a bug with groups looking like they were deleted but not really being
+ Changed the iQ.fn.animate call signature: it now takes two arguments, a CSS object and an options object (with possible parameters: duration, easing and complete)
+ iQ.fn.animate now reliably calls back the completion routine (this was causing all sorts of trouble)
+ Reenabled TabMirror.pausePainting
+ Added animate.html, a test bed for playing with CSS transitions
+ Fixed a bug with iQ.fn.one that caused it to not properly set "this"
+ Temporarily disabled TabMirror.pausePainting, which is causing problems at the moment (will fix soon)
+ tabitems.js is now jQuery-free except for drag/drop/resize
+ Cleaned up usage of TabItems.getItemByTab and renamed it to getItemByTabElement to make it clearer