+ Fixed click handler for expand button (it was allowing drag, and also it was on mousedown)
+ Added Ehsan and Raymond to the install.rdf contributors list
+ Removed the command-click quasimode for showing the tray version of stacked groups.
+ Added a new expand icon for showing the tray version of stacked groups
+ Refactored the Group.js code so that we now have both group.collapse() and group.expand()
-- Website Behavior --
+ Updated the website to pull the documentation section from the Etherpad
+ Some general DRY-based cleanup
-- Install.rdf --
+ Fiddled with the min/max version
+ You can drop tabs onto groups (but no tabs on tabs yet)
+ Disabled resize for now
+ Fixed a bug with groups looking like they were deleted but not really being
+ Changed the iQ.fn.animate call signature: it now takes two arguments, a CSS object and an options object (with possible parameters: duration, easing and complete)
+ iQ.fn.animate now reliably calls back the completion routine (this was causing all sorts of trouble)
+ Reenabled TabMirror.pausePainting
+ Added animate.html, a test bed for playing with CSS transitions
+ Fixed a bug with iQ.fn.one that caused it to not properly set "this"
+ Temporarily disabled TabMirror.pausePainting, which is causing problems at the moment (will fix soon)
+ tabitems.js is now jQuery-free except for drag/drop/resize
+ Cleaned up usage of TabItems.getItemByTab and renamed it to getItemByTabElement to make it clearer
+ First use of iQ.animate(), which uses CSS transitions: tab zoom up and down, as well as phantom group disappearing when you drag in empty space but don't make it big enough
+ Consolidated onFocus call of UIClass into onFocus call of Page
+ ui.js is jQuery-free
+ The zoom down animation happens after a setTimeout(…, 1), which causes an unfortunate delay, but without it, the animation doesn't happen at all
+ Added val, resize, change to iQ.fn and isAnimating to iQ
+ iQ event binding works now; converted over some of the usage in ui.js
+ Additional fixes to iQ's CSS function
+ Added position() and one() to iQ, as well as a number of bind() aliases
+ The function you give to TabMirror.customize now takes a Mirror rather than a jQuery object
+ iQ is coming along. I tried to put asserts in for all the standard functionality that's missing (and that we might not need, but that someone used to jQuery might expect). I've also been adding Natural Docs comments, to give a sense of the scope+ Got rid of TabCanvas.animate(), which we haven't used in a while.
+ No longer including switch.js, which we also haven't used in a while
+ the TabCandy button/hot key now works to make a separate TabCandy for each window
+ Fixed a number of startup issues relating to multiple tab candies running at the same time
+ Fixed: If you quit tab candy (but not the browser), all of the tabs need to be reshown.
+ Starting firefox with tab candy selected now hides the tab bar
+ Utils.activeTab now returns a Tabs tab, rather than a raw tab
+ Created Utils.copy to make duplicating objects cleaner
+ Fixed a number of issues with pulling tabs out of a tray. Temporarily disabled the delay on drag as well.
+ Improved the threshold for switching from grid to stack; only happens when the grid fills up.
+ No longer announcing "bad storage data" when there is in fact no storage data (fresh start)
+ A couple more asserts
+ Added sanity checks on data going to and from storage (still some work to be done there); if the check doesn't pass, the data isn't loaded/saved
+ Added a manual save option to the dev menu
+ Added Utils.isNumber, as well as standalone isRect and isPoint routines
+ Miscellaneous double checks and assertions
+ Groups now have some extra space at the bottom to accommodate for the "new tab" button
+ Items now unsquish after another item is closed, and on resize. This should cut down on random-seeming unsquishes later.
+ Changed the behavior of removing the penultimate tab from a group. The group no longer goes away until the very last tab is removed.
+ Added some new rect utilities for finding if a point/rect is inside another rect
+ Misc fixes
+ We now show chrome tabs (but not the tab candy tab)
+ When the browser first starts up, it takes it a while for the tabs to all get their correct URLs; we now properly deal with this when reconnecting them to their groups
+ Added a "dev" menu in the upper left for various debugging features. Nothing much there so far
+ TODO: Ideally, we should have an animation of the last tab be zoomed out into the tabcandy interface, and then that tab fading away along with the group (if the group is unnamed).
+ Commented out the _render routine in toolbar-button.js, as it was throwing exceptions and didn't seem to work anyway
+ Added some asserts to Item and cleaned up its documentation
+ Made Utils.assert more robust
+ Made tabs prettier when stacked
+ Commented out js lint, which doesn't seem to work in this context
+ Fixed it so you can't resize locked groups
+ Made it so the "new tabs" group is no longer locked (for the time being at least)
+ Tabs no longer change order when you drag their groups around
+ The tray now goes away more beautifully
+ You now have to drag at least 100 pixels and at least 500 milliseconds before a tab is pulled out its tray
+ No longer reserving space at the bottom of the screen for the "new tabs" group
+ Tab titles now go away when stacked and come back when not (there was a problem with them coming back)
+ No longer explicitly positioning the "new tabs" group
+ Added the close box back to the "new tab" group; it doesn't close the group, but it closes all the tabs. Seems like a useful feature, though maybe it shouldn't look like all the other close boxes
+ Groups no longer auto-close when all items are removed, if they're named
+ You can now close an empty group
+ Fixed bug with dragging tabs out of a group
+ Resizing the window now works, even if you've closed tab candy
+ When unsquishing, groups aren't forced into tab aspect ratio
+ Added storage.js… starting serialization
+ Disabled autoscroll on drag; the window should be locked down now
+ Fixed Aza's "cute little bug"; small tabs used to scoot up and left
+ The tab bar toggle and decorative strip now reside above the tab candy content in Z
+ Group titles now have prompt text/icon
+ Additional documentation (especially Mirror)
+ Fixed the dev mode features (were broken by the tab bar toggle changes)
+ The Firefox nav bar now correctly shows again when you create and go to a new tab
+ Now compensating for padding in tabs when laying them out
+ Tab titles are now a single line, cut at the width of the tab (but no ellipsis yet)
+ Groups now have the move cursor
+ Tab resizing now works, and is disabled when a tab is in a group
+ We now have a "new tabs" group that new tabs go into (created as needed)
+ New layout algorithm for tabs inside a group. It's not as space efficient as the last one, but the unused space is at the bottom rather than the right side, and in general I think it behaves more like people expect.
+ Groups now have a minimum width when resizing
+ If you drag the second to last tab out of a group and don't return it to that group, the group now dissolves.
+ When a tab gets below a certain size, its thumbnail and close box are hidden
+ When a tab's title gets below a certain size, it is hidden.
+ Added a doc folder that contains generated documentation
+ Now pointing to the doc folder from the Tab Candy home page
+ The Tab Candy home page is now accessible from the Candy drop-down
+ Now properly handling z order for dragging and nesting groups
+ If a group is the last item inside a group, closing it now closes the outer group as well
+ Fixed bug causing the closing of unrelated tabs to destroy groups
+ Renamed Group._container to .container (which it now inherits from Item)
+ Added Item.debug flag which turns on rectangles for debugging item locations
+ further unified dragging tabs vs dragging groups
+ Further unified the Group and TabItem objects under Item
+ tabs now return to their proper size when you pull them out of a group
+ you can now nest groups inside of other groups (though all of the funky repercussions haven't been sorted out yet)
+ The grid feature now removes all the tabs from their groups beforehand; it doesn't restore tab sizes properly yet
+ You can now rearrange tabs inside a group
+ More geometry:
++ The Rect constructor now accepts either coordinates or another Rect
++ Rect.inset now accepts either coordinates or a Point
++ New functions: Rect.offset and Rect.equals
+ more work on groups pushing things out of the way
+ some steps toward having groups and tabs share an interface
+ more geometry: we now have a point class, and the rect class now has center and intersect routines
+ You can no longer launch into a tab by right clicking it
+ A group's close box now works
+ A group's title bar now works again (silly css misunderstanding)
+ Added a basic Rect object to utils.js, and a getBounds routine for retrieving the bounds of a DOM element
+ The Utils logging routines no longer expand functions (instead just saying that it's a function)
+ It's no longer possible to accidentally launch into a tab by dragging the mouse and ending up on a tab. Same for close boxes
+ It's no longer possible to add a tab to a group twice (by dragging it around inside the group)
+ When a tab inside a group is closed, it's removed from the group. If it's the last in the group, the group goes away
+ Refactored mirror code to make mirror objects first-class citizens
+ Added a utility routine for determining if an object is a jQuery object (couldn't find one in jQuery itself)
The first time you use the function, it embeds Firebug Lite and then uses that console. This makes it easy to introspect objects, etc. All-around good stuff.
+ New tabs in the stacks candy now find an empty hole rather than piling up at the top
+ The stacks candy now has a "site" feature (upper right) that groups the tabs by domain
+ TabMirror now has a feature to allow pausing paint updates. This allows you to fly things around the screen without getting stutter from paint calls. The stacks candy is currently the only candy that takes advantage of this.
+ The stacks candy was not visually deselecting a group that had been lassoed once the menu went away; it is now.
+ Added assert() to Utils
+ Utils.error() now identifies the error as coming from tabcandy
+ Added a getMilliseconds() to mirror.js (for some reason, it wasn't liking the one in Utils) to replace the use of new Date(), which doesn't work in all situations
+ Added a heartbeat to TabMirror, where all painting happens now. This allows us to control when and how frequently painting happens, throttling when there are a lot of items on the screen.
+ Additional clean-up in TabMirror
+ Added a tab() feature to window.Tabs, to get a tab object from one of the tab's elements
+ Stacks now pile up directly on top of each other in the stacks candy (rather than being offset a little)
+ Added Utils.isRightClick() for weeding out right clicks in mousedown
+ The Lasso now only starts for left clicks, not both left or right
+ the top level index.html now automatically grabs all the different visualizations and lists them
+ Added a visualization switcher that can be dropped into any visualization; drop down in the upper left of the window
+ The Utils routines log(), trace() and error() now take in any number of parameters. If a parameter is an object, its first level is automatically expanded
+ Fixed lasso in the "original" visualization