1. 310133 - Added nsIRefreshUrl.h to the list of exports.
network/module/makefile.win -
1. 310133 - Added nsIRefreshUrl.h to the list of exports.
network/module/nsIHttpUrl.h -
1. 310133 - Extended the nsIHttpUrl interface to include the AddMimeHeader() method which adds an http header to the url.
network/module/nsHttpUrl.cpp -
310133 - 1. Added support for the AddMimeHeader() method so http urls can have headers added outside of the actual data retrieval in netlib. This method calls NET_ParseMimeHeader() directly.
2. Added a public member, a pointer to the netlib URL_Struct that was created for this nsHttpUrlImpl. This pointer is the link between netlib and the outside world; the adhesive agent between url structs and nsURLImpls.
network/module/nsNetStream.h -
1. 310133 - Added a public memeber variable to nsConnectionInfo. It's a bool that tells us whether or not a redirect has occurred.
network/module/nsNetStream.cpp -
1. 310133 - Added initialization (FALSE) of new redirect member.
network/module/nsNetStubs.cpp -
1. 310133 - Implemented FE_SetRefreshURLTimer(). This function is called from NET_GetURL() when we recognize that we have a url to refresh.
network/module/nsStubContext.cpp -
1. 310133 - Added check to see if we're redirecting in stub_complete() which gets called when a stream completes. If we are, we don't want to release/destroy the pConsumer, this will happen in nsNetService's bam_exit_routine().
network/module/nsNetService.cpp -
1. 310133 - added nsConnectionInfo->redirect check in bam_exit_routine() so we give the consumer a successful binding event if the consumer is still around. This is iffy.
310133 - 1. added LoadURLOnTimer() and CancelLoadURLTimer() implementations to the nsDocLoaderImpl class.
2. Changed nsDocumentBindInfo class to support the nsIRefreshUrl interface.
3. Changed the nsDocumentBindInfo contructor to set the m_ExtraInfo variable to the aExtraInfo pointer passed in. This must have been an oversight on the part of the original implementor.
4. Added a simple data placeholder class to hold the data that will be used to load the url on the timer.
webshell/src/nsWebShell.cpp -
1. 310133 - When the webshell is destructed or about to load a new url, the loader now calls CancelLoadURLTimer() which cancels and releases the timers.