The inclusions were removed with the following very crude script and the
resulting breakage was fixed up by hand. The manual fixups did either
revert the changes done by the script, replace a generic header with a more
specific one or replace a header with a forward declaration.
find . -name "*.idl" | grep -v web-platform | grep -v third_party | while read path; do
interfaces=$(grep "^\(class\|interface\).*:.*" "$path" | cut -d' ' -f2)
if [ -n "$interfaces" ]; then
if [[ "$interfaces" == *$'\n'* ]]; then
for i in $interfaces; do regexp="$regexp$i\|"; done
interface=$(basename "$path")
rg -l "#include.*${interface%%.idl}.h" . | while read path2; do
hits=$(grep -v "#include.*${interface%%.idl}.h" "$path2" | grep -c "$regexp" )
if [ $hits -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Removing ${interface} from ${path2}"
grep -v "#include.*${interface%%.idl}.h" "$path2" > "$path2".tmp
mv -f "$path2".tmp "$path2"
Differential Revision:
extra : moz-landing-system : lando
The DBus specification allows passing an empty string as the interface to the
org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.GetAll call to get all properties, throwing away the namespace
(interface) information.
However, GDBus does not allow this. When NetworkManager moved to using GDBus, Firefox lost the
ability to retrieve access points from NetworkManager.
Since we're only interested in properties from the org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.AccessPoint
interface, name it explicitly. This works with both the old and the new NetworkManager.
MozReview-Commit-ID: Kc5HaYvwfRZ
extra : rebase_source : e1550d327e5a4ea05b8d35d98ef7b27c0add709b
Make a copy of the function and specialize it for each message sent.
Avoids the mess of comparing the method name to figure out what to do.
MozReview-Commit-ID: 1KlZyc8Pc9I
extra : rebase_source : 1f9c841e42745ecb311c53cd364ffe60b5593258
Everything depending on the widget being gonk can go away, as well as
everything depending on MOZ_AUDIO_CHANNEL_MANAGER, which was only
defined on gonk builds under b2g/ (which goes away in bug 1357326).
extra : rebase_source : 9f0aeeb7eea8417fa4e06d662d566d67ecaf2a24
Under some special circumstances the system DBus is not available (for example in sandboxed environment).
This caused a crash during obtaining list of nearby wifi APs for determining user location. This patch
check result of dbus_bus_get() to avoid aborting.
MozReview-Commit-ID: LunRRdQQ4eL
Added braces
extra : rebase_source : 40400b187a274d581c2f77081e1cddf589d39a78
This removes the unnecessary setting of c-basic-offset from all
python-mode files.
This was automatically generated using
perl -pi -e 's/; *c-basic-offset: *[0-9]+//'
... on the affected files.
The bulk of these files are files but there a few others as
MozReview-Commit-ID: 2pPf3DEiZqx
extra : rebase_source : 0a7dcac80b924174a2c429b093791148ea6ac204
Member fields are supposed to be initialized in the order they are
declared, but the constructor of ScopedWLANObject initialized mObject
prior to mLibrary. This is probably harmless, but it does cause a
warning on clang-cl, so let's fix it.
The bulk of this commit was generated with a script, executed at the top
level of a typical source code checkout. The only non-machine-generated
part was modifying MFBT's to reflect the new naming.
CLOSED TREE makes big refactorings like this a piece of cake.
# The main substitution.
find . -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.cc' -o -name '*.h' -o -name '*.mm' -o -name '*.idl'| \
xargs perl -p -i -e '
s/nsRefPtr\.h/RefPtr\.h/g; # handle includes
s/nsRefPtr ?</RefPtr</g; # handle declarations and variables
# Handle a special friend declaration in gfx/layers/AtomicRefCountedWithFinalize.h.
perl -p -i -e 's/::nsRefPtr;/::RefPtr;/' gfx/layers/AtomicRefCountedWithFinalize.h
# Handle nsRefPtr.h itself, a couple places that define constructors
# from nsRefPtr, and code generators specially. We do this here, rather
# than indiscriminantly s/nsRefPtr/RefPtr/, because that would rename
# things like nsRefPtrHashtable.
perl -p -i -e 's/nsRefPtr/RefPtr/g' \
mfbt/nsRefPtr.h \
xpcom/glue/nsCOMPtr.h \
xpcom/base/OwningNonNull.h \
ipc/ipdl/ipdl/ \
ipc/ipdl/ipdl/ \
dom/bindings/ \
# In our indiscriminate substitution above, we renamed
# nsRefPtrGetterAddRefs, the class behind getter_AddRefs. Fix that up.
find . -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.h' -o -name '*.idl' | \
xargs perl -p -i -e 's/nsRefPtrGetterAddRefs/RefPtrGetterAddRefs/g'
if [ -d .git ]; then
git mv mfbt/nsRefPtr.h mfbt/RefPtr.h
hg mv mfbt/nsRefPtr.h mfbt/RefPtr.h
rename : mfbt/nsRefPtr.h => mfbt/RefPtr.h
These are all conditional uses of ALLOW_COMPILER_WARNINGS=True that are no
longer necessary.
extra : rebase_source : e654fa940aed18b1d5ef7b2bebb45bbef59cfd84
The patch removes 455 occurrences of FAIL_ON_WARNINGS from files, and
adds 78 instances of ALLOW_COMPILER_WARNINGS. About half of those 78 are in
code we control and which should be removable with a little effort.
extra : rebase_source : 82e3387abfbd5f1471e953961d301d3d97ed2973
The bulk of this commit was generated by running: \
-checks='-*,llvm-namespace-comment' \
-header-filter=^/.../mozilla-central/.* \