This patch was generated by running:
perl -p -i \
-e 's/^(\s+)([a-zA-Z0-9.]+) = NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16\((.*)\);/\1CopyUTF8toUTF16(\3, \2);/;' \
-e 's/^(\s+)([a-zA-Z0-9.]+) = NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8\((.*)\);/\1CopyUTF16toUTF8(\3, \2);/;' \
against every .cpp and .h in mozilla-central, and then fixing up the
inevitable errors that happen as a result of matching C++ expressions with
regexes. The errors fell into three categories:
1. Calling the convert functions with `std::string::c_str()`; these were
changed to simply pass the string instead, relying on implicit conversion
to `mozilla::Span`.
2. Calling the convert functions with raw pointers, which is not permitted
with the copy functions; these were changed to invoke `MakeStringSpan` first.
3. Other miscellaneous errors resulting from over-eager regexes and/or the
replacement not being type-aware. These changes were reverted.
Differential Revision:
nsIMutable is used only by DOM Blob/File. But Blobs are immutable by spec.
FileBlobImpl has a couple of lazy member values, but those are called when
the object is cloned in order to be sent to a different thread/process.
Differential Revision:
extra : moz-landing-system : lando
nsIMutable is used only by DOM Blob/File. But Blobs are immutable by spec.
FileBlobImpl has a couple of lazy member values, but those are called when
the object is cloned in order to be sent to a different thread/process.
Differential Revision:
extra : moz-landing-system : lando
The only protocol that can't be created off the main thread at the moment is
moz-extension, and that can be handled at a later time.
Differential Revision:
extra : moz-landing-system : lando
This patch splits FontTableURI and BlobURL in 2 classes:
FontTableURIProtocolHandler and BlobURLProtocolHandler
both under mozilla::dom.
It also removes a memory reporter because that report is already covered by the
BlobURL one.
rename : dom/file/nsHostObjectProtocolHandler.cpp => dom/file/BlobURLProtocolHandler.cpp
rename : dom/file/nsHostObjectProtocolHandler.h => dom/file/BlobURLProtocolHandler.h
This was done automatically replacing:
s/ Move(/ std::move(/
Removing the 'using mozilla::Move;' lines.
And then with a few manual fixups, see the bug for the split series..
MozReview-Commit-ID: Jxze3adipUh
* Also makes mStdURL be a nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> in order to avoid static_casts
MozReview-Commit-ID: BagXxecHCSK
extra : rebase_source : 476fc079fab1375f33dc285c978fa9e3f469ee01
We instead add a templated method NS_MutatorMethod that returns a std::function<nsresult(nsIURIMutator*)> which Apply then calls with mMutator as an argument.
The function returned by NS_MutatorMethod performs a QueryInterface, then calls the passed method with arguments on the result.
MozReview-Commit-ID: Jjqp7gGLG1D
extra : rebase_source : f2a17aee7bb66a7ba8652817d43b9aa7ec7ef710
We instead add a templated method NS_MutatorMethod that returns a std::function<nsresult(nsIURIMutator*)> which Apply then calls with mMutator as an argument.
The function returned by NS_MutatorMethod performs a QueryInterface, then calls the passed method with arguments on the result.
MozReview-Commit-ID: Jjqp7gGLG1D
extra : rebase_source : 592d13349a8c4627c7ce3146ec592f577b39f3cc