This also updates its :hover and :active visuals to match the tab bar
MozReview-Commit-ID: 98LiqClr3SG
extra : rebase_source : 4f20c5803702a2da731a1eb6880e2b68e1867f9e
This also updates its :hover and :active visuals to match the tab bar
MozReview-Commit-ID: SijUvVrAAF
extra : rebase_source : 7a3b711a32edd76e3ed02e5ccb9aa1fbb48e3345
This also updates its :hover and :active visuals to match the tab bar
MozReview-Commit-ID: SijUvVrAAF
extra : rebase_source : 7a3b711a32edd76e3ed02e5ccb9aa1fbb48e3345
With JSM global sharing, the object returned by Cu.import() is a
NonSyntacticVariablesObject, rather than a global. Various code tries
to use properties from a JSM global via an import.
Cu.importGlobalProperties can also be used in some places.
MozReview-Commit-ID: HudCXO2GKN0
extra : rebase_source : 6b5fa6f5509397504cb461a761f6cc2399f18c40
GTK should be used only from the main thread, but the specific symptom before
this change was that creating a GtkEntry causes
pango_cairo_font_map_get_default() to be called. This function returns a
different font map on each thread. The font map is leaked when StyleThreads
are leaked at exit.
Font caches are usually expensive and so using the existing font map on the
main thread is preferable.
A GtkEntry already exists on the main thread, as well as style contexts for
most other system fonts, and so it is more efficient to create these on the
main thread while the style contexts exist.
Doing this also avoids the need for Gecko_nsFont_InitSystem() to hold a global
lock to avoid concurrently calling into GTK through LookAndFeel::GetColor().
MozReview-Commit-ID: DSOwEUeYmtV
extra : rebase_source : 971bc565e465b2d2482308006f68451ecaa6e264
This mechanically replaces nsILocalFile with nsIFile in
*.js, *.jsm, *.sjs, *.html, *.xul, *.xml, and *.py.
MozReview-Commit-ID: 4ecl3RZhOwC
extra : rebase_source : 412880ea27766118c38498d021331a3df6bccc70
Adds nsISubstitutionObserver so that substitutions set on a
parent nsISubstitutingProtocolHandler which are then propagated
to child processes can be observed in the child.
Updates test_extensionURL.html to set substitutions on the parent
ExtensionProtocolHandler before trying to load moz-extension URI's
using those substitutions.
MozReview-Commit-ID: JaW1A3uZpoO
extra : rebase_source : b908a3ef51c2b077809614fd39595c3255dff7ad
This replaces the JS policy service stubs with a pure C++ version which
directly makes policy decisions based on active WebExtensionPolicy objects.
This is the first step in a larger refactoring, which will remove the
ExtensionManagement module entirely, and replace the current add-on policy
service with direct, non-virtual access to native WebExtensionPolicy objects.
It will also be followed by related changes to migrate the content script and
extension page matching to native code, based on the existing MatchPattern and
WebExtensionPolicy bindings.
MozReview-Commit-ID: 2MpbmXZGiPZ
extra : rebase_source : 8b268618164b45605143e858665e592de829a6fa
Stop excluding caps/ from eslint runs and apply mozilla/recommended rules.
This generally affects xpcshell and mochitest files under caps/tests.
Includes many mechanical changes to comply with mozilla recommended
formatting rules.
Two about:blank codebase URI principals are only equal if their
object identities are the same, but not if their string
serializations happen to be equal (as they always will be.) In order
to ensure that we always get this right in places where we compare
the origin properties of two principals to check for their equality,
we should ensure that the origin getter would throw so that we never
incorrectly conclude that two such principals are equal.
We will soon start returning a null principal instead of a codebase
principal under this situation.
This patch is generated by the following sed script:
find . ! -wholename '*/.hg*' -type f \( -iname '*.html' -o -iname '*.xhtml' -o -iname '*.xul' -o -iname '*.js' \) -exec sed -i -e 's/\(\(text\|application\)\/javascript\);version=1.[0-9]/\1/g' {} \;
MozReview-Commit-ID: AzhtdwJwVNg
extra : rebase_source : e8f90249454c0779d926f87777f457352961748d
The protocol handler is intentionally simple. It works for the entering into the
urlbar case but not a lot else. Included some basic tests.
MozReview-Commit-ID: 4FQ1irdt3Nj
extra : rebase_source : 30d9fc7ba2c500f268d282e47d291724d9899ba4
This patch removes support for mozapp iframes, leaving support for
mozbrowser iframes intact. Some of the code has been rewritten in order
to phrase things in terms of mozbrowser only, as opposed to mozbrowser
or app. In some places, code that was only useful with apps has been
completely removed, so that the APIs consumed can also be removed. In
some places where the notion of appId was bleeding out of this API, now
we use NO_APP_ID. Other notions of appId which were restricted to this
API have been removed.