stub methods in the mozilla tree, we'll test to see if the function is
defined (it is in the commercial tree) then call it if it is defined.
This checkin adds java.awt.event.MouseListener support to webclient for
mozilla. The following files are include in this checkin. "A" is new
file "M" is modified file.
A classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/
A classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/wrapper_native/
A src_moz/DOMMouseListenerImpl.cpp
A src_moz/DOMMouseListenerImpl.h
A src_moz/dom_util.cpp
A src_moz/dom_util.h
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/test/
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/wrapper_native/
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/wrapper_native/
M src_moz/DocumentLoaderObserverImpl.cpp
M src_moz/DocumentLoaderObserverImpl.h
M src_moz/EventRegistration.cpp
M src_moz/EventRegistration.h
M src_moz/Makefile.solaris
M src_moz/
M src_moz/NativeEventThread.cpp
M src_moz/NavigationImpl.cpp
M src_moz/RDFTreeNode.cpp
M src_moz/bal_util.cpp
M src_moz/jni_util.cpp
M src_moz/jni_util.h
M src_moz/jni_util_export.cpp
M src_moz/jni_util_export.h
A classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/
* <P> This java.awt.event.MouseEvent subclass allows the user to access the
* WebclientEvent. This eventData of this WebclientEvent, if non-null,
* is a java.util.Properties instance that contains information about
* this event. </P>
* <P>The following are some interesting keys:</P>
* <UL>
* <LI> href
* </LI>
* <LI> #text
* </LI>
* </UL>
A classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/wrapper_native/
* This class wraps the user provided instance of
* java.awt.event.MouseListener so it can be installed as a
* WebclientEventListener. Note that we implement MouseListener so we
* can be detected by the webclient event system. We don't do anything
* with these methods here, though.
A src_moz/DOMMouseListenerImpl.cpp
A src_moz/DOMMouseListenerImpl.h
* This class is the shim between the mozilla listener event system for
* mouse events and the java MouseListener interface.
* For each of the Mouse* methods, we call the appropriate method in java.
* See the implementation of MouseOver for an example.
* For each mouseEvent, we create a Properties object containing
* information about the event. We use methods in dom_util to do this.
A src_moz/dom_util.cpp
A src_moz/dom_util.h
* Methods to simplify webclient accessing the mozilla DOM.
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/
Added support for java.awt.event.MouseListener
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/test/
Implemented simle MouseListener
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/wrapper_native/
Added support for java.awt.event.MouseListener
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/wrapper_native/
Added support for java.awt.event.MouseListener
M src_moz/DocumentLoaderObserverImpl.cpp
M src_moz/DocumentLoaderObserverImpl.h
* We define a local IID to allow the addDocumentLoadListener and
* addMouseListener functions in EventRegistration.{h,cpp} to
* interrogate the currently installed DocumentLoaderObserver instance
* in mozilla.
#define NS_IDOCLOADEROBSERVERIMPL_IID_STR "fdadb2e0-3028-11d4-8a96-0080c7b9c5ba"
#define NS_IDOCLOADEROBSERVERIMPL_IID {0xfdadb2e0, 0x3028, 0x11d4, { 0x8a, 0x96, 0x00, 0x80, 0xc7, 0xb9, 0xc5, 0xba }}
* This class is the shim between the mozilla listener event system for
* document load events and the java DocumentLoadListener interface.
* For each of the On* methods, we call the appropriate method in java.
* See the implementation of OnEndDocumentLoad for an example.
* A DocumentLoaderObserverImpl instance has a "jobject target", which
* is the Java object that should ultimately receive the events. This
* target will be null if the user just wants to listen for mouse
* events. It willl be non-null if the user wants to listen for
* DocumentLoad events.
* It also hosts a nsIDOMMouseListener instance, which piggybacks on the
* nsIDocumentLoaderObserver instance.
M src_moz/EventRegistration.cpp
M src_moz/EventRegistration.h
Add support for MouseListener
M src_moz/
Added classes for MouseListener and Dom access
M src_moz/NativeEventThread.cpp
Added support for MouseListener
M src_moz/NavigationImpl.cpp
Added call to ReleaseStringChars for bal case.
M src_moz/RDFTreeNode.cpp
Added call to ReleaseStringChars for bal case.
M src_moz/bal_util.cpp
Added #include "wchar.h" so this file compiles on Solaris.
M src_moz/jni_util.cpp
Added implementations for util_CreatePropertiesObject,
util_DestroyPropertiesObject and util_StoreIntoPropertiesObject.
M src_moz/jni_util.h
* A JNI wrapper to create a java.util.Properties object, or the
* equivalent object in the BAL case.
jobject util_CreatePropertiesObject(JNIEnv *env, jobject reserved_NotUsed);
* A JNI wrapper to destroy the object from CreatePropertiesObject
void util_DestroyPropertiesObject(JNIEnv *env, jobject propertiesObject,
jobject reserved_NotUsed);
* A JNI wrapper for storing a name/value pair into the Properties
* object created by CreatePropertiesObject
void util_StoreIntoPropertiesObject(JNIEnv *env, jobject propertiesObject,
jobject name, jobject value);
M src_moz/jni_util_export.cpp
M src_moz/jni_util_export.h
Added functions for allowing the BAL user to specify functions for
{creating, destroying, setting values into} properties objects.
are not needed in the pthreads version. The /dev/zero file, if opened,
should have the close-on-exec flag so that it won't get inherited by
child processes.
Modified files: _unixos.h, primpl.h, prseg.c, unix.c