Author: Ron Capelli <>
The following files are updated to allow use of IBM Java 1.3.x
JVMs on Linux. Instead of statically linking libjawt.lib, the
code now dynamically links and then only
if needed (similar to previous change for win32). It should
work on Solaris, but we couldn't test that here.
The following files are changed to support the ant 'clean'
target for src_ie.
The following files are changed to disable the CurrentPage(2)
interface for IE, since it will be a while before that can be
made to work. With these changes, IE embeds smoothly with
Navigation and History interfaces working nicely to some degree.
The following file is changed so that it does not depend on
Mozilla, allowing it to be shared cleanly for IE.
The following file is changed to correct the list of makefiles
that need to be configured for Webclient.
Finally, please delete the following files from CVS.
- src_ie has no clobber, clobber_all, or clean target. Comment this out
for now.
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/test/
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/test/
M webclient/src_moz/CBrowserContainer.cpp
M webclient/src_moz/CBrowserContainer.h
M webclient/src_moz/
M webclient/src_moz/NativeEventThread.cpp
M webclient/src_moz/NativeEventThreadActionEvents.cpp
M webclient/src_moz/PromptActionEvents.cpp
M webclient/src_moz/PromptActionEvents.h
M webclient/src_share/jni_util.cpp
M webclient/src_share/jni_util.h
- Roll back Kyle Yuan's 20030509 change for nsIPrompt, since it seems to
break events between the browser and the app.
R webclient/src_moz/PromptService.h
R webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/test/
R webclient/src_moz/AppComponents.cpp
R webclient/src_moz/AppComponents.h
R webclient/src_moz/PromptService.cpp
- These are new files that Kyle added.
SECTION: classes changes
M build.xml
- Removed spurious linebreak on Kyle's create.webclient.scripts.
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/
- Bugfix from Daniel Park
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/test/
- Leverage new CurrentPage2 interface to display the Selection object.
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/wrapper_native/
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/wrapper_nonnative/
- Implement new methods from CurrentPage2.
M src_moz/CurrentPageActionEvents.cpp
M src_moz/CurrentPageActionEvents.h
M src_moz/CurrentPageImpl.cpp
M src_moz/gtk/GtkBrowserControlCanvasStub.cpp
M src_moz/gtk/StubFunctions.h
Native details for CurrentPage2.
SECTION: New files
A classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/
A classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/
A classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/wrapper_native/
File->New Window
View->View Page Source as String
Search->Find Next
Edit->Select All
History-> <Navigation Number>
Bookmarks->Manage Bookmarks
The bookmarks window pops up and you can double click on bookmarks to
cause webclient to go to that page.
Stream->Load Stream From File...
Stream->Load Random HTML InputStream
Mouse over events work
The DOMViewer works
Navigation buttons work.
This leaves Bookmarks->Add Current Page, Bookmarks->Add Current Page in New Folder,
Profile->Create Profile, and Profile->Delete Profile. The first two should be easy,
the second two, I'll probably just take out, since their implementation was based in
BlackConnect, which is currently quite dead.
When I'm happy with the state of Webclient on win32, I'll get it working on linux.
M dom/jni/javaDOMEventsGlobals.cpp
M dom/jni/
M dom/jni/nativeDOMProxyListener.cpp
M dom/jni/nativeDOMProxyListener.h
M dom/jni/org_mozilla_dom_events_EventImpl.cpp
M dom/src/
M dom/src/nsJavaDOMImpl.cpp
M webclient/
M webclient/classes_spec/
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/wrapper_native/
M webclient/src_moz/CBrowserContainer.cpp
M webclient/src_moz/CurrentPageActionEvents.cpp
M webclient/src_moz/HistoryActionEvents.cpp
M webclient/src_moz/HistoryImpl.cpp
M webclient/src_moz/InputStreamShim.cpp
M webclient/src_moz/
M webclient/src_moz/NativeEventThread.cpp
M webclient/src_moz/NativeEventThreadActionEvents.cpp
M webclient/src_moz/NavigationActionEvents.cpp
M webclient/src_moz/NavigationImpl.cpp
M webclient/src_moz/PreferencesActionEvents.cpp
M webclient/src_moz/PromptActionEvents.cpp
M webclient/src_moz/RDFActionEvents.cpp
M webclient/src_moz/win32/
Changes to make webclient compile and run with MOZILLA_0_9_9_BRANCH.
Files modifed
Files added
everything in wrapper_nonnative
everything in test_nonnative
This patch allows Webclient to wrap non-native pure Java browsers like
the ICE browser.