validate integrity of jsdScript data to guard against calling into a destroyed script.
queue up script deletes that happen during the JS GC cycle, call them when GC finishes (bug 76979.)
don't NS_IF_ADDREF objects that we get using *::FromPtr()
add jsdScript::Invalidate()
move from pc as a ulong to pc as an object wrapped around a uword (jsdIPC)
rename init() to on() on jsdIService
move lineToPc and pcToLine from jsdIThreadState to jsdIScript (where they belong)
add setBreakpoint(), clearBreakpoint(), and clearAllBreakpoints() to jsdIScript
add off(), clearAllBreakpoints(), and breakpointHook attribute to jsdIService
add creatorURL, creatorLine, constructorURL, constructorLine, and value attribut
es to jsdIObject
move from pc as a ulong to pc as an object wrapped around a uword
relocate jsdService constructor to jsd_xpp.cpp in order to initialize the global
add global service for the breakpoint callback
add breakpoint callback
move c callbacks to top of source
add creatorURL, creatorLine, constructorURL, constructorLine, and value attribut
es to jsdObject
move from pc as a ulong to pc as an object wrapped around a uword
move lineToPc and pcToLine from ThreadState to Script (where it belongs)
add setBreakpoint(), clearBreakpoint(), and clearAllBreakpoints() to jsdScript
relocate jsdService constructor from jsd_xpp.h in order to initialize the global
rename init() to on() on jsdService
add off(), clearAllBreakpoints(), and breakpointHook attribute to jsdService
patch from peterv. We can't use js_* in this module because they're libjs' private stash. I got away with it on Linux somehow, but not on mac, and probably not on windows. jsd_EvaluateScriptInStackFrame now uses JS_EvaluateInStackFrame, instead of doing the inflation itself and calling JS_EvaluateUCInStackFrame.
mozilla/js/rhino/org is now distributed between
mozilla/js/rhino/src and mozilla/js/rhino/toolsrc.
The build.xml has been split in three.
Docs now live in the project directory.
These changes mean that the cvs directories mirror the distribution and thus a distribution
will build the same way as a cvs build. Function.prototype.toString ( )
An implementation-dependent representation of the function is returned. This representation has the syntax of a
FunctionDeclaration. Note in particular that the use and placement of white space, line terminators, and semicolons
within the representation string is implementation-dependent.
add line attribute to jsdIStackFrame
remove isFuction from jsdIValue
add TYPE_UNKNOWN to jsType "enumeration" so we don't fail hard if we can't figure out the type.
add hook type "enumeration" to jsdIExecutionHook
add line attribute to jsdStackFrame
add pcToLine and lineToPc methods to jsdStackFrame
remove isFunction attribute from jsdValue (already covered by jsType attribute)
add propertyCount attribute to jsdValue so you can get the property cound without forcing a bunch of property wrappers to be created (as in GetProperties())