Warn about possible misuse of the comma operator such as between two statements or to call a function for side effects within an expression. Only enable these -Wcomma warnings for C++ code because there are almost two hundred -Wcomma warnings in third-party C libraries. I reviewed the C warnings and confirmed none of them were latent bugs. We won't fix these libraries' warnings so they are just noise.
MozReview-Commit-ID: 1JXJumg6DsJ
extra : rebase_source : c48189653361aa84edd3004188315cd73aefa9b5
extra : amend_source : 30be5afeb03eff26d59ccde57c0eb547b743c304
I've moved the mozilla specific gtest stuff to link directly in xul-gtest
rather than in the gtest static library to make it possible for standalone
programs to link against this library and not have to link
against other mozilla libraries. This allows us to build
media/webrtc/signaling/fuzztest against this version of gtest rather than the
webrtc version of gtest, which I plan to remove in a follow on bug.
I had to add a global disable for -Wgnu-zero-variadic-macro-arguments as we
hit that everywhere we use the INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P macro.
This brings forward the fix from Bug 844630 to the visibility of environ in
I also removed code that set GTEST_API_ to a visibility that conflicts with
what we've defined elsewhere in tree.
MozReview-Commit-ID: 3cfuapC6vn0
extra : rebase_source : 6e5d2684718b6ddaa5a64c1f26a0172c91b5a719