+ Removed the command-click quasimode for showing the tray version of stacked groups.
+ Added a new expand icon for showing the tray version of stacked groups
+ Refactored the Group.js code so that we now have both group.collapse() and group.expand()
-- Website Behavior --
+ Updated the website to pull the documentation section from the Etherpad
+ Some general DRY-based cleanup
-- Install.rdf --
+ Fiddled with the min/max version
+ The "zoom prep", where the div is resized behind the scenes, is now much more robust; items can be rearranged while in this state (in response to new tabs opening, for instance), and everything still works out.
+ Group._activeTab is now a TabItem rather than a DOM element
+ Most of the old "mod" routine is now in the TabItem constructor; "mod" no longer exists
Because image scaling is slowest on big images, we cheat and start the image
at half-size and placed accordingly. Because the animation is fast, you can't
see the difference but it feels a lot zippier. The only trick is choosing the
right animation function so that you don't see a change in percieved
animation speed from frame #1 (the tab) to frame #2 (the half-size image) to
frame #3 (the first frame of real animation). Choosing an animation that starts
fast is key.
+ Moved animate.html into a "workshop" folder and added a pagechange.html. This folder will go away soon enough, but for now it's a good spot to stash tests
+ You can drop tabs onto groups (but no tabs on tabs yet)
+ Disabled resize for now
+ Fixed a bug with groups looking like they were deleted but not really being
+ Changed the iQ.fn.animate call signature: it now takes two arguments, a CSS object and an options object (with possible parameters: duration, easing and complete)
+ iQ.fn.animate now reliably calls back the completion routine (this was causing all sorts of trouble)
+ Reenabled TabMirror.pausePainting
+ Added animate.html, a test bed for playing with CSS transitions
+ Fixed a bug with iQ.fn.one that caused it to not properly set "this"
+ Temporarily disabled TabMirror.pausePainting, which is causing problems at the moment (will fix soon)
+ tabitems.js is now jQuery-free except for drag/drop/resize
+ Cleaned up usage of TabItems.getItemByTab and renamed it to getItemByTabElement to make it clearer
+ First use of iQ.animate(), which uses CSS transitions: tab zoom up and down, as well as phantom group disappearing when you drag in empty space but don't make it big enough
+ Consolidated onFocus call of UIClass into onFocus call of Page
+ ui.js is jQuery-free
+ The zoom down animation happens after a setTimeout(…, 1), which causes an unfortunate delay, but without it, the animation doesn't happen at all
+ Added val, resize, change to iQ.fn and isAnimating to iQ