The biggest change is located in
Originally, nsSVGUtils::GetCanvasTM is used. This function returns combination
of svg-transform, e.g. <rect transform="translate(30,40)" />, and
css-to-dev-scale-transform. That why we do not see this bug in a transformed
svg element.
For example, the following svg can be rendered correctly on FF:
<svg xmlns="">
<filter id="blurMe">
<feGaussianBlur in="SourceGraphic" stdDeviation="1"/>
<!-- nsSVGUtils::GetCanvasTM return transform="scale(3)" correctly -->
<text x="0" y="35" font-size="35" transform="scale(3)" filter="url(#blurMe)">
Hello, out there
Unfortunately, this function does not report css-transform at all. So, I
replaced it by mPaintTransfom, which is passed from the caller. So now it's the
caller's responsibility to pass a UserSpace-To-DeviceSpace transform into
nsFilterInstance. And, we actually change the meaning of mPaintTransform in this
patch. Before this patch, mPaintTransform means css-to-dev-px scaling transform;
After this patch it means "userspace-to-filterspace-scaling * css-to-dev-scaling"
All the other modifictions are to respect the change in
MozReview-Commit-ID: LwNUAMo98M
extra : rebase_source : 4ed9fbd1493decef43b6d606d78c4dd23e975146
To use GetCSSPxToDevPxMatrix in nsFilterInstance, pull this untility function down
to nsSVGUtils; Otherwise, we have to include nsSVGIntegrationUtils header in
nsFilterIntance, which is ok but not good I think.
MozReview-Commit-ID: 6SGtwj4EE1S
extra : rebase_source : f75c904602f7f0f4ad0e4bdb5786c3a405a86be6
1. Rename gfx->sourceCtx.
2. Since sourceCtx is discarded immidiately, there is no need of save/restore.
MozReview-Commit-ID: CM2MMBYWp3W
extra : rebase_source : e9e2b92ac08a41da4e6f9a40886f329e8aa0fc29
1. Pass offset in device pixel unit instead of app unit.
2. Keep old context of the basic manager before replacing.
MozReview-Commit-ID: IoYFTU35aw6
extra : rebase_source : b77c8e32d875fe69838904932e47bbee161c987a
We need ComputeEffectOffset along in the following patch.
MozReview-Commit-ID: GoIZ07IqoQ3
extra : rebase_source : 54ad8ad25225a110b1cdf190d51df771386b7a26
For components also referencing it in code, see the blockers of bug 1336311.
MozReview-Commit-ID: 4tUZ24HKBWy
extra : rebase_source : ec16149f525b9b7eaca7f96f1369929d21497121
The biggest change is located in
Originally, nsSVGUtils::GetCanvasTM is used. This function returns combination
of svg-transform, e.g. <rect transform="translate(30,40)" />, and
css-to-dev-scale-transform. That why we do not see this bug in a transformed
svg element.
For example, the following svg can be rendered correctly on FF:
<svg xmlns="">
<filter id="blurMe">
<feGaussianBlur in="SourceGraphic" stdDeviation="1"/>
<!-- nsSVGUtils::GetCanvasTM return transform="scale(3)" correctly -->
<text x="0" y="35" font-size="35" transform="scale(3)" filter="url(#blurMe)">
Hello, out there
Unfortunately, this function does not report css-transform at all. So, I
replaced it by mPaintTransfom, which is passed from the caller. So now it's the
caller's responsibility to pass a UserSpace-To-DeviceSpace transform into
nsFilterInstance. And, we actually change the meaning of mPaintTransform in this
patch. Before this patch, mPaintTransform means css-to-dev-px scaling transform;
After this patch it means "userspace-to-filterspace-scaling * css-to-dev-scaling"
All the other modifictions are to respect the change in
MozReview-Commit-ID: LwNUAMo98M
extra : rebase_source : eaae0570dcc0b8dea39f5d4b87f5e2920509053d
To use GetCSSPxToDevPxMatrix in nsFilterInstance, pull this untility function down
to nsSVGUtils; Otherwise, we have to include nsSVGIntegrationUtils header in
nsFilterIntance, which is ok but not good I think.
MozReview-Commit-ID: 6SGtwj4EE1S
extra : rebase_source : ff6c6173c599afe630aa8b16330a0d1fc667ced8
1. Rename gfx->sourceCtx.
2. Since sourceCtx is discarded immidiately, there is no need of save/restore.
MozReview-Commit-ID: CM2MMBYWp3W
extra : rebase_source : 059f205b65632984cfaed535348ae702501d10d8
1. Pass offset in device pixel unit instead of app unit.
2. Keep old context of the basic manager before replacing.
MozReview-Commit-ID: IoYFTU35aw6
extra : rebase_source : 03c3b70c2c7f93acd1654fd4eefba602bfa2974d
We need ComputeEffectOffset along in the following patch.
MozReview-Commit-ID: GoIZ07IqoQ3
extra : rebase_source : d8750a067e436912643f351737d0bdb392036c50
Move the common part of GetScaleValue into nsStyleTransformMatrix, and add a
new method, GetScaleValue, on AnimationValue, which can get the scale value from
StyleAnimationValue or RawServoAnimationValue.
MozReview-Commit-ID: 4spi1LkZrWP
extra : rebase_source : 81e352edb85c9abb16fb0ef2780ff27c4f264709
Currently, we have StyleAnimationValue for Gecko and
RawServoAnimationValue for Servo, and use this struct to wrap them to
avoid the duplicated code.
MozReview-Commit-ID: ATDBSCOX2C5
extra : rebase_source : 85991ef5e23a445ae6302264508d1c06a46c0e29
Prior to this patch whenever we wanted to pass on a modified SVGImageContext
we would pass on a new object initialized with some of the data of the object
we were given and with the new data we wanted to change. Unfortunately we
were sometimes failing to faithfully copy member data that we do not want
to modify (because of default arguments). This patch fixes that by making us
fully copy the object we were given using its copy constructor and then
explicitly override the data we want to change.