- fix bug 12954 "should throw when setting non-settable props".
- fix bug 13418 "xpconnect needs to be threadsafe".
I think I filled in the cracks. Tests would be nice :)
- fix bug 22802 "[MLK] XPConnect Leaks".
- fix bug 24119 "[MLK] Reminder about cleaning up maps".
- fix bug 24453 "xpconnect needs default security manager".
I also changed the code in DOM and caps to just install a default secman and
not install a secman for each JSContext.
- fix bug 24687 "xpconect should avoid resolve performance suckage".
Added (modified) patch from shaver to create my JSObjects with the
global object as the temporary proto to avoid losing lookup.
- hack for bug 24688 "runtime errors in wrapped JS are not made obvious"
Added a debug only printf. We still need a JSErrorConsole service for this.
- fix bug 16130 "createInstanace and getService can create wrappers around wrappers"
Fixing this one really entailed changing the semantics of nsIXPConnect::wrapNative
and nsIXPConnect::wrapJS to use common code in xpcconvert that deals with existing
wrappers and DOM objects (with their own schemes for wrapping and unwrapping).
So, I changed the callers because the params changed slightly and some callers
were doing more work than necessary given the new semantics.
- Continued in the crusade to replace manaual refcounting with nsCOMPtrs whenever
touching old code.
- Added myself as first contributor to xpconnect files (vanity prevails!)
- Added new copyright header on some files that were missing it.
- Added some API comments.
- Converted nsXPCWrappedJS to implement nsIXPConnectWrappedJS via MI rather than
the old loser scheme of the nsIXPConnectWrappedJSMethods tearoff object.
- added DumpJSStack as globals to xpconnect and DOM dlls to be callable from
debuggers. I have ideas on how to improve and expand this support soon.
858 [Feature] JavaScript auto-disable per-domain RFE
13023 Users must be able to disable Java and JavaScript (for JS in mail)
21923 Executing functions in "chrome:" protocol - #2.
(Checked in with red on Mac; Wan-Teh says his changes are localized so
it shouldn't interfere with his fixing bustage.)
- Add "aShared" flag to nsIScriptContext::CompileEventHandler, telling it to clear the compiled event handler's scope chain if true, in order to
(a) avoid entraining garbage
(i.e., a shared compile-time-only parent object); and
(b) cause later BindCompiledEventHandler calls to ensure that the event handler has the particular scope chain needed for the binding
(to the target object that's receiving the event).
- Use :: consistently (and all over the place) before calls to JS_ functions in nsJSEnvironment.cpp.
- Eliminate tabs and barbarians-at-the-gate-of-Rome style, in favor of when-in-Rome style (hail Waterson Maximus!)
also expose a method to get the visible row for a tree - I needed it anyway, figured I might as well expose it from JS.
other half of fix for #12895
DOM: getting rid of JS_GetContextPrivate wherever possible. Use static parent
links where we can. When we do need to find this info about the caller
we call a function that knows how to get that info rather than inline calls
to JS_GetContextPrivate. This is all required for calling DOM objects on
non-DOM JSContexts as we do via xpconnect.
XPConnect: basic refactoring work to disassociate wrappers from the JSContext
that was active when the wrapper was constructed. This allows for calling into
wrapped JS objects on the right JSContext and for proper grouping of wrapped
native objects so that they can share proto objects. This also allows for
better sharing of objects and lays the foundations for threadsafety and
interface flattening.
Also, xpconnect tests are reorganized and improved.
fixes bugs: 13419, 17736, 17746, 17952, 22086
r=vidur r=mccabe r=norris r=cbegle