Split nsEditor::DeleteSelectionAndCreateNode into two parts,
so that routines like InsertImage which need to set attributes
on the new node before inserting into the tree can do so.
This is somewhat temporary, since the current method isn't undo-able;
undo will be implemented after M4.
added aFirst out param to GetTextProperty, so the caller can know if the first character has the property in the case of aAny=true and aAll=false.
fixed a bunch of places where result was being used incorrectly as a return val from do_QueryInterface
some minor undo/redo fixes to split and join of interior nodes.
anywhere any more.
* Cleaned up split and join undo/redo.
* Added TypeInState, a data struct that remembers things about text properties for collapsed selections, so you can type
* Ctrl-B with an insertion point and the next character will be bold.
* Added all the logic to handle inline vs. block elements when setting text properties.
* Added some support for italic and underline as well. Adding these things is pretty easy now. Ctrl-B, Ctrl-I, Ctrl-U for testing bold, italic, underline.
* Added all the logic to make sure we only add style tags where they're needed, so you should never get the same style tag nested within itself, except as needed for block elements.
* Added methods for testing a node to see if a particular style is set. This isn't 100% done yet, but with very little work we could have toolbar buttons that respond to selection changed notification that show the state of bold, italic, underline, etc. in real time. Supports tri-state: whole selection is bold, some of selection is bold, none of selection is bold, ...
* Fully undoable and redoable.
* Added some debug printfs to transactions and editors. all controlled by a gNoisy static in each module. helps me track down undo/redo problems. if the output bugs people enough, I'll shut it off and re-enable it in my local tree.
Noticably missing: make un-bold, make un-italic, etc. This is coming soon.
justify the benefit. This is partly true because he and I would have had to integrate tonight before checking in, which we thought
presented some additional risk. In any event, this bug is fixed for all cases except when the user hits enter at the end of the
document. That is the only case in text editing when the selection will not render correctly.
Some related problems got fixed as a side benefit of my code changes. I filed bug 3896.
made a special case for typing with BR as the selection (as after an InsertBreak.)
made DEL and BACKSPACE at the beginning and end of a text node
fixes bugs 3742 and 3756 (with permission from choff and gkostello)