0.9.78 fixes the problem where the cursor would be left one character before the
end of the line after using the up arrow to recall a previous command, adds the
``clear-session'' command to clear the contents of the Interactive Session view.
It also adds ``Set Breakpoint'' to the context menu of the Loaded Scripts view,
and ``Set Breakpoint'' and ``Clear Breakpoint'' to the Call Stack view. This
revision also clears up a few strict mode warnings, and hides javascript: files
in the loaded scripts view.
check in differences between 0.9.67 and 0.9.75
* Fixes literal tab expansion in the new source view
* Fixes places where search() was used instead of indexOf. bug 204341
* Makes it so that editing properties on a hard breakpoint also modifies
properties on the future breakpoint.
* Makes it so that venkman can load source for files are are currently being
loaded by mozilla. bug 166935
* Catches exceptions thrown by file picker widget
* fixes a typo in the change-container command
* fixes a bug where splitters would be misplaced if you dragged a view directly from one tab container to another
* adds tooltips to the buttons in the toolbar
Fix the following bugs:
* Sometimes HTML files would not completely load in the source view. I had
been reusing a scriptable input stream in a place where that's not allowed.
* When you reloaded a file in the source view, the loaded scripts view would
stop responding to double clicks.
* If you cycled the ``Exclude Browser Files'' option from on to off, the
browser files would appear as disabled files, even though they were
no longer disabled.
* There was no way to delete a pref with the /pref command.
* If you moved a tree-based view, it would stop responding to double-clicks.
* The debugger would get into a bad state if you examined an object that
had a property named "__proto__".
Adds tabbed views.
landing venkman 0.9.60
add x-jsd:debugger url handler to launch venkman. Useful to start venkman from feonix.
convert some of the 81 column files to 80 column.
Show disabled scripts (and files that contian them) in red italics in the Loaded Scripts view.
Fix some issues with step over. Requres the latest js engine fixes from bug 202177 to be completely effective.
add default window flags value for the /open-dialog command.
fix xml charset detection.
Use Math.floor instead of parseInt.
remove the "paint-hack" hack.
remove ":" from the list of illegal url characters.
unmark the stop line before setting a new one, to avoid the case where you see two yellow indicators in a single file.
add complete, selectable url below the source window in the source2 view.
clean up after bug 127589.
* adds the abillity to change values right from the Local Variables or Watch
views. Just double-click on the value and enter a new expression to be evaluated.
* adds the ability to add watches from the Local Variables view. Just select
"Add Watch Expression" from the context menu of the Local Variables view.
* adds the ability to save and restore breakpoints and watches.
* adds close buttons to the source view tabs.
* adds a pref to enable "clost tab on middle click" behavior, and a pref to
disable the new close buttons.
* changed from "type" attribute to "orient".
fixes ASSERTs about chrome calling window.alert, etc in debug builds
fixes problems setting breakpoints in files loaded by hand
"add watch expression..." added to context menu of Watch view
fixes file:/ urls loaded form the Open Windows view
landing venkman 0.9.44
refactor prefs code, adding pref-manager.js
move CSS rules with english words into locale subdir
add fallback function hook to be called when regexp based name guessing fails
add "hide duplicates" option
add quicksearch-like textbox to the loaded scripts view
fix array.sort fallout form bug 178722
show view names in floating window titles
don't spew to IS view when changing frames from the UI
bump version number
* Fixes errors in the default string bundle
* Prevents a double-click on a scrollbar from being interpreted as a
double-click on the currently selected item
* Displays the value for Boolean and Number objects in the Local Variables and
Watch views.
* Fixes a problem saving profile data on versions of Mozilla from before Sept. 2002
* Makes breakpoints set as a result of a ``Scan for Meta Comments'' act as
future breakpoints, as well as hard breakpoints, so you don't have to rescan
after reloading.
* Fixes the "Two help menus" problem on the Mac (bug 162285)
crop view titles.
hide js components when "Exclude Browser Files" is enabled.
fix strict warnings.
use jsds to get parent instead of __parent__ to avoid warning.
make sure script is valid before trying to pretty print it.
don't trace errors from chrome urls if "Exclude Browser Files" is enabled.
add a source code colorization limit, default to 1500 lines.
add "Include ECMA Properties" and "Include Functions" options in the Locals and Watch views.
fix "Files" node in the Open Windows view.
Don't get property counts in the Locals and Watch views, because it takes too long.
don't print the hook error, of the hook in question was the display hook, to avoid an infinite loop.
Fix logic to reuse tabs once max-tab limit has been reached.
show an error when an unknown pref or pref pattern is passed to the /pref command.
bug 160917, land venkman 0.9.33
makes eval the default command, require / before all other commands.
add "evaluation object" to eval against objects in arbitrary windows without being stopped.
adds charset detection to the new source view.
add "msg.report.charset" to specify which charset localizd messages should be converted to before writing them into a profile report or generated help text.
move profile report templates into the locale directory so they can be properly localized.
change file->quit to file->exit on windows machines.
consider ";" to be a filename separator for getFileFromPath()
abbreviate long filenames when placing them in a source tab.
rename leftmost vertical container form "vleft" to "gutter" in the factory layout, so new views are displayed there by default.
bug 160003, "land venkman 0.9.28", a=asa
Adds "scriptable breakpoints" and "meta comments", described in <news://news.mozilla.org:119/3D45310E.8080206@netscape.com>.
Also adds "run to cursor" and "find in file" functionaliy, and fixes bug 126779.