Andrew McCreight
Bug 990715, part 3 - Inline RemoveObjectEntry in nsBindingManager. r=bholley
2014-04-10 07:05:19 -07:00
Andrew McCreight
Bug 990715, part 2 - Inline AddObjectEntry in nsBindingManager. r=bholley
There's a lot of generic hashtable methods in nsBindingManager for some reason.
Inlining them will make later transformations easier.
2014-04-10 07:05:19 -07:00
Andrew McCreight
Bug 990715, part 1 - Remove trailing whitespace from nsBindingManager. r=bholley
2014-04-10 07:05:18 -07:00
Birunthan Mohanathas
Bug 946065 - Part 6: Move content/xml/ to dom/ and flatten subdirectories; sr=jst
rename : content/xml/content/src/CDATASection.cpp => dom/xml/CDATASection.cpp
rename : content/xml/content/src/CDATASection.h => dom/xml/CDATASection.h
rename : content/xml/content/src/ProcessingInstruction.cpp => dom/xml/ProcessingInstruction.cpp
rename : content/xml/content/src/ProcessingInstruction.h => dom/xml/ProcessingInstruction.h
rename : content/xml/document/src/XMLDocument.cpp => dom/xml/XMLDocument.cpp
rename : content/xml/document/src/XMLDocument.h => dom/xml/XMLDocument.h
rename : content/xml/content/src/XMLStylesheetProcessingInstruction.cpp => dom/xml/XMLStylesheetProcessingInstruction.cpp
rename : content/xml/content/src/XMLStylesheetProcessingInstruction.h => dom/xml/XMLStylesheetProcessingInstruction.h
rename : content/xml/document/crashtests/136896-1.xml => dom/xml/crashtests/136896-1.xml
rename : content/xml/document/crashtests/185285-1.xml => dom/xml/crashtests/185285-1.xml
rename : content/xml/document/crashtests/382636-1.xml => dom/xml/crashtests/382636-1.xml
rename : content/xml/document/crashtests/382636-2.svg => dom/xml/crashtests/382636-2.svg
rename : content/xml/document/crashtests/382636-3.xhtml => dom/xml/crashtests/382636-3.xhtml
rename : content/xml/document/crashtests/382636-4.xul => dom/xml/crashtests/382636-4.xul
rename : content/xml/content/crashtest/420429.xul => dom/xml/crashtests/420429.xul
rename : content/xml/document/crashtests/431703-1.xhtml => dom/xml/crashtests/431703-1.xhtml
rename : content/xml/content/crashtest/453278-frame.xml => dom/xml/crashtests/453278-frame.xml
rename : content/xml/content/crashtest/453278.html => dom/xml/crashtests/453278.html
rename : content/xml/content/crashtest/803586.xhtml => dom/xml/crashtests/803586.xhtml
rename : content/xml/document/crashtests/crashtests.list => dom/xml/crashtests/crashtests.list
rename : content/xml/document/crashtests/tree.gif => dom/xml/crashtests/tree.gif
rename : content/xml/content/src/htmlmathml-f.ent => dom/xml/htmlmathml-f.ent
rename : content/xml/content/src/ => dom/xml/
rename : content/xml/document/public/nsIXMLContentSink.h => dom/xml/nsIXMLContentSink.h
rename : content/xml/document/src/nsXMLContentSink.cpp => dom/xml/nsXMLContentSink.cpp
rename : content/xml/document/src/nsXMLContentSink.h => dom/xml/nsXMLContentSink.h
rename : content/xml/content/src/nsXMLElement.cpp => dom/xml/nsXMLElement.cpp
rename : content/xml/content/src/nsXMLElement.h => dom/xml/nsXMLElement.h
rename : content/xml/document/src/nsXMLFragmentContentSink.cpp => dom/xml/nsXMLFragmentContentSink.cpp
rename : content/xml/document/src/nsXMLPrettyPrinter.cpp => dom/xml/nsXMLPrettyPrinter.cpp
rename : content/xml/document/src/nsXMLPrettyPrinter.h => dom/xml/nsXMLPrettyPrinter.h
rename : content/xml/document/resources/XMLMonoPrint.css => dom/xml/resources/XMLMonoPrint.css
rename : content/xml/document/resources/XMLPrettyPrint.css => dom/xml/resources/XMLPrettyPrint.css
rename : content/xml/document/resources/XMLPrettyPrint.xml => dom/xml/resources/XMLPrettyPrint.xml
rename : content/xml/document/resources/XMLPrettyPrint.xsl => dom/xml/resources/XMLPrettyPrint.xsl
rename : content/xml/document/resources/ => dom/xml/resources/
rename : content/xml/document/resources/ => dom/xml/resources/
rename : content/xml/tests/books/bethlehem.gif => dom/xml/tests/books/bethlehem.gif
rename : content/xml/tests/books/bill.gif => dom/xml/tests/books/bill.gif
rename : content/xml/tests/books/books.js => dom/xml/tests/books/books.js
rename : content/xml/tests/books/books.xml => dom/xml/tests/books/books.xml
rename : content/xml/tests/books/charing.gif => dom/xml/tests/books/charing.gif
rename : content/xml/tests/books/classic.css => dom/xml/tests/books/classic.css
rename : content/xml/tests/books/common.css => dom/xml/tests/books/common.css
rename : content/xml/tests/books/kerouac.gif => dom/xml/tests/books/kerouac.gif
rename : content/xml/tests/books/list.css => dom/xml/tests/books/list.css
rename : content/xml/tests/books/road.gif => dom/xml/tests/books/road.gif
rename : content/xml/tests/books/welville.gif => dom/xml/tests/books/welville.gif
rename : content/xml/tests/docbook.css => dom/xml/tests/docbook.css
rename : content/xml/tests/docbooktest.xml => dom/xml/tests/docbooktest.xml
rename : content/xml/tests/flamer.gif => dom/xml/tests/flamer.gif
rename : content/xml/tests/load/display.css => dom/xml/tests/load/display.css
rename : content/xml/tests/load/display.xml => dom/xml/tests/load/display.xml
rename : content/xml/tests/load/load.html => dom/xml/tests/load/load.html
rename : content/xml/tests/load/loadauth.html => dom/xml/tests/load/loadauth.html
rename : content/xml/tests/load/loaddisplay.html => dom/xml/tests/load/loaddisplay.html
rename : content/xml/tests/load/test.xml => dom/xml/tests/load/test.xml
rename : content/xml/document/test/file_bug293347.xml => dom/xml/tests/mochitest/file_bug293347.xml
rename : content/xml/document/test/file_bug293347xslt.xml => dom/xml/tests/mochitest/file_bug293347xslt.xml
rename : content/xml/document/test/mochitest.ini => dom/xml/tests/mochitest/mochitest.ini
rename : content/xml/document/test/ => dom/xml/tests/mochitest/
rename : content/xml/document/test/test_bug232004.xhtml => dom/xml/tests/mochitest/test_bug232004.xhtml
rename : content/xml/document/test/test_bug293347.html => dom/xml/tests/mochitest/test_bug293347.html
rename : content/xml/document/test/test_bug343870.xhtml => dom/xml/tests/mochitest/test_bug343870.xhtml
rename : content/xml/document/test/test_bug355213.xhtml => dom/xml/tests/mochitest/test_bug355213.xhtml
rename : content/xml/document/test/test_bug392338.html => dom/xml/tests/mochitest/test_bug392338.html
rename : content/xml/document/test/test_bug399502.xhtml => dom/xml/tests/mochitest/test_bug399502.xhtml
rename : content/xml/document/test/test_bug445330.html => dom/xml/tests/mochitest/test_bug445330.html
rename : content/xml/document/test/test_bug691215.html => dom/xml/tests/mochitest/test_bug691215.html
rename : content/xml/document/test/test_viewport.xhtml => dom/xml/tests/mochitest/test_viewport.xhtml
rename : content/xml/tests/script.xml => dom/xml/tests/script.xml
rename : content/xml/tests/simple.xml => dom/xml/tests/simple.xml
rename : content/xml/tests/toc/book.css => dom/xml/tests/toc/book.css
rename : content/xml/tests/toc/irslogo.gif => dom/xml/tests/toc/irslogo.gif
rename : content/xml/tests/toc/minus.gif => dom/xml/tests/toc/minus.gif
rename : content/xml/tests/toc/plus.gif => dom/xml/tests/toc/plus.gif
rename : content/xml/tests/toc/rights.xml => dom/xml/tests/toc/rights.xml
rename : content/xml/tests/toc/toc.css => dom/xml/tests/toc/toc.css
rename : content/xml/tests/toc/toc.js => dom/xml/tests/toc/toc.js
rename : content/xml/tests/xlink/auto.xml => dom/xml/tests/xlink/auto.xml
rename : content/xml/tests/xlink/link.css => dom/xml/tests/xlink/link.css
rename : content/xml/tests/xlink/manual.xml => dom/xml/tests/xlink/manual.xml
rename : content/xml/tests/xmlbase/xmlbase.css => dom/xml/tests/xmlbase/xmlbase.css
rename : content/xml/tests/xmlbase/xmlbase.xml => dom/xml/tests/xmlbase/xmlbase.xml
2014-04-12 10:41:16 +02:00
Boris Zbarsky
Bug 993889 part 1. Remove "scope" argument from nsContentUtils::WrapNative. r=bholley
2014-04-10 00:58:41 -04:00
Geoff Brown
Bug 962676 - Reset expected assertion counts for Android crashtests; r=blassey
2014-04-09 08:38:44 -06:00
Boris Zbarsky
Bug 991742 part 8. Remove the "aScope" argument of WebIDL/nsWrapperCache WrapObject() methods. r=bholley
This patch was mostly generated with the following command:
find . -name "*.h" -o -name "*.cpp" | xargs sed -e '/WrapObject(JSContext/ {; N; s/\(WrapObject(JSContext *\* *a\{0,1\}[Cc]x\),\n\{0,1\} *JS::Handle<JSObject\*> a\{0,1\}[sS]cope/\1/ ; }' -i ""
and then reverting the changes that made to
dom/bindings/BindingUtils.h, since those WrapObject methods are not
the ones we're trying to change here, plus a bunch of manual fixups
for cases that this command did not catch (including all the callsites
of WrapObject()).
2014-04-08 18:27:18 -04:00
Boris Zbarsky
Bug 991742 part 6. Remove the "aScope" argument of binding Wrap() methods. r=bholley
This patch was mostly generated with this command:
find . -name "*.h" -o -name "*.cpp" | xargs sed -e 's/Binding::Wrap(aCx, aScope, this/Binding::Wrap(aCx, this/' -e 's/Binding_workers::Wrap(aCx, aScope, this/Binding_workers::Wrap(aCx, this/' -e 's/Binding::Wrap(cx, scope, this/Binding::Wrap(cx, this/' -i ""
plus a few manual fixes to dom/bindings/, js/xpconnect/src/, and a few C++ files that were not caught in the search-and-replace above.
2014-04-08 18:27:17 -04:00
Bobby Holley
Bug 986730 - Put all anonymous content into the XBL scope. r=smaug
2014-04-06 12:32:39 -07:00
Bobby Holley
Bug 986730 - Fix up a bunch of tests that assume that they can touch AC in content. r=mrbkap
2014-04-06 12:32:38 -07:00
Eric Faust
Bug 890686 - Implement JS_GlobalObjectTraceHook, and install it appropriately. (r=billm)
2014-04-04 16:58:08 -07:00
Martin Stransky
Bug 983903 - [Gtk3] Ctrl+A doesn't work in textarea or input elements. r=Neil
2014-04-04 08:34:25 -04:00
Masayuki Nakano
Bug 990855 part.2 Remove dom/events from local includes of files r=smaug
2014-04-03 13:18:38 +09:00
Masayuki Nakano
Bug 984253 part.4 Rename nsJSEventListener to mozilla::JSEventHandler r=smaug
2014-04-02 11:00:46 +09:00
Masayuki Nakano
Bug 984253 part.3 Rename nsEventHandler to mozilla::TypedEventHandler r=smaug
2014-04-02 11:00:45 +09:00
Masayuki Nakano
Bug 984253 part.2 Merge nsIJSEventListener and nsJSEventListener r=smaug, sr=jst
2014-04-02 11:00:45 +09:00
Bobby Holley
Bug 989183 - Check for nsXBLJSClass. r=bz
2014-04-01 21:34:34 -03:00
Masayuki Nakano
Bug 989213 part.3 Rename nsVKList.h to mozilla/VirtualKeyCodeList.h r=smaug
rename : dom/events/nsVKList.h => dom/events/VirtualKeyCodeList.h
2014-04-01 20:42:16 +09:00
Jon Coppeard
Bug 959787 - Handlify JS_ExecuteScript and JS::Evaluate APIs r=terrence r=bz
2014-04-01 11:34:39 +01:00
Masayuki Nakano
Bug 984271 part.2 Rename nsEventStateManager to mozilla::EventStateManager r=smaug
rename : dom/events/nsEventStateManager.cpp => dom/events/EventStateManager.cpp
rename : dom/events/nsEventStateManager.h => dom/events/EventStateManager.h
2014-04-01 13:09:23 +09:00
Neil Rashbrook
Bug 514280 Remove concrete classes from interface maps r=bsmedberg
2014-03-28 08:40:13 +00:00
Bug 984006 - Remove xpcom/ds from local includes; r=ehsan
2014-03-27 21:05:14 +01:00
Andrew McCreight
Bug 988570 - Initialize nsXBLBinding::mUsingXBLScope. r=bholley
2014-03-27 09:24:33 -04:00
Bobby Holley
Bug 987672 - Use a more reliable Function constructor and |bind| implementation for marquee event handler compilation. r=bz
2014-03-25 12:36:39 -03:00
Bobby Holley
Bug 986304 - Remove the scope object machinery attached to nsIJSEventListener. r=bz,f=smaug
2014-03-21 23:31:03 -03:00
Alessio Placitelli
Bug 950076 - Use the return value of GetNodeTextContent for OOM checks. r=jst
2014-03-20 20:51:16 +01:00
Bob Owen
Bug 978042 - Part 8: AutoPushJSContext in nsXBLProtoImplField::InstallField. r=bholley
2014-03-19 12:09:33 +00:00
Jon Coppeard
Bug 959787 - Handlify some more GCing APIs r=sfink
2014-03-20 09:32:37 +00:00
Ryan VanderMeulen
Backed out changesets a17ee88f1fe7, 6e3aee4a9650, 07e5ed676919 (bug 950076) for Werror bustage.
2014-03-19 14:00:10 -04:00
Alessio Placitelli
Bug 950076 - Use the return value of GetNodeTextContent for OOM checks. r=jst
2014-03-19 13:05:03 -04:00
Bobby Holley
Bug 825392 - Add xpc::GetXBLScopeOrGlobal and Sprinkle some calls to it where necessary. r=bz
2014-03-19 13:35:45 -03:00
Bobby Holley
Bug 825392 - Infer the global from the reflector in DoInitJSClass. r=bz
2014-03-19 13:35:45 -03:00
Bill McCloskey
Bug 862519 - [e10s] Better handling of key commands also handled by content (r=smaug)
2014-03-18 08:16:47 -07:00
Andrew McCreight
Bug 983899, part 2 - Convert nsXBLService::gClassTable to nsDataHashtable. r=mrbkap
2014-03-18 14:25:39 -07:00
Andrew McCreight
Bug 983899, part 1 - Delete some trailing whitespace in XBL. r=mrbkap
2014-03-18 14:25:39 -07:00
Ryan VanderMeulen
Backed out changeset 9c3f1b715943 (bug 862519) for multiple mochitest failures.
2014-03-18 13:00:32 -04:00
Bill McCloskey
Bug 862519 - [e10s] Better handling of key commands also handled by content (r=smaug)
2014-03-18 08:16:47 -07:00
Bill McCloskey
Back out bug 862519 on a CLOSED TREE
2014-03-18 08:14:47 -07:00
Felipe Gomes
Bug 862519 - [e10s] Better handling of key commands also handled by content (r=smaug)
2014-03-18 08:00:28 -07:00
Masayuki Nakano
Bug 983049 part.5 Rename nsEventDispatcher to mozilla::EventDispatcher r=smaug
rename : dom/events/nsEventDispatcher.cpp => dom/events/EventDispatcher.cpp
rename : dom/events/nsEventDispatcher.h => dom/events/EventDispatcher.h
2014-03-18 13:48:21 +09:00
Jon Coppeard
Bug 959787 - Handlify JS_ExecuteScript, JS_EvaluateScript and other JS APIs r=sfink r=bz
2014-03-17 16:17:58 +00:00
Masayuki Nakano
Bug 981261 part.5 Rename nsEventListenerManager to mozilla::EventListenerManager r=smaug
rename : dom/events/nsEventListenerManager.cpp => dom/events/EventListenerManager.cpp
rename : dom/events/nsEventListenerManager.h => dom/events/EventListenerManager.h
2014-03-17 15:56:53 +09:00
Masayuki Nakano
Bug 981261 part.4 Move EventListenerFlags from mozilla::dom:: to mozilla:: r=smaug
2014-03-17 15:56:52 +09:00
Kyle Huey
Bug 967364: Pass already_AddRefed by reference instead of by value. r=bsmedberg
2014-03-15 12:00:17 -07:00
Kyle Huey
Bug 967364: Rename already_AddRefed::get to take. r=bsmedberg
2014-03-15 12:00:15 -07:00
Boris Zbarsky
Bug 980965. Stop using DOM constructors as functions in chrome code. r=bholley
2014-03-10 17:38:14 -04:00
Vaibhav Agarwal
Bug 971132 - B2G mochitests should use the new manifest format; r=jmaher
2014-03-06 13:42:43 -05:00
Henry Chang
Bug 946815 - Add test case. r=bholley
2014-03-04 16:31:49 +08:00
L. David Baron
Fix merge error between bug 872273 (changeset 46df3fd9b0dc) and bug 946065 (changeset 243259fda9ab) and move this test to the directory where it's listed in mochitest.ini so it will actually be run. No review.
Bug 979640 is filed on making this mistake harder.
rename : content/xbl/test/test_bug872273.xhtml => dom/xbl/test/test_bug872273.xhtml
2014-03-04 20:13:19 -08:00
Masayuki Nakano
Bug 975688 part.28 Rename nsDOMEvent to mozilla::dom::Event r=smaug
rename : dom/events/nsDOMEvent.cpp => dom/events/Event.cpp
rename : dom/events/nsDOMEvent.h => dom/events/Event.h
2014-03-05 09:37:43 +09:00