We need this for host binaries to work correctly in the case where the
clang we're using is linking against a newer version of, say,
`libstdc++` than is on the system.
Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D43529
extra : moz-landing-system : lando
Assuming the URL string the JAR reader receives has been completely URL-encoded,
we need to decode not just the first nested jarUrl, as already happens through
getZipFile(), but all subsequent path components, too.
At least for jar:-URLs received from Gecko, the above assumption certainly seems
to be true.
Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D44033
extra : moz-landing-system : lando
Hooks up slow script reporting to the ContentDelegate. Allowing slow script prompts to be implemented.
Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D41970
extra : moz-landing-system : lando
Chrome flags need to be set both on the `window` and the `browser` object.
Right now we only set them on the `browser` objects and that could lead to
unintended consequences. This patch sets the flags to the `window` accordingly.
Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D43523
extra : moz-landing-system : lando
The main motivation here is to get these subsections out of the main index.
While changing the heading to an 'h2' or lower would suffice, I opted to remove
them entirely. I did this because the links in this section is for the overall
global documentation. E.g, the "Indices and tables" section under /tools/lint,
has nothing to do with linting.
It is still possible to access the index and search page from the root:
Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D43653
extra : moz-landing-system : lando
By bug 1563538, we don't call `onLoadRequest` when setting location.hash. So this issue is fixed by it.
So we should add geckoview-junit test for this.
Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D43574
extra : moz-landing-system : lando
Converts ui.scrolling.negate_wheel_scroll to a static pref and updates its usages. This one is only enabled on android, so I used the IS_ANDROID value to fill it.
Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D42394
extra : moz-landing-system : lando
Converts dom.keyboardevent.dispatch_during_composition and dom.keyboardevent.keypress.dispatch_non_printable_keys_only_system_group_in_content to static prefs. Removes the dispatch_during_composition entry from mobile.js, since it just redefines the same pref value.
Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D42391
extra : moz-landing-system : lando
Now performing a sanity check after grabbing the child at position due to the fact that it can be
null if the position is out of array bounds (this usually happens when all panels are hidden and we request an orientation change).
Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D43236
extra : moz-landing-system : lando
When returning from being backgrounded, GeckoView Example was trying to restore a `TabSession`, but only the underlying `GeckoSession` was being saved, resulting in a `ClassCastException` on restore.
Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D41754
extra : moz-landing-system : lando
Actually, `assertTextAndSelectionAt` checks Java side text and selection only.
So even if `assertTextAndSelectionAt` is successful, Gecko's text and selection
aren't updated yet. Since `sendKeyEvent` test uses both Gecko's selection and
Java's selection, this has timing issue. Since `sendKeyEvent` uses Gecko's
selection for insertion point, we have to sync Java's selection with Gecko's
selection. But since there is no way to sync it, this sendKey test may be failure.
To sync both data, this test should always use key event to update both Gecko
side and Java side correctly. GV's test uses Gecko's selection, so this issue
is robocop test only.
Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D42599
extra : moz-landing-system : lando
This patch ultimately overrides the user-agent which Fennec users send to Google Search pages, choosing a phone- or tablet-specific UA as appropriate.
It involves adding four new metadata keys to the webcompat addon's metadata for user-agent overrides: blocks, permanentPref, experiment, telemetryKey:
- "blocks" specifies URLs for which any requests should be aborted. This allows us to block the Google service worker for now, as it has caused "content corrupted" issues in the past with other enhanced search addons (see https://github.com/wisniewskit/google-search-fixer/issues/1).
- "permanentPref" specifies an about:config preference, which dictates whether the injection is used. Users may set this to `false` to disable the injection outright, and permanently; `true` or `undefined` values allow the injection to function normally.
- "experiment" specifies the name of the experiment this feature is optionally gated behind. Only a Fennec-specific implementation is provided in this patch. The implementation simply queries Switchboard to determine if the experiment is active.
- "telemetryKey" specifies which telemetry key should be flipped to "true" when this injection runs. We will use this to note whether enhanced search has actually been enabled for this profile. Only a Fennec-specific implementation is given in this patch, which actually just sets a Fennec Shared Preference, which Fennec's core telemetry ping later reads in Java to know what the ping should contain.
Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D41074
extra : moz-landing-system : lando
When returning from being backgrounded, GeckoView Example was trying to restore a `TabSession`, but only the underlying `GeckoSession` was being saved, resulting in a `ClassCastException` on restore.
Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D41754
extra : moz-landing-system : lando
Android artifacts (GeckoView AARs, GeckoViewExample (and Fennec) APKs)
require native libraries (`libxul.so`) and an omnijar (`omni.ja`).
These are produced by `mach package` (really, the `stage-package`
target). Engineers essentially never want a build without a package
for mobile/android. This adds mobile/android-only tiers that run
`mach package` and then `mach android assemble-app`. The latter
consumes `libxul.so` and `omni.ja` to produce _all the things_
relevant to GeckoView engineers.
Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D41450
extra : moz-landing-system : lando
This changes provide basic support for webextenion tabs and webNavigation listeners by implementing missing objects on which Fennec implementation was relying.
Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D36575
extra : moz-landing-system : lando