This change moves most of the logic for the threadsafety check into
nsAutoOwningThread, rather than having part of the logic live in
nsAutoOwningThread and part of the logic live in nsDebug.h. Changing
this also forces us to clean up a couple of places that replicated the
logic that lived in nsDebug.h as well.
TimeStamp::ProcessCreations()'s aIsInconsistent outparam is ignored by the
majority of its caller. This patch makes it optional. Notably, this makes
ProcessCreation() easier to use in a constructor's initializer list.
In order to avoid a busy wait where we defer and then immediately un-defer a message,
we need to ensure that we only un-defer a message if it's actually ready to be processed.
This patch uses the same condition in MaybeUndeferIncall as we use in
MozReview-Commit-ID: L2xZfSO0Yrk
IPCBlobInputStream must implement nsIIPCSerializableInputStream interface.
When this is done, the child sends the internal ID of the IPCBlobInputStream to
the parent.
IPCBlobInputStream is a new type of nsIInputStream that is used only in content
process when a Blob is sent from parent to child. This inputStream is for now,
just cloneable.
When the parent process sends a Blob to a content process, it has the Blob and
its inputStream. With its inputStream it creates a IPCBlobInputStreamParent
actor. This actor keeps the inputStream alive for following uses (not part of
this patch).
On the child side we will have, of course, a IPCBlobInputStreamChild actor.
This actor is able to create a IPCBlobInputStream when CreateStream() is
called. This means that 1 IPCBlobInputStreamChild can manage multiple
IPCBlobInputStreams each time one of them is cloned. When the last one of this
stream is released, the child actor sends a __delete__ request to the parent
side; the parent will be deleted, and the original inputStream, on the parent
side, will be released as well.
IPCBlobInputStream is a special inputStream because each method, except for
Available() fails. Basically, this inputStream cannot be used on the content
process for nothing else than knowing the size of the original stream.
In the following patches, I'll introduce an async way to use it.
Change mozilla::Smprintf and friends to return a UniquePtr, rather than
relying on manual memory management. (Though after this patch there are
still a handful of spots needing SmprintfFree.)
MozReview-Commit-ID: COa4nzIX5qa
extra : rebase_source : ab4a11b4d2e758099bd0794d5c25d799a7e42680
Remove sync protocol AllocateTabId. Instead we generate tabId in
each process with nsContentUtils::GenerateTabId, and register
RemoteFrameInfo in parent process. If the tab id was generated from
a content process, it's sent parent through either PBrowserConstructor
or PContent::CreateChildProcess.
MozReview-Commit-ID: D3W2fK9eCNH
extra : rebase_source : 1913f8f586537be1c82a70a19cc8c6351671d0df
This patch implements async returns for IPDL using MozPromises. There
are following changes:
* Initialize AbstractThreads for MessageLoops
* Record promises and their reject functions
* When async message returns, call their resolve functions
* When send error or channel close, call their reject functions
* Implement "unresolved-ipc-promises" count for about:memory
* Test cases
See bug attachment for generated code from test cases
MozReview-Commit-ID: 7xmg8gwDGaW
rename : ipc/ipdl/test/ipdl/error/AsyncReturn.ipdl => ipc/ipdl/test/ipdl/ok/AsyncReturn.ipdl
extra : rebase_source : 9a5821d6c0e5f7152b8152a17a409b94e8258dc3
Everything depending on the widget being gonk can go away, as well as
everything depending on MOZ_AUDIO_CHANNEL_MANAGER, which was only
defined on gonk builds under b2g/ (which goes away in bug 1357326).
extra : rebase_source : 9f0aeeb7eea8417fa4e06d662d566d67ecaf2a24
Before bug 1348069, MS manifest tool was used to embed manifest files.[1]
The Makefile used to use EXTRA_DEPS to invoke the manifest tool when a manifest files is changed. But it is no longer effective because the manifest file namepattern is no longer $@.exe.manifest.
Now manifest files will be embedded via .res files. So we have to rebuild .res files to update embedded manifests.
MozReview-Commit-ID: 5QiXVeImZdY
extra : rebase_source : 9e321e30ecd389ef0aa21e438d321e79edf0a009
NPN_GetAuthenticationInfo is an NPAPI API we implemented for Java and since we only support Flash we no longer need it.
MozReview-Commit-ID: HxNn91QeaMB
extra : rebase_source : 016320ce93bde525dbf1b74f50f8b60d141d31cd
One file was excluded for using plarena which it did not. The other was
excluded for "clashes with strdup," it does not use strdup.
MozReview-Commit-ID: 5X5H9S4j903
One file was excluded for using plarena which it did not. The other was
excluded for "clashes with strdup," it does not use strdup.
MozReview-Commit-ID: 5X5H9S4j903
MozReview-Commit-ID: GTQF3x1pBtX
A general outline of the COM handler (a.k.a. the "smart proxy"):
COM handlers are pieces of code that are loaded by the COM runtime along with
a proxy and are layered above that proxy. This enables the COM handler to
interpose itself between the caller and the proxy, thus providing the
opportunity for the handler to manipulate an interface's method calls before
those calls reach the proxy.
Handlers are regular COM components that live in DLLs and are declared in the
Windows registry. In order to allow for the specifying of a handler (and an
optional payload to be sent with the proxy), the mscom library allows its
clients to specify an implementation of the IHandlerProvider interface.
IHandlerProvider consists of 5 functions:
* GetHandler returns the CLSID of the component that should be loaded into
the COM client's process. If GetHandler returns a failure code, then no
handler is loaded.
* GetHandlerPayloadSize and WriteHandlerPayload are for obtaining the payload
data. These calls are made on a background thread but need to do their work
on the main thread. We declare the payload struct in IDL. MIDL generates two
functions, IA2Payload_Encode and IA2Payload_Decode, which are used by
mscom::StructToStream to read and write that struct to and from buffers.
* The a11y payload struct also includes an interface, IGeckoBackChannel, that
allows the handler to communicate directly with Gecko. IGeckoBackChannel
currently provides two methods: one to allow the handler to request fresh
cache information, and the other to provide Gecko with its IHandlerControl
* MarshalAs accepts an IID that specifies the interface that is about to be
proxied. We may want to send a more sophisticated proxy than the one that
is requested. The desired IID is returned by this function. In the case of
a11y interfaces, we should always return IAccessible2_3 if we are asked for
one of its parent interfaces. This allows us to eliminate round trips to
resolve more sophisticated interfaces later on.
* NewInstance, which is needed to ensure that all descendent proxies are also
imbued with the same handler code.
The main focus of this patch is as follows:
1. Provide an implementation of the IHandlerProvider interface;
2. Populate the handler payload (ie, the cache) with data;
3. Modify CreateHolderFromAccessible to specify the HandlerPayload object;
4. Receive the IHandlerControl interface from the handler DLL and move it
into the chrome process.
Some more information about IHandlerControl:
There is one IHandlerControl per handler DLL instance. It is the interface that
we call in Gecko when we need to dispatch an event to the handler. In order to
ensure that events are dispatched in the correct order, we need to dispatch
those events from the chrome main thread so that they occur in sequential order
with calls to NotifyWinEvent.
extra : rebase_source : acb44dead7cc5488424720e1bf58862b7b30374f