XMLterm changes only. Implemented chrome overlay a la Chatzilla to insert
XMLterm into the Tasks menu. Also implemented command line option "-terminal"
and URL handler "telnet://" to invoke XMLterm.
XMLterm changes only. Absolute URL chrome://xmlterm/skin/xmltpage.css is not
recognized in xmlterm.html. Using relative URL ../skin/xmltpage.css as a
XMLterm changes only. Added FlushPendingNotifications call to scrolling routine to improve scrolling behaviour. Fixed typo in string template changes. Added (commented out) change to xmlterm.html to test PNG alpha "image melding" with the command line!
Changed xmlterm/ui/Makefile.in to use CHROME vars to handle content/skin resources (bug 34416); eliminated directories xmlterm/ui/content and xmlterm/ui/skin.
Initial terminal size is now explicitly passed through parameters, providing
better control. Session aborts now produce an error message on the screen.
Made changes to lineterm, especially the PTY code, to get it to compile on
FreeBSD (bug 32923). Now it does compile and run on FreeBSD. There still a few
glitches though; PTY resizing fails in FreeBSD, for example.
UI changes. If user has started typing in a new command, double-clicking a filename copies the filename to the cursor position, rather than opening/executing the file.
Minor tweaks to handle input of control characters. Switched to double clicks, instead of single clicks, to activate XMLterm features (to protect the user).
Improved full screen implementation; added bold and underline styles. Centralized UI event handling. Added checks to limit number of output lines displayed. Added capability to interrupt hung output data streams. Nearing full backwards compatibility with xterm.
Implemented full screen operations in XMLTerm, although still buggy.
Commands like 'less', 'vi', and 'emacs -nw' now work in stand-alone xmlterm,
although scrolling is still messed up. Compiles with Feb21 tree.