To debug the idle trigger's interaction with OS sleep state, it's
helpful to know whether sleep/wake notifications were sent. This allows
most of the idle trigger activity to be logged to the console, if the
pref `messaging-system.log` is set to `debug`. The new logging will also
be used to debug the behavior reported in bug 1801301.
Differential Revision:
Before bug 1798291, all rust libraries were built in the same target
directory, and rust programs were built in a separate target directory
each. Cargo would be allowed to run in parallel for each target
directory. After bug 1798291, everything rust hits the same target
directory, so the normal behavior for Cargo is to block itself if run
multiple times. What this means in terms of the build is that now those
Cargos that are waiting are taking a make token, preventing other work
from happening.
It also turns out that on Solaris, Cargo doesn't block, and those Cargos
running in parallel are stepping on each other's toes.
By serializing, we ensure this doesn't happen. This should have been
done at the same time as bug 1798291 but I overlooked this.
Differential Revision:
# ignore-this-changeset
Output from `mach lint`:
error: problem with lint setup, skipping android-api-lint, android-checkstyle, android-format, android-javadoc, android-lint, android-test
Unable to match yaml regex against output: Site not up-to-date reason: The pthfile at "/repos/mozilla-central/obj-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/_virtualenvs/common/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mach.pth" does not match the expected value.
Unable to match yaml regex against output: # --- on-disk pthfile: ---
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/build
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/config
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/config/mozunit
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/dom/bindings
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/dom/bindings/parser
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/layout/tools/reftest
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/python/l10n
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/python/mach
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/python/mozboot
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/python/mozbuild
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/python/mozlint
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/python/mozperftest
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/python/mozrelease
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/python/mozterm
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/python/mozversioncontrol
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/security/manager/tools
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/taskcluster
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/awsy
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/condprofile
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/firefox-ui/harness
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/marionette/client
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/marionette/harness
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/manifestparser
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozcrash
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozdebug
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozdevice
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozfile
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozhttpd
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozgeckoprofiler
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozinfo
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozinstall
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozleak
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozlog
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/moznetwork
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozpower
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozprocess
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozprofile
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozproxy
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozrunner
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozsystemmonitor
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozscreenshot
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/moztest
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozversion
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/raptor
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/talos
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/web-platform
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/xpcshell
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/toolkit/components/telemetry/tests/marionette/harness
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/tools
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/tools/moztreedocs
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/xpcom/ds/tools
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/xpcom/geckoprocesstypes_generator
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/xpcom/idl-parser
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/funcsigs
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/h2
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/hpack
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/html5lib
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/hyperframe
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/pywebsocket3
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/webencodings
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/wptserve
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/wptrunner
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/aiohttp
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/ansicon
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/appdirs
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/async_timeout
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/attrs
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/blessed
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/cbor2
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/certifi
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/chardet
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/click
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/colorama
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/compare_locales
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/cookies
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/cram
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/diskcache
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/distro
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/dlmanager
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/ecdsa
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/esprima
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/fluent.migrate
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/fluent.syntax
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/giturlparse
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/gyp/pylib
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/idna
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/idna-ssl
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/importlib_metadata
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/iso8601
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/Jinja2
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/jinxed
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/jsmin
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/json-e
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/jsonschema
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/looseversion
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/MarkupSafe/src
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/mohawk
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/mozilla_repo_urls
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/mozilla_version
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/multidict
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/packaging
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/pathspec
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/pip
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/pip_tools
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/ply
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/pyasn1
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/pyasn1_modules
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/pylru
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/pyparsing
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/pyrsistent
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/python-hglib
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/pytoml
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/PyYAML/lib3
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/redo
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/requests
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/requests_unixsocket
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/responses
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/rsa
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/setuptools
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/sentry_sdk
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/six
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/slugid
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/taskcluster
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/taskcluster_taskgraph
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/taskcluster_urls
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/tqdm
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/typing_extensions
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/urllib3
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/voluptuous
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/wcwidth
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/wheel
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/yamllint
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/yarl
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/zipp
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /app/.mozbuild/srcdirs/mozilla-central-b9868e2b6607/_virtualenvs/mach/lib/python3.9/site-packages
Unable to match yaml regex against output: import sys; sys.path = [p for p in sys.path if p.lower() != '/repos/mozilla-central/obj-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/_virtualenvs/common/lib/python3.9/site-packages'.lower()]
Unable to match yaml regex against output: import sys; sys.path.append('/repos/mozilla-central/obj-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/_virtualenvs/common/lib/python3.9/site-packages')
Unable to match yaml regex against output: # --- expected pthfile contents ---
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/build
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/config
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/config/mozunit
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/dom/bindings
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/dom/bindings/parser
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/layout/tools/reftest
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/python/l10n
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/python/mach
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/python/mozboot
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/python/mozbuild
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/python/mozlint
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/python/mozperftest
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/python/mozrelease
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/python/mozterm
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/python/mozversioncontrol
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/security/manager/tools
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/taskcluster
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/awsy
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/condprofile
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/firefox-ui/harness
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/marionette/client
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/marionette/harness
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/manifestparser
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozcrash
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozdebug
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozdevice
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozfile
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozhttpd
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozgeckoprofiler
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozinfo
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozinstall
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozleak
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozlog
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/moznetwork
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozpower
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozprocess
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozprofile
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozproxy
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozrunner
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozsystemmonitor
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozscreenshot
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/moztest
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/mozversion
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/raptor
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/talos
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/web-platform
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/xpcshell
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/toolkit/components/telemetry/tests/marionette/harness
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/tools
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/tools/moztreedocs
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/xpcom/ds/tools
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/xpcom/geckoprocesstypes_generator
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/xpcom/idl-parser
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/h2
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/hpack
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/html5lib
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/hyperframe
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/pywebsocket3
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/webencodings
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/wptserve
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/wptrunner
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/aiohttp
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/ansicon
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/appdirs
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/async_timeout
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/attrs
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/blessed
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/cbor2
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/certifi
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/chardet
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/click
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/colorama
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/compare_locales
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/cookies
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/cram
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/diskcache
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/distro
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/dlmanager
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/ecdsa
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/esprima
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/fluent.migrate
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/fluent.syntax
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/giturlparse
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/gyp/pylib
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/idna
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/idna-ssl
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/importlib_metadata
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/iso8601
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/Jinja2
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/jinxed
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/jsmin
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/json-e
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/jsonschema
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/looseversion
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/MarkupSafe/src
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/mohawk
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/mozilla_repo_urls
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/mozilla_version
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/multidict
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/packaging
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/pathspec
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/pip
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/pip_tools
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/ply
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/pyasn1
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/pyasn1_modules
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/pylru
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/pyparsing
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/pyrsistent
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/python-hglib
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/pytoml
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/PyYAML/lib3
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/redo
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/requests
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/requests_unixsocket
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/responses
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/rsa
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/setuptools
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/sentry_sdk
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/six
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/slugid
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/taskcluster
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/taskcluster_taskgraph
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/taskcluster_urls
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/tqdm
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/typing_extensions
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/urllib3
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/voluptuous
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/wcwidth
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/wheel
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/yamllint
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/yarl
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /repos/mozilla-central/third_party/python/zipp
Unable to match yaml regex against output: /app/.mozbuild/srcdirs/mozilla-central-b9868e2b6607/_virtualenvs/mach/lib/python3.9/site-packages
Unable to match yaml regex against output: import sys; sys.path = [p for p in sys.path if p.lower() != '/repos/mozilla-central/obj-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/_virtualenvs/common/lib/python3.9/site-packages'.lower()]
Unable to match yaml regex against output: import sys; sys.path.append('/repos/mozilla-central/obj-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/_virtualenvs/common/lib/python3.9/site-packages')
Unable to match yaml regex against output: # ---
Fixing /repos/mozilla-central/taskcluster/gecko_taskgraph/transforms/
✖ 0 problems (0 errors, 0 warnings, 7 fixed)
Nowadays, we don't need to bootstrap as many packages as we used to,
thanks to the bootstrapped tools and sysroots. The first step here is to
install the common base of necessary packages. As a matter of fact, none
of the other packages are necessary anymore, but we'll clean that up in
a followup patch.
This change and the followups have been tested on base docker images of
Arch Linux, Debian 10, 11, 12, Fedora 36, 37, Gentoo, OpenSUSE Leap,
Tumbleweed, Rocky Linux 8, Ubuntu 22.04, 22.10, Void Linux, and a Live
ISO of Solus Linux, with the assumption that actual users would have at
least what those images contain (and some of them are pretty barebones,
to the point that some of the base packages listed seem would seem
ridiculous... in fact we hadn't needed to include them so far).
Differential Revision:
Nowadays, none of these are necessary. Some were there for compatibility
reasons (old ncurses, 32-bits libraries) that are long gone, and in the
case of openSUSE, it was not updated when we made the generic android
code bootstrap a JDK itself in bug 1740358.
Differential Revision:
--enable-bootstrap doesn't cover everything that `mach bootstrap` deals
with, but the opposite is true, and it's redundant to have to maintain
a list of things to bootstrap when configure already knows what it
As a side effect, this now makes `mach bootstrap` install wasi-sysroot,
which it wasn't doing before.
Differential Revision:
Cargo.lock was updated by Bug 1801767. It needs to be updated a bit. I forgot to update it by cargo command. Then order of "remove_dir_all" needs to be changed.
Differential Revision:
This patch implements the "block", "upgradeScheme" and "redirect" DNR
actions, plus a comprehensive set of unit tests that exercise relevant
scenarios and edge cases.
Differential Revision:
This patch implements the "block", "upgradeScheme" and "redirect" DNR
actions, plus a comprehensive set of unit tests that exercise relevant
scenarios and edge cases.
Differential Revision:
Depending on the test chunks on Firefox CI, we might have a test file
executed before this one that resizes the window and does not reset it.
In most cases, this isn't an issue except when we have logic to overflow
extension buttons pinned in the toolbar into the unified extensions
panel. This is what's happening here, at least for some configurations.
By making sure that the window is large enough, we should not have
overflowed extension buttons in the panel anymore. That will make the
test more robust.
Differential Revision:
We have a function, OverflowableToolbar.findOverflowedInsertionPoints, whose job it is to compute
the right insertion point for a widget if the widget is being inserted into an overflowable
That function failed to account for the possibility that the widget was a browser action, and
would return the #defaultList instead of the #webExtList if the item was overflowing. This
patch checks the ID of the widget first, and then supplies the correct list.
Differential Revision:
The WebExtension overflow list is created lazily because the panel itself is lazy, and only gets
inserted the first time it is needed. Originally, I had written a separate function `#getWebExtList()`
to do the work of forcing the WebExtension overflow list to de-lazify, and then hold a reference
to it in #webExtList.
It turns out, that's a bit of a footgun. More than once, I've used #webExtList directly, forgetting
that the value might turn out to be `null` because the list hasn't delazified yet.
In order to smooth out that rough edge, this patch makes `#webExtList` a memoizing (evalutes once,
caches the return value for subsequent calls) getter so that anything that uses it doesn't have
to worry about the lazification. The reference member is now called #webExtListRef, and I've
added documentation about how it's probably best not to use it directly.
Differential Revision:
We have some internal bookkeeping within OverflowableToolbar to remember the state of things that
have overflowed, like how wide the window needs to be before they can be moved back, etc. When an
item is removed from an overflowable toolbar while overflowed, we update that internal bookkeeping
so that OverflowableToolbar doesn't accidentally try to move those items back into the toolbar
when the window becomes wide enough again.
We've added a new overflow list for extension buttons, but we weren't updating our internal accounting
when items had been overflowed into that list. This patch fixes that.
Differential Revision: