// Utility functions var testRanCounter = 0; var expectedTestCount = 0; function testHasRun() { //alert(testRanCounter); ++testRanCounter; if (testRanCounter == expectedTestCount) { SimpleTest.finish(); } } function testFile(file, contents, test) { SimpleTest.requestLongerTimeout(2); // Load file using FileReader var r = new FileReader(); r.onload = getFileReaderLoadHandler(contents, contents.length, "FileReader.readAsBinaryString of " + test); r.readAsBinaryString(file); expectedTestCount++; // Load file using URL.createObjectURL and XMLHttpRequest var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest; xhr.open("GET", URL.createObjectURL(file)); xhr.onload = getXHRLoadHandler(contents, contents.length, false, "XMLHttpRequest load of " + test); xhr.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined'); xhr.send(); expectedTestCount++; // Send file to server using FormData and XMLHttpRequest xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onload = function(event) { checkMPSubmission(JSON.parse(event.target.responseText), [{ name: "hello", value: "world"}, { name: "myfile", value: contents, fileName: file.name || "blob", contentType: file.type || "application/octet-stream" }]); testHasRun(); } xhr.open("POST", "../../html/content/test/form_submit_server.sjs"); var fd = new FormData; fd.append("hello", "world"); fd.append("myfile", file); xhr.send(fd); expectedTestCount++; // Send file to server using plain XMLHttpRequest var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest; xhr.open("POST", "file_XHRSendData.sjs"); xhr.onload = function (event) { is(event.target.getResponseHeader("Result-Content-Type"), file.type ? file.type : null, "request content-type in XMLHttpRequest send of " + test); is(event.target.getResponseHeader("Result-Content-Length"), file.size, "request content-length in XMLHttpRequest send of " + test); }; xhr.addEventListener("load", getXHRLoadHandler(contents, contents.length, true, "XMLHttpRequest send of " + test), false); xhr.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined'); xhr.send(file); expectedTestCount++; } function getFileReaderLoadHandler(expectedResult, expectedLength, testName) { return function (event) { is(event.target.readyState, FileReader.DONE, "[FileReader] readyState in test " + testName); is(event.target.error, null, "[FileReader] no error in test " + testName); // Do not use |is(event.target.result, expectedResult, "...");| that may output raw binary data. is(event.target.result.length, expectedResult.length, "[FileReader] Length of result in test " + testName); ok(event.target.result == expectedResult, "[FileReader] Content of result in test " + testName); is(event.lengthComputable, true, "[FileReader] lengthComputable in test " + testName); is(event.loaded, expectedLength, "[FileReader] Loaded length in test " + testName); is(event.total, expectedLength, "[FileReader] Total length in test " + testName); testHasRun(); } } function getXHRLoadHandler(expectedResult, expectedLength, statusWorking, testName) { return function (event) { is(event.target.readyState, 4, "[XHR] readyState in test " + testName); if (statusWorking) { is(event.target.status, 200, "[XHR] no error in test " + testName); } else { todo_is(event.target.status, 200, "[XHR] no error in test " + testName); } // Do not use |is(convertXHRBinary(event.target.responseText), expectedResult, "...");| that may output raw binary data. var convertedData = convertXHRBinary(event.target.responseText); is(convertedData.length, expectedResult.length, "[XHR] Length of result in test " + testName); ok(convertedData == expectedResult, "[XHR] Content of result in test " + testName); is(event.lengthComputable, true, "[XHR] lengthComputable in test " + testName); is(event.loaded, expectedLength, "[XHR] Loaded length in test " + testName); is(event.total, expectedLength, "[XHR] Total length in test " + testName); testHasRun(); } } function convertXHRBinary(s) { var res = ""; for (var i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) { res += String.fromCharCode(s.charCodeAt(i) & 255); } return res; } function testHasRun() { //alert(testRanCounter); ++testRanCounter; if (testRanCounter == expectedTestCount) { SimpleTest.finish(); } } function createFileWithData(fileData) { var dirSvc = SpecialPowers.Cc["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"].getService(SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIProperties); var testFile = dirSvc.get("ProfD", SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIFile); testFile.append("fileAPItestfile2-" + fileNum); fileNum++; var outStream = SpecialPowers.Cc["@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1"].createInstance(SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIFileOutputStream); outStream.init(testFile, 0x02 | 0x08 | 0x20, // write, create, truncate 0666, 0); outStream.write(fileData, fileData.length); outStream.close(); var fileList = document.getElementById('fileList'); SpecialPowers.wrap(fileList).value = testFile.path; return fileList.files[0]; } function gc() { window.QueryInterface(SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils) .garbageCollect(); } function checkMPSubmission(sub, expected) { function getPropCount(o) { var x, l = 0; for (x in o) ++l; return l; } is(sub.length, expected.length, "Correct number of items"); var i; for (i = 0; i < expected.length; ++i) { if (!("fileName" in expected[i])) { is(sub[i].headers["Content-Disposition"], "form-data; name=\"" + expected[i].name + "\"", "Correct name (A)"); is (getPropCount(sub[i].headers), 1, "Wrong number of headers (A)"); } else { is(sub[i].headers["Content-Disposition"], "form-data; name=\"" + expected[i].name + "\"; filename=\"" + expected[i].fileName + "\"", "Correct name (B)"); is(sub[i].headers["Content-Type"], expected[i].contentType, "Correct content type (B)"); is (getPropCount(sub[i].headers), 2, "Wrong number of headers (B)"); } // Do not use |is(sub[i].body, expected[i].value, "...");| that may output raw binary data. is(sub[i].body.length, expected[i].value.length, "Length of correct value"); ok(sub[i].body == expected[i].value, "Content of correct value"); } } function testSlice(file, size, type, contents, fileType) { is(file.type, type, fileType + " file is correct type"); is(file.size, size, fileType + " file is correct size"); ok(file instanceof File, fileType + " file is a File"); ok(file instanceof Blob, fileType + " file is also a Blob"); var slice = file.slice(0, size); ok(slice instanceof Blob, fileType + " fullsize slice is a Blob"); ok(!(slice instanceof File), fileType + " fullsize slice is not a File"); slice = file.slice(0, 1234); ok(slice instanceof Blob, fileType + " sized slice is a Blob"); ok(!(slice instanceof File), fileType + " sized slice is not a File"); slice = file.slice(0, size, "foo/bar"); is(slice.type, "foo/bar", fileType + " fullsize slice foo/bar type"); slice = file.slice(0, 5432, "foo/bar"); is(slice.type, "foo/bar", fileType + " sized slice foo/bar type"); is(slice.slice(0, 10).type, "", fileType + " slice-slice type"); is(slice.slice(0, 10).size, 10, fileType + " slice-slice size"); is(slice.slice(0, 10, "hello/world").type, "hello/world", fileType + " slice-slice hello/world type"); is(slice.slice(0, 10, "hello/world").size, 10, fileType + " slice-slice hello/world size"); // Start, end, expected size var indexes = [[0, size, size], [0, 1234, 1234], [size-500, size, 500], [size-500, size+500, 500], [size+500, size+1500, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1000, 1000, 0], [size, size, 0], [undefined, undefined, size], [0, undefined, size], [100, undefined, size-100], [-100, undefined, 100], [100, -100, size-200], [-size-100, undefined, size], [-2*size-100, 500, 500], [0, -size-100, 0], [100, -size-100, 0], [50, -size+100, 50], [0, 33000, 33000], [1000, 34000, 33000], ]; for (var i = 0; i < indexes.length; ++i) { var sliceContents; var testName; if (indexes[i][0] == undefined) { slice = file.slice(); sliceContents = contents.slice(); testName = fileType + " slice()"; } else if (indexes[i][1] == undefined) { slice = file.slice(indexes[i][0]); sliceContents = contents.slice(indexes[i][0]); testName = fileType + " slice(" + indexes[i][0] + ")"; } else { slice = file.slice(indexes[i][0], indexes[i][1]); sliceContents = contents.slice(indexes[i][0], indexes[i][1]); testName = fileType + " slice(" + indexes[i][0] + ", " + indexes[i][1] + ")"; } is(slice.type, "", testName + " type"); is(slice.size, indexes[i][2], testName + " size"); is(sliceContents.length, indexes[i][2], testName + " data size"); testFile(slice, sliceContents, testName); } // Slice of slice var slice = file.slice(0, 40000); testFile(slice.slice(5000, 42000), contents.slice(5000, 40000), "file slice slice"); // ...of slice of slice slice = slice.slice(5000, 42000).slice(400, 700); SpecialPowers.gc(); testFile(slice, contents.slice(5400, 5700), "file slice slice slice"); }