Loading Tasks ============= The full task graph generation involves creating tasks for each kind. Kinds are ordered to satisfy ``kind-dependencies``, and then the ``loader`` specified in ``kind.yml`` is used to load the tasks for that kind. It should point to a Python function like:: def loader(cls, kind, path, config, parameters, loaded_tasks): pass The ``kind`` is the name of the kind; the configuration for that kind named this class. The ``path`` is the path to the configuration directory for the kind. This can be used to load extra data, templates, etc. The ``parameters`` give details on which to base the task generation. See :ref:`parameters` for details. At the time this method is called, all kinds on which this kind depends (that is, specified in the ``kind-dependencies`` key in ``config``) have already loaded their tasks, and those tasks are available in the list ``loaded_tasks``. The return value is a list of inputs to the transforms listed in the kind's ``transforms`` property. The specific format for the input depends on the first transform - whatever it expects. The final transform should be ``taskgraph.transform.task:transforms``, which produces the output format the task-graph generation infrastructure expects. The ``transforms`` key in ``kind.yml`` is further documented in :doc:`transforms`. For more information on how all of this works, consult the docstrings and comments in the source code itself.