/** * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ const NS_ERROR_STORAGE_BUSY = SpecialPowers.Cr.NS_ERROR_STORAGE_BUSY; var testGenerator = testSteps(); function clearAllDatabases(callback) { let qms = SpecialPowers.Services.qms; let principal = SpecialPowers.wrap(document).nodePrincipal; let request = qms.clearStoragesForPrincipal(principal); let cb = SpecialPowers.wrapCallback(callback); request.callback = cb; } var testHarnessGenerator = testHarnessSteps(); testHarnessGenerator.next(); function* testHarnessSteps() { function nextTestHarnessStep(val) { testHarnessGenerator.next(val); } let testScriptPath; let testScriptFilename; let scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script"); for (let i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) { let src = scripts[i].src; let match = src.match(/quota\/test\/unit\/(test_[^\/]+\.js)$/); if (match && match.length == 2) { testScriptPath = src; testScriptFilename = match[1]; break; } } yield undefined; info("Pushing preferences"); SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv( { "set": [ ["dom.storageManager.enabled", true], ["dom.storageManager.prompt.testing", true], ["dom.simpleDB.enabled", true], ] }, nextTestHarnessStep ); yield undefined; info("Clearing old databases"); clearAllDatabases(nextTestHarnessStep); yield undefined; info("Running" + (testScriptFilename ? " '" + testScriptFilename + "'" : "")); if (testScriptFilename && !window.disableWorkerTest) { info("Running test in a worker"); let workerScriptBlob = new Blob([ "(" + workerScript.toString() + ")();" ], { type: "text/javascript" }); let workerScriptURL = URL.createObjectURL(workerScriptBlob); let worker = new Worker(workerScriptURL); worker.onerror = function(event) { ok(false, "Worker had an error: " + event.message); worker.terminate(); nextTestHarnessStep(); }; worker.onmessage = function(event) { let message = event.data; switch (message.op) { case "ok": ok(message.condition, message.name, message.diag); break; case "todo": todo(message.condition, message.name, message.diag); break; case "info": info(message.msg); break; case "ready": worker.postMessage({ op: "load", files: [ testScriptPath ] }); break; case "loaded": worker.postMessage({ op: "start" }); break; case "done": ok(true, "Worker finished"); nextTestHarnessStep(); break; case "clearAllDatabases": clearAllDatabases(function(){ worker.postMessage({ op: "clearAllDatabasesDone" }); }); break; default: ok(false, "Received a bad message from worker: " + JSON.stringify(message)); nextTestHarnessStep(); } }; URL.revokeObjectURL(workerScriptURL); yield undefined; worker.terminate(); worker = null; clearAllDatabases(nextTestHarnessStep); yield undefined; } else if (testScriptFilename) { todo(false, "Skipping test in a worker because it is explicitly disabled: " + disableWorkerTest); } else { todo(false, "Skipping test in a worker because it's not structured properly"); } info("Running test in main thread"); let script = document.createElement("script"); script.src = "head-shared.js"; script.onload = nextTestHarnessStep; document.head.appendChild(script); yield undefined; // Now run the test script in the main thread. testGenerator.next(); yield undefined; } if (!window.runTest) { window.runTest = function() { SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish(); testHarnessGenerator.next(); } } function finishTest() { SimpleTest.executeSoon(function() { clearAllDatabases(function() { SimpleTest.finish(); }); }); } function grabArgAndContinueHandler(arg) { testGenerator.next(arg); } function continueToNextStep() { SimpleTest.executeSoon(function() { testGenerator.next(); }); } function continueToNextStepSync() { testGenerator.next(); } function workerScript() { "use strict"; self.repr = function(_thing_) { if (typeof(_thing_) == "undefined") { return "undefined"; } let str; try { str = _thing_ + ""; } catch (e) { return "[" + typeof(_thing_) + "]"; } if (typeof(_thing_) == "function") { str = str.replace(/^\s+/, ""); let idx = str.indexOf("{"); if (idx != -1) { str = str.substr(0, idx) + "{...}"; } } return str; }; self.ok = function(_condition_, _name_, _diag_) { self.postMessage({ op: "ok", condition: !!_condition_, name: _name_, diag: _diag_ }); }; self.is = function(_a_, _b_, _name_) { let pass = (_a_ == _b_); let diag = pass ? "" : "got " + repr(_a_) + ", expected " + repr(_b_); ok(pass, _name_, diag); }; self.isnot = function(_a_, _b_, _name_) { let pass = (_a_ != _b_); let diag = pass ? "" : "didn't expect " + repr(_a_) + ", but got it"; ok(pass, _name_, diag); }; self.todo = function(_condition_, _name_, _diag_) { self.postMessage({ op: "todo", condition: !!_condition_, name: _name_, diag: _diag_ }); }; self.info = function(_msg_) { self.postMessage({ op: "info", msg: _msg_ }); }; self.executeSoon = function(_fun_) { var channel = new MessageChannel(); channel.port1.postMessage(""); channel.port2.onmessage = function(event) { _fun_(); }; }; self.finishTest = function() { self.postMessage({ op: "done" }); }; self.grabArgAndContinueHandler = function(_arg_) { testGenerator.next(_arg_); }; self.continueToNextStep = function() { executeSoon(function() { testGenerator.next(); }); }; self.continueToNextStepSync = function() { testGenerator.next(); }; self._clearAllDatabasesCallback = undefined; self.clearAllDatabases = function(_callback_) { self._clearAllDatabasesCallback = _callback_; self.postMessage({ op: "clearAllDatabases" }); } self.onerror = function(_message_, _file_, _line_) { ok(false, "Worker: uncaught exception [" + _file_ + ":" + _line_ + "]: '" + _message_ + "'"); self.finishTest(); self.close(); return true; }; self.onmessage = function(_event_) { let message = _event_.data; switch (message.op) { case "load": info("Worker: loading " + JSON.stringify(message.files)); self.importScripts(message.files); self.postMessage({ op: "loaded" }); break; case "start": executeSoon(function() { info("Worker: starting tests"); testGenerator.next(); }); break; case "clearAllDatabasesDone": info("Worker: all databases are cleared"); if (self._clearAllDatabasesCallback) { self._clearAllDatabasesCallback(); } break; default: throw new Error("Received a bad message from parent: " + JSON.stringify(message)); } }; self.postMessage({ op: "ready" }); } // SimpleDB connections and SpecialPowers wrapping: // // SpecialPowers provides a SpecialPowersHandler Proxy mechanism that lets our // content-privileged code borrow its chrome-privileged principal to access // things we shouldn't be able to access. The proxies wrap their returned // values, so once we have something wrapped we can rely on returned objects // being wrapped as well. The proxy will also automatically unwrap wrapped // arguments we pass in. However, we need to invoke wrapCallback on callback // functions so that the arguments they receive will be wrapped because the // proxy does not automatically wrap content-privileged functions. // // Our use of (wrapped) SpecialPowers.Cc results in getSimpleDatabase() // producing a wrapped nsISDBConnection instance. The nsISDBResult instances // exposed on the (wrapped) nsISDBRequest are also wrapped, so our // requestFinished helper wraps the results in helper objects that behave the // same as the result, automatically unwrapping the wrapped array/arraybuffer // results. function getSimpleDatabase() { let connection = SpecialPowers.Cc["@mozilla.org/dom/sdb-connection;1"] .createInstance(SpecialPowers.Ci.nsISDBConnection); let principal = SpecialPowers.wrap(document).nodePrincipal; connection.init(principal); return connection; } function* requestFinished(request) { request.callback = SpecialPowers.wrapCallback(continueToNextStepSync); yield undefined; if (request.resultCode == SpecialPowers.Cr.NS_OK) { let result = request.result; if (SpecialPowers.call_Instanceof(result, SpecialPowers.Ci.nsISDBResult)) { let wrapper = {}; for (let i in result) { if (typeof result[i] == "function") { wrapper[i] = SpecialPowers.unwrap(result[i]); } else { wrapper[i] = result[i]; } } return wrapper; } return result; } throw request.resultCode; }