/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License * Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at * http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * NPL. * * The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights * Reserved. */ #include "mprint.h" #include "CHTMLView.h" #include "CBrowserContext.h" #include "CHyperScroller.h" #include "UGraphicGizmos.h" #include "LListener.h" #include "LPrintout.h" #include "PascalString.h" #include "LCaption.h" #include "MoreMixedMode.h" #define NONE_FORM 1 #define PAGE_NUMBER_FORM 2 #define DATE_FORM 3 #define LOCATION_FORM 4 #define TITLE_FORM 5 #include "macutil.h" #include "earlmgr.h" #include "resgui.h" #include "macgui.h" // for UGraphics #include "uerrmgr.h" #include "shist.h" #include "libi18n.h" #include "xlate.h" #include "np.h" #include #include "mimages.h" #include "mplugin.h" // ***** BEGIN HACK ***** (Bug #83149) #if defined (JAVA) #include "MJava.h" #endif // ***** END HACK ***** #pragma mark --- CPrintHTMLView --- //====================================== class CPrintHTMLView : public CHTMLView //====================================== { private: typedef CHTMLView Inherited; public: enum { class_ID = 'PtHt' }; enum printMode { epmBlockDisplay, epmLayout, epmDisplay }; CPrintHTMLView(LStream* inStream); virtual ~CPrintHTMLView(); void CopyCharacteristicsFrom(const CHTMLView* inHTMLView); virtual void CountPanels(Uint32 &outHorizPanels, Uint32 &outVertPanels); virtual Boolean ScrollToPanel (const PanelSpec &inPanel); void SetPrintMode (printMode inMode) { mPrintMode = inMode; } void InitializeCapture (void); void CalculatePageBreaks (void); CL_Compositor* GetCompositor (void) { return mCompositor->mCompositor; } // overrides virtual void AdaptToSuperFrameSize( Int32 inSurrWidthDelta, Int32 inSurrHeightDelta, Boolean inRefresh); protected: virtual void FinishCreateSelf(void); virtual void InstallBackgroundColor(); // Sets mBackgroundColor. Called from ClearBackground(). // The base class implementation uses the text background // preference, but derived classes can override this. // Here we do nothing, because the background color is set // in CopyCharacteristicsFrom(). virtual void GetFullGridSize( Int32& outWidth, Int32& outHeight); void CapturePosition (LO_Element *inElement); virtual void ResetBackgroundColor() const; // Calls RGBBackColor(mBackgroundColor). Printview overrides. virtual void DrawFrameFocus(); virtual void DrawBackground( const Rect& inArea, LO_ImageStruct* inBackdrop = nil); virtual void EraseBackground( int inLocation, Int32 inX, Int32 inY, Uint32 inWidth, Uint32 inHeight, LO_Color* inColor); Boolean BelongsOnPage (LO_Element *inElement); inline Boolean BelongsOnPage (LO_TextStruct *inElement) { return BelongsOnPage ((LO_Element *) inElement); } inline Boolean BelongsOnPage (LO_LinefeedStruct *inElement) { return BelongsOnPage ((LO_Element *) inElement); } inline Boolean BelongsOnPage (LO_HorizRuleStruct *inElement) { return BelongsOnPage ((LO_Element *) inElement); } inline Boolean BelongsOnPage (LO_BullettStruct *inElement) { return BelongsOnPage ((LO_Element *) inElement); } inline Boolean BelongsOnPage (LO_EmbedStruct *inElement) { return BelongsOnPage ((LO_Element *) inElement); } inline Boolean BelongsOnPage (LO_TableStruct *inElement) { return BelongsOnPage ((LO_Element *) inElement); } inline Boolean BelongsOnPage (LO_CellStruct *inElement) { return BelongsOnPage ((LO_Element *) inElement); } Boolean BelongsOnPage (LO_FormElementStruct *inElement); virtual void DisplaySubtext( int inLocation, LO_TextStruct* inText, Int32 inStartPos, Int32 inEndPos, XP_Bool inNeedBG); virtual void DisplayText( int inLocation, LO_TextStruct* inText, XP_Bool inNeedBG); virtual void DisplayLineFeed( int inLocation, LO_LinefeedStruct* inLinefeedStruct, XP_Bool inNeedBG); virtual void DisplayHR( int inLocation, LO_HorizRuleStruct* inRuleStruct); virtual void DisplayBullet( int inLocation, LO_BullettStruct* inBulletStruct); virtual void DisplayEmbed( int inLocation, LO_EmbedStruct* inEmbedStruct); virtual void DisplayFormElement( int inLocation, LO_FormElementStruct* inFormElement); virtual void DisplayEdge( int inLocation, LO_EdgeStruct* inEdgeStruct); virtual void DisplayTable( int inLocation, LO_TableStruct* inTableStruct); virtual void DisplayCell( int inLocation, LO_CellStruct* inCellStruct); virtual void CreateGridView( CBrowserContext* inGridContext, Int32 inX, Int32 inY, Int32 inWidth, Int32 inHeight, Int8 inScrollMode, Bool inNoEdge); printMode mPrintMode; LArray mElementRects; LArray mVPanelRects; }; // class CPrintHTMLView //----------------------------------- CPrintHTMLView::CPrintHTMLView(LStream* inStream) : mElementRects(sizeof(XP_Rect)), mVPanelRects(sizeof(XP_Rect)), Inherited(inStream) //----------------------------------- { SetPrintMode (epmDisplay); SetScrollMode(LO_SCROLL_NO, false); } //----------------------------------- CPrintHTMLView::~CPrintHTMLView() //----------------------------------- { } // Override method to skip code in CHTMLView so that we don't call Repaginate() which // will destroy CPrintHTMLView early in printing process. //----------------------------------- void CPrintHTMLView::AdaptToSuperFrameSize( //----------------------------------- Int32 inSurrWidthDelta, Int32 inSurrHeightDelta, Boolean inRefresh) { LView::AdaptToSuperFrameSize(inSurrWidthDelta, inSurrHeightDelta, inRefresh); } //----------------------------------- void CPrintHTMLView::CopyCharacteristicsFrom(const CHTMLView* inHTMLView) //----------------------------------- { if (CPrefs::GetBoolean(CPrefs::PrintBackground)) { // Transfer the back color from the view we're printing to the print view. // This is necessary because, e.g., message views and browser views have // different default background colors. LO_Color bc = UGraphics::MakeLOColor(inHTMLView->GetBackgroundColor()); SetBackgroundColor(bc.red, bc.green, bc.blue); } } //----------------------------------- // our version works much like the inherited version (LView's), except we take into // account an HTML page's variable height. void CPrintHTMLView::CountPanels( //----------------------------------- Uint32 &outHorizPanels, Uint32 &outVertPanels) { SDimension32 imageSize; GetImageSize(imageSize); SDimension16 frameSize; GetFrameSize(frameSize); outHorizPanels = 1; if (frameSize.width > 0 && imageSize.width > 0) outHorizPanels = ((imageSize.width - 1) / frameSize.width) + 1; outVertPanels = mVPanelRects.GetCount(); } //----------------------------------- Boolean CPrintHTMLView::ScrollToPanel (const PanelSpec &inPanel) { //----------------------------------- Boolean panelInImage; SDimension16 frameSize; GetFrameSize(frameSize); Uint32 horizPanelCount; Uint32 vertPanelCount; CountPanels(horizPanelCount, vertPanelCount); // rely on horizPanelCount, but use mVPanelRects for vertical displacement // the simple horizontal calculation is sufficient, since we don't mess with // horizontal displacement. But since we munge page heights, that's more complicated. panelInImage = false; if (inPanel.horizIndex <= horizPanelCount && inPanel.vertIndex <= vertPanelCount) { Int32 horizPos = frameSize.width * (inPanel.horizIndex - 1); Int32 vertPos; int32 pageHeight; XP_Rect panelVRect; panelInImage = mVPanelRects.FetchItemAt (inPanel.vertIndex, &panelVRect); vertPos = panelVRect.top; pageHeight = panelVRect.bottom - panelVRect.top; if (panelInImage) { ScrollImageTo (horizPos, vertPos, false); // now make XP_CheckElementSpan work for this page PrintInfo *pageInfo = ((MWContext *) *mContext)->prInfo; pageInfo->page_topy = vertPos; pageInfo->page_break = vertPos + pageHeight; pageInfo->page_height = pageHeight; pageInfo->page_width = frameSize.width; if (mCompositor) CL_ResizeCompositorWindow (*mCompositor, frameSize.width, pageHeight); } } return panelInImage; } //----------------------------------- void CPrintHTMLView::InitializeCapture (void) //----------------------------------- { mElementRects.RemoveItemsAt (mElementRects.GetCount(), LArray::index_First); mVPanelRects.RemoveItemsAt (mVPanelRects.GetCount(), LArray::index_First); } //----------------------------------- void CPrintHTMLView::CalculatePageBreaks (void) //----------------------------------- { Boolean breakBigElements; // a large element straddles the boundary; break it Rect pageArea; short pageHeight; XP_Rect vPanelRect, // page rect elementRect; // element rectangle int32 pageMajorLimit, // refuse to truncate the page past this point pageMinorLimit; // secondary page truncation limit ArrayIndexT element; // index into list of element rectangles CalcPortFrameRect (pageArea); pageHeight = pageArea.bottom - pageArea.top; vPanelRect.left = pageArea.left; vPanelRect.right = pageArea.right; vPanelRect.top = 0; vPanelRect.bottom = pageHeight; do { pageMajorLimit = vPanelRect.bottom - pageHeight / 2; pageMinorLimit = vPanelRect.bottom - pageHeight / 32; element = LArray::index_First; breakBigElements = false; while (mElementRects.FetchItemAt (element, &elementRect)) { element++; // if it spans the page boundary, it's trouble: if (elementRect.top < vPanelRect.bottom && elementRect.bottom > vPanelRect.bottom) // if it's bigger than a whole page, don't even consider it if (elementRect.bottom - elementRect.top < pageHeight) { // if we've decided to break on a big element, consider only small elements if (breakBigElements && elementRect.top < pageMinorLimit) continue; // bump up page bottom. if it's been bumped too far, reset and punt vPanelRect.bottom = elementRect.top; element = LArray::index_First; if (vPanelRect.bottom < pageMajorLimit) { vPanelRect.bottom = vPanelRect.top + pageHeight; breakBigElements = true; } } } // remove all elements occurring on this page element = LArray::index_First; while (mElementRects.FetchItemAt (element, &elementRect)) if (elementRect.top < vPanelRect.bottom) mElementRects.RemoveItemsAt (1, element); else element++; // store page rect and prepare for next page mVPanelRects.InsertItemsAt (1, LArray::index_Last, &vPanelRect); vPanelRect.top = vPanelRect.bottom + 1; vPanelRect.bottom = vPanelRect.top + pageHeight; } while (mElementRects.GetCount() > 0); } //----------------------------------- void CPrintHTMLView::FinishCreateSelf(void) //----------------------------------- { /* Printing contexts want to be drawn back-to-front, only, and all in one pass, rather than on a delayed call-back system. The inherited method creates a compositor; we modify it. Note that while a CHTMLView's mCompositor is intended to be a _shared_ object, it appears that this one is used only while printing, so it seems safe to make printing-specific changes to it. */ Inherited::FinishCreateSelf(); CL_SetCompositorDrawingMethod (*mCompositor, CL_DRAWING_METHOD_BACK_TO_FRONT_ONLY); CL_SetCompositorFrameRate (*mCompositor, 0); } //----------------------------------- void CPrintHTMLView::InstallBackgroundColor() // Overridden to use a white background //----------------------------------- { if (!CPrefs::GetBoolean(CPrefs::PrintBackground)) memset(&mBackgroundColor, 0xFF, sizeof(mBackgroundColor)); // white // Else do nothing: use the background color that we copied from the view // we're printing. } //----------------------------------- void CPrintHTMLView::ResetBackgroundColor() const //----------------------------------- { // do nothing. } //----------------------------------- void CPrintHTMLView::GetFullGridSize( Int32& outWidth, Int32& outHeight) //----------------------------------- { // We never have scrollers, but is this right? I'm fairly clueless... // The base class gets the size from mScroller which, of course, is null // for a print view... SDimension16 theContainerSize; this->GetFrameSize(theContainerSize); outWidth = theContainerSize.width; outHeight = theContainerSize.height; } // CPrintHTMLView::GetFullGridSize //----------------------------------- void CPrintHTMLView::CapturePosition (LO_Element *inElement) { //----------------------------------- XP_Rect rect; CalcAbsoluteElementPosition (inElement, rect); try { mElementRects.InsertItemsAt (1, LArray::index_Last, &rect); } catch (...) { // there's really no one to report this error to. if we're this out of memory, // something else is going to fail worse than this. failure to add this rect // to the list will only cause pagination to happen at inopportune positions. } } //----------------------------------- // does an object with the given top and height want to be rendered on the current page? Boolean CPrintHTMLView::BelongsOnPage (LO_Element *inElement) { //----------------------------------- Rect frame; return CalcElementPosition (inElement, frame); } //----------------------------------- // does an object with the given top and height want to be rendered on the current page? Boolean CPrintHTMLView::BelongsOnPage (LO_FormElementStruct *inElement) { //----------------------------------- Rect frame; Boolean rtnVal; #ifdef LAYERS // hack! HACK! HAAAACK! /* The element position calculation takes layer positions into account. That's normally good, except for form elements, which are implemented as PowerPlant subpanes. That's normally good, except that the compositor sticks each form element subpane into a layer of its own. No doubt the compositor thinks that's good, and normally we don't have a problem with that. But here, it results in the calculated position of the frame being multiplied by two (since the layer's position is added to the element's position). Here's where we temporarily convince our superclass that the current layer is at (0,0): */ // note: if this ever gives you problems, you can probably replace it with simply // "return true" and let clipping decide who to display. CDrawable *drawable = mCurrentDrawable; SPoint32 origin = mLayerOrigin; mCurrentDrawable = NULL; mLayerOrigin.h = 0; mLayerOrigin.v = 0; #endif rtnVal = CalcElementPosition ((LO_Element *) inElement, frame); #ifdef LAYERS mCurrentDrawable = drawable; mLayerOrigin = origin; #endif return rtnVal; } //----------------------------------- void CPrintHTMLView::DisplaySubtext( int inLocation, LO_TextStruct* inText, Int32 inStartPos, Int32 inEndPos, XP_Bool inNeedBG) //----------------------------------- { switch (mPrintMode) { case epmBlockDisplay: break; case epmLayout: // do it all in DisplayText. the assumption here is that DisplaySubtext // will be called more often, but DisplayText will be called for each line break; case epmDisplay: if (FocusDraw() && BelongsOnPage (inText)) Inherited::DisplaySubtext(inLocation, inText, inStartPos, inEndPos, inNeedBG); } } // CPrintHTMLView::DisplaySubtext //----------------------------------- void CPrintHTMLView::DisplayText( int inLocation, LO_TextStruct* inText, XP_Bool inNeedBG) { //----------------------------------- switch (mPrintMode) { case epmBlockDisplay: break; case epmLayout: CapturePosition ((LO_Element *) inText); break; case epmDisplay: if (FocusDraw() && BelongsOnPage (inText)) Inherited::DisplayText (inLocation, inText, inNeedBG); } } //----------------------------------- void CPrintHTMLView::DisplayLineFeed( int inLocation, LO_LinefeedStruct* inLinefeedStruct, XP_Bool inNeedBG) { //----------------------------------- switch (mPrintMode) { case epmBlockDisplay: break; case epmLayout: CapturePosition ((LO_Element *) inLinefeedStruct); break; case epmDisplay: if (FocusDraw() && BelongsOnPage (inLinefeedStruct)) Inherited::DisplayLineFeed(inLocation, inLinefeedStruct, inNeedBG); } } //----------------------------------- void CPrintHTMLView::DisplayHR( int inLocation, LO_HorizRuleStruct* inRuleStruct) //----------------------------------- { switch (mPrintMode) { case epmBlockDisplay: break; case epmLayout: CapturePosition ((LO_Element *) inRuleStruct); break; case epmDisplay: if (FocusDraw() && BelongsOnPage (inRuleStruct)) Inherited::DisplayHR (inLocation, inRuleStruct); } } // CPrintHTMLView::DisplayHR //----------------------------------- void CPrintHTMLView::DisplayBullet( int inLocation, LO_BullettStruct* inBulletStruct) { //----------------------------------- switch (mPrintMode) { case epmBlockDisplay: break; case epmLayout: CapturePosition ((LO_Element *) inBulletStruct); break; case epmDisplay: if (FocusDraw() && BelongsOnPage (inBulletStruct)) Inherited::DisplayBullet (inLocation, inBulletStruct); } } // CPrintHTMLView::DisplayBullet //----------------------------------- void CPrintHTMLView::DisplayEmbed( int /*inLocation*/, LO_EmbedStruct* inEmbedStruct) { //----------------------------------- switch (mPrintMode) { case epmBlockDisplay: break; case epmLayout: CapturePosition ((LO_Element *) inEmbedStruct); break; case epmDisplay: if (FocusDraw() && BelongsOnPage (inEmbedStruct)) { NPEmbeddedApp* app = (NPEmbeddedApp*) inEmbedStruct->objTag.FE_Data; CPluginView* view = (CPluginView*) app->fe_data; view->EmbedDisplay(inEmbedStruct, true); } } } //----------------------------------- void CPrintHTMLView::DisplayFormElement( int inLocation, LO_FormElementStruct* inFormElement) { //----------------------------------- switch (mPrintMode) { case epmBlockDisplay: break; case epmLayout: CapturePosition ((LO_Element *) inFormElement); break; case epmDisplay: if (FocusDraw() && BelongsOnPage (inFormElement)) Inherited::DisplayFormElement(inLocation, inFormElement); } } //----------------------------------- void CPrintHTMLView::DisplayEdge( int /*inLocation*/, LO_EdgeStruct* /*inEdgeStruct*/) //----------------------------------- { // Do nothing for printing. } //----------------------------------- void CPrintHTMLView::DisplayTable( int inLocation, LO_TableStruct* inTableStruct) { //----------------------------------- switch (mPrintMode) { case epmBlockDisplay: break; case epmLayout: CapturePosition ((LO_Element *) inTableStruct); break; case epmDisplay: if (FocusDraw() && BelongsOnPage (inTableStruct)) Inherited::DisplayTable(inLocation, inTableStruct); } } // CPrintHTMLView::DisplayTable //----------------------------------- void CPrintHTMLView::DisplayCell( int inLocation, LO_CellStruct* inCellStruct) { //----------------------------------- switch (mPrintMode) { case epmBlockDisplay: break; case epmLayout: CapturePosition ((LO_Element *) inCellStruct); break; case epmDisplay: if (FocusDraw() && BelongsOnPage (inCellStruct)) Inherited::DisplayCell (inLocation, inCellStruct); } } // CPrintHTMLView::DisplayCell //----------------------------------- void CPrintHTMLView::DrawFrameFocus() //----------------------------------- { // Do nothing for printing. } // CPrintHTMLView::DrawFrameFocus //----------------------------------- void CPrintHTMLView::DrawBackground( const Rect& inArea, LO_ImageStruct* inBackdrop) //----------------------------------- { // ¥ default white background for printing (also black text) if (!CPrefs::GetBoolean(CPrefs::PrintBackground)) return; Inherited::DrawBackground(inArea, inBackdrop); } // CPrintHTMLView::DrawBackground //----------------------------------- void CPrintHTMLView::EraseBackground( int inLocation, Int32 inX, Int32 inY, Uint32 inWidth, Uint32 inHeight, LO_Color* inColor) //----------------------------------- { if (inColor != nil && !CPrefs::GetBoolean(CPrefs::PrintBackground)) return; Inherited::EraseBackground(inLocation, inX, inY, inWidth, inHeight, inColor); } // CPrintHTMLView::EraseBackground //----------------------------------- void CPrintHTMLView::CreateGridView( CBrowserContext* inGridContext, Int32 inX, Int32 inY, Int32 inWidth, Int32 inHeight, Int8 inScrollMode, Bool inNoEdge) //----------------------------------- { CHyperScroller* theContainer = NULL; try { SetScrollMode(LO_SCROLL_NO, false); mShowFocus = false; FocusDraw(); LCommander::SetDefaultCommander( this ); LPane::SetDefaultView( this ); theContainer = (CHyperScroller*)UReanimator::ReadObjects('PPob', 1002); ThrowIfNULL_(theContainer); theContainer->FinishCreate(); CPrintHTMLView* theNewView = (CPrintHTMLView*)theContainer->FindPaneByID(2005); ThrowIfNULL_(theNewView); // ¥ position it theNewView->mNoBorder = inNoEdge; theNewView->SetSuperHTMLView(this); Rect theOwningFrame; CalcLocalFrameRect(theOwningFrame); Rect theNewFrame; CropFrameToContainer(inX, inY, inWidth, inHeight, theNewFrame); CHyperScroller* theSuperScroller = mScroller; if (!theNewView->mNoBorder) { // for each side that intersects the container, // expand the container out one if (inX == 0) if (theSuperScroller) theSuperScroller->ExpandLeft(); if (inY == 0) if (theSuperScroller) theSuperScroller->ExpandTop(); if (theNewFrame.right == theOwningFrame.right) if (theSuperScroller) theSuperScroller->ExpandRight(); if (theNewFrame.bottom == theOwningFrame.bottom) if (theSuperScroller) theSuperScroller->ExpandBottom(); if (theSuperScroller) theSuperScroller->AdjustHyperViewBounds(); } else { theContainer->ExpandLeft(); theContainer->ExpandTop(); theContainer->ExpandRight(); theContainer->ExpandBottom(); theContainer->AdjustHyperViewBounds(); } CropFrameToContainer(inX, inY, inWidth, inHeight, theNewFrame); theContainer->PlaceInSuperFrameAt(theNewFrame.left, theNewFrame.top, false); theContainer->ResizeFrameTo(RectWidth(theNewFrame), RectHeight(theNewFrame), false); if (theSuperScroller) theSuperScroller->AdjustHyperViewBounds(); theContainer->AdjustHyperViewBounds(); theNewView->SetScrollMode(inScrollMode); theNewView->mShowFocus = true; // ¥ so that we call scroller's activate, and it actually enables the scrollbars // theContainer->ActivateSelf(); // FIX ME!!! this used to be the line above. I hope this still works theContainer->Activate(); if (theSuperScroller) theSuperScroller->Refresh(); theNewView->SetContext(inGridContext); mHasGridCells = true; // give the grid context the same listeners as the root context mContext->CopyListenersToContext(inGridContext); } catch (...) { delete theContainer; throw; } } // CPrintHTMLView::CreateGridView #pragma mark --- CPrintContext --- //====================================== class CPrintContext : public CBrowserContext //====================================== { public: CPrintContext(); operator MWContext*() { return &mContext; } operator MWContext&() { return mContext; } }; // class CPrintContext //----------------------------------- CPrintContext::CPrintContext() : CBrowserContext(MWContextPrint) //----------------------------------- { mContext.fancyFTP = false; mContext.fancyNews = false; mContext.convertPixX = 1; mContext.convertPixY = 1; mContext.fe.view = nil; // mContext.fe.realContext = this; mContext.is_grid_cell = false; IL_DisplayData data; data.dither_mode = IL_ClosestColor; IL_SetDisplayMode(mContext.img_cx, IL_DITHER_MODE, &data); } #pragma mark --- CCustomPageSetup --- #define NUM_POPUPS 6 #define NUM_CONTROLS 7 #define BACKGROUND_CHECKBOX 6 // member of fControls[] which is treated specially //====================================== class CCustomPageSetup //====================================== { public: static void InitCustomPageSetup(); static void OpenPageSetup( THPrint hPrint ); static pascal TPPrDlg CustomStyleDialogInit( THPrint hPrint ); PROCDECL( static, CustomStyleDialogInit ) static long GetControlValue( long i ); protected: struct ControlStruct { ControlHandle handle; CPrefs::PrefEnum prefEnum; }; static pascal void CustomStyleItems( DialogPtr xdialogPtr, short itemNo ); PROCDECL( static, CustomStyleItems ) static TPPrDlg sPageSetupDialog; // pointer to style dialog static PItemUPP sItemProc; // we need to store the old itemProc here static long sFirstItem; // save our first item here static ControlStruct fControls[ NUM_CONTROLS ]; }; // class CCustomPageSetup TPPrDlg CCustomPageSetup::sPageSetupDialog = nil;// pointer to style dialog PItemUPP CCustomPageSetup::sItemProc = nil; // we need to store the old itemProc here long CCustomPageSetup::sFirstItem = nil; // save our first item here CCustomPageSetup::ControlStruct CCustomPageSetup::fControls[ NUM_CONTROLS ]; //----------------------------------- void CCustomPageSetup::InitCustomPageSetup() //----------------------------------- { fControls[ 0 ].prefEnum = CPrefs::TopLeftHeader; fControls[ 1 ].prefEnum = CPrefs::TopMidHeader; fControls[ 2 ].prefEnum = CPrefs::TopRightHeader; fControls[ 3 ].prefEnum = CPrefs::BottomLeftFooter; fControls[ 4 ].prefEnum = CPrefs::BottomMidFooter; fControls[ 5 ].prefEnum = CPrefs::BottomRightFooter; fControls[ BACKGROUND_CHECKBOX ].prefEnum = CPrefs::PrintBackground; } //----------------------------------- void CCustomPageSetup::OpenPageSetup( THPrint hp ) //----------------------------------- { sPageSetupDialog = ::PrStlInit( hp ); if ( PrError() == noErr ) { if ( ::PrDlgMain( hp, (PDlgInitUPP) &PROCPTR( CCustomPageSetup::CustomStyleDialogInit ) ) ) ; } } //----------------------------------- long CCustomPageSetup::GetControlValue( long i ) //----------------------------------- { if (i == BACKGROUND_CHECKBOX) return CPrefs::GetBoolean (fControls[BACKGROUND_CHECKBOX].prefEnum); return CPrefs::GetLong (fControls[i].prefEnum); } //----------------------------------- pascal void CCustomPageSetup::CustomStyleItems( DialogPtr xdialogPtr, short itemNo ) //----------------------------------- { TPPrDlg dialogPtr = (TPPrDlg)xdialogPtr; long value = 0; short myItem = itemNo - sFirstItem; // "localize" current item No if ( myItem >= 0 ) // if localized item > 0, it's one of ours { if ( fControls[ myItem ].handle ) { value = ::GetControlValue( fControls[ myItem ].handle ); if ( myItem == BACKGROUND_CHECKBOX ) { value = !value; ::SetControlValue( fControls[ myItem ].handle, value ); CPrefs::SetBoolean( value, fControls[ myItem ].prefEnum ); } else CPrefs::SetLong( value, fControls[ myItem ].prefEnum ); } } else CallPItemProc( sItemProc, (DialogPtr)dialogPtr, itemNo ); } PROCEDURE( CCustomPageSetup::CustomStyleItems, uppPItemProcInfo ) //----------------------------------- pascal TPPrDlg CCustomPageSetup::CustomStyleDialogInit( THPrint /*hPrint*/ ) // this routine appends items to the standard style dialog and sets up the // user fields of the printing dialog record TPRDlg // This routine will be called by PrDlgMain //----------------------------------- { short itemType = 0; // needed for GetDialogItem/SetDItem call Handle itemH = nil; Rect itemBox; Handle ditlList; // ¥Êappend the items from the resource ditlList = GetResource( 'DITL', 256 ); sFirstItem = CountDITL( (DialogPtr)sPageSetupDialog ) + 1; AppendDITL( (DialogPtr)sPageSetupDialog, ditlList, appendDITLBottom ); ReleaseResource( ditlList ); // ¥Êinit all the control values for ( long i = 0; i < NUM_CONTROLS; i++ ) { ::GetDialogItem( (DialogPtr) sPageSetupDialog, sFirstItem + i, &itemType, &itemH, &itemBox ); fControls[ i ].handle = (ControlHandle)itemH; ::SetControlValue( (ControlHandle)itemH, GetControlValue(i) ); } // ¥ patch in our item handler // sItemProc is the original item proc, // pItemProc becomes our custom item proc sItemProc = sPageSetupDialog->pItemProc; sPageSetupDialog->pItemProc = &PROCPTR( CCustomPageSetup::CustomStyleItems ); // ¥ÊPrDlgMain expects a pointer to the modified dialog to be returnedÉ return sPageSetupDialog; } // CCustomPageSetup::CustomStyleDialogInit PROCEDURE( CCustomPageSetup::CustomStyleDialogInit, uppPDlgInitProcInfo ) //====================================== #pragma mark --- CPrintHeaderCaption --- //====================================== //====================================== class CPrintHeaderCaption: public LCaption //====================================== { public: enum { class_ID = 'HPPE' }; CPrintHeaderCaption( LStream* inStream ); virtual void PrintPanelSelf( const PanelSpec& inPanel ); static void CreateString( long type, CStr255& string, const PanelSpec& inPanel ); static void SetPrintContext( MWContext* cntx ) { sContext = cntx; } static void SetTemporaryFile( Boolean b ) { sIsTemporaryFile = b; } protected: static MWContext* sContext; static Boolean sIsTemporaryFile; }; // class CPrintHeaderCaption MWContext* CPrintHeaderCaption::sContext = nil; Boolean CPrintHeaderCaption::sIsTemporaryFile = false; //----------------------------------- CPrintHeaderCaption::CPrintHeaderCaption( LStream* inStream ): LCaption( inStream ) //----------------------------------- { } //----------------------------------- void CPrintHeaderCaption::CreateString( long form, CStr255& string, const PanelSpec& panel ) //----------------------------------- { switch ( form ) { case PAGE_NUMBER_FORM: { char buffer[ 30 ]; CStr255 format = GetPString( PG_NUM_FORM_RESID ); PR_snprintf( buffer, 30, format, panel.pageNumber ); string = buffer; } break; case DATE_FORM: GetDateTimeString( string ); break; case LOCATION_FORM: if ( sContext && !sIsTemporaryFile ) { History_entry* current; current = SHIST_GetCurrent( &sContext->hist ); if ( current && current->address ) { char *urlPath = NULL; // if the URL starts with ftp or http then we'll make an attempt to remove password if ( (XP_STRNCMP(current->address, "ftp", 3) == 0 || XP_STRNCMP(current->address, "http", 4) == 0 ) && NET_ParseUploadURL( current->address, &urlPath, NULL, NULL ) ) { string = urlPath; if ( urlPath ) XP_FREE( urlPath ); } else // unknown URL; use it as is string = current->address; } } break; case TITLE_FORM: if ( sContext && !sIsTemporaryFile ) { History_entry* current; current = SHIST_GetCurrent( &sContext->hist ); if ( current ) string = current->title; } break; } } //----------------------------------- void CPrintHeaderCaption::PrintPanelSelf( const PanelSpec& inPanel ) //----------------------------------- { long value = CCustomPageSetup::GetControlValue( mUserCon ); CStr255 string; CPrintHeaderCaption::CreateString( value, string, inPanel ); unsigned short win_csid = INTL_DefaultWinCharSetID(sContext); if (value == TITLE_FORM && ((INTL_CharSetNameToID(INTL_ResourceCharSet()) & ~CS_AUTO ) != (win_csid & ~CS_AUTO))) { // Save the origional font name and number TextTraitsH origTT = UTextTraits::LoadTextTraits(this->GetTextTraitsID()); Int16 origFontNumber = (*origTT)->fontNumber; Str255 origFontName; ::BlockMoveData(origFontName, (*origTT)->fontName, (*origTT)->fontName[0]+1); // SetHandleSize- the handle is compressed. ::SetHandleSize((Handle)origTT, sizeof(TextTraitsRecord)); StHandleLocker lock((Handle) origTT ); // Set the Font name and number in the TextTraits to the one in buttonF TextTraitsH csidTT = UTextTraits::LoadTextTraits(CPrefs::GetButtonFontTextResIDs(win_csid)); (*origTT)->fontNumber = (*csidTT)->fontNumber; ::BlockMoveData((*origTT)->fontName, (*csidTT)->fontName, (*csidTT)->fontName[0]+1); // Do the usual job this->SetDescriptor(string); this->DrawSelf(); // Restore the font name, number to the origional TextTraits (*origTT)->fontNumber = origFontNumber; ::BlockMoveData((*origTT)->fontName, origFontName, origFontName[0]+1); } else { this->SetDescriptor( string ); this->DrawSelf(); } } // CPrintHeaderCaption::PrintPanelSelf //====================================== #pragma mark --- CHTMLPrintout --- //====================================== //====================================== class CHTMLPrintout : public LPrintout , public LListener //====================================== { public: enum { class_ID = 'HPPT' }; typedef LPrintout super; CHTMLPrintout( LStream* inStream ); virtual ~CHTMLPrintout(); virtual void FinishCreateSelf(); virtual void ListenToMessage( MessageT inMessage, void* ioParam); virtual void DoProgress( const char* message, int level ); static void BeginPrint( THPrint hp, CHTMLView* view ); static CHTMLPrintout* Get() { return sHTMLPrintout; } CPrintHTMLView* GetPrintHTMLView() const { return mPrintHTMLView; } void LoadPageForPrint(URL_Struct* url, MWContext *printcontext, MWContext *viewContext); void StashPrintRecord(THPrint inPrintRecordH); Boolean PrintFinished(void) { return mPrinted && LMGetTicks() >= mFinishedTime; } protected: void Paginate (void); void CapturePositions (void); static CHTMLPrintout* sHTMLPrintout; CPrintHTMLView* mPrintHTMLView; CPrintContext* mContext; Boolean mFinishedLayout, mConnectionsCompleted, mPrinted; SInt32 mFinishedTime; }; // class CHTMLPrintout CHTMLPrintout* CHTMLPrintout::sHTMLPrintout = nil; extern void BuildAWindowPalette( MWContext* context, WindowPtr window ); // ***** BEGIN HACK ***** (Bug #83149) #if defined (JAVA) static Boolean gAllowJavaAWTDrawingCalled_HACK = false; static Boolean gCHTMLPrintoutContructed_HACK = false; // Do the wrong thing and declare this here instead of in a header file extern "C" Boolean FE_AllowJavaAWTDrawing_HACK(); // Disable all Java AWT drawing while the FE is printing // (This is actually called from LMacGraphics::BeginDrawing // in ns:sun-java:awt:macos:LMacGraphics.cp) Boolean FE_AllowJavaAWTDrawing_HACK() { if (gCHTMLPrintoutContructed_HACK) { gAllowJavaAWTDrawingCalled_HACK = true; return false; } return true; } #endif //JAVA // ***** END HACK ***** //----------------------------------- CHTMLPrintout::CHTMLPrintout( LStream* inStream ) //----------------------------------- : LPrintout( inStream ) , mContext(nil) , mPrintHTMLView(nil) , mPrinted(false) { sHTMLPrintout = this; // ***** BEGIN HACK ***** (Bug #83149) #if defined (JAVA) gCHTMLPrintoutContructed_HACK = true; #endif //JAVA // ***** END HACK ***** } // ***** BEGIN HACK ***** (Bug #83149) #if defined (JAVA) static void RefreshJavaSubPanes(LArray& subPanes) { LArrayIterator itererator(subPanes, LArrayIterator::from_Start); LPane* pane = NULL; while (itererator.Next(&pane)) { if (pane->GetPaneID() == CJavaView::class_ID) pane->Refresh(); else { LView *view = dynamic_cast(pane); if (view) RefreshJavaSubPanes(view->GetSubPanes()); } } } #endif //JAVA // ***** END HACK ***** //----------------------------------- CHTMLPrintout::~CHTMLPrintout() //----------------------------------- { if ( XP_IsContextBusy( *mContext ) ) NET_InterruptWindow( *mContext ); XP_CleanupPrintInfo(*mContext); DestroyImageContext( *mContext ); mContext->RemoveListener(this); mContext->RemoveUser(this); sHTMLPrintout = nil; // ***** BEGIN HACK ***** (Bug #83149) #if defined (JAVA) gCHTMLPrintoutContructed_HACK = false; if (gAllowJavaAWTDrawingCalled_HACK) { gAllowJavaAWTDrawingCalled_HACK = false; // Update all the Java panes in all PowerPlant windows for ( WindowPtr macWindow = (WindowPtr)LMGetWindowList(); macWindow; macWindow = (WindowPtr)((WindowPeek)macWindow)->nextWindow) { if (((WindowPeek)macWindow)->visible) { LWindow *ppWindow = LWindow::FetchWindowObject(macWindow); if (ppWindow) RefreshJavaSubPanes(ppWindow->GetSubPanes()); } } } #endif //JAVA // ***** END HACK ***** } //----------------------------------- void CHTMLPrintout::FinishCreateSelf() //----------------------------------- { LPrintout::FinishCreateSelf(); mContext = new CPrintContext(); ThrowIfNil_(mContext); mContext->AddUser(this); mContext->AddListener(this); // listen for msg_NSCAllConnectionsComplete CreateImageContext( *mContext ); mPrintHTMLView = (CPrintHTMLView*)FindPaneByID('PtHt'); mPrintHTMLView->SetContext(mContext); } // editor callback void EditorPrintingCallback( char *completeURL, void *data ) { Try_ { URL_Struct* url = NET_CreateURLStruct( completeURL, NET_DONT_RELOAD ); ThrowIfNil_(url); CPrintHeaderCaption::SetTemporaryFile( true ); CHTMLPrintout::Get()->LoadPageForPrint( url, (MWContext *)data, (MWContext *)data ); } Catch_( err ) { Throw_( err ); } EndCatch_ } //----------------------------------- void CHTMLPrintout::StashPrintRecord (THPrint inPrintRecordH) //----------------------------------- { /* StashPrintRecord is based on LPrintout::SetPrintRecord. You might think we'd override that method, but it isn't virtual. So we changed the name to make it obvious that it's a different function, then just called it ourself after LPrintout is finished calling its version. I don't understand why the LPrintout version of this method is supposed to work. It sizes the LPrintout to match the size of the paper, rather than the page. The comments in that method mumble something about the coordinate system working out better that way. You can work around this by building into the PPob describing the LPrintout an offset which accounts for the unprintable margin, but that works only as long as the size of the printer margins is about the size built into the PPob. This breaks down terribly if you print at reduced size, which effectively increases the size of the printer margins. So I've changed the PPob to completely fill its parent view, and here I effectively change PowerPlant to use the page size. As far as I can tell, this works in all cases. */ // do what LPrintout::SetPrintRecord does, but size ourselves to the page, // rather than the paper UPrintingMgr::ValidatePrintRecord(inPrintRecordH); mPrintRecordH = inPrintRecordH; Rect pageRect = (**inPrintRecordH).prInfo.rPage; ResizeFrameTo(pageRect.right - pageRect.left, pageRect.bottom - pageRect.top, false); ResizeImageTo(pageRect.right - pageRect.left, pageRect.bottom - pageRect.top, false); PlaceInSuperImageAt(pageRect.left, pageRect.top, false); } //----------------------------------- void CHTMLPrintout::LoadPageForPrint(URL_Struct* url, MWContext *printcontext, MWContext *viewContext) //----------------------------------- { // SHIST_CreateURLStructFromHistoryEntry copies pointers but not // the saved data structures, so we must zero them out to prevent // double-deletions. An alternative that would preserve saved data // for clients that find it useful (e.g. forms, embeds) would be to // deep copy the saved data objects. XP_MEMSET( &url->savedData, 0, sizeof( SHIST_SavedData ) ); NPL_PreparePrint( viewContext, &( url->savedData ) ); if ( printcontext->prSetup ) printcontext->prSetup->url = url; url->position_tag = 0; if ( url->address ) XP_STRTOK( url->address, "#" ); CPrintHeaderCaption::SetPrintContext( viewContext ); EarlManager::StartLoadURL( url, printcontext, FO_PRESENT ); OutOfFocus( nil ); } //----------------------------------- void CHTMLPrintout::Paginate (void) { //----------------------------------- mPrintHTMLView->InitializeCapture(); CapturePositions(); mPrintHTMLView->CalculatePageBreaks(); mPrintHTMLView->SetPrintMode (CPrintHTMLView::epmDisplay); } //----------------------------------- void CHTMLPrintout::CapturePositions (void) { //----------------------------------- Rect pageArea; short pageWidth, pageHeight; CL_Compositor *compositor = mPrintHTMLView->GetCompositor(); mPrintHTMLView->CalcPortFrameRect (pageArea); pageHeight = pageArea.bottom - pageArea.top; pageWidth = pageArea.right - pageArea.left; // For capturing, we want all the elements in a document to display. // Since we can't size the compositor window to be the size of the // document (the compositor window must have coordinates that fit into // a 16-bit coordinate space), we take snapshots. In other words, // we make the compositor window the size of the physical page and // keep scrolling down till capture the entire document. if (compositor) { XP_Rect drawingRect; SDimension32 documentSize; int pass; int32 captureScrollOffset; // The compositor window is the size of the page (minus margins) CL_ResizeCompositorWindow (compositor, pageWidth, pageHeight); drawingRect.left = 0; drawingRect.top = 0; drawingRect.right = pageWidth; drawingRect.bottom = pageHeight; // We display all the elements twice. This is to deal with the // fact that certain elements (images, embeds and applets for // instance) are always displayed in a compositor pass after // the containing HTML content. We only capture during the // second pass. mPrintHTMLView->SetPrintMode (CPrintHTMLView::epmBlockDisplay); mPrintHTMLView->GetImageSize (documentSize); for (pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) { // Till we've covered the entire document, we keep scrolling // down and taking snapshots for (captureScrollOffset = 0; captureScrollOffset <= documentSize.height; captureScrollOffset += pageHeight) { CL_ScrollCompositorWindow (compositor, 0, captureScrollOffset); CL_RefreshWindowRect (compositor, &drawingRect); } mPrintHTMLView->SetPrintMode (CPrintHTMLView::epmLayout); } CL_ScrollCompositorWindow (compositor, 0, 0); } else { mPrintHTMLView->SetPrintMode (CPrintHTMLView::epmLayout); LO_RefreshArea (*mContext, 0, 0, 0x7FFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF); } } // end CapturePositions //----------------------------------- void CHTMLPrintout::DoProgress( const char* /*message*/, int /*level*/ ) //----------------------------------- { } #ifdef PRE_JRM MWContext* CHTMLPrintout::CreateGridContext() { MWContext* newContext = mContext->CreateGridContext(); newContext->type = MWContextPrint; return newContext; } #endif //----------------------------------- void CHTMLPrintout::BeginPrint(THPrint hp, CHTMLView* inViewToPrint) //----------------------------------- { if (!hp) return; if (!sHTMLPrintout) sHTMLPrintout = (CHTMLPrintout*)LPrintout::CreatePrintout(1001); ThrowIfNil_(sHTMLPrintout); CPrintHTMLView* printHTMLView = sHTMLPrintout->GetPrintHTMLView(); ThrowIfNil_(printHTMLView); // ¥ set the printout (unlike PP, we have our own SAVED print record ) sHTMLPrintout->StashPrintRecord(hp); // ¥ setup psfe's structs for measurements // // Keep a reference in the print context to the list of plugin instances // in the on-screen context. This information is used in mplugin.cp when // printing plugins to avoid creating new instantiations of all the plugins. // ((MWContext*)sHTMLPrintout->mContext)->pEmbeddedApp = ((MWContext*)inViewToPrint->GetContext())->pluginList; // ¥Êset the encoding type #ifdef PRE_JRM sHTMLPrintout->fContext.fe.realContext->default_csid = inViewToPrint->fHContext->fe.realContext->default_csid; #endif XP_InitializePrintInfo((MWContext*)*(sHTMLPrintout->mContext)); sHTMLPrintout->mFinishedLayout = false; sHTMLPrintout->mConnectionsCompleted = false; sHTMLPrintout->mPrinted = false; // ¥ it's very important that mainLedge actually be enabled and // not latent, otherwise controls that are printed do not // behave properly printHTMLView->SetPrintMode (CPrintHTMLView::epmBlockDisplay); printHTMLView->Enable(); printHTMLView->CopyCharacteristicsFrom(inViewToPrint); // ¥ go print Try_ { URL_Struct *url; Boolean doSuppressURL = false; url = inViewToPrint->GetURLForPrinting( doSuppressURL, *(sHTMLPrintout->mContext) ); if ( url ) { CPrintHeaderCaption::SetTemporaryFile( doSuppressURL ); sHTMLPrintout->LoadPageForPrint( url, ((MWContext*)*(sHTMLPrintout->mContext)), (MWContext*)*inViewToPrint->GetContext()); } } Catch_( err ) { Throw_( err ); } EndCatch_ } // CHTMLPrintout::BeginPrint //----------------------------------- void CHTMLPrintout::ListenToMessage( MessageT inMessage, void* /*ioParam*/) //----------------------------------- { CHTMLView *htmlView = ExtractHyperView (*mContext); switch (inMessage) { case msg_NSCFinishedLayout: // htmlView->NoteFinishedLayout(); (seems likely, but protected) mFinishedLayout = true; break; case msg_NSCAllConnectionsComplete: // for frames, don't do print stuff until all contexts are done // htmlView->NoteAllConnectionsComplete(); mConnectionsCompleted = !XP_IsContextBusy((MWContext*)*mContext); break; } // the check for mPrinted is necessary; JavaScript will call FinishedLayout twice if (mConnectionsCompleted && mFinishedLayout && !mPrinted) { // lay out for printing Paginate(); DoPrintJob(); #if GENERATING68K // ***** HACK ***** Fixed weird crash where 68K printer code // spammed us with an invalid port -- a vivid example of why // one should not have an invalid port. WindowPtr front = FrontWindow(); if (front) SetPort(front); else { CGrafPtr windowMgrPort; GetCWMgrPort(&windowMgrPort); SetPort((GrafPtr)windowMgrPort); } #endif mPrinted = true; } mFinishedTime = LMGetTicks() + 600; // wait 10 seconds for Java to finish } // CHTMLPrintout::ListenToMessage //====================================== #pragma mark --- CPrintingCleanupTimer --- //====================================== /* CPrintingCleanupTimer gives periodic attention to sHTMLPrintout, waiting for it to finish printing. When sMTMLPrintout claims it's finished, we delete it. This is a (small) change in architecture: originally, sHTMLPrintout deleted itself as soon as it was finished printing. I hacked in this timer thing to support printing pages with JavaScript. There's no good way to tell whether JavaScript has finished laying out a page. Notably, a page containing JavaScript seems to always get two "finished layout" messages. Before this timer thing was installed, the first such message caused the page to be printed and deleted. The second such message brought the machine down. Now we wait to delete the object until it stops getting messages from layout. We define "stopped getting messages" as "haven't seen one in ten seconds." This sucks, and will cause your machine to crash if a big delay happens for some reason, but I'm led to believe JavaScript itself must be full of such things, and can't come up with a better plan today. */ //----------------------------------- // class definition class CPrintingCleanupTimer : public LPeriodical { public: CPrintingCleanupTimer(); virtual void SpendTime(const EventRecord &inMacEvent); static void QueueCleanup(void); private: static CPrintingCleanupTimer sTheTimer; }; //----------------------------------- CPrintingCleanupTimer::CPrintingCleanupTimer() // constructor: like the base class, but don't start repeating until told to //----------------------------------- { // when we're initialized at app load time, don't yet start asking for time StopRepeating(); } //----------------------------------- void CPrintingCleanupTimer::QueueCleanup(void) // public access to turn on the timer; call when an sHTMLPrintout has been allocated //----------------------------------- { sTheTimer.StartRepeating(); } //----------------------------------- void CPrintingCleanupTimer::SpendTime(const EventRecord &) // internal workings of the timer: wait until sHTMLPrintout says it's finished, // then delete it and shut yourself down //----------------------------------- { CHTMLPrintout *activePrintout = CHTMLPrintout::Get(); if (activePrintout && activePrintout->PrintFinished()) { delete activePrintout; // which sets sHTMLPrintout to 0 */ StopRepeating(); } } //----------------------------------- CPrintingCleanupTimer CPrintingCleanupTimer::sTheTimer; //====================================== #pragma mark --- UHTMLPrinting --- //====================================== //----------------------------------- void UHTMLPrinting::RegisterHTMLPrintClasses() //----------------------------------- { //#define REGISTER_(letter,root) \ // RegisterClass_(letter##root::class_ID, \ // (ClassCreatorFunc)letter##root::Create##root##Stream); #define REGISTER_(letter,root) RegisterClass_(letter##root); #define REGISTERC(root) REGISTER_(C,root) #define REGISTERL(root) REGISTER_(L,root) REGISTERC(HTMLPrintout) // 97/01/24 jrm REGISTERC(PrintHTMLView) // 97/01/24 jrm REGISTERC(PrintHeaderCaption) // 97/01/24 jrm } // UHTMLPrinting::RegisterHTMLPrintClasses //----------------------------------- void UHTMLPrinting::InitCustomPageSetup() //----------------------------------- { CCustomPageSetup::InitCustomPageSetup(); } //----------------------------------- void UHTMLPrinting::OpenPageSetup( THPrint hPrint ) //----------------------------------- { CCustomPageSetup::OpenPageSetup(hPrint); } //----------------------------------- void UHTMLPrinting::BeginPrint( THPrint hPrint, CHTMLView* inView ) //----------------------------------- { CPrintingCleanupTimer::QueueCleanup(); CHTMLPrintout::BeginPrint(hPrint, inView); }