/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ function test() { waitForExplicitFinish(); showTabView(onTabViewWindowLoaded); } let originalGroupItem = null; let originalTab = null; function onTabViewWindowLoaded() { ok(TabView.isVisible(), "Tab View is visible"); let contentWindow = TabView.getContentWindow(); is(contentWindow.GroupItems.groupItems.length, 1, "There is one group item on startup"); originalGroupItem = contentWindow.GroupItems.groupItems[0]; is(originalGroupItem.getChildren().length, 1, "There should be one Tab Item in that group."); contentWindow.UI.setActive(originalGroupItem); [originalTab] = gBrowser.visibleTabs; testEmptyGroupItem(contentWindow); } function testEmptyGroupItem(contentWindow) { let groupItemCount = contentWindow.GroupItems.groupItems.length; // create empty group item let emptyGroupItem = createEmptyGroupItem(contentWindow, 300, 300, 100); ok(emptyGroupItem.isEmpty(), "This group is empty"); is(contentWindow.GroupItems.groupItems.length, ++groupItemCount, "The number of groups is increased by 1"); emptyGroupItem.addSubscriber("close", function onClose() { emptyGroupItem.removeSubscriber("close", onClose); // check the number of groups. is(contentWindow.GroupItems.groupItems.length, --groupItemCount, "The number of groups is decreased by 1"); testGroupItemWithTabItem(contentWindow); }); let closeButton = emptyGroupItem.container.getElementsByClassName("close"); ok(closeButton[0], "Group close button exists"); // click the close button EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(closeButton[0], 1, 1, {}, contentWindow); } function testGroupItemWithTabItem(contentWindow) { let groupItem = createEmptyGroupItem(contentWindow, 300, 300, 200); let tabItemCount = 0; let onTabViewShown = function() { let tabItem = groupItem.getChild(groupItem.getChildren().length - 1); ok(tabItem, "Tab item exists"); let tabItemClosed = false; tabItem.addSubscriber("close", function onClose() { tabItem.removeSubscriber("close", onClose); tabItemClosed = true; }); tabItem.addSubscriber("tabRemoved", function onTabRemoved() { tabItem.removeSubscriber("tabRemoved", onTabRemoved); ok(tabItemClosed, "The tab item is closed"); is(groupItem.getChildren().length, --tabItemCount, "The number of children in new tab group is decreased by 1"); ok(TabView.isVisible(), "Tab View is still shown"); // Now there should only be one tab left, so we need to hide TabView // and go into that tab. is(gBrowser.tabs.length, 1, "There is only one tab left"); // after the last selected tabitem is closed, there would be not active // tabitem on the UI so we set the active tabitem before toggling the // visibility of tabview let tabItems = contentWindow.TabItems.getItems(); ok(tabItems[0], "A tab item exists"); contentWindow.UI.setActive(tabItems[0]); hideTabView(function() { ok(!TabView.isVisible(), "Tab View is hidden"); closeGroupItem(groupItem, finish); }); }); // remove the tab item. The code detects mousedown and mouseup so we stimulate here let closeButton = tabItem.container.getElementsByClassName("close"); ok(closeButton, "Tab item close button exists"); EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({ type: "mousedown" }, closeButton[0], contentWindow); EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({ type: "mouseup" }, closeButton[0], contentWindow); }; whenTabViewIsHidden(function() { is(groupItem.getChildren().length, ++tabItemCount, "The number of children in new tab group is increased by 1"); ok(!TabView.isVisible(), "Tab View is hidden because we just opened a tab"); showTabView(onTabViewShown); }); groupItem.newTab(); }