.\" @(#)template.1 1.2 10/22/96 template.1 " .TH setup 1 "5 Nov 1999" "iPlanet" "Mailstone" .SH NAME setup \- Configure Mailstone and copy bits to client machines .SH SYNOPSIS .B setup [ .B \-w workload_file ] .SH FILES Workload file are store in the .BR conf/ directory and have the extension .BR .wld. .SH DESCRIPTION .B Setup will ask you to accept the licensing terms and ask for an initial configuration (if these steps have never been performed). The test system configuration is stored in .BR conf/general.wld. .PP Once there is a valid configuration .B setup will copy the appropriate .B bin/mailclient and .B data/*.msg files to each client machine. .PP .B Setup should be run whenever a new client machine is added, the message file change, or files are missing on the client machine (due to a clean up of .B /var/tmp. .SH OPTIONS .TP 12 .B \-w workload_file Specify a workload other than conf/general.wld. This file must define (or include) .B CLIENT sections that list the client machines to use. .SH EXAMPLES .IP .BR example% " setup" .SH SEE ALSO .PP .BR mailstone (1) .BR checktime (1) .BR timesync (1) .BR mstone (1) .BR workloads (5) .SH DIAGNOSTICS The most common problem is insufficient rsh permissions. Most errors should be self explanitory.