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Guide to Customizing and Distributing Netscape 6.2




Who Should Read This Guide

About the CCK Tool

If You've Used a Previous Version of CCK

Using Existing Customized Files

How to Use This Guide

Where to Go for Related Information

Chapter 1 Getting Started

Why Customize and Distribute Netscape?

Why Do Users Prefer Netscape 6.2?

Overview of the Customization and Distribution Process

System Requirements

CCK Tool Requirements

Netscape 6.2 Requirements

Platform Support

Installing the Client Customization Kit Tool

What Customizations Can I Make?

Netscape Navigator Customizations

Mail and News Customizations

CD Autorun Screen Customizations

Installer Customizations

Customization Services Options

Which Customizations Can I Make Quickly?

Using the CCK Tool

Working with CCK Configurations

Saving Changes

Reviewing and Verifying Your Customizations

Getting Help

Chapter 2 Customizing Netscape in Ten Minutes

What You'll Customize

Quick Customization Instructions

Verifying Your Customizations

Chapter 3 Using the Configuration Workspace for Customized Files

Creating a New Installer Configuration

The Configuration Directory

Customized Files Checklist

Platform and Configuration Information

Chapter 4 Preparing Platform and Installer Information

Specifying a Platform




Deciding What Kinds of Installers to Create

Providing a CD-Based Installer

User Experience of CD-Based Installation

Providing a Network-Downloadable Installer

User Experience of Network-Downloadable Installer (Windows)

User Experience of Network Downloadable Installer (Linux)

User Experience of Network Downloadable Installer (Macintosh)

Choosing a Company Identifier

Checklist for Platform and Installer Screens

Chapter 5 Preparing to Customize the Netscape Browser

Creating a Custom Animated Logo

Step 1: Create the Animation Frames

Step 2: Assemble Your Frames Using a GIF Animation Program

Determining a Help URL and Menu Item

Determining the Name of the Program Folder in the Windows Start Menu

Preparing a Customized Read-me File

Creating Your Own Sidebar Tab

Adding My Sidebar Tabs

Rearranging My Sidebar Tabs

Specifying the Default Home Page

Preparing Your Customized Bookmarks and Personal Toolbar

Creating a New User Profile

Creating Custom Bookmarks and Personal Toolbar Buttons

Determining Text for the Browser Window's Title Bar

Checklists for Customizing the Browser

Customize the Browser - Part One

Customize the Browser - Part Two

Customize the Browser - Part Three

Chapter 6 Preparing to Customize Netscape Mail and News

Specifying Mail Domain and Server Settings

Domain Settings

Incoming Server Settings

Outgoing Server Setting

Specifying News Domain and Server Settings


News Server (NNTP)

Netscape Activation Considerations for Mail and News

Checklists for Customizing Mail and News

Customize Netscape Mail

Customize Netscape News

Chapter 7 Preparing to Customize Proxy Configurations

About Proxy Configurations

Default Network Proxy Configurations

Chapter 8 Preparing to Customize the CD Autorun Screen

What Is the CD Autorun Screen?

About the Default CD Autorun Screen

Customizing the Standard CD Autorun Screen

Customizing the CD Autorun Screen's Background Image

Editing the Standard Background Image

Creating Your Own Custom Background Image

Customizing Text for the CD Autorun Screen

Customizing the Installation Document

Checklist for Customize the CD Autorun Screen

Chapter 9 Preparing to Create the Installer

Selecting Netscape Components

Providing Additional Installers

Chapter 10 Verifying Your CCK Tool Customizations

Installing Your Customized Build

Verifying Your Browser Customizations

Verifying Your Mail and News Customizations

Verifying Your Installer Customizations

Chapter 11 Manually Customizing the CD Autorun Screen

Why Manually Customize the Standard CD Autorun Screen?

Run The CCK Tool First

About the CD Autorun Files

Tools for Customizing the Standard Autorun Screen

Creating a CD Staging Area on Your Hard Disk

Understanding the rshell.ini File

General Settings in the rshell.ini File

Text for Browse, Back, and Exit Buttons

Positions of Browse, Back, and Exit Buttons

Bitmaps for the Browse, Back, and Exit Buttons

Dialog Settings

Caption Text

Dialog Position

Background Bitmap

Button Gap

Global Text Settings

Dialog Title Text

Dialog Title Position

Dialog Title Text Color

Dialog Title Text Font

Dialog Title Text Style

Global Button Text Settings

Text Colors

Button Title and Body Text

Button Title Font

Button Body Text Style

Column Settings Within a Dialog

Position of First Button in Column One

Position of a Button's Descriptive Text

Column Text Width

Button Settings Within a Dialog

Button Bitmaps

Button Offset

Editing the rshell.ini File

Adding a New Screen

Adding A Background Image to a Dialog Screen

Customizing a Screen's Title Bar Text

Adding a New Button to a Screen

Verifying Your CD Autorun Screen Manual Customizations

Chapter 12 Advanced Netscape Customizations

Understanding How Manual Customization Works

Understanding the Preferences Architecture

Important Legal Restrictions

Before You Start

Editing a Configuration File with a Text Editor

Instructions for Common Manual Customizations

Customizing the Welcome Page

Chapter 13 Preparing Macintosh Installers and Program Files

Tools Required

Creating a Customized Macintosh Installer

Create a Customized Mac OS 9 Installer

Creating a Mac OS X Installer

Chapter 14 Distributing Your Installers

Distributing a CD-Based Installer

Verifying Your CD Layout (No Autorun Screen)

Windows CD Layout

Macintosh CD Layout

Linux CD Layout

Assembling Your CD Layout (Autorun Screen)

Preparing Your CD-Ready Files for CD Distribution

Distributing Network-Downloadable Installers or Binaries

End-User Instructions for Windows

End-User Instructions for Macintosh

End-User Instructions for Linux

Appendix A Resources for ISPs

Business Planning

Setting Up Your Servers and Internet Feed

Preparing Your Account Setup Solution

Troubleshooting and Customer Support

Appendix B Manual Account Setup


Set Up the Dialer

Create a Modem Location


Log On and Start Mozilla

Appendix C Mozilla Profile Locations by Platform


Copyright © 2003 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated July 30, 2003