/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is OEone Calendar Code, released October 31st, 2001. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * OEone Corporation. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): Garth Smedley * Mike Potter * Colin Phillips * Chris Charabaruk * ArentJan Banck * Chris Allen * Eric Belhaire * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------- * W I N D O W V A R I A B L E S */ this.dateStringBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_date"); var monthNames=new Array(12); monthNames[0]=this.dateStringBundle.getString("month.1.name" ); monthNames[1]=this.dateStringBundle.getString("month.2.name" ); monthNames[2]=this.dateStringBundle.getString("month.3.name" ); monthNames[3]=this.dateStringBundle.getString("month.4.name" ); monthNames[4]=this.dateStringBundle.getString("month.5.name" ); monthNames[5]=this.dateStringBundle.getString("month.6.name" ); monthNames[6]=this.dateStringBundle.getString("month.7.name" ); monthNames[7]=this.dateStringBundle.getString("month.8.name" ); monthNames[8]=this.dateStringBundle.getString("month.9.name" ); monthNames[9]=this.dateStringBundle.getString("month.10.name" ); monthNames[10]=this.dateStringBundle.getString("month.11.name" ); monthNames[11]=this.dateStringBundle.getString("month.12.name" ); var eventSource; // event source sent by opener var weeksInView; var prevWeeksInView; var startOfWeek; var gMyTitle; var gShowprivate ; var gCalendarWindow ; var gHtmlDocument ; var gPrintSettingsAreGlobal = true; var gSavePrintSettings = true; var gPrintSettings = null; var gWebProgress = null; /*----------------------------------------------------------------- * W I N D O W F U N C T I O N S */ function getWebNavigation() { try { return gContent.webNavigation; } catch (e) { return null; } } function BrowserPrintPreview() { var ifreq; var webBrowserPrint; try { ifreq = _content.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor); webBrowserPrint = ifreq.getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebBrowserPrint); gPrintSettings = GetPrintSettings(); } catch (e) { // Pressing cancel is expressed as an NS_ERROR_ABORT return value, // causing an exception to be thrown which we catch here. // Unfortunately this will also consume helpful failures, so add a // dump(e); // if you need to debug } gWebProgress = new Object(); var printPreviewParams = new Object(); var notifyOnOpen = new Object(); var printingPromptService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/printingprompt-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrintingPromptService); if (printingPromptService) { FinishPrintPreview(); } } function FinishPrintPreview() { try { var ifreq = _content.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor); var webBrowserPrint = ifreq.getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebBrowserPrint); if (webBrowserPrint) { gPrintSettings = GetPrintSettings(); webBrowserPrint.printPreview(gPrintSettings, null, gWebProgress.value); } showPrintPreviewToolbar(); _content.focus(); } catch (e) { // Pressing cancel is expressed as an NS_ERROR_ABORT return value, // causing an exception to be thrown which we catch here. // Unfortunately this will also consume helpful failures, so add a // dump(e); // if you need to debug } } /** * Called when the dialog is loaded. */ function OnLoadPrintEngine(){ gContent = document.getElementById("content") ; if ( window.arguments && window.arguments[0] != null ) { HTMLViewFunction = window.arguments[0] ; HTMLFunctionArgs = window.arguments[1] ; gMyTitle = window.arguments[2] ; gShowprivate = window.arguments[3] ; gArgs = window.arguments[4] ; gCalendarWindow = window.arguments[5] ; eventSource=gArgs.eventSource; weeksInView=gArgs.weeksInView; prevWeeksInView=gArgs.prevWeeksInView; startOfWeek=gArgs.startOfWeek; gHtmlDocument = window._content.document ; initHTMLView(); eval(HTMLViewFunction)(HTMLFunctionArgs); finishHTMLView() ; } BrowserPrintPreview(); } function OnUnloadPrintEngine() { } function showPrintPreviewToolbar() { const kXULNS = "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"; var printPreviewTB = document.createElementNS(kXULNS, "toolbar"); printPreviewTB.setAttribute("printpreview", true); printPreviewTB.setAttribute("id", "print-preview-toolbar"); gContent.parentNode.insertBefore(printPreviewTB, gContent); } function BrowserExitPrintPreview() { window.close(); } function initHTMLView() { //printwindow.document.open(); gHtmlDocument.write(""+windowTitle+""); if (gMyTitle.length > 0) { // gHtmlDocument.write(">"); // gHtmlDocument.write(""); // gHtmlDocument.write(mytitle); // gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write("
"); gHtmlDocument.write(gMyTitle); gHtmlDocument.write("
"); } return gHtmlDocument ; } function finishHTMLView() { gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.close(); } function printMultiWeekView(currentDate) { var dayStart=currentDate.getDate(); var dowStart = (startOfWeek <= currentDate.getDay()) ? currentDate.getDay()-startOfWeek : 7-startOfWeek; var weekStart=new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth(), dayStart - dowStart - (prevWeeksInView*7)); var weekNumber = DateUtils.getWeekNumber(currentDate) ; gHtmlDocument.write("
Week "+weekNumber+"
"); gHtmlDocument.write("") gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(""); // content here dayToStart=weekStart.getDate(); monthToStart=weekStart.getMonth(); yearToStart=weekStart.getFullYear(); for (var w=0; w"); for (var i=0; i<7; i++) { var thisDaysDate=new Date(yearToStart, monthToStart, dayToStart+i+(w*7)); gHtmlDocument.write(""); } // end of all weeks gHtmlDocument.write("
"+ArrayOfDayNames[weekStart.getDay()]+""+ArrayOfDayNames[(weekStart.getDay()+1 >6) ? weekStart.getDay()+1-7:weekStart.getDay()+1]+""+ArrayOfDayNames[(weekStart.getDay()+2 >6) ? weekStart.getDay()+2-7:weekStart.getDay()+2]+""+ArrayOfDayNames[(weekStart.getDay()+3 >6) ? weekStart.getDay()+3-7:weekStart.getDay()+3]+""+ArrayOfDayNames[(weekStart.getDay()+4 >6) ? weekStart.getDay()+4-7:weekStart.getDay()+4]+""+ArrayOfDayNames[(weekStart.getDay()+5 >6) ? weekStart.getDay()+5-7:weekStart.getDay()+5]+""+ArrayOfDayNames[(weekStart.getDay()+6 >6) ? weekStart.getDay()+6-7:weekStart.getDay()+6]+"
"); gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(""); var calendarEventDisplay // add each calendarEvent dayEventList = eventSource.getEventsForDay( thisDaysDate ); for( var eventIndex = 0; eventIndex < dayEventList.length; eventIndex++ ) { calendarEventDisplay = dayEventList[ eventIndex ]; var listpriv=true; if (calendarEventDisplay.event.privateEvent) if (! gShowprivate.checked) listpriv=false; if (listpriv) { eventTitle=calendarEventDisplay.event.title; var eventStartTime = new Date( calendarEventDisplay.event.start.getTime() ) ; var formattedStartTime=returnTime(eventStartTime); var eventEndTime = new Date( calendarEventDisplay.event.end.getTime() ) ; var formattedEndTime=returnTime(eventEndTime); var formattedTime=formattedStartTime+"-"+formattedEndTime; if (calendarEventDisplay.event.allDay) formattedTime=''; // all day event if (calendarEventDisplay.event.allDay) gHtmlDocument.write(""); } } gHtmlDocument.write("
"); gHtmlDocument.write(monthNames[thisDaysDate.getMonth()].substring(0,3)+" "+thisDaysDate.getDate()); gHtmlDocument.write("
"); else gHtmlDocument.write("
"); gHtmlDocument.write(eventTitle); if (calendarEventDisplay.event.location) gHtmlDocument.write("
"+locationTag+": "+calendarEventDisplay.event.location); if (calendarEventDisplay.event.url) gHtmlDocument.write("
"+uriTag+": "+calendarEventDisplay.event.url); gHtmlDocument.write("
"); } gHtmlDocument.write("
") } function printWeekView(currentDate) { var dayStart=currentDate.getDate(); var dowStart = (startOfWeek <= currentDate.getDay()) ? currentDate.getDay()-startOfWeek : 7-startOfWeek; var weekStart=new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth(), dayStart - dowStart); var weekNumber = DateUtils.getWeekNumber(currentDate) ; gHtmlDocument.write("
Week "+weekNumber+"
"); gHtmlDocument.write("") gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(""); // content here dayToStart=weekStart.getDate(); monthToStart=weekStart.getMonth(); yearToStart=weekStart.getFullYear(); gHtmlDocument.write(""); for (var i=0; i<7; i++) { var thisDaysDate=new Date(yearToStart, monthToStart, dayToStart+i); gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write("
"+ArrayOfDayNames[weekStart.getDay()]+""+ArrayOfDayNames[(weekStart.getDay()+1 >6) ? weekStart.getDay()+1-7:weekStart.getDay()+1]+""+ArrayOfDayNames[(weekStart.getDay()+2 >6) ? weekStart.getDay()+2-7:weekStart.getDay()+2]+""+ArrayOfDayNames[(weekStart.getDay()+3 >6) ? weekStart.getDay()+3-7:weekStart.getDay()+3]+""+ArrayOfDayNames[(weekStart.getDay()+4 >6) ? weekStart.getDay()+4-7:weekStart.getDay()+4]+""+ArrayOfDayNames[(weekStart.getDay()+5 >6) ? weekStart.getDay()+5-7:weekStart.getDay()+5]+""+ArrayOfDayNames[(weekStart.getDay()+6 >6) ? weekStart.getDay()+6-7:weekStart.getDay()+6]+"
"); gHtmlDocument.write(""); // to force uniform width gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(""); var calendarEventDisplay // add each calendarEvent dayEventList = eventSource.getEventsForDay( thisDaysDate ); for( var eventIndex = 0; eventIndex < dayEventList.length; eventIndex++ ) { calendarEventDisplay = dayEventList[ eventIndex ]; var listpriv=true; if (calendarEventDisplay.event.privateEvent) if (! gShowprivate.checked) listpriv=false; if (listpriv) { eventTitle=calendarEventDisplay.event.title; var eventStartTime = new Date( calendarEventDisplay.event.start.getTime() ) ; var formattedStartTime=returnTime(eventStartTime); var eventEndTime = new Date( calendarEventDisplay.event.end.getTime() ) ; var formattedEndTime=returnTime(eventEndTime); var formattedTime=formattedStartTime+"-"+formattedEndTime; if (calendarEventDisplay.event.allDay) gHtmlDocument.write(""); } } gHtmlDocument.write("
"); gHtmlDocument.write(monthNames[thisDaysDate.getMonth()].substring(0,3)+" "+thisDaysDate.getDate()); gHtmlDocument.write("
"); else gHtmlDocument.write("
"); gHtmlDocument.write(eventTitle); if (calendarEventDisplay.event.location) gHtmlDocument.write("
"+locationTag+": "+calendarEventDisplay.event.location); if (calendarEventDisplay.event.url) gHtmlDocument.write("
"+uriTag+": "+calendarEventDisplay.event.url); gHtmlDocument.write("
"); } gHtmlDocument.write("
") } function printDayView(currentDate) { var dayStart = currentDate.getDate(); var mydateshow=""; mydateshow+=ArrayOfDayNames[currentDate.getDay()]; mydateshow+=", "; mydateshow+=monthNames[currentDate.getMonth()]+" "+currentDate.getDate()+" "+currentDate.getFullYear(); gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(mydateshow); gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write("TimeEvent"); gHtmlDocument.write(" "); // for entering a new appt var calendarEventDisplay // add each calendarEvent dayEventList = eventSource.getEventsForDay( currentDate ); for( var eventIndex = 0; eventIndex < dayEventList.length; eventIndex++ ) { calendarEventDisplay = dayEventList[ eventIndex ]; var listpriv=true; if (calendarEventDisplay.event.privateEvent) if (! gShowprivate.checked) listpriv=false; if (listpriv) { gHtmlDocument.write(""); var eventStartTime = new Date( calendarEventDisplay.event.start.getTime() ) ; var formattedStartTime=returnTime(eventStartTime); var eventEndTime = new Date( calendarEventDisplay.event.end.getTime() ) ; var formattedEndTime=returnTime(eventEndTime); var formattedTime=formattedStartTime+"-"+formattedEndTime; if (calendarEventDisplay.event.allDay) formattedTime=''; // all day event gHtmlDocument.write(formattedTime); gHtmlDocument.write(""+calendarEventDisplay.event.title); if (calendarEventDisplay.event.description) gHtmlDocument.write("
"+descriptionTag+": "+calendarEventDisplay.event.description); if (calendarEventDisplay.event.location) gHtmlDocument.write("
"+locationTag+": "+calendarEventDisplay.event.location); if (calendarEventDisplay.event.url) gHtmlDocument.write("
"+uriTag+": "+calendarEventDisplay.event.url); var mystat='Cancelled'; if (calendarEventDisplay.event.status == 10029) mystat='Tentative'; if (calendarEventDisplay.event.status == 10030) mystat='Confirmed'; gHtmlDocument.write("
Status: "+mystat); gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(" "); // for entering a new appt } } gHtmlDocument.write(""); } function printEventArray( calendarEventArray) { gHtmlDocument.write("StartsEndsEvent"); for (i in calendarEventArray) { var calEvent=calendarEventArray[i]; var useit=true; if (calEvent.privateEvent) if (! gShowprivate.checked) useit=false; if (useit) { gHtmlDocument.write(""); if (calEvent.allDay) { gHtmlDocument.write("All Day"); gHtmlDocument.write(""); } else { gHtmlDocument.write(calEvent.start); gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(calEvent.end); } gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(calEvent.title); if (calEvent.description) gHtmlDocument.write("
"+descriptionTag+": "+calEvent.description); if (calEvent.location) gHtmlDocument.write("
"+locationTag+": "+calEvent.location); if (calEvent.url) gHtmlDocument.write("
"+uriTag+": "+calEvent.url); var mystat='Cancelled'; if (calEvent.status == 10029) mystat='Tentative'; if (calEvent.status == 10030) mystat='Confirmed'; gHtmlDocument.write("
Status: "+mystat); gHtmlDocument.write(""); } } gHtmlDocument.write(""); } function printMonthView(currentDate) { // ok first let's get the array of events for this month. var calDate = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth(), 1); var dayFirst = calDate.getDay(); var dowStart = (startOfWeek <= dayFirst) ? dayFirst-startOfWeek : 7-startOfWeek; var weekStart=new Date(calDate.getFullYear(),calDate.getMonth(),1-dowStart); var startOfMonthDate = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth(), 1); var endOfMonthDate = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth()+1, 0); var daysInMonth = endOfMonthDate.getDate(); gHtmlDocument.write("
"+monthNames[currentDate.getMonth()]+" "+currentDate.getFullYear()+"
"); gHtmlDocument.write("") gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(""); gHtmlDocument.write(""); dayToStart=weekStart.getDate(); monthToStart=weekStart.getMonth(); yearToStart=weekStart.getFullYear(); var inMonth=true; var thisDaysDate=new Date(yearToStart, monthToStart, dayToStart); for (var w=0; w<6; w++) { if (inMonth) { gHtmlDocument.write(""); for (var i=0; i<7; i++) { gHtmlDocument.write("") //advance to the next day thisDaysDate.setDate(thisDaysDate.getDate()+1); } //end of each day gHtmlDocument.write(""); } // ok it was in the month if((thisDaysDate.getMonth() > currentDate.getMonth())|| (thisDaysDate.getFullYear() > currentDate.getFullYear()) ) inMonth=false; } // end of each week gHtmlDocument.write("
"+ArrayOfDayNames[weekStart.getDay()]+""+ArrayOfDayNames[(weekStart.getDay()+1 >6) ? weekStart.getDay()+1-7:weekStart.getDay()+1]+""+ArrayOfDayNames[(weekStart.getDay()+2 >6) ? weekStart.getDay()+2-7:weekStart.getDay()+2]+""+ArrayOfDayNames[(weekStart.getDay()+3 >6) ? weekStart.getDay()+3-7:weekStart.getDay()+3]+""+ArrayOfDayNames[(weekStart.getDay()+4 >6) ? weekStart.getDay()+4-7:weekStart.getDay()+4]+""+ArrayOfDayNames[(weekStart.getDay()+5 >6) ? weekStart.getDay()+5-7:weekStart.getDay()+5]+""+ArrayOfDayNames[(weekStart.getDay()+6 >6) ? weekStart.getDay()+6-7:weekStart.getDay()+6]+"
"); gHtmlDocument.write(""); if (thisDaysDate.getMonth()==currentDate.getMonth()) { dayEventList = eventSource.getEventsForDay( thisDaysDate ); var calendarEventDisplay // add each calendarEvent for( var eventIndex = 0; eventIndex < dayEventList.length; eventIndex++ ) { calendarEventDisplay = dayEventList[ eventIndex ]; var listpriv=true; if (calendarEventDisplay.event.privateEvent) if (! gShowprivate.checked) listpriv=false; if (listpriv) { eventTitle=calendarEventDisplay.event.title; var eventStartTime = new Date( calendarEventDisplay.event.start.getTime() ) ; var formattedStartTime=returnTime(eventStartTime); if (calendarEventDisplay.event.allDay) gHtmlDocument.write(""); } } //end of events } // if it was in the month gHtmlDocument.write("
"); if (thisDaysDate.getMonth()==currentDate.getMonth()) gHtmlDocument.write(thisDaysDate.getDate()); gHtmlDocument.write("
"); else gHtmlDocument.write("
"+formattedStartTime+""); gHtmlDocument.write(eventTitle); gHtmlDocument.write("
"); gHtmlDocument.write("
") } function returnTime(timeval) { retval= gCalendarWindow.dateFormater.getFormatedTime( timeval ); if (retval.indexOf("AM")>-1) retval=retval.substring(0,retval.indexOf("AM")-1)+'a'; if (retval.indexOf("PM")>-1) retval=retval.substring(0,retval.indexOf("PM")-1)+'p'; if (retval=='12:00p') retval='Noon'; return retval; } function getWeekNumberOfMonth() { //get the day number for today. var startTime = document.getElementById( "start-date-picker" ).value; var oldStartTime = startTime; var thisMonth = startTime.getMonth(); var monthToCompare = thisMonth; var weekNumber = 0; while( monthToCompare == thisMonth ) { startTime = new Date( startTime.getTime() - ( 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 ) ); monthToCompare = startTime.getMonth(); weekNumber++; } return( weekNumber ); } function isLastDayOfWeekOfMonth() { //get the day number for today. var startTime = document.getElementById( "start-date-picker" ).value; var oldStartTime = startTime; var thisMonth = startTime.getMonth(); var monthToCompare = thisMonth; var weekNumber = 0; while( monthToCompare == thisMonth ) { startTime = new Date( startTime.getTime() - ( 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 ) ); monthToCompare = startTime.getMonth(); weekNumber++; } if( weekNumber > 3 ) { var nextWeek = new Date( oldStartTime.getTime() + ( 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 ) ); if( nextWeek.getMonth() != thisMonth ) { //its the last week of the month return( true ); } } return( false ); } function getWeekNumberText( weekNumber ) { switch( weekNumber ) { case 1: return( "First" ); case 2: return( "Second" ); case 3: return( "Third" ); case 4: return( "Fourth" ); case 5: return( "Last" ); default: return( false ); } } /** * Take a Date object and return a displayable date string i.e.: May 5, 1959 * :TODO: This should be moved into DateFormater and made to use some kind of * locale or user date format preference. */ function formatDate( date ) { return( gCalendarWindow.dateFormater.getFormatedDate( date ) ); } function debug( Text ) { dump( "\ncalPrintEngine.js :"+ Text + "\n"); }