/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm" ); const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(this, { AsyncShutdown: "resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.jsm", IDBHelpers: "resource://services-settings/IDBHelpers.jsm", Utils: "resource://services-settings/Utils.jsm", CommonUtils: "resource://services-common/utils.js", ObjectUtils: "resource://gre/modules/ObjectUtils.jsm", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "console", () => Utils.log); var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Database"]; /** * Database is a tiny wrapper with the objective * of providing major kinto-offline-client collection API. * (with the objective of getting rid of kinto-offline-client) */ class Database { constructor(identifier) { ensureShutdownBlocker(); this.identifier = identifier; } async list(options = {}) { const { filters = {}, sort = "" } = options; let results = []; try { await executeIDB( "records", (store, rejectTransaction) => { // Fast-path the (very common) no-filters case if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(filters)) { const range = IDBKeyRange.only(this.identifier); const request = store.index("cid").getAll(range); request.onsuccess = e => { results = e.target.result; }; return; } const request = store .index("cid") .openCursor(IDBKeyRange.only(this.identifier)); const objFilters = transformSubObjectFilters(filters); request.onsuccess = event => { try { const cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { const { value } = cursor; if (Utils.filterObject(objFilters, value)) { results.push(value); } cursor.continue(); } } catch (ex) { rejectTransaction(ex); } }; }, { mode: "readonly" } ); } catch (e) { throw new IDBHelpers.IndexedDBError(e, "list()", this.identifier); } // Remove IDB key field from results. for (const result of results) { delete result._cid; } return sort ? Utils.sortObjects(sort, results) : results; } async importChanges(metadata, timestamp, records = [], options = {}) { const { clear = false } = options; const _cid = this.identifier; try { await executeIDB( ["collections", "timestamps", "records"], (stores, rejectTransaction) => { const [storeMetadata, storeTimestamps, storeRecords] = stores; if (clear) { // Our index is over the _cid and id fields. We want to remove // all of the items in the collection for which the object was // created, ie with _cid == this.identifier. // We would like to just tell IndexedDB: // store.index(IDBKeyRange.only(this.identifier)).delete(); // to delete all records matching the first part of the 2-part key. // Unfortunately such an API does not exist. // While we could iterate over the index with a cursor, we'd do // a roundtrip to PBackground for each item. Once you have 1000 // items, the result is very slow because of all the overhead of // jumping between threads and serializing/deserializing. // So instead, we tell the store to delete everything between // "our" _cid identifier, and what would be the next identifier // (via lexicographical sorting). Unfortunately there does not // seem to be a way to specify bounds for all items that share // the same first part of the key using just that first part, hence // the use of the hypothetical [] for the second part of the end of // the bounds. storeRecords.delete( IDBKeyRange.bound([_cid], [_cid, []], false, true) ); } // Store or erase metadata. if (metadata === null) { storeMetadata.delete(_cid); } else if (metadata) { storeMetadata.put({ cid: _cid, metadata }); } // Store or erase timestamp. if (timestamp === null) { storeTimestamps.delete(_cid); } else if (timestamp) { storeTimestamps.put({ cid: _cid, value: timestamp }); } if (records.length == 0) { return; } // Separate tombstones from creations/updates. const toDelete = records.filter(r => r.deleted); const toInsert = records.filter(r => !r.deleted); console.debug( `${_cid} ${toDelete.length} to delete, ${toInsert.length} to insert` ); // Delete local records for each tombstone. IDBHelpers.bulkOperationHelper( storeRecords, { reject: rejectTransaction, completion() { // Overwrite all other data. IDBHelpers.bulkOperationHelper( storeRecords, { reject: rejectTransaction, }, "put", toInsert.map(item => ({ ...item, _cid })) ); }, }, "delete", toDelete.map(item => [_cid, item.id]) ); }, { desc: "importChanges() in " + _cid } ); } catch (e) { throw new IDBHelpers.IndexedDBError(e, "importChanges()", _cid); } } async getLastModified() { let entry = null; try { await executeIDB( "timestamps", store => { store.get(this.identifier).onsuccess = e => (entry = e.target.result); }, { mode: "readonly" } ); } catch (e) { throw new IDBHelpers.IndexedDBError( e, "getLastModified()", this.identifier ); } return entry ? entry.value : null; } async getMetadata() { let entry = null; try { await executeIDB( "collections", store => { store.get(this.identifier).onsuccess = e => (entry = e.target.result); }, { mode: "readonly" } ); } catch (e) { throw new IDBHelpers.IndexedDBError(e, "getMetadata()", this.identifier); } return entry ? entry.metadata : null; } async getAttachment(attachmentId) { let entry = null; try { await executeIDB( "attachments", store => { store.get([this.identifier, attachmentId]).onsuccess = e => { entry = e.target.result; }; }, { mode: "readonly" } ); } catch (e) { throw new IDBHelpers.IndexedDBError( e, "getAttachment()", this.identifier ); } return entry ? entry.attachment : null; } async saveAttachment(attachmentId, attachment) { try { await executeIDB( "attachments", store => { if (attachment) { store.put({ cid: this.identifier, attachmentId, attachment }); } else { store.delete([this.identifier, attachmentId]); } }, { desc: "saveAttachment(" + attachmentId + ") in " + this.identifier } ); } catch (e) { throw new IDBHelpers.IndexedDBError( e, "saveAttachment()", this.identifier ); } } async clear() { try { await this.importChanges(null, null, [], { clear: true }); } catch (e) { throw new IDBHelpers.IndexedDBError(e, "clear()", this.identifier); } } /* * Methods used by unit tests. */ async create(record) { if (!("id" in record)) { record = { ...record, id: CommonUtils.generateUUID() }; } try { await executeIDB( "records", store => { store.add({ ...record, _cid: this.identifier }); }, { desc: "create() in " + this.identifier } ); } catch (e) { throw new IDBHelpers.IndexedDBError(e, "create()", this.identifier); } return record; } async update(record) { try { await executeIDB( "records", store => { store.put({ ...record, _cid: this.identifier }); }, { desc: "update() in " + this.identifier } ); } catch (e) { throw new IDBHelpers.IndexedDBError(e, "update()", this.identifier); } } async delete(recordId) { try { await executeIDB( "records", store => { store.delete([this.identifier, recordId]); // [_cid, id] }, { desc: "delete() in " + this.identifier } ); } catch (e) { throw new IDBHelpers.IndexedDBError(e, "delete()", this.identifier); } } } let gDB = null; let gDBPromise = null; /** * This function attempts to ensure `gDB` points to a valid database value. * If gDB is already a database, it will do no-op (but this may take a * microtask or two). * If opening the database fails, it will throw an IndexedDBError. */ async function openIDB() { // We can be called multiple times in a race; always ensure that when // we complete, `gDB` is no longer null, but avoid doing the actual // IndexedDB work more than once. if (!gDBPromise) { // Open and initialize/upgrade if needed. gDBPromise = IDBHelpers.openIDB(); } let db = await gDBPromise; if (!gDB) { gDB = db; } } const gPendingReadOnlyTransactions = new Set(); const gPendingWriteOperations = new Set(); /** * Helper to wrap some IDBObjectStore operations into a promise. * * @param {IDBDatabase} db * @param {String|String[]} storeNames - either a string or an array of strings. * @param {function} callback * @param {Object} options * @param {String} options.mode * @param {String} options.desc for shutdown tracking. */ async function executeIDB(storeNames, callback, options = {}) { if (!gDB) { // Check if we're shutting down. Services.startup.shuttingDown will // be true sooner, but is never true in xpcshell tests, so we check // both that and a bool we set ourselves when `profile-before-change` // starts. if (gShutdownStarted || Services.startup.shuttingDown) { throw new IDBHelpers.ShutdownError( "The application is shutting down", "execute()" ); } await openIDB(); } else { // Even if we have a db, wait a tick to avoid making IndexedDB sad. // We should be able to remove this once bug 1626935 is fixed. await Promise.resolve(); } // Check for shutdown again as we've await'd something... if (!gDB && (gShutdownStarted || Services.startup.shuttingDown)) { throw new IDBHelpers.ShutdownError( "The application is shutting down", "execute()" ); } // Start the actual transaction: const { mode = "readwrite", desc = "" } = options; let { promise, transaction } = IDBHelpers.executeIDB( gDB, storeNames, mode, callback, desc ); // We track all readonly transactions and abort them at shutdown. // We track all readwrite ones and await their completion at shutdown // (to avoid dataloss when writes fail). // We use a `.finally()` clause for this; it'll run the function irrespective // of whether the promise resolves or rejects, and the promise it returns // will resolve/reject with the same value. let finishedFn; if (mode == "readonly") { gPendingReadOnlyTransactions.add(transaction); finishedFn = () => gPendingReadOnlyTransactions.delete(transaction); } else { let obj = { promise, desc }; gPendingWriteOperations.add(obj); finishedFn = () => gPendingWriteOperations.delete(obj); } return promise.finally(finishedFn); } function makeNestedObjectFromArr(arr, val, nestedFiltersObj) { const last = arr.length - 1; return arr.reduce((acc, cv, i) => { if (i === last) { return (acc[cv] = val); } else if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(acc, cv)) { return acc[cv]; } return (acc[cv] = {}); }, nestedFiltersObj); } function transformSubObjectFilters(filtersObj) { const transformedFilters = {}; for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(filtersObj)) { const keysArr = key.split("."); makeNestedObjectFromArr(keysArr, val, transformedFilters); } return transformedFilters; } // We need to expose this wrapper function so we can test // shutdown handling. Database._executeIDB = executeIDB; let gShutdownStarted = false; // Test-only helper to be able to test shutdown multiple times: Database._cancelShutdown = () => { gShutdownStarted = false; }; let gShutdownBlocker = false; Database._shutdownHandler = () => { gShutdownStarted = true; const NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEXEDDB_NOT_ALLOWED_ERR = 0x80660006; // Duplicate the list (to avoid it being modified) and then // abort all read-only transactions. for (let transaction of Array.from(gPendingReadOnlyTransactions)) { try { transaction.abort(); } catch (ex) { // Ensure we don't throw/break, because either way we're in shutdown. // In particular, `transaction.abort` can throw if the transaction // is complete, ie if we manage to get called inbetween the // transaction completing, and our completion handler being called // to remove the item from the set. We don't care about that. if (ex.result != NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEXEDDB_NOT_ALLOWED_ERR) { // Report any other errors: Cu.reportError(ex); } } } if (gDB) { // This will return immediately; the actual close will happen once // there are no more running transactions. gDB.close(); gDB = null; } gDBPromise = null; return Promise.allSettled( Array.from(gPendingWriteOperations).map(op => op.promise) ); }; function ensureShutdownBlocker() { if (gShutdownBlocker) { return; } gShutdownBlocker = true; AsyncShutdown.profileBeforeChange.addBlocker( "RemoteSettingsClient - finish IDB access.", Database._shutdownHandler, { fetchState() { return Array.from(gPendingWriteOperations).map(op => op.desc); }, } ); }