# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. # # Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998 # Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved. # # @(#)recd003.tcl 10.6 (Sleepycat) 4/10/98 # # Recovery Test 3. # Test all the duplicate log messages and recovery operations. We make # sure that we exercise all possible recovery actions: redo, undo, undo # but no fix necessary and redo but no fix necessary. proc recd003 { method {select 0} } { set method [convert_method $method] if { $method == "DB_RECNO" } { puts "Recd003 skipping for method RECNO" return } puts "Recd003: $method duplicate recovery tests" # Get global declarations since tcl doesn't support # any useful equivalent to #defines! source ./include.tcl cleanup $testdir set testfile recd003.db set flags [expr $DB_CREATE | $DB_THREAD | \ $DB_INIT_LOG | $DB_INIT_LOCK | $DB_INIT_MPOOL | $DB_INIT_TXN] puts "\tRecd003.a: creating environment" set env_cmd "dbenv -dbhome $testdir -dbflags $flags" set dbenv [eval $env_cmd] error_check_bad dbenv $dbenv NULL # Create the database. set db [dbopen $testfile [expr $DB_CREATE | $DB_TRUNCATE | $DB_THREAD] \ 0644 $method -flags $DB_DUP -dbenv $dbenv] error_check_bad db_open $db NULL error_check_good db_open [is_substr $db db] 1 error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0 reset_env $dbenv # List of recovery tests: {CMD MSG} pairs set dlist { { {populate DB $m TXNID $n 1 0} "Recd003.b: add dups"} { {DB del TXNID duplicate_key 0} "Recd003.c: remove dups all at once"} { {populate DB $m TXNID $n 1 0} "Recd003.d: add dups (change state)"} { {unpopulate DB TXNID 0} "Recd003.e: remove dups 1 at a time"} { {populate DB $m TXNID $dupn 1 0} "Recd003.f: dup split"} { {DB del TXNID duplicate_key 0} "Recd003.g: remove dups (change state)"} { {populate DB $m TXNID $n 1 1} "Recd003.h: add big dup"} { {DB del TXNID duplicate_key 0} "Recd003.i: remove big dup all at once"} { {populate DB $m TXNID $n 1 1} "Recd003.j: add big dup (change state)"} { {unpopulate DB TXNID 0} "Recd003.k: remove big dup 1 at a time"} { {populate DB $m TXNID $bign 1 1} "Recd003.l: split big dup"} } # These are all the data values that we're going to need to read # through the operation table and run the recovery tests. set m $method set n 10 set dupn 2000 set bign 500 foreach pair $dlist { set cmd [my_subst [lindex $pair 0]] set msg [lindex $pair 1] if { $select != 0 } { set tag [lindex $msg 0] set tail [expr [string length $tag] - 2] set tag [string range $tag $tail $tail] if { [lsearch $select $tag] == -1 } { continue } } op_recover abort $testdir $env_cmd $testfile $cmd $msg op_recover commit $testdir $env_cmd $testfile $cmd $msg } }